riseandfall中文歌词感悟好大!!! rise中文歌词
And it seems as though the writings on thewall,然而 它好象是不祥之兆
Superstar you finally made it,最终你成为超级明星
But once your picture becomes tainted,但是你的表面有了瑕疵
It's what they call,这就是人们所谓的
The rise and fall人生起浮
I always said that I was gonna make it,过去我常说我要努力
Now it's plain for everyone to see,现在大家都看到了
But this game I'm in don't take noprisoners,但是这场游戏没有失败者
Just casualties,只有死亡
I know that everything is gonna change,我知道所有的是都会改变
Even the friends I knew before me go,甚至我的朋友也将离我而去
But this dream is the life I've been searchingfor,但是这个梦想正是我的生活所追求的
Started believing that I was thegreatest,开始相信我是最伟大的
My life was never gonna be the same,我的生活就不会重蹈覆辙
Cause with the money came a differentstatus,如果金钱能让我拥有不同的地位
That's when things change,那这就是转变的时候
Now I'm too concerned with all the things Iown,现在我太专注于我所拥有的
Blinded by all the pretty girls I see,美女使我变的盲目
I'm beginning to lose my integrity开始丧失我的正直
Superstar you finally made it,最终你成为超级明星
But once your picture becomes tainted,但是你的表面却有了瑕疵
It's what they call,这就是人们所谓的
The rise and fall人生起浮
I never used to be a troublemaker,我不曾惹祸上身
Now I don't even wanna please thefans,现在也不会去取悦我的歌迷
No autographs,不签名
No interviews,不采访
No pictures,不拍照
And less demands,渐渐的要求少了
Given advice that was clearly wrong给予的建议明显是错的,
The type that seems to make me feel soright但是这样让我感觉很舒服
But some things you may find can take over yourlife,但是你会发现一些事情会摧毁的你的生活时
Burnt all my bridges now I've run out ofplaces,烧毁所有的未来现在我开始逃跑
And there's nowhere left for me toturn,这里也没有能让我回头的路
Been caught in comprimising situations,我变的进退两难
I should have learnt,我必须学会
From all those times I didn't walkaway,所有的这些,我不会再回去
When I knew that it was best togo,当我知道这是对于我最好的出路
Is it too late to show you the shape of myheart,是不是因为太迟了导致我表演失去了唯美
Now I know,现在我知道了
I made mistakes,我做错了
Think I don't care,思考的不够细心
But you don't realise what this means tome,但是你无法知道这个对我以为着什么
So let me have,那么再给我
Just one more chance,哪怕是一次机会
Superstar you finally made it,最终你成为超级明星
But once your picture becomes tainted,但是你却有了瑕疵
It's what they call,这就是人们所谓的
The rise and fall人生起浮
怎样打好大前锋 怎样打好后卫
怎样打好大前锋——简介兵器谱有云:“一寸长一寸强”。放在篮球场上,同样适用,毫无疑问距离篮筐越进,得分更容易。大前锋就是兵器谱里的重火器,威慑力无法想象……怎样打好大前锋——方法/步骤怎样打好大前锋 1、
2.8.电视剧《好大一个家》孙助理(林鹏饰) 雷林鹏
电视剧《好大一个家》孙助理(林鹏饰)孙助理(林鹏饰)林鹏[男演员],国家三级演员1992年毕业于中央戏剧学院表演系。林鹏[男演员] - 档案
好大一个家好看的理由 好大一个家 电视剧
转载 那尼亚传奇,好大一个梦 转载dan的博客帅哥
原文地址:那尼亚传奇,好大一个梦作者:磨盘 在一种比较混沌的状态下,看完了最近很火热的那尼亚传奇,看完了还是晕晕乎乎的。 那尼亚传奇就是一个梦,一个孩子的神话梦,我最近智力和脑力明显出现了问题,以至于看了孩子的梦都有理解的不怎么清晰
《好大一个家》果然好看 石瓢大一点好看