考点一 单数名词作主语时的主谓一致
Thepersonnel are unhappy about these changes.所有职员都对这些变革不满意。
My familydid all they could for me.
The audience were waving their hands.
Thepeople hope to live a happy life.人民希望过上好日子。
Thepolice have caught the criminal.警察已经逮捕了那个罪犯。
Cattlefeed on grass.牛以草为食。
Myluggage was sent by air.我的行李是航空邮寄的。
Theequipment of our factory is all imported fromBritain.我们工厂的设备都是从英国进口的。
Thefurniture in my room is old now.现在我屋里的家具旧了。
Thecrossroads is/are dangerous.这个(些)十字路口很危险。
Everymeans has been tried.各种方法都试过了。
Allpossible means have been tried.所有可能的方法都试过了。
A steelworks has just been built there.那儿刚建了一座钢厂。
Lots ofaircraft were sent there.很多飞机被派往那儿。
注意 fishes表示“各种各样的鱼”。
His blacktrousers are too long.他的黑裤子太长。
Yourglasses are on your nose.你的眼镜在你鼻梁上。
This pairof compasses is made in Beijing.这副圆规是北京制造的。
A pair ofglasses costs quite a lot now.现在一副眼镜值很多钱。
There aretwo pairs of gloves on the desk.桌上有两副手套。
考点二 复数名词作主语时的主谓一致
Roots wasa novel about a slave family.《根》是一本有关奴隶家庭的小说。
ArabianNights is full of interesting stories.《一千零一夜》充满了有趣的故事。
ThePhilippines are in the Pacific Ocean.菲律宾群岛位于太平洋。
RockyMountains stand in the west of North America.
Hispolitics were a matter of great concern to his friend.
Politicsis his favorite subject.政治学是他最喜欢的学科。
Statistics show that approximately 40 percent of all marriages inthe United States end in
Statistics is a subject that is difficult tolearn.统计学是一门很难学的课程。
注意 ①plastics(塑料)作主语时,其谓语动词大都采用复数形式。如:
Plasticshave taken the place of many materials now.
Plasticsis an important branch of chemistry.塑料学是化学的一个重要分支。
②名词clothes,works(作“著作”讲),goods,contents,the OlympicGames的谓语动词律律用复数。如:
Clotheskeep people warm.衣服使人保暖。
His workshave been translated into several foreign languages.
若表示“一套衣服”,可用a suit of clothes。clothes不可与不定冠词a或数词连用。
若表示“一部作品”用a work,“两部作品”用two works。
考点三 “名词(或代词)+介词短语”作主语时的主谓一致
Severaltheories on this subject have been proposed.
Thedanger of forest fires is not to be taken lightly.
2.当主语后面跟有with,together with,along with,accompanied by,like,inaddition to,as well as,as much as,more than,rather than,no lessthan,except,but,besides,including等连接的词组时,其谓语动词的单复数不受这些词语的影响。如:
The rocksinger,along with his bodyguard,was rushed away from thetheater.
Mr.Robbins,accompanied by his wife and children,is arrivingtonight.
Mylicense,rather than my credit cards,was lost.
No onebut your parents was there then.除了你的父母,当时那里没人。
Mr Greenbesides his daughters likes sports.格林先生和他的女儿都喜欢体育。
Tom,together with Mary and Alice,is going to swim thisafternoon.
考点四 “名词(或代词)+of+名词”作主语时的主谓一致
1.由“someof,plenty of,a lot of,lots of,most of,the rest of,all of,halfof,part of,the remainderof或分数、百分数+of+名词”等短语作主语时,谓语动词常与of后的名词保持数的一致。一般来说,如果of后面所接名词为复数形式,谓语动词为复数;如果of后面所接名词为单数形式或不可数名词,谓语就用单数形式。如:
Most ofthe teachers are against the proposal.大部分教师反对这个提议。
Some ofthe students are for the plan.有些学生赞同这个计划。

The restof the lecture is dull.讲座的其余部分是枯燥的。
The restof the bicycles are on sale today.剩余的自行车今天出售。
Half ofthe apple is rotten.这个苹果的一半腐烂变质了。
Half ofthe apples are rotten.这些苹果有一半腐烂变质了。
A massMasses of information has been revealed.大量的情报已被泄露出去了。
A massMasses of books are kept in the library.图书馆里存放有很多的书。
About onethird of the books are worth reading.大约三分之一的书值得一读。
Over 30%of the students were absent from the meeting.
Threefourths of the surface of the earth is sea.地球表面的四分之三是海。
Only 40%of the.work was done yesterday.昨天只完成了百分之四十的工作。
注意 当上面有些词单独作主语时,其主谓语一致关系一般要遵循意义一致的原则。如:
All wassilent.万籁俱寂。
All weresilent.大家都静默着。
Thirtypeople in my class are Arabs and the remainder are Canadians.
All hasbeen tried.一切都试过了。
All arehere now.大家都到齐了。
Thepopulation of Canada is about 29 million.
Justunder a third of the population now smokes/smoke in thiscountry.
Abouteighty percent of the population of this country are peasants.
2.由“akind of,this kind of,many kinds of”和“名词+of thiskind”等,以及由与kind意义相似的type,sort,form,part,piece,section等构成的类似短语作主语时,谓语动词与of前的名词保持数的一致。如:
A kind ofbirds has been discovered by them.他们发现了一种鸟。
A part ofthe book is not interesting.这本书里有一部分内容没趣。
Parts ofthe book are very instructive.
These aretwo different forms of the same thing.
None ofthem is/are aware of the danger.他们中没有人意识到那个危险。
None ofthe money was paid to me.连一分钱也没有付给我。
Either ofthe girls is Ann’s sister.那两个女孩中有一个是安的姐姐。
Neitherof them is going to give up the chance.
4.当“anumber of/a variety of/varieties of+可数名词复数”作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。但“thenumber of(表数目)和the variety of(表种类)等+可数名词”作主语时,谓语动词用单数。如:
A numberof new houses have been built there.在那儿已建起许多新房子。
There area variety of goods on sale in the shop.
Thenumber of the people who know the secret is very limited.
Thevariety of goods on sale in the shop is surprising.
5.“alarge amount of+不可数名词”作主语,谓语用单数。
“largeamounts of+不可数名词”作主语,谓语用复数。
“a largequantity of+不可数名词”作主语,谓语用单数。
“a largequantity of+复数名词”作主语,谓语常用复数。
“largequantities of+不可数名词/复数名词”作主语,谓语用复数。
“agood/great deal of+不可数名词”作主语,谓语用单数。
A largeamount of clean water is wasted every day.
Vastamounts of money are being invested in the local market.
Largequantities of beer are consumed in the city every year.
A largequantity of money was spent on the bridge.
A largequantity of materials were spent on the building.
A gooddeal of work has to be done today.今天有大量的工作要做。
考点五 由并列连词连接的名词作主语时的主谓一致
Mr.andMrs.Smith are engineers.史密斯夫妇是工程师。
Fire andwater do not agree.水火不相容。
Bothcoffee and beer are on sale in the shop,店里出售咖啡和啤酒。
Theteacher and writer is her friend.
bread andbutter黄油面包
bread andcheese涂奶酪的面包
a knifeand fork一副刀叉
a watchand chain一只系有表带的手表
a cartand horse一辆马车
needleand thread针线
law andorder法律和秩序
Bread andbutter is her favourite food.黄油面包是她最喜欢吃的食物。
Trial anderror is the source of our knowledge.
Time andtide waits for no man.岁月不待人。
The starsand stripes is the national flag of USA.星条旗是美国国旗。
2.由and连接的两个或三个单数主语前如果有every,each,no,many a修饰时,谓语动词要用单数形式。
Eachteacher and(each)student was given a book.
Everyhour and(every)minute is important.每一小时或每一分钟都很重要。
Noemployer and no employee knows how to deal with it.
Many ateacher and many a student enjoys the book very much.
Eitherthe teacher or the students are to blame.或者老师或者学生们应受到指责。
Not onlythe students but also their teacher doesn’t know about it.
He or Iam to do it.这事或者他去做或者我去做。
Neitheryou nor I.nor anybody else knows how to do it.
Not youbut I am to answer for it./I,not you,am to answer for it.
考点六 名词性从旬作主语时的主谓一致
What shesaid is correct.她说的是正确的。
What hegave me are five English books.他给我的是5本英语书。
What heneeds is money.他需要的是钱。
That heis a spy is true.千真万确,他是一个间谍。
Whetherthey will hold a party or not has not been decided.
Who isresponsible for the accident is not clear.
考点七 动名词或不定式短语作主语时的主谓一致
Playingwith fire is dangerous.玩火危险。
Yourgiving up the chance was a great surprise to us.
Early torise and early to bed is a good habit.早起早睡是个好习惯。
When andwhere the building will be built hasn’t been decided.
Makingmistakes and learning to correct them are a part of life.
What youeat and how much you exercise are important factors in a weightloss program.你所吃的与你锻炼的量对你的减肥计划都是重要的因素。
考点八 某些表示数量的名词词组作主语时的主谓一致
Twenty-five dollars is too much to pay for thatshirt.25美元买那件衬衣太贵了。
Fiftyminutes isn’t enough to finish this test.50分钟完成这个测试是不够的。
Ten milesseems like a long walk to me.对我来说,10英里步行似乎很远。
Two andten is/are twelve.2加10等于12。
Two timeseight is/are sixteen.2乘以8等于16。
18 minus12 is 6.18减12等于6。
Twohundred and sixty-one divided by nine equalstwenty-nine.261除以9等于29。
考点九 名词化的形容词作主语时的主谓一致
The poorlive a hard life.穷人的日子不好过。
The sickand wounded were sent home.病人和伤员被送回家。
thepoor穷人the living活着的人
therich富人the dead死人
thewounded伤员the young年轻人
Thebeautiful lives forever.美是永存的。
The oldgives place to the new.新陈代谢。
Theaccused asked the judge for mercy.被告请求法官宽恕。
2.以-sh,-ch和-ese等结尾的表示“国家的,民族的”这类形容词与定冠词the连用,表示整个民族,谓语动词用复数形式。常见的这类词有:theChinese,the English,the British,the French,the Japanese,theDutch,the Polish,the Swedish等。如:
TheChinese are hard-working.中国人是勤劳的。
TheEnglish are said to be conservative.据说英国人是保守的。
TheChinese are kind and friendly.中国人民友好善良。
ThatChinese is a singer.那个中国人是个歌唱家。
Chineseis a beautiful language.汉语是一种优美的语言。
考点十 there be结构中的主谓一致
There isa book,two ball-pens and several notebooks on the desk.
There arefour chairs and a table in the room.房间里摆有4把椅子和一张桌子。
考点十一 不定代词each, one, no one,somebody等词作主语时的主谓一致
不定代词“each,one,no one,some(any,no,every)+body(one或thing)”在句中作主
Each boygets a prize.每个孩子都得到了奖品。
Every doghas his day.人人都有得意的时候。
Someonewants to buy the house.有人要买这所房子。
Everything is ready,isn’t it?一切都准备好了,是吧?
Each ofthe books costs five yuan.每本书五块钱。
Somebodyis using the phone.有人在用着电话。
He hastwo sons.One is a teacher;the other is an engineer.
注意 each,all,both用作同位语时,谓语动词仍应与主语保持一致。如:
We eachhave an English-Chinese dictionary.
Thestudents are all hardworking.这些学生都很勤奋。
They bothlike pop music.他们俩都喜欢流行音乐。
考点十二 其他主谓一致情况
On thewall are some famous paintings.墙上有一些著名的画。
Betweenthe two windows hangs a picture.两扇窗户间有一幅画。
2.表示数量的“one and a half+复数名词”作主语时,其谓语要用单数形式。如:
One and ahalf bananas is left on the table.桌子上还剩有一个半香蕉。
One and ahalf hours is enough.一个半小时足够了。
3.“a/an+单数名词+or two”作主语时,谓语动词用单数。如:
A studentor two has failed the exam.一两个学生考试不及格。
“one ortwo+复数名词”作主语时,谓语动词用复数。如:
One ortwo students were planting trees yesterday afternoon.
It is Iwho am a student.我是学生。
It isthey who have worked there for five years.是他们在那儿工作了5年。
Those whohave seen the film please put up your hands.看过这部电影的人请举手。
The manwho is speaking at the meeting is our chairman.
Who isthe girl over there?那边的那个女孩是谁?
Who arethe girls over there?那边那些女孩子是谁?
Which isyour book,this one or that one?哪本是你的书,这本还是那本?
Such ismy plan.这就是我的计划。
Such arehis words.这就是他的话。
7.“themajority of+复数名词”作主语时,用复数谓语。themajority单独作主语时,谓语既可用单数,也可用复数形式。如:
Themajority of boys like football.大多数男孩喜爱足球。
Themajority was/were in favour of banning smoking.大多数人支持禁烟。
Themajority of people seem to prefer TV to radio.多数人喜欢电视胜过广播。
8.“anaverage of+复数名词”作主语与复数动词连用,意思是“平均有……”;“the averageof+复数名词”作主语与单数动词连用,意思是“……的平均数”。如:
Anaverage of 3,000 people come to visit this famous school everyyear.
Theaverage of 14,3 and 1 is 6.14,3和1的平均数是6。
9.“atotal of+复数名词”作主语与复数动词连用,意思是“总共有……”;“the totalof+复数名词”作主语与单数动词连用,意思是“……的总数”。如:
A totalof 300 letters were received last month 上个月总共收到了三百封信。
The totalof letters received last month was 300.上个月收到的信总数是三百封。
10.当man(人类),the world(世界上的人,人类)作主语时,谓语用单数。如:
Only manknows how to cook.只有人类懂得烹饪。
Only manis capable of speech+只有人类才具有说话的能力。
All theworld knows that the earth is round.世界上的人都知道地球是圆的。
11.“more+复数名词+than one”结构谓语常用复数。如:
Moremembers than one have protested against the plan.
12.当manya...或more than one+名词作主语时,尽管其意义是复数概念,但它的谓语动词仍采取单数形式。如:
Many aman thinks life is meaningless without purpose.
More thanone person is involved in the matter.不止一人卷入到这件事中。
One ofthe students in our class is from Tibet.我们班有一位学生来自西藏。
Onein/out of twenty was badly damaged.每二十个中有一个严重受损。
Threein/out of ten students have failed in the exam.
方法一 分清主语,用准谓语
1.主语后跟with,together with,along with,but,except,besides,as wellas,rather than,including,no less than,as muchas等短语时,谓语应与前面的主语保持一致。
[例1] A perfect gift with many flowers _______ _tothe beautiful girl.
A.issent B.aresent C.hassent D.has been sent
[解析]句子的真正主语为a perfectgift,所以谓语动词须用第三人称单数形式;根据题干大意此处要用现在完成时态。
[答案] D
[例2] In my opinion,What Zhai Zhigang,Liu Bomingand Jing Haipeng _______ _good to our country’s internationalposition.
A.did dodoes B.diddoes doC.does diddoD.do do did
[解析] 句子的主语是what引导的主语从句,即:what Zhai Zhigang,LiuBoming and Jing Haipeng did。谓语动词用单数,借助于助动词does强调谓语,后用动词原形do。
[答案] B
[例3] Next to me sat an old lady and a countrygirl who _______ __looking at the foreigners in the air.
A.areB.is C.wereD.was
[解析] 本句是倒装句,an old lady and a countrygirl是主句的主语,也是who引导的定语从句的先行词。定语从句的谓语应与先行词保持一致。
[答案] C
方法二 分清并列连词
[例1] Not only Tom but also Peter and Mary _________planning to go.
A.isB.wasC.are D.hasbeen
[解析] 由连接词either...or...,neither...nor...,notonly...but(also)...等连接两个并列主语时,句子的谓语动词必须和紧靠它的名词或代词的人称和数保持一致。此题中的谓语动词应和Peterand Mary一致,故谓语动词用复数are,因此C是正确的。
[答案] C
[例2] The writer and the educator _________visited our school.
A.haveB.hasC.hadD. are
[解析] The writer and theeducator是两个人,谓语动词用复数。句意:那位作家和那位教育家参观了我们的学校。如果换成The writer andeducator,就是一个人了,即“那位作家兼教育家”,谓语动词用单数。
[答案] A
方法三 记熟一些习惯用法
1.“manya以及more than one+单数名词”作主语.谓语用单数。
2.“a/an+单数名词+or two”作主语,谓语用单数;而“one or two+复数名词”作主语,谓语用复数。
5.“oneand a half+复数名词”作主语时,谓语用单数。
6.each...and each...;every...and every...;no...and no...;manya...and many a...等作主语时,谓语用单数。
[例1] _______ _of the land inthat district _______ __covered with trees and grass.
A.Twofifth;isB.Twofifth;areC.Twofifths;isD.Two fifths;are
[解析] 首先“五分之二”应为twofifths,故答案应为C、D中的一个;当“分数+of+名词”作主语时,谓语动词的数要与of后的名词保持数的一致,这里的名词是theland。
[答案] C
[例2] The number of the students of this school_______ __large.
A.are B.arenotC.isn’tD.aren’t
[解析] 在“the numberof+复数名词”的结构中,“of+复数名词”的介词短语作后置定语,the number是中心名词,所以谓语动词应用单数形式。
[答案] C
[例3] Every boy and every girl as well as someteachers who _______ __to visit the museum_______ _asked to be at the school gate before 6:30 in themorning.
[解析]本题是一个带有定语从句的复合句,定语从句修饰的是teachers,关系词在从句中作主语,应与先行词的数保持一致,故从句谓语用复数。句子主语是Everyboy and every girl,当主语后面跟有with,together with,as wellas等连接的词时,其谓语动词的单复数不受这些词语的影响。every...and every...作主语,谓语用单数。
[答案] C
1.1 Thepublic _______ the best judge because the public always ________their thoughts.
A.are;expressB. is;express
C.is;expressesD. are;expresses
1.2 Ithink Class One _______ __to win because Class One _______ _allfootball lovers.
A. islikely;areB. are likely; are
C. islikely;isD. are likely; is
1.3 Whilemy family _______ _a small one, every one of us_______ __different hobbies.
A. is;haveB. are; has
C. is;hasD. are; have
1.4Cattle _______ __well in the country market at present, accordingto the evening news.
A.sellB. sells
C. isbeingsoldD. will be sold
1.5People who _______ __peace _______ _seeing a steady situation toseeing an unrest state.
A. loves;prefersB. love; prefer
C. loved;preferD. love; prefers
1.6 Allthe furniture in my office _______ __ made in Hong Kong.
A.isB. are
C.wereD. had been
1.7 Everymeans _______ ___to prevent the water from _______ __.
A. areused; polluting
B. getused; pollution
C. isused; polluted
D. hasbeen used; being polluted
1.8 Allpossible means _______ __to save the wounded soldier.
A. havebeen tried B. is to betried
C. hasbeen tried D.are trying
1.9 —Thetrousers _______ __you well.
—But thecolour _______ __me.
A. fit;suit
B. fit;doesn’t suit
C. fits;doesn’t suit
D. fit;don’t suit
2.1His“Selected Poems” _______ __in 1995.
A. wasfirst published
B. werefirst published
C. hasbeen first published
D. hadfirst been published
2.2 TheUnited States _______ _50 states.
A.haveB. has
C. ismadeupD. are in charge of
2.3Different areas of the country _______ __ own customs.
A. havetheirB. have its
C. hastheirD. has its
2.4Mathematics _______ _the language of science.
A.areB. are going to be
C.isD. is to be
2.5Plastics _______ __many other materials, it is easily shaped.
A. hastaken place of
B. hastaken the place of
C. havetaken place of
D. havetaken the place of
2.6 Theexpensive clothes _______ _made specially for the beautifulprincess.
A.is B. were C.has D. have
2.7 Goodsin the store _______ _sold out at a very low price.
A. hasbeenB. have been
C.wasD. is
3.1 Thecaptain with his men _______ _saved.
A.haveB. has
C.areD. is
3.2E-mail, as well as telephone, _______ ___animportant role in daily communication.
A.playB. played
C.playsD. are playing
3.3 Allbut one _______ __here just now.
A.isB. was
C. hasbeenD. were
3.4 Themuseum, as well as the pictures, _______ _.
A. isworthy seeing
B. isworth seeing
C. areworth seeing
D. areworthy seeing
3.5 Onthe contrary, I think it is Truman, _________you, _______ _to blame.
A. morethan; are
B. lessthan; who are
C. ratherthan; that is
D. ratherthan; is
4.1 Someof the latest news about this country _________televised _______ __from the battle field.
A. was;directB. were; straight
C. were;aliveD. was; live
4.2 _______ __friends Betty had madethere _______ _all invited to her birthdayparty.
A. A few;wasB. Tile few; were
C. Few;wereD. Few of; was
4.3 Morethan 90 _______ _of the watches on sale _______ _ourselves.
A.percent; are made of
B.percent; are made up of
C.percents; is made by
D.percent; are made by
4.4 “All_______ _present and all _______ _ going on well,” said theteacher.
A. is;isB. is; are
C. are;areD. are; is
4.5 It’ssummer time now, so a dozen eggs _______ __only $4.
A. arecosting B.has cost
C.costD. costs
4.6 Mostof the artists will go to the United States next week. The rest_______ ___to visit Japan.
A.hasB. plans
C.areD. is
4.7 Thepopulation of the city _______ __not large, but one third of thepopulation here _______ __highly educated citizens.
A. is;isB. are; are
C. is;areD. are; is
4.8 Thiskind of stories _______ __instructive while stories of that kind_______ ___harmful to children.
A. is;seemsB. are; seem
C. is;seemD. are; seems
4.9 Manykinds of furniture _______ __being transported from Beijing toTianjin.
A.isB. are
C.havingD. was
4.10Machines of the new type _______ _made in Shanghai.
A.isB. are
C. hasbeenD. have been
4.11 —Arethere any new animals in that zoo?
— _________there.
A. NoneareB. None arrived
C. No oneisD. No one are
4.12 Johnhas two brothers, but either _______ __ out of work now.
A.are B.is C.has D.have
4.13 Thenumber of people invited _______ __ fifty, but a number of them_______ ___ absent for different reasons.
A. were;wasB. was; was
C. was;wereD. were; were
4.14 Thenumber of the people who _______ _ cars _______ __increasing inChina.
A. own;areB. owns; is
C. own;isD. owns; are
4.15 _______ __of food were on the tablethen.
A.QuantitiesB. A great quantity
C. AgreatD. A number
4.16 Vastamounts of money _______ being invested in the construction of theschool.
A.areB. is
C.wasD. has
4.17Large quantities of water _______ __for irrigation.
A. isneededB. have needed
C. areneededD. need
4.18 Agreat deal of money _______ _spent on books.
A.haveB. has
C. havebeenD. has been
5.1Father and son _______ _standing on the roadside. Beside them_______ __a cart and horse.
A. was;wasB. were; were
C. were;was D. was;were
5.2 Iflaw and order _______ __, neither the citizen nor his family issafe.
A. arenot preserved
B. is notpreserved
C. werenot preserved
D. havenot been preserved
5.3 Apoet and artist _______ __coming to speak to us about Chineseliterature and painting tomorrow afternoon.
A.is B.are C.was D.were
5.4 Theteacher and the writer _______ __to attend the meeting lasttime .
A. hasbeen asked
B. wasasked
C. havebeen asked
D. wereasked
5.5 Theleague secretary and monitor _______ ___ asked to make a speech atthe meeting yesterday.
A.is B.was C.areD. were
5.6 Thedoctor found that her problem and his _______ __similar.
A.were B.was C.areD. is
5.7 Eachboy and each girl _______ _to take part in the evening party.
A.wishesB. wish
C. islikeD. like
5.8 Manya boy and many a girl made the same mistake.
A.has B. haveC.isD. are
5.9Neither you nor I, nor anyone else _______ __ the answer.
C. hasbeen known
D. isknowing
5.10 Notonly China but also other countries _______ __trying to developtheir own economy.
A.isB. are
C.hasD. be
5.11 Nothis sister but his two cousins _______ __ to Hainan, never to beseen again.
A. hadgoneB. have gone
C. hasbeenD. have been
6.1 Whatthe children in mountain villages need _______ _good books.
A.isB. are
C.haveD. has
6.2 Whathe said and did _______ __not agree.
A.doesB. do
C.isD. possible
6.3Whether he comes to the party _______ _too much.
A. notmatterB. do matter
C. don’tmatter D. matters
6.4 Thatthey were wrong in these matters _______ ___now clear to usall.
A.is B. was C.are D. were
7.1Writing stories and articles _______ __what I enjoy most.
A.isB. have been
C.wasD. were
7.2 Toanswer correctly _______ __more important than to finishquickly.
A.isB. am
C.areD. /
7.3 Toplay football and to go swimming _______ _ useful for charactertraining.
A.wasB. is
C.areD. were
8.1Twenty-five years _______ _since I graduated from college.
A.passB. passed
C. haspassed D. hasbeen passed
8.2 Three_______ _five makes eight.
A. addingtoB. adding up
C. addedtoD. added up
8.3 Two_______ _four is eight.
A.timesB. divided
C.multiplyD. plus
9.1 Whenthe injured _______ _to the hospital, they came to
A. wasrushed; life
B. wererushed; life
C.rushed; lives
D. wererushed; lives
9.2 Thesick _______ __been cured and the lost _______ _been found.
A. has;haveB. have; has
C. have;haveD. has; has
9.3 Thepoor _______ always dreaming _______ _ becoming rich.
A. are;inB. is; to
C. is;ofD. are; of
9.4 TheChinese usually _______ chopsticks for meals, while the British_______ _ knives and forks.
A. use;usesB. uses; use
C. use;useD. used; use
10 There_______ _a lot of rubbish on the floor so I asked Mary to sweep_______ __up.
A. were;itB. are; them
C. was;itD. is; them
11.1—Each of the students, working hard at his or her lessons, _________to go to university.
—So doI.
A. hopeB. hopes C. hoping D. hoped
11.2 _______ __is in the classroom. In fact manystudents were late for school _______ ___mebecause of the heavy rain.
A. Nostudents; except
B. Notevery student; besides
C. Notall the students; but
D. Noevery student; except
11.3 Mybrother and sister each _______ __own ideas.
A. hastheirB. have his
C. havetheirD. has her
12.1 Atthe station _______ _a teacher and two students on their way to thecity.
A.wereB. was
C.isD. sits
12.2Along the road _______ _many high buildings.
A.lies B. have C.has D. are
12.3 Oneand a half _______ _left on the table.
A. appleisB, apples is
C. appleareD. apples are
12.4 Ihave found one or two _______ __in the book _______ _gone.
A. pages;isB. page; are
C. pages;areD. page; is
12.5 Isit the police who _______ ___the thief?
A. havecaught
B. hascaught
C. hadcaught
D. havebeen caught
12.6 I,who _______ _your teacher, will try my best to help you with yourstudy.
A.be B.am C.are D. is
12.7 Hebought me two novels and an English dictionary. Such _______ __thegifts he gave me.
A.was B.isC. were D.are
12.8 Themajority of doctors _______ ___that smoking is extremely harmful tohealth.
A.agreedB. is agreed
C.agreeD. agrees
12.9 Anaverage of 200 letters a week _______ _ received by the newspaper’soffice.
A.areB. has been
C. havebeenD. is
12.10 Theaverage of students of the school going to university each year_______ __ over 600.
A.areB. has been
C. havebeen D.is
12.11 Atotal of 20 people _______ _killed in that car crash.
A.was B.wereC. is D.be
12.12What wonderful things man _______ __achieved!
A.has B.be C.hadD. is
12.13More teachers than one _______ ___invited.
A.wasB. were
C. hasbeenD. is
12.14Many a student _______ _tired by his long speech.
A.haveB. has
C. hasbeenD. are
12.15 Insome part of Britain, one person in ten, by the age of 30, _________no teeth left.
A.isB. has
C.haveD. had
1.1 Allbut the lazy boy _______ __on time _______ ___class.
A. was;forB. were; for
C. was;toD. were; to
1.2 Jack,as well as his friends who _______ __ football games, _________travelled with the team.
A. likes;hasB. like; have
C. like;hasD. likes; have
1.3 Whenhe will arrive for the meeting _______ unknown, but making a bigdecision without delay _______ _a key event now.
A. was;isB. were; are
C. is;has been D.are; have been
1.4Following the mother _______ __two daughters.
A.isB. are
C.wasD. have been
1.5 Here_______ __some pieces of news, and I want to know what the latestnews _______ _.
A. are;areB. is; is
C. is;areD. are; is
2.1 Todesign new machines and to take charge of the project _______ __hisjob.
A.isB. are
C.doesD. do
2.2 Notonly I but also Jane and Mary _______ __tired of having oneexamination after another.
A.isB. are
C.amD. be
2.3Either your parents or your elder brother _______ __to attend themeeting tomorrow afternoon.
A.areB. have
C.isD. had
3.1 _______ __has been done.
A.Ninety-nine percent of the works
B. Twothirds of the articles
C. Halfof what he promised
D. Threequarters of business
3.2 Morethan one student _______ __a lawyer in the future.
B. is
C. aregoing to be
D. isgoing to be
3.3 Eachof the students in our class _______ _great interest in English andthey each _______ _a copy of A New English-Chinese Dictionary.
A. shows;haveB. have; has
C. is;haveD. takes; has
3.4 Thosethree minutes _______ _the worst I ever spent.
A.isB. are
C.wasD. were
3.5 Alarge number of the students in our class _______ __girls.
A.areB. was
C.isD. be
3.6 _______ __were burnt during the fire.
A. Morethan one book
B. A goodnumber books
C. Many abook
D. Agreat many books
专题十七 主谓一致
1.2A 前一个Class One是“一班”,指集体;后一个ClassOne指一班的同学们,指所有个体。
1.5 Bpeople为集合名词,作复数处理;people既是主句的主语,又是后面定语从句的先行词,故选B。
1.6A furniture作主语,谓语用单数。
1.7D本题考查单复数同形的名词作主语时谓语动词的形式。这一类动词有means,works,species等。句意:(政府)用尽一切办法来阻止水受污染。本题也可改为:Allmeans have been used to prevent the water from being polluted.
1.8A means是单复数同形名词,谓语动词的单复数取决于句子的意思,如all/those/a lotof means用复数动词;every/this/that means则用单数动词。
1.9B trousers作主语,谓语动词用复数形式;而colour为单数,故选B。
2.2B 国名、地名作主语,谓语用单数。这里的主语是the United States。
2.3A 本句主语是Differentareas,故谓语动词用复数。句意:这个国家不同的地方有不同的风俗。
2.4C 此处mathematics为学科名词,作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。
2.5D plastics作主语时,谓语常用复数形式。
2.6B elothes永远看作复数,本句又需被动语态,故选B。
2.7B goods作复数处理,故选B。
3.1D 本题真正的主语是the captain,所以用单数。
3.2C 主语后有as well as,togetherwith等短语时,谓语动词应与它们之前的主语保持一致。
3.3D 从句意上看,all指人。句意:除一人外,其余的刚才都在这儿。
3.4B 主语+with/as well as/but+…的谓语动词的单复数要与主语相一致;beworth doing,be worthy of being done或be worthy to bedone是固定的结构,它们的主语都是物或相当于物的内容。
4.1D news为不可数名词,谓语动词用单数;live表示“现场直播地”。
4.3D 主语为“分数/百分数+of+名词”,以及“some,a lot of,lotsof,plenty of,the restof+名词”,其中名词可以是可数也可以是不可数,是可数名词谓语动词用复数,是不可数名词谓语动词用单数。
4.4D 第一空all表示具体意义“所有的人”。第二空all表示抽象意义,“一切”。
4.5C a dozen eggs=twelveeggs。复数名词作主语,谓语用复数。如果是表示重量的名词短语作主语,谓语用单数。如:live kilos of eggs costs$10.
4.6C 此处The rest=The resl of thearlists,故谓语用复数形式;如果the rest后接不可数名词则用单数动词,如:The rest of his life wasspent in the USA.
4.8C this kind of stories的中心词为kind,是单数;stories ofthat kind的中心词为stories,是复数,故选C。
4.9B many kinds offurniture的中心词为of结构前面的kinds,且此句宜用现在进行时的被动语态。
4.11A uoone表示人,不能指代物或动物,故排除C、D两项;mone既可指人,也可指物或动物,作主语时谓语既可用复数又可用单数,视情况而定;B项用Nonehas/have arrived则也可。
4.12B either作主语,谓语常用单数。
4.13 C“the number of+复数名词”意思是“……的数量”,谓语用单数;“a numberof+复数名词”意思是“许多……”,谓语用复数。
4.14C 整句话的主语为thenumber,所以谓语用单数is;who引导的定语从句修饰先行词people,所以主语who为复数。
4.15A 题目中的food为不可数名词,而a number of用来修饰可数名词,故首先排除D。agreat deal of可用来修饰不可数名词,但谓语动词应用单数,故排除C。quantity意为“数量”,a largequantity of/quantities of后既可接可数名词,又可接不可数名词。a large quantityof+不可数名词作主语时,谓语动词应为单数,故排除B。由谓语动词were断定A为正确答案。
4.16 A“quantities of…”或“amounts of…”作主语时,谓语用复数形式。
4.17C a large quantityof可修饰可数名词或不可数名词,整个短语作主语时,谓语动词的数由其中的名词决定,但quantitiesof无论修饰可数还是不可数名词,谓语都用复数形式。另外,本句要用被动语态。
4.18D a great deal of修饰不可数名词,渭语用单数,本句要用被动语态。
5.1C father and son,husband andwife等具有对比含义或习惯上总是在一起使用的两个概念,常省去冠词,作主语时,谓语用复数;a cart andhorse(一架马车)指同一概念,作主语时,谓语动词用单数。第二句是倒装句。
5.2B 此处主语law and order指的是同一个概念,所以谓语动词用单数形式。
5.3A 句意:一位诗人兼艺术家明天下午要来给我们作关于中国文学和绘画方面的报告。
5. 6A 主句用过去时态,宾语从句也需用相应的过去时态,所以排除C、D。her problem 和hisproblem不是一个问题,所以用复数,选were。
5.8A 本题考查的是many a…+many a…作主语时,谓语应用单数。
5. 9A neither…nor…引导并列主语,谓语动词应和后一个主语保持一致,本题中是和anyoneelse保持一致。
5.10B 当not Only…butalso…连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词和后面的主语在人称和数上保持一致,即“就近原则”。
5.11B “not…but…”在连接并列主语时,要遵循就近原则;have beento表示去过某地,如今已回来,而have gone to表示去某地了,如今还未回来。
6.1B what引导的主语从句作主语时,谓语动词须根据后面的名词的数来决定,此处须用复数形式。
6.2B what he said and did不一致,是两回事,谓语动词用复数。
6.3D 动名词、不定式短语、从句作主语,谓语用单数形式。句意:他来不来参加会议,关系重大。
7.1A “写小说和文章”都是表达“写作”这一概念。本题为动名词短语作主语。
7.2A 动词不定式短语作主语,谓语用单数。
7. 3C 踢足球和游泳是“两”件事。
8.2C “3+5=8”的表达方式是added to。
8.3 A“2×4=8”的表达方式是“Two times four is eight”或“Two multiplied by fourmakes eight.”
9.1B “the+形容词”指代一类人,谓语动词用复数。come tolife“苏醒”,为固定搭配。
9. 2C “the+形容词/分词”表示一类人,谓语动词用复数形式。
9.3D the+adj.可表一类人或物,看作复数,“the poor”意为“穷人”,“dreamof/about+n./-ing”意为“梦想”,故选D。
9.4C the Chinese“中国人”,theBritish“英国人”,表示整个民族,谓语动词用复数形式。
10.C there be句型中be动词的单复数取决于其后的主语,此处主语为a lot ofrubbish(不可数名词),因此后面谓语动词须用单数。
11.1B Each of the students短语中,真正的主语是Each,of thestudents是其后置定语,谓语用单数。
11.2B 从动词is可知主语用单数名词。every不可用no修饰。
11.3C 本题的主语是My brother andsister,指两个人,each只作他们的同位语,所以用复数,本题也可以改成Each of my brother and sisterhas his or her own idea.
12.1A 本句考查倒装句的谓语动词。本句主语是a teacher and twostudents。
12.2D 本题考查倒装句的谓语动词。本句的主语是many high buildings。
12.3B “one and a half+复数名词”作主语时,谓语用单数形式。
12.4C “one or two+复数名词”作主语时,谓语用复数形式。
12.5A 本句是强调句型的一般疑问句。强调的部分是主语the police,who后的谓语与thepolice保持一致。
12.6B 本句是非限制性定语从句,who在从句中作主语,从句谓语随先行词而定。
12.7C 本句谓语要与the gifts保持一致,根据本题的时态判断,应用过去时态。
12.8C “the majority/minority of+复数名词”作主语时,用复数谓语;themajority/minority后面不接“of+复数名词”,单独作主语时,谓语单复形式都行。A项时态错误。
12.9A “an average of+复数名词”作主语与复数动词连用,所以排除B、D。根据时间状语aweek“每周”,选A。
12.10D “the averageof+复数名词”作主语与单数动词连用,排除A、C。根据时间状语each year“每年”,选D。
12.11B “a totalof+复数名词”作主语与复数动词连用。12.12 A本句是感叹句,主语是man(人类),谓语用单数。句意:人类取得了多么辉煌的成就啊!
12.13B “more+复数名词+than one”结构谓语用复数。
12.14C “many a+单数名词”作主语,谓语用单数形式。
12.15B “one+单数名词+in…”作主语时,后面的谓语动词应用单数,本题也可改成:one tenthof the persons,by the age of 30,have no teeth left.
1.1B 不定代词all作主语且表示“人”时,谓语动词用复数形式。
1.2C as wellas连接的名词作主语所强调的是它前面的名词,故谓语动词要和该名词保持一致。本题的主语是Jack,故谓语动词要用hastravelled;who之后的从句是修饰hisfriends的,故第一空格要填like。
1. 3C “When he will arrive for themeeting”是主语,看作单数;making a big decision是动名词作主语,也看作单数,再根据时态,只能选C。
1.4B 本题为倒装句,主语是two daughters。
1.5D 第一句话为here/there的倒装句,主语为somepieces,用复数形式的谓语动词;第二句话的主语为the latest news,为不可数名词,所以用单数形式的谓语动词。
2.1B 本句的主语有两个To design new machines和to take chargeof the project,这两个主语用“and”连接,构成并列主语。
2.2B not only…but also…连接两个并列主语时,句子的谓语根据就近的原则处理。
3.1C “分数/百分数+of+名词”作主语,谓语应和名词保持一致。本句中what hepromised表示事情。
3.2D “more than one+单数名词”作主语,谓语用单数。
3.3A each of…结构中,each作主语用单数形式的谓语动词;theyeach的结构中,each为they的同位语,谓语动词用复数形式。
3.4D 从句动词spent暗示要填be动词的过去式;threeminutes前有表示复数的指示代词those修饰,表明threeminutes是复数含义。尽管表示时时间、金钱、距离等复数名词可看作一个整体,谓语用单数。如果明显指个数,谓语要用复数。如:Thereare two dollars on the table.Twenty days have passed since I lastheard from him.
3. 5A 在“a number of+复数名词”的结构中,a numberof相当于形容词many,复数名词是中心词,所以这一结构作主语时,谓语动词应用复数形式。
3.6D “a great/goodmany+复数名词”作主语,谓语动词用复数;A、C的谓语要用单数;如果在B项number后加上of就可以选了。