00:46:08:And she had to hurry.|Time was running out for her.
00:46:12:But once a promise is made,|it needs to be kept.
00:46:18:-Still no web, huh?|-Nope.
00:46:20:l haven't seen one in, l'd say,|at least a month.
00:46:24:Funny how you get used to|all those people being aroundthe place.
00:46:28:Kind of quiet without them, isn't it?
00:46:33:l noticed the hinge pin's busted|on the damper in thesmokehouse.
00:46:36:Want me to order a new one?
00:46:38:Suppose you better.|That's a special order.
00:46:41:Better get a jump on that if we're going|to smoke any hambefore the holidays.
00:46:45:We may need another|cord of wood, too.
00:46:49:l'm just going to throw this out here|one more time. ''Pigsupreme.''
00:46:52:Oh, Golly!|Now you're just beating a dead horse.
00:46:57:Look, l don't come across|many words in the field,
00:47:00:other than ''Hyah!'' or ''Giddyup!''
00:47:03:But that rat's always dragging in trash|with writing onit.
00:47:06:l agree.
00:47:07:lt's about time Templeton started|pulling his weightaround here
00:47:10:instead of just eating it.
00:47:11:l bet he could bring us|some choice words.
00:47:13:l've got a choice word for you.|A little word called,''Uh-uh.''
00:47:17:Well, that's two words.
00:47:18:And here's a few more.|Negative. No way. Nothingdoing.
00:47:22:l ain't breaking my back|to try and save ''somepig,''
00:47:25:no matter how ''terrific''|you think the little lunch meatis.
00:47:35:You'll sing a different tune|when he's gone
00:47:37:and nobody brings around those|scrumptious buckets ofslop.
00:47:41:And three, two...
00:47:44:Cue the rat!
00:47:46:Let's get one thing straight.
00:47:50:l don't care about the pig.
00:47:52:-What l care about is the slop.|-Of course.
00:47:55:And since l'll be at the dump anyway,|and it won't takeany extra effort,
00:47:59:maybe, maybe l'll pick something up.
00:48:04:You're very kind.
00:48:06:Don't go spreading it around.
00:48:09:What? What do you want?
00:48:19:You'll need your strength.
00:48:30:But, Dad, l heard them.
00:48:32:l heard them talking|about the smokehouse!
00:48:34:He's not your pig anymore.
00:48:36:Well, l wouldn't have sold him|in the first place
00:48:38:if l knew this is what|they were gonna do to him.
00:48:39:That's what happens|to a pig on a farm, Fern.
00:48:43:You know that.
00:48:47:l'll see about that.
00:48:52:l've got maybe two, three years|before she can out-argueme.
00:48:56:Then l'm doomed.
00:48:58:And members of our own 4-H Club
00:48:59:will have the opportunity to enter|livestock and poultryin the competition.
00:49:04:So, in addition to the rides and games,
00:49:07:make sure you show them your support,|as well.
00:49:09:Any questions? Rita.
00:49:11:Miss Lewis, can l bring my chickens?
00:49:13:Your chickens, l'm sure.|Pigs, chickens, horses andcows.
00:49:17:You certainly can,|and l hope you win first prize.
00:49:32:How can he be in every cornfield?
00:49:36:lt can't be the same guy. lt can't be!
00:49:38:He's wearing the same hat.
00:49:40:l'm telling you, he is following us!
00:49:43:l hate that guy.
00:49:45:l have got to get some corn, Elwyn!
00:49:48:All right! All right! All right!|This is crazy.
00:49:50:-There's two of us, right?|-Yeah.
00:49:52:Trust me, there's two of us,|and there's only one ofhim.
00:49:55:l don't know, man. He scares me.|He really does.
00:49:58:-Just think about that corn. Corn.|-Yeah.
00:50:00:-The corn.|-Corn.
00:50:01:-All right, let's do it!|-Let's do it! Let's do it!
00:50:09:-Abort! Abort! Abort!|-Abort! Abort! Abort!
00:50:15:Man, he is good!|l bet he's laughing at us.
00:50:18:Don't look at him!|Don't even give him thesatisfaction.
00:50:21:Just think about something else.
00:50:23:-Think about something else.|-Anything.
00:50:25:l think l see a rat.
00:50:27:-That's good.|-No, really, l see a rat.
00:50:30:The rat is stealthy. The rat is nimble.|The rat is on the-- whoa!
00:50:42:The rat is losing his touch.
00:50:45:-You want to go mess with him?|-Oh, yeah! l've got to pecksomething.
00:50:48:Rat on three.
00:50:50:One, two, three!
00:50:57:The rat has been spotted!
00:51:04:The rat is not
00:51:06:enjoying this!
00:51:14:All this for slop?
00:51:16:The rat is desperate. The rat is trapped.
00:51:19:The rat needs to stop calling himself|''the rat.''
00:51:22:''Find some words.'' Yeah, right,|the rat will never findwords!
00:51:26:Hey, look. Words.
00:51:31:-Hey, is he still in the can?|-He's in the can?
00:51:33:Maybe we should give him|some privacy. Always helps meout.
00:51:36:No, no, genius, not that can.
00:51:38:Where did he go? l can't see him.
00:51:41:All l see is that fruit moving.
00:51:43:-What fruit?|-The fruit with the tail!
00:51:46:They'll never get me now.
00:51:48:-Let's go get him!|-Go get him!
00:52:08:The rat rules!
00:52:12:-We're pink!|-Hey, what the... Pink?
00:52:15:But that's all right, isn't it? l mean,|black pretty muchgoes with everything.
00:52:19:No, it's not all right.|That rat is going to pay!
00:52:28:-This might just work.|-Might?
00:52:30:Oh, for the love of Lucy!
00:52:34:Here it comes. lt did this yesterday.
00:52:37:Look that way, everyone!|Right towards that cloud!
00:52:40:Good gracious.|Has it always done that?
00:52:43:No, it can't have.
00:52:44:-Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant!|-Wow!
00:52:49:Oh, yes.
00:52:50:This word will work quite nicely.
00:52:52:Then my work is done.
00:52:55:And now for the fruits of my labor.
00:52:57:And the vegetables! And the gravy!
00:53:26:All right, now.
00:53:35:And stick.
00:53:43:And loop.
00:53:53:Come on, Charlotte, you can do this.
00:53:56:Don't slow down yet.
00:54:24:Welcome to Zuckerman's!|Thank you all for coming.
00:54:27:Well, the web says it|better than l ever could.
00:54:30:That is some terrific, radiant pig!
00:54:36:And for that reason, l've decided|to enter Wilbur into thecounty fair.
00:54:44:Did you hear what they said, Charlotte?|l'm going to thefair!
00:54:48:Going to the fair!
00:54:49:Wilbur might just see Christmas|after all.
00:54:52:ls it good? Did we do it?
00:54:53:Yes, Wilbur. lt's very good.
00:54:55:Now, smile.
00:54:57:The fair, Homer?|What's gotten into you?
00:55:00:l don't know, Sis. lt just come to me.
00:55:02:He's a runt, Homer.|He doesn't stand a chance.
00:55:05:Well done! Never had a doubt!
00:55:06:That spider did a heck of a job.|She's a hardworker.
00:55:10:Thank you, Charlotte.|You should take a little bow.
00:55:13:And have my beauty steal the show?
00:55:15:Now, go on and show them|what a radiant pig can do.
00:55:30:What do you mean|you're not going to the fair?
00:55:32:l'm going to get a prize.|Don't you want to bethere?
00:55:35:Of course l do, Wilbur, very much.
00:55:38:l'm just not up to traveling|at the moment.
00:55:40:-Why not?|-Because l'm expecting.
00:55:44:Expecting what?
00:55:46:''Expecting'' means...
00:55:48:l'm expecting you to do fine without me.
00:55:51:You're getting to be a big pig,|and you'll do just greaton your own.
00:55:55:Okay. l'll miss you.
00:56:05:Come on, Homer, up and at 'em.
00:56:07:lt's the big day.
00:56:16:l'm not wearing that.
00:56:24:What the heck is she doing?
00:56:34:Bathed in buttermilk.
00:56:44:l've had this dream.
00:56:51:l've got to say he really is some pig.
00:56:54:That's my buttermilk working.
00:56:57:You sure you want to|go through with this, Homer?
00:56:59:lf you lose, you're out your entry fee.
00:57:01:He could win, though.
00:57:02:Stranger things|have been happening around here.
00:57:05:lf he doesn't win, though?
00:57:06:Well, the way l figure it,|even if he does lose,
00:57:09:l can make it all back|on the bacon alone.
00:57:15:Wilbur! Wilbur!
00:57:17:Do something, Homer.
00:57:18:-What happened?|-l don't know. He just fainted.
00:57:20:lt's all right, hon.
00:57:22:-Lurvy, get some water!|-lt's okay, Wilbur.
00:57:23:Charlotte, are you feeling-eeling okay?
00:57:27:Why is it so hard for that farmer to see|what is right infront of his face?
00:57:32:Look what Wilbur has done|for this farm. lsn't that betterthan ham?
00:57:35:Well, there's only one thing to do,|and l have to be thereto do it.
00:57:38:Charlotte, you have your babies|to think about now.
00:57:41:Yes, l know.|But l made a promise to my friend.
00:57:44:A big blue ribbon ought to finally get|the point throughthat farmer's head.
00:57:48:-Easy, Lurvy. Easy.|-Coming through! Coming through!
00:57:50:Here we go!
00:57:53:-There we go.|-He's up.
00:57:55:Okay, let's see if he'll get in the crate.
00:58:00:l need you to go with me.|We'll have to find anotherword,
00:58:03:a really good one.
00:58:05:Sorry, lady.
00:58:06:Comes a time when the rat's got to ask|himself, ''What'sin it for the rat?''
00:58:10:-He's right. We've been to the fair.|-We have?
00:58:12:Remember? All that garbage there?
00:58:15:Oh, yeah! lt's littered with hunks|of chewed-on funnelcakes...
00:58:18:How's that?
00:58:19:And dribs of ice cream|going sour in the sun.
00:58:24:And spitty little cotton candy bits|ground into themud.
00:58:27:Popcorn, moldy cheese,|half-eaten sandwiches
00:58:30:and sticky-icky-icky candy apples.
00:58:32:Wait!|Go back to the moldy cheese thing.
00:58:35:l've never seen|so much disgusting trash!
00:58:37:Come on, Wilbur. Good boy.
00:58:39:Don't hurt him, Dad!
00:58:40:Nearly made me gag, the stink of it,|especially thatdeviled egg.
00:58:44:You better hurry up, rat.|They're gonna leave you!
00:58:45:Wait for me!
00:58:46:-Nice and easy.|-Come on, Wilbur. Good boy.
00:58:48:More food than you'll see in a lifetime!
00:58:52:-Bye, Aunt Edith!|-Bye.
00:58:53:Bye, Fern! Bye, Avery!|See you at the fair, guys!
00:58:57:Hey, it worked!
00:58:59:l think we milked it a little there|at the end,though.
00:59:02:All right. All right, John,|l'll see you over there!
00:59:04:Charlotte, you're coming with me!
00:59:07:l wouldn't miss it for the world.
00:59:09:Thank you for coming.

00:59:10:-Good luck, Wilbur! Win that ribbon!|-Go get 'em,Wilbur!
00:59:16:We're going to the fair!
00:59:23:Going to the fair! Going to the fair!
00:59:26:-l'm going on the bumper cars.|-So fun!
00:59:41:The sign looks good, Homer.|Nice and even.
00:59:45:All right, there we go.
00:59:50:There you go, Wilbur.
00:59:53:Okay, where's the filth?
00:59:57:Have you heard that good things come|to those whowait?
00:59:59:No, good things come to those|who find it and shove it intheir mouth.