法律常见词汇-providedthat provided that 但是



用法:常用于在合同的某一条款中需要作进一步规定时,或在作规定时语气上表示转折时。在中译英时,要注意该词组的使用。有时从中文上看,尽管没有“但规定”,“进一步规定”的词语,但英文写作时,应加上“providedthat”。参见例4,在中译英时,尽管中文中没有“但规定如果”,但根据上下文可看出在同一条款中包含了两个规定,后一句为对前一句的进一步规定,因此英文应加上“providedthat if”。

An irrevocable credit shall be deemed to constitute a definiteundertaking of the issuing bank. Provided that if the stipulateddocuments are presented and are complied with the terms, conditionsand provisions of the credit, and if the credit provides for sightpayment, the payment shall be made or shall be guaranteed to bemade.

(1)an irrevocable credit:不可撤销信用证
(2)shall be deemed to constitute a definite undertaking of theissuing bank:应被认为构成开证行的确定承诺
(3)provided that if the stipulated documents are presented and arecomplied with the terms, conditions and provisions of thecredit:(但规定,)在提交了规定的单据并符合了信用证条款时
(4)the credit provides for sight payment:即期付款信用证
(5)the payment shall be made or shall be guaranteed to bemade:则进行付款或保证该款的照付


When an issuing bank authorizes or requests another bank to confirmits irrevocable credit and the latter has added its confirmation,such confirmation constitutes a definite undertaking of such bank(the confirming bank), in addition to that of the issuing bank.Provided that if the stipulated documents are presented and complywith the terms, conditions and provisions of the credit, and if thecredit provides for sight payment, the payment will be made orshall be guaranteed to be made.

(1)issuing bank:开证行
(2)the latter has added its confirmation:后者已照加保兑
(3)the confirming bank:保兑行
(4)provided that if the stipulated documents are presented andcomply with the terms, conditions and provisions of thecredit:(但规定,)在提交了规定的单据并符合了信用证条款时


A wholly state-owned company has no shareholders’ meetings. Thecompany’s board of directors shall be authorized by thestate-authorized investment institution or the state-authorizeddepartment to exercise part of the powers of the shareholders’meetings, and to decide on the major issues of the company.Provided that if the decisions on merger, division, dissolution ofthe company, increase or decrease in capital and issue of corporatebonds shall be made and decided, the decisions in question shall bemade by the state-authorized investment institution or thestate-authorized department.

(1)wholly state-owned company:国有独资公司
(2)has no shareholders’ meetings:不设股东会
(3)company’s board of directors:公司董事会
(4)major issues of the company:公司的重大事项
(5)provided that if the decisions on merger, division, dissolutionof the company, increase or decrease in capital and issue ofcorporate bonds:但关于公司的合并、分立、解散、增减资本和发行公司债券的决定
(6)the state-authorized investment institution or thestate-authorized department:国家授权投资的机构或者国家授权的部门


The collection of tax or the cessation thereof, the reduction,exemption and refund of tax as well as the payment of tax unpaidshall be implemented in accordance with the law. Provided that if,under the law, the State Council is authorized to formulate andprepare the relevant provisions, the provisions in question shallbe implemented and complied with.

(1)the collection of tax or the cessation thereof:税收的开征、停征
(2)the reduction, exemption and refund of tax:减税、免税、退税
(3)the payment of tax unpaid:补税
(4)provided that if, under the law, the State Council is authorizedto formulate and prepare the relevantprovisions:(但规定如果)法律授权国务院规定的,注:在中译英时,尽管中文中没有“但规定如果”,但根据上下文可看出在同一条款中包含了两个规定,后一句为对前一句的进一步规定,因此英文应加上“providedthat if”。


The Engineer may exercise such authority as is specified ornecessarily impl ied in the Contract. Provided that if, under theterms and conditions of the appointment by the Employer, theEngineer shall be required to obtain the specific approval of theEmployer before exercising any such authority, the details of therequirements in question shall be specified in theContract.

(1)such authority as is specified or necessarily implied in theContract:合同中规定的或者合同中必然隐含的权力
(2)provided that if, under the terms and conditions of theappointment by the Employer:但是,如果根据业主任命工程师的条件
(3)the Engineer shall be required to obtain the specific approvalof the Employer:要求工程师应得业主的具体批准


Instructions given by the Engineer shall be in writing. Providedthat if, for any reason, the Engineer considers it necessary togive any such instruction orally, the Contractor shall comply withsuch instruction.

(1)Instructions given by the Engineer shall be inwriting:工程师应以书面发出指示
(2)provided that if, for any reason, the Engineer considers itnecessary to give any such instructionorally:(但规定)若工程师认为由于某种原因有必要以口头形式发出任何此类指示


Provided also that the Employer shall notify the Contractor when asettlement is to be negotiated, the Employer shall consult with theContractor before such settlement is agreed.

(1)provided also that the Employer shall notify theContractor:但是,业主应通知承包人
(2)when a settlement is to be negotiated:何时协商解决办法
(3)consult with the Contractor:与承包人进行协商


Upon the issue of any Taking-Over Certificate, the Contractor shallclear away and remove from the site all Contractors’s Equipment,surplus materials, rubbish and Temporary Works of every kind, andleave the site and Works clean, to the satisfaction of theengineer. Provided that the Contractor shall be entitled to retainon site such materials, Contractor’s Equipment and Temporary Worksas are required for remedying any defects in the Works until theend of the Defects Liability Period.

(1)upon the issue of any Taking-Over Certificate:颁发任何移交证书时
(2)the Contractor shall clear away and remove from the site allContractor’s Equipment, surplus materials, rubbish and TemporaryWorks of every kind:承包人应从现场清除并运出承包人的全部设备、多余材料、垃圾和各种临时工程
(3)leave the site and Works clean:保持现场和工程清洁整齐
(4)to the satisfaction of the engineer:达到工程师满意
(5)provided that the Contractor shall be entitled to retain onsite…:但承包人应有权在现场保留.....
(6)the Defects Liability Period:缺陷责任期


No such variation shall, in any way, vitiate or invalidate theContract, and all such variations shall be valued in accordancewith Clause 84. Provided that the Engineer shall issue aninstruction to vary the Works due to the default or breach ofContract by the Contractor, the additional cost attributable to thedefault in question shall be borne by the Contractor.

(1)vitiate or invalidate the contract:使合同作废或失效
(2)shall be valued in accordance with Clause 84:应按第84条估价
(3)provided that the Engineer shall issue an instruction to varythe Works:(但规定)工程师有必要发出指示变更工程
(4)due to the default or breach of Contract by theContractor:由于承包人的违约或毁约
(5)the additional cost attributable to the default inquestion:任何由此类违约造成的附加费


The Owner may, at any time, terminate this Contract by givingwritten notice to the Supplier, without compensation to theSupplier, if the Supplier becomes bankrupt or otherwise insolvent,provided that such termination will not prejudice or affect anyright of action or remedy which has accrued or will accruethereafter to the Owner.

(1)terminate this Contract:终止本合同
(2)written notice:书面通知
(3)the Supplier:供应人
(4)without compensation to the Supplier:对供应人无任何补偿
(6)or otherwise insolvent:或无清偿能力 insolvent:unable to pay one’sdebts,无力偿还债务
(7)provided that:但规定


The administrative authorities for industry and commerce in thepeople’s governments above the county level shall monitor andinvestigate acts of unfair competition. Provided that if, inaccordance with the provisions of laws and administrativeregulations, those acts of unfair competition shall be monitoredand investigated by other departments, the provisions in questionshall be complied with.

(1)the administrative authorities for industry andcommerce:工商行政管理部门
(2)the people’s governments above the county level:县级以上人民政府
(3)monitor and investigate acts of unfaircompetition:对不正当竞争行为进行监督检查
(4)the provisions of laws and administrativeregulations:法律、行政法规的规定

法律常见词汇-providedthat provided that 但是


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