(1) Name and Other Information:1.名称及概况
(a) Name ofManufacturer(1)制造商名称:
(b) Address ofHeadOffice(2)总部地址:
(c) DateEstablished and/orRegistered(3)成立和 / 或注册日期:
(d) Paid-UpCapital(4)实收资本:
(e) Latest BalanceSheet (asof)(5)近期资产负债表(到 年 月 日止)
(ⅰ) FixedAssets ① 固定资产:
(ⅱ) CurrentAssets ② 流动资产:
(ⅲ) Long TermLiabilities③ 长期负债:

(ⅳ) CurrentLiabilities④ 流动负债:
(ⅴ) NetWorth⑤ 净值:
(f) Name ofPrincipal Officer(Optional)(6)主要负责人姓名:(可选填)
(g) Name andAddress of the manufacturer’s representatives in the PRC, ifany(7)制造商在中国的代表的姓名和地址:(如果有的话)
(a) Facilities andother information for the manufacturer of the Goods of theproposal(1)关于制造投标货物的设施及其他情况:
Name and LocationItem being Annual Production Number of Employees of FactoryProduced Capacity 工厂名称地址 生产的项目 年生产能力 职工人数
(b) Component parts which shall not be made bythe principal manufacturer but shall be secured from othermanufacturers(2)本制造商不生产,而需从其他制造商购买的主要零部件:
Name and Address of ManufacturerItems 制造商名称和地址 主要零部件名称
(3) Experience (number of years) of theManufacturer in the Production of the Goods Proposed (includingproject owner, rated capacity, date of initial commercialoperation, etc.)3. 本制造商生产投标货物的经验(包括年限、项目业主、额定能力、商业运营的起始日期等):
(4) Name and Address of Domestic and ForeignFirms to Whom the Goods Have Been Mainly Sold in the Last ThreeYears.4. 近3年该货物主要销售给国内、外主要客户的名称地址:
(a) Export Sales (1)出口销售
Name and Address Items Sold(名称和地址) (销售项目)
(b) Domestic Sales (2)国内销售
Name and Address Items Sold(名称和地址) (销售项目)
(5) Yearly Total Volume of Business for the LastThree Years:5. 近3年的年营业额
Year Domestic(currency) Export (currency) Total (currency)年份 国内 出口 总额
(6) Name and Address of Supplier of EasilyWorn-out Parts:6、易损件供应商的名称和地址:
Name of PartsSupplier’s Address 部件名称 供应商
(7) The Goods proposed in the Bid previouslySupplied to China directly or Through Trading Companies in the LastThree Years, if any:7. 最近三年直接或通过贸易公司向中国提供的投标货物:
Quantity数 量:
ContractAmount 合同金额:
(8) Name and Address of BankReference: 8.有关开户银行的名称和地址:
(9) Coporate Group to Which manufacturer Belongs,if any: 9. 制造商所属的集团公司,如有的话:
(10) OtherInformation: 10.其他情况:
We hereby certify to the best of our knowledgethat the foregoing statements are true and correct, that allavailable information and data have been supplied herein, and thatwe agree to show you documentary proof thereof upon yourrequest.兹证明上述声明是真实、正确的,并提供了全部能提供的资料和数据,我们同意遵照贵方要求出示有关证明文件。
Name ofManufacturer制 造 商 名 称
Name and Position of AuthorizedRepresentative签字人姓名和职务
Signature of AuthorizedRepresentative签 字 人 签 字