![[转载]钻石星泪的故事 钻石眼泪](http://img.aihuau.com/images/01111101/01111437t011a450617443bd973.jpg)
Thelegend of the seashark, their scales can be turned into gold, tearscan be turned into pearls. Theyoften at night, Lamentations, singing andmoving, but in factthey do not knowwhat issad? Whatis the tears?What is anelegy? Infact, those of them are just trapping food tools. Oneday, a shark who is stranded on the shore, tobe picked upby thevillagers. Per year in the village, there arepeople who by the lure in a shark who died in the sea,so they reallyhate the shark, more eagerto get wealth from him. Sothey took tothe sharkscales unplug, torturedhim and forced him to tears. Sharkbecause feelingthe fearand painof playingcards, andhe tearsinto pearls, becomeblack. When the villagers have to fightthe BlackPearl, unwilling to letgo even further.But the passage oftime, the shark was numb,and he did not have a flake will not cryagain. Peoplebecause they are not pearls, so hetook his discarded in the mountains.Shark homesick, hetears intoa sea-bluegem. When he was dying,a little girl found him.Attentive littlegirl to take care ofhim, he felt the warmth andcaring, he shed tears of joy, that is a brilliant golden like the sun like pearl.They arevery happy together, sharkgradually learnedto otheremotions. Until his injury healed,the little girlwith himto leave thevalley, also helped him back tothe beach. But when when shark who face the sea,but he feltsad farewellto thebeloved broke, hetears intobright red theblood gemsfrom histears.
Fearand pain becamesapphire becamethe BlackPearl, thoughtsof touchedturned into goldpearl, thepain of separation into aruby. Diamond Star Tears. ..
Thatlast little girldied?
Thatshark who gave upthe sea, back to the mountains, the two ofthem lived happily together. Thathe shed the eternal and tears of happiness, andturned it into a diamond.
No emotionaltears is merely atool to understand the truth, tearscan be turned into diamonds.