2004年,诞生了为她量身订做的CCTV-9最大的英语互动节目 UpClose,以其幽默的风格和贴心的主持风格而享誉国际。杨锐
最渴望的生活状态: 松驰有品位
1994--:《英语新闻》制片人和播音员,创建英语频道采访组任制片人,任《周日话题》主持人,制片人,现任《今日话题》主持人和制片人,英语频道“时事评论工作室”总制片人Jacqueline Chen

BizChina's Jacqueline Chen began her career as a ComputerSystems Engineer, progressing to Business Information and ITConsulting, designing large scale systems for banking clients. Shehas worked for several multinational companies, including IBM andCap Gemini Ernst & Young. Before joining CCTV in Beijing,Jacqueline worked in London and Hong Kong.
In London, Jacqueline founded her own IT Consultancy Company,providing IT services and consultancy to several well-knownmultinational clients.Jacqueline has a combined degree in Physics and Computer Sciencefrom The University of Leeds, England. Her close association withbanking clients has given her valuable insights into the financialindustry which she now brings to BizChina, as an Anchor and aMarkets Editor.
Growing up in Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, England, Jacqueline became akeen supporter of Newcastle United Football Club."
KateYingchun Kui: Sense and Sensibility in Financial NewsReporting
Journalists are always criticized as the biggest name-droppersand sleeve-tuggers, who only know what but never really know how orwhy. Anchor’s job is not as glamorous as it superficially lookslike, especially in economic and financial news reports – how manyof us can really gain respect from audiences or readers like whatDavid Faber, Martin Wolf or Shuli Hu has achieved, plus it isreally a labor-intensive work which including chasing yourinterviewees all way around just for verifying a tiny bit of realtruth?
But no doubt reporting economic and financial news in China canbe more exciting than elsewhere in the world. So many thingshappening in China,and continuous debates on where the countryshould go and how to manage the risks, which are something thatKeynes or Friedman can not answer while Chinese macro-policy istrying to sort out will at least be much fresher than things havebeen going on a matured market for ages. And when I dialogue withpeople in the field, I find it interesting that on one side isalways the optimism from foreign economists who are amazed by therapid development of China, while on the other side is theunavoidable perplexity from domestic think-tankers who know exactlywhere the problems are, and facing them soberly – But these arenot contradictions when they all turn eyes on a risingstar.
It takes me years to believe that media does carry significantvalue not only as an information conduit, but also as an effectivesupervisory mechanism in the development trajectory of anation-state, especially when a country is in a transition processand marching towards its leadership in global system. Thosesuccessful TV programs and prominent presses all grow along withthe development of the market. Therefore if the market is maturingin China, Biz China is also following the pace and I will be morewilling to be involved to offer all the best to our audiences.
For me, nothing is more exciting than to witness a country’sgrowth trajectory and nothing is more honorable than to work for myown country, even during an irreversible globalisation processwhich erodes national identity and geographic boundaries.
Something about myself: Kate Yingchun Kui, who is from Shanghaiand graduated from University of Birmingham, MA in InternationalPolitical Economy. Now the anchor of Biz China on CCTVinternational and also the columnist of one of the leading businessnewspapers in China: Economic Observer.
Welcome to Kate Kui's Homepage-----www.katekui.comAutobiography of Ji Xiaojun
The first time when the idea of being an anchor or a hostoccurred to me was in my high school. One day my friends asked me– What would you like to be in the future? – a very commonly seenquestion in high schools. In response I said I wanted to be a TVhost. When I said it, it was like a kind of response instinct,without any hesitation, which even surprised myself.
After graduation, I came a long way from Zhejiang province insouth China to Beijing for my higher education in Beijing Language& Culture University. Interestingly, in the second year in theuniversity, I was asked by the university to start up the radioservice on the campus. And then in the third year I was invited byBeijing Radio to be a host of a call-in music programme. When Ithought that’s the kind of job I was going to take when Igraduated, I, surprisingly enough again, accepted the offer fromthe Ministry of Education. There I worked for nearly seven years asa civil servant, a life which is so different from being a host - adream that I’ve been holding since highschool.
Then in 1998, I got a chance to do an MBA in the University ofNottingham in England. It was a one-year full-time programme.Tough, but interesting. Every day we were surrounded by jargonslike ‘core competence’ or ‘SWOT analysis’. It seemed I wasgoing even further away from being a TV host.
However you will never know what’s going to happen next. In1999, I came back to Beijing. And not long after that, in 2000, Igot an offer from CCTV9. After a long way around, I am back, backto my dream - I become an anchor.
In “Notting Hill”, Hugh Grant says, ‘It’s real, but nice.’Now I’ll say – It’s real, and nice!
Eyee Hsu (徐亦怡)
Eyee Hsu has worked with Up Close since its inception as thewriter for the program, and brings a Western perspective groundedin Eastern philosophy and sensitivity. An American-born Chinese,Eyee has always been drawn to her Chinese roots and vowed that shewould one day establish her home in China. Now currently residingin Beijing, her dream has been realized.
Eyee graduated magna cum laude from UC Berkeley with adouble-major in Economics and Environmental Science. For over fiveyears, she was a management consultant with a leading healthcareconsulting firm, advising America’s largest healthcare systems onorganizational, operational and strategic issues. She has performedhealthcare work in the United States, Canada, Japan, China’smainland and Taiwan.
Eyee has a passionate interest for cultures, has traveledextensively and loves the outdoors. She is an avid snowboarder andhiker and is always ready to try anything new. With a welcomingspirit and an objective perspective, Eyee Hsu brings warmth andgenuine sincerity to Up Close.
Where did your name come from?
My name in Chinese is 徐亦怡。 In English, my first name isEyee, pronounced like two “e”s. My last name is Hsu, pronouncedlike “Xu”. Trust me, it was not easy growing up in the UnitedStates with a name like this, but now I am grateful for having suchan unusual name.
To you, what is the most important thing in a person?
I believe that being a good listener is one of the mostimportant characteristics in a person. Only by listening to otherscan you gain a richer perspective and really begin to learn abouthow to be a global citizen. You can learn something from everyone.
What do you dislike most in a person?
Arrogance. I believe that arrogance breeds ignorance.
Which Up-Close programs have been your favorite?
Each guest on Up-Close has left a strong impression on my ownpersonal outlook. And that’s because each individual has a trulyinspiring story to tell. I admire all of our guests like GeneralJohn Fugh, Dr. Henry Lee, Annie Wu... But the ones who have reallyleft an indelible mark are The Flying Tigers, for their heroicsacrifices and courageous spirit celebrating life; SabriyeTenberken and Paul Kronenberg for her extraordinary bravery anddedication to the blind in Tibet; Flora Zhang Tian-ai for heramazing grace, beauty and eloquence...
Who would you want to interview most?
The list is endless. But if I had to choose someone in China, Iwould have to say Vice Premier Wu Yi. Here is a woman of incredibleintelligence, integrity, ambition and elegance. She is the mostpowerful woman in China today and a very important role model forthe women of the world.
What is your philosophy on life?
Stay positive and aim to be happy. Life will continue to throwchallenges at you no matter how much you plan. These are tests ofindividual character and it will be up to you to assert yourselfand turn an impossible situation into a positive opportunity.
What is your advice to everyone out there?
Remember there is only one person in the world like you -yourself. That makes you absolutely unique and special.
What do you do in your spare time?
I have a variety of hobbies. I love to do all forms ofexercise. Lately in Beijing, I have been learning boxing, as wellas been practicing pilates. But my favorite forms of exercise areoutdoors – snowboarding, hiking.
I love to read. But if I have a larger block of free time, Iwill always try to do some type of travel, whether it’s withinChina or outside of China. My passion is to experience newcultures, and explore new sights. I feel this really stimulates thesoul and makes one feel connected to the rest of the world. Irecently went to India. Next stop is hopefully South America.