这玩意儿最近很火,我也是跟风买了一罐,英文名字Abeeco Bee Venom Mask,产自新西兰。

Bee Venom Mask
For Youthful Radiant Skin
Reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and wind back theyears!
Bee Venom masks have been touted as being a natural alternative tobotox and are reportedly used by both royalty and high profilecelebrities.
The combination of natural ingredients (including the very best NZBee Venom & Manuka Honey) work in synergy to keep you lookingyour youthful best.
Until recently Bee Venom masks have only been available in the UKusing Bee Venom imported from New Zealand. Abeec o are now able tooffer this quality product direct from New Zealand using NewZealands rare and pure local Bee Venom and ManukaHoney. Abeeco have been a trusted New Zealandbrand for over 20 years and have great experience working with anddeveloping amazing and effective natural products with the help ofour beautiful bees!
"I am telling you, no lie right before my very eyes this maskturned back the clock by 5 years." Neille Luhrmann, Beauty Editor,Craftgossip.
How does it work?
The Bee venom contained in this product is used to fool the skininto thinking it has been lightly stung. This in turn stimulatesthe production of the naturally occurring chemicals collagen andelastin, thereby creating a tightening and smoothing effect. Theeffects are cumulative, that is, the longer you use it the moreobvious the effects will be. Aslight tautening effect can generally be felt soon afterapplication.
Other ingredients include New Zealands famous and unique ManukaHoney, Jojoba Oil, Shea Butter and Cocoa Butter which all help tonourish, soften and calm the skin. AbsoluteHeaven!
Directions for use
Suitable for all skin types.
The first time you use this product we recommend you do a patchtest. Apply a small amount on a section of your face and leave onfor 20 minutes.
This product can be used as either a mask or a night cream.
As a mask:
Massaging gently, apply a generous layer to your face and necktwice daily and leave for 20 minutes. Wash off.
As a night cream:
Massaginggently, apply a generous layer over the face and neck and leave onovernight.
Please note: A slight tightening sensation upon application isnormal, this is just the Bee Venom getting towork. If you don't feel a tightening sensation,don't worry, it's still working!
Warnings and Precautions
Do not use this product if you have an allergy to bee stings.
Patch test recommended.
Discontinue to use if skin allergy or discomfort occurs.
Do not use if skin is injured or swollen.
Avoid direct exposure to sunlight and high temperature.
Store in cool, dry place.
Keep out of reach of children.
Key Ingredients
Bee Venom,
Manuka Honey,
Manuka Oil,
Jojoba Seed Oil,
Cocoa Butter,
Shea Butter,
Lavender Oil,
Vitamin C,
Vitamin E,
Beta Carotene,
Paraben Free.
Commonly asked Questions
How do you get the Venom from the bees? Do the bees die in theprocess?
A special glass surface is placed alongside the Hive and a weakelectrical current is run through it, which encourages the Bees togently sting the glass. The tiny amount of Bee Venom is collectedfrom that glass surface. Because the bees are stinging a surfacethey can't penetrate, their abdomens remain intact - so they don'tdie.
What are the main active ingredients in Abeeco's Bee VenomMask?
The very best Bee Venom and Manuka Honey from NewZealand. Manuka Honey is actually unique to NewZealand.
Is it safe for all skin types?
Yes, it ideally suited for people of all genders, all ages and skintypes who wish to have youthful looking skin.
Do you have to do a patch test on the skin ?
Yes as with any beauty product a patch test on a small area of skinshould be done before application.
How quickly can results be expected?
Everybody's skin is different and therefore everybody's skin reactsin different ways to treatment. You may see small results straightaway but for some it may take longer. The effects are cumulative,i.e. the longer you use the product, the better the results.
I purchased one Bee Venom Mask and it had a plastic insertinside. I loved the mask and so made a secondpurchase but there was a plastic seal inside instead of theinsert. Why is there a difference?
Both the plastic insert and the plastic seal do the same job, i.e.they ensure the mask/cream doesn't end up in the lid of thepot. We are phasing the plastic seal out infavour of the plastic insert, however, in the meantime you may endup with either option when you make a purchase.
Does it have any side effects ?
No it has no known side effects unless you have an allergy to anyof the ingredients listed.