nian de gu shi
年的故事The Story of TheNian
zai hen jiu hen jiu yi qian
在 很 久 很久以前,Long, Long, ago,
you yi zhi guai shou ming zi jiao nian
有 一只怪 兽 名字叫“年”。There was a demon named Nian.
ta quan shen wu hei cong lai bu fa chu shenyin
它 全身乌黑,从来不发出声音。He lived with darkness and silence.
nian ping shi shui zai xi shan li
年平时睡在西山里,He slept in the western mountain
san bai liu shi wu tian xing lai yi ci
365天醒来一次,and would wake up only once a year,
xing lai de na tian zheng shi chu xi
醒来的那天,正是除夕,Thisday is called ChuXi,
nian jiu dao dong cun qu chi ren
年就到东村去吃人。Nianwould enter the village to eat people.
nian lai la nian lai la
“年来啦!年来啦!”“Nian is coming! Nian is coming!”
yi ge hei ying chu xian le
一 个黑 影 出现了!A dark shadow appeared and villagers screamed.
cun ming men zhun bei hao qi zhong wu qi
村 民们准备好七种武器:Thesoldiers prepared seven weapons:
dao bi jin shi gong ge mao
刀,匕,斤,矢,弓,戈,矛。Knife,dagger, axe, arrow, bow, dagger-axe, spear.
sheren men kai shi jin gong
“射---”人们开始进攻。The soldiers launched an attack on Nian.
suo you de bing qi dou yong wan le
所 有 的 兵 器 都 用完了,In the end, the weapons were used up,
nian hai shi dao qiang bu ru
年还是刀枪 不入,Nian was still alive,
cun ming fen fen dao xia
村民纷 纷 倒下。The soldiers were dead.
zhe shi yi ge xiao hong haicong tian er jiang
这时,一个小红孩 从天而降, Suddenly, a boy inred came down from Huo Xing.
ta shen chuan hong se yi shan
他 身穿 红色衣裳,He wore a red coat,
shou li na zhe huo ju
手里拿着火炬。and in his hand, he held a torch.

ta zou jin zhu dui jiang bao zhu dian ran
他走近竹堆,将 爆 竹 点燃。He lit a stack of bamboo
zhi ting jian po pa
只听见:“破啪!”and it made a noise:
pi li palapi li pa la
“噼里啪啦,噼里啪啦!”“Pong-pa! pi-li-pa-la,pi-li-pa-la!”
nian zai huo guang he bao zhu shen zhong
年在 火 光 和 爆竹声中Niantrembled with fear in the fire and noise
xia pao le
吓跑了。and left quickly.
xie xie xie xie
“谢谢!谢谢!”“Thank you! thank you!”
cun ming men wei zhe xiao hong hai bi wen ta
村民们围着小红孩并问他:The villagers came to the red boy and asked him:
wei shi mo nian pao le
“为什么 年跑了?”“Why did Nian leave ?”
xiao hong hai gao su da jia
小 红孩告诉大家:The red boy told the folks,
nian zui pa hong se pa huoguang pa sheng xiang
“年 最怕 红 色,怕 火光,怕 声响.“Nian is afraid of the red color, flames, and noises,
mei nian san shi zhi yiaofang pao zhu tie chun lian
每年三十,只要放 炮竹,贴 春联If you put up red couplets on your gates,
jiu ping an wu shi le
就平安无事了”。Set off firecrackers and kept on beating gong and drums
shuo wan ta jiu tuo xia zi ji de hongyiYourfamily will be safe.
说完,他就脱下自己的红衣Then he took off his coats and cut it in small pieces
fen gei mei jia mei hu
分 给每家每户。and gave each family a piece for their door.
di er nian you dao le
第 二年又到了。The next New Year came and the bells knocked 12 time
guo nian la guo nian la
“过年啦!过年啦!”“Nian is coming! Nian is coming!”
na ge ju da de hei ying you chu xian le
那 个巨大的黑影又出现了。The great dark shadow appeared again.
yiersansiwuliu qi
pi li palapi li pa la
“噼里啪啦!噼里啪啦!”“pi-li-pa-la! pi-li-pa-la!”
jia jia hu hu ba deng da kai
家家户户把灯打开,The people lit their lamps together,
fang bian pao qiao luo da gu
放鞭炮,敲锣打鼓。set off firecrackers and kept on beating gongsand drums.
nian xia pao le
“年”吓跑了。Nian was terrified and fled once again to the mountains
cong ci zao ye mei you xia shan guo
从此再也没有 下 山过。and didn’t dare ever return.
bai nian bai nian
“拜年!拜年!”“Happy New Year! HappyNew Year!”
di er tianda nian chu yi
第二天,大年初一,The next day, it is the first day of lunarChinese New Year.
cun ming men ai jia ai hu
村民们挨家挨户The people in the village visited each other
qing he ping an wu shi
庆贺平安无事。and congratulated each other on their safe life.
nian zhong yu bei zhi fu le
年终于被制服了Nian was no longer a threat,
ren men zai ge zai wu
人 们载歌载舞The people sang and danced
yin jie xing de chun tian
迎 接新 的春天。and welcomed new spring season.