『現在,是以前努力的結果;以後,都是現在努力的結果』,因此,只要努力朝夢想邁進,沒有什麼事辦不到的事,『人之所以能,是因為相信能,Ifyou think you can, you can.』
“It’s not the plan that isimportant, it’s theplanning.”—Graeme Edwards
If you’re planning, you’relearning!
1.The necessity of career planning
Career planning is essential to achieving successin your chosen career. Whether you are aiming to be a bookkeeper ina small business or the finance director of a multi-nationalcorporation, you must know in which direction you are headed andwhat is required of you to achieve your goal.
Career planning can help to obtain an objectiveanalysis of goals and expectations for each individual.
Every person has their own set of strengths andweaknesses, and the sooner these can be identified and categorized,the easier it will be to highlight the best career suitable forlong-term success.
Finding a rewarding career is important to mostpeople - and it takes a little planning.
There’s always room to changeyour mind, but having a plan will:
·make sure you’re aware of all the routes intoyour dream career
·help you avoid ending up in a job you don’tlike
·make sure you know what you need to do at different stages in yourlife
It’s never too early to startplanning your career.
Vocational career planning has become an important program ofuniversity student. It helps them to determine their vocationaldirections and goals based on self-insight, and to establishcorresponding plans, and to avoid blindness of employment, whichprovides most effective approach to the vocational success forindividuals.
As a conclusion, career planning is animportant step to take on the road to goalachievement.
Because the four-year college degree is not the automatic ticketto success. Things aren’t so simple anymore. Thejob market has experienced radical changes. p
2.My career planning
Think of your career plan along the lines of abusiness plan. The key issues to cover are:
·What are my long-term career objectives?
·What will I want to get out of my job in the next five years orso?
·Do I need to study? If so, what for?
·What are my individual priorities?
To start the planning process, try using thefollowing steps:
- Assess yourself- identify possible careers based on your interests, skills, andwork style
- Explore your careeroptions - take advantage of the career information that'savailable
- Set careergoals - define your plan, determine how to accomplish it andwhen to make adjustments
Making a career plan is a matter of matching yourskills and interests to an occupation to create a career goal, andthen deciding the steps you need to take to reach that goal.
Getting to know yourself is the only way to choose the rightcareer. Look within yourself to discover your interests,skills, personality traits, and values. Also ask friends, familymembers, teachers, or mentors if they see the same qualities in youas you see in yourself.
3.How to realize my career planning
There’s plenty to considerbefore you’re ready to put your plans into action– including how to get the skills andqualifications you’ll need.
With firm goals in place, you must obtain the rightattitude. Enthusiasm is also essential to success, which makes yourpersonal and professional experiences more enjoyable andsatisfying. Remember, nothing great was ever accomplished withoutenthusiasm!
Prior to graduation, students in China can takepart in a variety of activities and learn about differentindustries in unique ways.
Obtaining an internship with a company or industrywithin the area of study is just one very effective way to obtainwork experience and references.
An internship can help us gain aninsider’s perspective of the job market.
Having a well-developed resume is an essentialelement to career planning.
Develop relationships with key leaders.
My Career Plan:
Career Goal
To become a civilengineer. To design, plan and supervise the construction ofbuildings, highways and rapid transit systems.
·Bachelor's degree in engineering
·Ability to work as part of a team
·Analytical mind
·Capacity for detail
·Presentation skills
·Writing skills
·Knowledge of physical sciences and mathematics
·Accreditation by Licensing Board
Current Skills and Interests
·Summer worker for Smith ConstructionCo.
·High school mathematics courses
·High school science courses
·High school writing courses
·Experience working as a team
·Gave presentations in high school courses
Plan to Reach Career Goal
·Bachelor's degree
·Attend the University of Texas School of Engineering
·Job experience
·Continue working for Smith Construction Co.
·Seek internships through university career placement office
·Join campus organizations for engineering students
Try to improve the following sentences:
Come true my career planning
Career planning that is related to my major course is becoming alawyer who stand for justice and protect the society safety.
Career planning has a profound influence on our occupations andlive in the future.
I’m a student. I’m learninglaw.
I studying hard now and then get a degree when I graduated fromit, I will find a job which is connection with my major study.
Not necessary to be a richer, just can apply to live my familyand have some rest to deal with some unlucky things.
Do is better than say. (Better to do well thanto say well.)
Where there is a wall, there is a way.
When we set foot into the university, we are getting ready forthe steps into the fierce society. It’s aroundthe corner, so an effective career planning is necessarily needed.We can’t emphasize the importance of it too much.It helps us to make our roads to success and design the blueprintin the future. Through career planning, we reali ze our dreams andour value in the society.
My career planning includes several steps. First of all, Ishould master the knowledge in which I specialize on campus. As Iam a student majoring in Telecommunication Engineering, I needlearn well about the basic knowledge about communication. When Igraduate, I will find a job concerning my major, which lays thefoundation of my career.
Career planning doesn’t come into beingeasily. I should spare no efforts to study hard. Besides, it isbeneficial to obtain working experience by doing some part-timejobs. I am confident that I am right on the way to success.best outcomes, as well as the financial benefitto their parents.