—Thatold man edged up to me, and told me to accompanyhim.
—No matter where you are, my concern will always accompany withyou.
1. attend [[5 tend ] v. 陪伴
—I will attend you to theclassroom.我将陪你到教室去。
2. chaperon [5 Fepr[Un ] v.陪伴
—She is chaperoning her daughter allday.她整日陪伴着她的母亲。
3. to come along [5 kQm [5 lCN ]v. 陪伴;伴随
—she is waiting for a new man to comealong.她正等待一个新的男人来陪伴她。
—I'll come along. I want to buy some vegetables.
4. company [5 kQmp[nI ] n. 陪伴;伴随

—People who have close friends naturally enjoy their company.
* as company 作为陪伴
—She was glad to have the dog ascompany.他很高兴有这只狗为伴。
* for company.陪伴;作陪。
—As the journey was a long one he took a friend with him forcompany.
* to keep company陪伴
—She stayed at home to keep company with her youngersister.
5. to consort with sb. [5 kCnsC:t ]v.陪伴
—I will be consort with you to confront the truth of yourdaughter-in-law dead in
thisaccident of aircraft which caused by the terrorist.
6. convoy [5kCnvCi] v.护送(尤指舰船的护送、护航)
—The troopships were convoyed a cross theAtlantic.援兵船只被护送渡过大西洋。
7. conduct [9k[n5dQkt] v. 陪伴;护送
—The policeman conducted us safely to the railway station.
8. to go along with sb. [g[U [5lCN ]v.陪伴(某人)一起去某处
—He' ll go along withyou.他将陪你一起去。
* to go withsb.陪伴(某人)一起去某处
—We went with Peter,but his car broke down before we were halfwaythere.
9. (to be) in tow [5t[U] n.陪伴着
—He is a play-hay who always had a glamour girl intow.
10. to pat around with sb. [5 pAt [5raund ]v. (美;与某人)结伴
—It was nice having someone to pat aroundwith.有人作伴真好。
11. to take sb. out [5 teik aut ]v. 伴随或陪伴某人去某处
—Have you take her out yet ! 你陪他出去过吗?
12. tend [5 tend ] v. (细心照料地)陪伴
—I nursed him and tended him as carefully as if Ihad been hiswife.
13. walk [5 wC:k] v.陪着...走
—I' ll walk you to the bus stop. 我陪你到公共汽车站去。