用于MFC中CListCtrl控件加入列表项。 函数原型如下: int InsertItem( const LVITEM* pItem ); int InsertItem( int nItem, LPCTSTR lpszItem ); int InsertItem( int nItem, LPCTSTR lpszItem, int nImage ); int InsertItem( UINT nMask, int nItem, LPCTSTR lpszItem, UINTnState, UINT nStateMask, int nImage, LPARAM lParam ); 其中,nItem是控件中行的索引 、lpszItem是控件头的名字。 一般我们用的比较多的是第二种和第三种,其中第三种是建立一个带有头标的项。 Return Value The index of the new item if successful or -1 otherwise. Parameters pItem Pointer to anLVITEM structure that specifies the item’sattributes, as described in thePlatformSDK. nItem Index of the item to be inserted. lpszItem Address of a string containing the item’s label, orLPSTR_TEXTCALLBACKifthe item is a callback item. For information on callback items, seeCListCtrl::GetCallbackMask. nImage Index of the item’s image, orI_IMAGECALLBACKifthe item is a callback item. For information on callback items, seeCListCtrl::GetCallbackMask. nMask ThenMaskparameterspecifies which item attributes passed as parameters are valid. Itcan be one or more of themaskvaluesdescribed inLVITEM structure in thePlatformSDK. The valid values can be combined with thebitwiseORoperator. nState Indicates the item's state, state image, and overlay image. SeethePlatformSDKtopicsLVITEMformore information andList View Item States for a list of validflags. nStateMask Indicates which bits of the state member will be retrieved ormodified. SeeLVITEMinthePlatformSDKfor moreinformation. nImage Index of the item’s image within the image list. lParam A 32-bit application-specific va lue associated with the item. Ifthis parameter is specified, you must setthenMaskattributeLVIF_PARAM. Remarks Inserts an item into the list view control. Example // The pointer to my list view control. extern CListCtrl*pmyListCtrl;CString strText; int nColumnCount =pmyListCtrl->GetHeaderCtrl()->GetItemCount();// Insert 10 items in the list view control.for (int i=0;i< 10;i++){ strText.Format(TEXT("item %d"), i); //Insert the item, select every other item.pmyListCtrl->InsertItem( LVIF_TEXT|LVIF_STATE, i,strText, (i%2)==0 ? LVIS_SELECTED : 0, LVIS_SELECTED, 0, 0); //Initialize the text of the subitems. for (int j=1;j< nColumnCount;j++) { strText.Format(TEXT("sub-item%d %d"), i, j); pmyListCtrl->SetItemText(i, j,strText); }}
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