q.d. (on prescription): Seen on a prescription, q.d. (or qd) meansone a day (from the Latin quaque die). The abbreviation issometimes written without a period in capital letters as "QD".However it is written, it is one of a number of hallowedabbreviations of Latin terms that have been traditionally used inprescriptions to specify the frequency with which medicines shouldbe taken.
Other examples include:

b.i.d. (bid or BID) is twice a day; b.i.d.. stands for "bis in die"(which means, in Latin, twice a day).
t.i.d. (or tid or TID) is three times a day ; t.i.d. stands for"ter in die" (in Latin, 3 times a day).
————q.i.d. (or qid or QID) is four times a day; q.i.d. stands for"quater in die" (in Latin, 4 times a day).
q_h: If a medicine is to be taken every so-many hours, it iswritten "q_h"; the "q" standing for "quaque" and the "h" indicatingthe number of hours. So, for example, "2 caps q4h" means "Take 2capsules every 4 hours."
aa 各 a.c. 饭前
ad 至 ad.us.ext. 外用
a.m. 上午 A.s.t.! 皮试
aq.dest. 蒸馏水 alt.2h. 每隔2小时一次
b.I.d. 每日二次
Cito! 急速地!
D.S. 给予标记
g. 克
h.s. 睡时
I.d 皮内注射 I.h 皮下注射
I.m 肌肉注射 I.v 静脉注射
I.v.derp 静脉滴注 I.v.drip 静脉滴注
I.v.gtt 静脉滴注 I.u 国际单位
Lent! 慢慢地!
m.d. 用法口授,遵照医嘱
M.D.S. 混合,给予,标记 M.f.pulv. 混合制成散剂
mg. 毫克 ml. 毫升
m.s. 用法口授,遵照医嘱
p.a.a. 用于患处
p 单位 p.c 饭后
pg. 微克 p.m 下午
p.o. 口服 pr.aur. 耳用
prim.vic.No2 首剂倍量
p.r.n 必要时 pr.nar. 鼻用
pr.nar. 鼻用 pr.ocul. 眼用
p.t.c. 皮试后
q.6h. 每6小时 q.2d. 每二天一次
q.d. 每天一次 q.h. 每小时
q.I.d. 每日四次 q.m. 每晨
q.n. 每晚 q.o.d. 隔日
q.s. 适量 q.w.d. 每周
Rp. 取
S. 标记,用法 Sig. 标记,用法
s.I.d. 每日一次 s.o.s. 需要时
St! 立即! Staim! 立即!
stat.! 立即!
T! 皮试
t.I.d. 每天三次 t.c.s. 皮试
u. 单位