By Edgar Guest 埃德加·盖斯特
Kim’s Note:
Iabsolutely love every aspect of Christmas and go all out decoratingmy Beijing home. I also enjoy choosing and wrapping gifts forfamily and friends, baking Christmas cookies and writing specialmessages on Christmas cards. How lucky I am to live in China andhave the chance to celebrate both Christmas and Spring Festival! Myholiday wish this year is for everyone to temporarily forget aboutdifferences between cultures and festivals and to instead focus onwhat they share, good will and cheer for humankind! This passage isa wonderful reminder of holiday spirit! I wish all Youth Digest Readers a joyous and healthyholiday season!
Christmasis the one day of the year that carries real hope and promise forall humankind.It carries the torch ofbrotherhood.It is the one day in the year whenmost of us grow big of heart and broad of mind.Itis the single day when most of us are as kind and as thoughtful ofothers as we know how to be; when most of us are as gracious andgenerous as we would like always to be; when the joy of home ismore importantthan the profits of the office;when peoples of all races speak cheerfully to each other when theymeet; when high and low wish each other well; and the one day wheneven enemies forgive and forget.