英语用法之四:according to的用法是思维方式问题
坦率地说,如果读者是英语国家的专家、英语教师的话,我倒反而担心的不是这位老师的观点,而是其语言,如何能够让英语国家的专家相信文章所表述的观点,因为文章中多次使用了Accordingto my opinion, according to my understanding, according to myteaching experience, according to myobservation等等表述方式,我用word搜索功能一查,发现12次类似的表达。
这里涉及到一个关键问题:according to的用法到底是否会发生变化?
几年前,我曾经和一位英国专家讨论,尽管英语为母语的人认为according to myopinion是错的,但现在全世界那么多非英语国家的人都这么使用,会不会导致英语最终认可、接受这种表达?
这位专家(一位国际知名学者,当时没有说过是否公开其姓名,这里不言明,请谅)认为,因为这涉及到的是语义问题,accordingto 指的基于自己之外的证据(externalevidence),所以如果用according to my opinion就是自己的证据,与accordingto语义不符,所以,他估计不大可能接受这种用法,除非according to的词义就需要发生变化。
我这里也借用第三方来说明以上的看法,关于according to的用法,剑桥语法是这么说的:
套用这一用法,也就是:Accoring to Cambridge Grammar of English, the use ofaccording to is as follows:
According to meaning ‘asreported’
The most frequent use ofaccording to is when reference is made to external evidence to support a statement or anopinion:
According to the safety experts, it was all rightwhen they left it.
It’s the same in every block,according to Cliff, thecaretaker.
This delay, according to Mr Mckay, probably violated federallaw.
It’s going to be delayed,according to what Nick toldus.
According to is frequentlyused to refer to statistics, officialreports, surveys, opinion polls, studies, research, etc.,especially in more formal contexts:
According t o a recent report by the National FoodAlliance, children are being saturated with advertisementsfor sugar-rich confectionery.
And regional government,according to a poll taken last month byGallup, attracts the support of less than one in three ofthe public.
Note that according to refersto evidence from someone or somewhere else. As such, it usually hasa third person referent. It cannot be used to refer to one’s ownviews or statements: In my opinion all those sites should be madegreen-field sites.
(According to me/according to my opinion, all those sitesshould be…)
当然,according to还有inagreement with的意思。
According to is also used tomean ‘in line with’, ‘in harmony with’ or ‘depending on’. In thismeaning it is most typically not used in front position:
And is it all going accordingto plan so far?
If the police acted accordingto the law, then they should arrest him.[talking about placing people on a salaryscale]
I’m sure they probably gradepeople according to their experience.
Prices vary very slightlyaccording to whether you want ‘hotel’ or ‘hostel’service.
A closely related phrase isin accordance with, which is used in formal, written contexts tomean ‘in obedience to’, or ‘strictly following (rules andregulations)’:
The Socialist government,elected in 1994, resigned in December, but, in accordance with theconstitution, the President had to call on the Socialist party toform another government.