People walk through the town ofKailahun in eastern Sierra Leone. Sierra Leone's 11-year conflictfrom 1991-2002 left over 50,000 dead and became a byword forgratuitous violence, especially the amputation of limbs. A decadelater, the West African nation is peaceful, but among the world'spoorest. It is due to hold elections in November. April 23,2012
Containers of palm oil lie in frontof a store in the town of Kailahun in eastern Sierra Leone, April23, 2012
The remote border post betweenLiberia and Sierra Leone, where fighters from Liberia entered onMarch 23, 1991, and triggered the start of the civil war, in thevillage of Bomaru, eastern Sierra Leone, April 22,2012
Brothers Junisa, 12, and Momo Kabba,13, whose parents and grandparents were killed during the civilwar, now work tilling rice fields for the equivalent of US$0.70 perday, in the village of Bomaru, where the conflict started in 1991in eastern Sierra Leone, April 22, 2012
A sign commemorating the start of thecivil war is displayed at a memorial site where the conflict began,in the village of Bomaru, eastern Sierra Leone, April 22,2012
A wall in a building, notoriouslycalled the "Slaughterhouse," where rebel civil war victims werereportedly butchered using machetes and knives, is splattered withwhat local residents say are human bloodstains, in the town ofKailahun, eastern Sierra Leone, April 23, 2012
A headstone marks the mass grave ofrebel victims in the village of Bomaru where the conflict startedin 1991, in eastern Sierra Leone, April 22,2012
Graffiti scrawled by RevolutionaryUnited Front (RUF) rebels in the town of Kailahun in eastern SierraLeone, April 23, 2012
Olympic hopeful Abdul Rashid Bangura,27, shadow boxes while training at the national stadium in SierraLeone's capital Freetown, April 25, 2012. Sierra Leone's nationalboxing team was scrambling to raise money to send athletes to anOlympic qualifying event, but lack of financing and governmentsupport means the competition is likely out of reach for most ofthe national team
Pupils attend a Koranic school in thetown of Small Sefoda in eastern Sierra Leone, April 22,2012
A boy stands in an abandoned homethat was damaged during the 1991-2002 civil war, with graffitiscrawled by the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) rebels, in thetown of Kailahun in eastern Sierra Leone, April 23,2012
Diamonds lie on a table beside amobile phone in the town of Koidu, in eastern Sierra Leone, April21, 2012. Fighting in the 1991-2002 civil war was focused oncontrolling the diamond fields, and the profits from the stonesprovided the funding to the warring sides
Artisanal miners pan for diamonds,which fueled the 1991-2002 civil war, in the town of Koidu ineastern Sierra Leone, April 21, 2012
An artisanal miner pans for diamondsin the town of Koidu, April 21, 2012
A sheet advertising a traditionalmedicine doctor's services hangs outside his home by the roadsidein the town of Small Sefoda in eastern Sierra Leone, April 22,2012. With poor health services, some in Sierra Leone rely ontraditional medicines
A hacked stump stands in the midst ofa logged area in eastern Sierra Leone, April 22, 2012. Logging isillegal in Sierra Leone, but remains the leading cause ofenvironmental degradation, according to the European Union.Population pressure, common slash and burn methods and illegallogging mean the country's bountiful forests could disappear by2018, according to the Forestry Ministry
A worker carries charcoal through aslashed and burned area in eastern Sierra Leone, April 20, 2012.Population pressure, common slash and burn methods and illegallogging mean the country's bountiful forests could disappear by2018, according to the Forestry Ministry
A boy working to make charcoal standsin a slashed and burned area in eastern Sierra Leone April 20,2012
A forest burns in eastern SierraLeone April 23, 2012
A woman uses a net to catch fish in apool of water near the city of Makeni in Sierra Leone, April 20,2012
Kadiatu Kauma, 24, sits in a hospitalwith gunshot wounds to her arm, stomach and back after policeopened fire on a crowd of protestors in the mining town of Bumbuna,April 19, 2012. A woman was shot and killed and several others werewounded when police opened fire on a crowd protesting wages andworking conditions at the British mining company African Minerals,according to witnesses, hospital staff and policeofficials
Komba Nyanku, 12, (who wants tobecome a lawyer) and his friend, Abdoulaye Marrah, 12, (who dreamsof being a pilot) in the town of Koidu in eastern Sierra Leone,April 21, 2012. Neither of the boys have money to pay schoolfees
Girls selling sweets watch from theirmakeshift kiosk while other boys and girls their age attend schoolin the city of Makeni in Sierra Leone, April 20,2012
Sia Mondeh, 12, who would like tobecome a lawyer, in Koidu in eastern Sierra Leone, April 21, 2012.Mondeh has no money for school fees. The West African nation is nowpeaceful, but among the world's poorest
Guests attend a wedding in Koidu ineastern Sierra Leone, April 21, 2012
Groom Mohamed Araphan Kabba and hisbride, Fatmata Kabba, celebrate their wedding with guests in Koiduin eastern Sierra Leone, April 21, 2012
A grandmother gives her grandchildrenlessons on their porch in Sierra Leone's capital, Freetown, April24, 2012
People living in makeshift apartmentsat an abandoned former presidential palace look out from a balconyin Sierra Leone's capital, Freetown, April 24, 2012


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第10课《杨氏之子 》课文原文 梁国杨氏子九岁,甚聪惠。孔君平诣其父,父不在,乃呼儿出。为设果,果有杨梅。孔 指以示儿曰:“此是君家果。儿应声答曰:“未闻孔雀是夫子家禽。“ 第10课《杨氏之子》译文
