“红消香断有谁怜”出于黛玉之口 ,又何尝不是出于宝钗之心呢?为了一个“金玉良缘”,她把一生的幸福嫁给了什么?一块失去了支撑,失去了灵性的残玉而已。
Through all kinds ofbooks,we ofen can see about"characters".in the long history of literature.Surgingriver is just what we ca n reach the surface,We saw the huge waves,Half a loaf is magnificent regrets,maybe it is a little part ofvery shallow and very thin things

maybe i can't touch thebottom of the it with all my life,but i still want to touchingit,feeling it,Close to it, understand it.when we talking about"heng wu",wo have to talk about xue baochai
when someone mentioned "adream of red mansions",he will be remember the romantic lovingstory between jia baoyu and lin daiyu.they left the oathes,thetears under the wine,All are inmost innermost any more."i was sadand sick,you are beauty which overthrows states andcities"
when that beauty was breakand far from people,when "jiangzhu grass"return back all her tearsof her life, And when the phraseology,all the people cried in theirhearts.but at this time,who could realize baochai's minds?why shedid not jiangzhu grass?All the tears was swallowed into hisstomach."Who has broken away sweet red"said Daiyu.why it did notfrom the bottom of Baochai?just for "Match made in the heaven",whather happiness marrid with?a apart lost the support,just a Losingspiritual residual jade.
but this type girl,shi alsois a special talented woman.her acted,her speech,her literrarystyle,she tried to please everybody ,everything she did thebest.
Say "Hengwu."Hengis a perennial herbs, wanton scent, let everyone like it. "wu" isthe weeds,i heard, overlook, is not a fashion one. but tastes it inyour minds, it has a unique flavor, weeds, from miscellaneous butsex is not, they enthusiasm, but in roots, perseverance.
Well, let me become Heng wu,maybe I didn't has baochai's talent, i also want to learn, nevergive up.