TheTheory of Five Elements Similar to the theory of yin-yang, the theory of five elements :wood, fire, earth, metal & water was an ancient philosophicalconcept used to expla————in the composition and phenomena of thephysical universe. In traditional Chinese medicine the theory offive elements is used to interpret(解释) the relationship betweenthe physiology(生理学) and pathology(病理学) of the human body andthe natural environment. According to the theory, the five elementsare in constant move and change, and the interdependence and mutualrestraint of the five elements explain the complex connectionbetween material objects as well as the unity(统一) between thehuman body and the natural world. In traditional Chinese medicine, the visceral organs(内脏器官), aswell as other organs and tissues, have similar properties(性质) tothe five elements; they interact physiologically and pathologicallyas the five elements do. Through similarity comparison, differentphenomena are attributed(归结于) to the categories(范畴) of thefive elements. Based on the characteristics, forms, and functionsof different phenomena, the complex links between physiology andpathology as well as the interconnection between the human body andthe natural world are explained. The five elements emerged from an observationof the various groups of dynamic processes, functions andcharacteristics observed in the natural world. The aspects involved in each of the five elements arefollows: Fire: draught(气流), heat, flaring(发光的/燃烧的),ascendance(上升), movement, etc. Wood: germination(萌芽/发育/发生),extension(延长/范围/延伸), softness, harmony(协调/融合),flexibility(适应性/弹性), etc. Metal: strength, firmness(坚定/稳固), killing, cutting,cleaning up, etc. Earth: growing, changing, nourishing(滋养/怀有),producing(生产/结果), etc. Water: moisture(潮湿/湿气)), cold, descending(下降/突袭/访),flowing, etc. Between the five elements there exists close relationships that canbe classified as mutual promoting and mutual restraining(抑制)under physiological conditions, and mutual encroaching(蚕食/侵占)and mutual violating(干扰/侵犯) under pathological conditions. Bymutually promoting and restraining, functions of the varioussystems are coordinated and homeostasis(动态平衡) maintained. Byencroaching and violating, pathological changes can be explainedand complications predicted.
The order of mutual promoting among the five elements is that woodpromotes fire, fire promotes earth, earth promotes metal, metalpromotes water, and promotes generates wood. In this way each ofthe five elements has this type of mutual promoting relationshipwith the other, thus promoting is circular and endless. Accordingto the order of mutual restraining, however, wood restrains(抑制)earth, metal restrains wood, etc. Each of the five elements alsoshares this restraining relationship with the other. Mutualpromoting and mutual restraining are two aspects that cannot beseparated. If there is no promoting, then there is no birth andgrowth. If there is no restraining, then there is no change anddevelopment for maintaining normal harmonious(和谐的/协调的)relations. Thus the movement and change of all things existsthrough their mutual promoting and restraining relationships. Theserelationships are the basis of the circulation of naturalelements. Encroaching and violating are the pathological conditions of thenormal mutual promoting and restraining relationships. Encroachingdenotes(指示/表示) that the restraining of one of the five elementsto another surpasses the normal level, while violating means thatone of the five elements restrains the other opposite to the normalmutual restraining order. |
TheTheoryofFiveElements on the count of five
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