I've had a fewstudent cases lately where the student had not paid the SEVISfee. So,for all you inte--nding students out there, do you know what SEVISis? Haveyou paid your SEVIS fee? SEVIS stands for theStudent Exchange Visitor Information System. J1 exchange visitorsand F1 students are required to pay the SEVIS fee before arrivingin the United States. Please print out yourI-901 payment receipt and bring it to your visainterview.It currently costs $200 for F1 students and $180 for J1 exchangevisitors (the rates are different for au pairs andinterns). While your school in the U.S. has probably also explained thisprocess, please try this website for moreinformation: www.fmjfee.com. Remember, yourstudent visa cannot be approved if you have not paid your SEVISfee.
Embassyof the United States of America