Last night,before to go to sleep, I finished reading thisbook eventually.
A book is sort of autobiography,but paid more attentionof mind growing and soul exploration.
During read this book,I never stopped thinking. AlthoughI see someone else’s growing,it is also the good way to find outwho I am. What it is saying of my "inner voice". Some opinions arenot acceptable for me, but some are really great, they made me seethrough things. Even some are the answers which I have beensearching for.
Lying on bed, I thought a lot. Even Idreamed a lot at the night, the past and the present.
Life is reallly inconceivability. With lots ofcreations,surprises,painful andheartbroken
Before I was being selfish sometimes. I always think thatlife is just so beautiful,if I open my heart to this wonderfulworld, live with optimism manner,I will be fine .why we still gotthose people who seems painful everyday,even want to give up theirlife.?

After reading this book,moreover,I am working at thiscounselling company. Somehow I relized. In this world,some peoplehad miserable childhood,or they were growing up in some terriblecircumstance. The world in front of them,is just another image. Itis not because they don't want to live with joyful heart,is justthey need some other people’s help. To help them facing thepain,and try to let it go,and eventually find the way to behappy.
To be honest,I don't know because of which book,or whichyear, which phase. I just buillt my own views of life. i think lifeis beautiful,those vivid blooming flowers,those green leavessprouting in the tree,those naive faces of some children. Each ofthem could make you forget about bad things,and want to start overagain,right?
I do understand,this is because I had a happy and joyfulchildhood. The love which my parents gave me ,or the lovely familyI am having. Even they got frustrated sometimes,but most of time,inmy mind,I always keep the picture of my daddy making a face,teasing my mum and me. Or when I was a little ki d, I sat on theback of my daddy’s bicycle. He was telling me some diffrendtstroies at that time. When I get in troubel, I always try to thinkabout bright things,cheer myself up,and then get going.
Life could be really long,but also could beshort.
I was discussing with an Australianproducer about some movies he make the othernight.
He said he wants to make a movie about another planet.Some people just can live 10years for their entire life. That was an intersting topic. I waswondering, if I can just live 10 years,or we can justlive 10year, what we will do? We willjust rushing around? Or try to live slowly,enjoythese 10 years? Are we still care about making money or be a bigperson in this world? Or just let all greedy thoughts go,just benatural and enjoy everyday?
Let’s try to getting close to our soul,seeking the anwerwho we are and what we really want. Try to enjoylife and find out the ture meanings of life. Shall we?