Loro Piana operates in the luxury goods industry makinguncompromised quality its mission and offering a complete selectionof ready-to-wear,accessories and gifts that are made in Italy withthe finest materials available around the world. It reaches itsmost exigent customers through a global retail network of directlyoperated stores on the most exclusive shopping streets,onloropiana.com and in a very select number of specialty stores. Loropiana boasts six generations of experience in the production oftop-end textiles and continues to be an industry leader. Thisvertical integration is the best guarantee to access research , thebest raw materials and for the control of the manufacturingprocesses, which together with the aspiration of maximum qualityand the ability to meld trailblazing technology with the Italianartisanal and sartorial tradition ,make Loro piana a brand ofreference in the luxury goods market. 我个人很喜欢 LORO PIANA 朴素的奢华,简单优雅的设计考虑到实用性,最上等的面料保证了舒适度。难怪有意大利的 爱马仕之称,高级成衣比爱马仕要贵哦,如果你是 小山羊绒的爱好者,fan of cashmere 那么一定要有一件Loro piana ,我最近不可救药的迷恋上 BABY CASHMERE ,小山羊绒的柔软轻盈和保暖让我对其爱不释手,加上LORO PIANA永不过时的设计,一件小山羊绒的防水外套,是所有 顶级奢侈品爱好者 秋冬最值得投资的首选。或者LORO PIANA经典 SEBRING风衣 是目前市场上最独一无二的皮草,在意大利手工制作 ,关于LORO PIANA更多商品信息见中文官网http://www.loropiana.com/flash.html#/lang:cn/home/montenapoleoneMINMIN 可以代购官网上的所有商品,同时建议购买者先看看国内的专柜,MINMIN作为巴黎店里唯一的中文售货员,欢迎大家的光临!更多新品以及法国打折信息每周会陆续更新,敬请关注!