What is it over the last few years that helped me grow mywebsite, but also grow myself?
They are attitude, awareness and authenticity.
It ain't gonna going according to plan.
There are times in life when you will be tossed in the well too,with twists in your stomach and with holes in your heart. And whenthe bad news washes over you, and when the pain sponges and soaksin, I just really hope that you feel like you've always got twochoices. One, you can swirl and twirl and gloom and doom forever.Or two, you can grieve and then face the future with newly sobereyes.

Having a great attitude is about choosing option number 2, andchoosing, no matter how difficult it is and no matter what painhits you, choosing to move forward and move on, and take baby stepsinto the future.
3-year-olds are seeing the world for the first time. Having asense of awareness is just about embracing your inner3-year-old.And being aware is just about remembering that you saweverything you've seen for the first time once too.
It's just about being you and being cool with that.When you're authentic, you end up following your heartand you put yourself in places and situations and in conversationsthat you like and you enjoy. You meet people that you like talkingto. You go to places you dreamed about.