周末家里的电脑出故障了,系统无法启动,运行到XP的启动界面时蓝屏,显示“c0000218 unknown harderror”,好可怕,不会全部要重装吧?
【机型】IBM ThinkPad T43
【操作系统】WinXP SP3
【故障代码】STOP: c0000218 Unknow Hard Error
Stop 0xc0000218 error message means that anecessary registry hive file could not be loaded. This errormessage can occur if the file is corrupt or missing. To resolvethis issue, you can reinstall the operating system and restore theregistry files from a backup. The registry files may have beencorrupted because of hard disk corruption or some other hardwareproblem.
This error message can also occur if the driver hascorrupted the registry data while loading into memory, or thememory where the registry is loading has a parity error. In thelatter case, turn off the external cache and check the memorychips.
To resolve this issue, follow these steps:
Start your computer by running the RecoveryConsole, run the chkdsk /p command on the drive, and then restartyour computer. Test to determine whether the issue is resolved. Ifthe issue is resolved, do not complete the remaining steps. If theissue is not resolved, go to step 2.
When Windows loads, press SPACE BAR when the "LoadLast Known Good" message appears.
Complete a parallel installation, and restore theregistry files from a tape backup. To do so:
Reinstall Windows in a separate folder.
Restore the damaged registry hive from backup. Thisprocedure is specific to the backup application that you used tomake a backup. Consult the documentation of your backup applicationor consult the vendor if you need assistance. Typically, thisprocedure requires you to restore a system state backup to analternate location, and then copy the appropriate registry files tothe %SYSTEMROOT%System32config folder of the damaged operatingsystem.
If you do not have a tape backup, include thebackup of network servers and production workstations.
NOTE: If Windows is stored on a FAT partition, youcan restore the files by using another computer and by copying theregistry hive files to the %SYSTEMROOT%System32Configsubfolder.
根据微软的解释,发生c0000218 unknown hard error蓝屏故障的主要原因是由于非法关机导致注册表写入错误。具体是是注册表的某个文件(C:WindowsSystem32Config下)已经损坏。
(1)按DEL进入BIOS,进入boot选项卡,选择“hard diskdrives"(硬盘驱动器),
将“1st drive"调整为你的U盘,如果显示的不是你的U盘,可以按回车进行选择调整。调整完毕后,反回,然后进入"Bootdevice prinrity"选项卡,将第一启动调整为你的U盘。
(2)进入BIOS,首先将第一启动调整为First boot device调整为:USB-HDD,然后,再选择“Hard diskboot prierity"选项,将你的U盘调整为第一个驱动器。最后按F10保佑退出。
4、使用上面的U盘启动,进入系统后在U盘中找到FINALDATA ,启动之。
“我的电脑”中选中盘符后单击鼠标右键,在弹出的驱动器属性窗口中依次选择 “工具→开始检查”并选择“自动修复文件系统错误”和“扫描并恢复坏扇区”,然后点击开始,扫描时间会因磁盘容量及扫描选项的不同而有所差异(按上面的方法做后,会弹出一个框,点是,自动关机后在开机进行修复)。