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Over to you,George

The central-bank governor sends a message to thechancellor

Feb 18th 2012 | from theprint edition

IT HAS been a turbulent week for Britain’s economy. On Monday, abad start: Moody’s, a credit-
rating agency, threatened to strip the government of its cherishedAAA status. New data on
Tuesday repaired some of the damage, showing that consumer-priceinflation was finally falling, to
3.6% in January from 4.2% in December, and over 5% before that.Then Wednesday’s news was
glum again: unemployment rose to 8.4% in the three months toDecember, the highest rate for
over 15 years. To cap it all, the Bank of England published itsquarterly Inflation Report, setting
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out where it thinks the economy is heading, whatthe bank will do about it and what it won’t.

Of the barrage of numbers released this week, unemployment will bethe one that concerns most
people. It will worry the chancellor of theexchequer, George Osborne, especially, as joblessness
wrecks both household and government finances. The best antidote isgrowth, but prospects are
poor. Sir Mervyn King (pictured above), governor of the centralbank, says the economy is likely to
zigzag in and out of positive territory until the end of theyear.

Threats to future growth include some things the bank cannot orwill not help with. Extreme euro-
area distress would be the most damaging, but it is outside thebank’s ability to quantify, let alone
control. Nor does the threatened rating downgrade require anyresponse from the bank, though it is
a reminder, on Sir Mervyn’s reading, that MrOsborne has no choice but to stick to his deficit-
reduction plan.
但这已超过了英国央行的能力范围,让他们自行解决吧。 连对下调政府信用评级这样地威胁英国央行也只是置若罔

Some threats do demand action, however. Small businesses, whichusually create lots of jobs, are
being starved of loans. And productivity growth has been poor,particularly in the services sector,
which accounts for three-quarters of economic output. Galvanisinglending will require targeted bank
-funding guarantees. Enhancing productivity will involve structuralreform. Both are jobs for electedofficials ratherthan the central bank, says Sir Mervyn. For him, monetary policyhas its
limits and has played its part. The bank’s taskis stabilising prices; if Mr Osborne wants growth,
it is his turn to move.
高生产力就需要产业结构改革。 默文.金爵士说,这两项工作都该归现任政府而非英国央行负责。对他而言,目前

In some ways the Bank of England would like to get back to theearly days of its independence,
granted in 1997. For nearly ten years inflation was at or close toits 2% target. But since March
2007 prices have been much more unruly, forcing the governor toapologise publicly time after time
for letting the consumer-price index overshootthe mark. Now, at last, things are looking better:
inflation should continue to drop as falls in wholesale energyprices flow through to lowerutilitybills.
The bank expects inflation to be back on targetwithin three years, perhaps dipping below it before
then (see chart).
http://media.economist.com/sites ...20120218_BRC594.gif
These forecasts are important for investors. Since March 2009 thebank has used asset purchases (quantitative easing, or QE) tofine-tune the amount of money in the economy, which can pumpup
bond and equity prices. Now, with inflation expected to be broadlyon target before long, it is
unlikely to announce a further round of QE sales or purchases inthe near future.

The message for households is clear too. Lower inflation means thatinterest rates are unlikely to
rise any time soon, keeping mortgage costs down. And real householdincome should improve. Tax
changes will also help, with an increaseinpersonalallowancesin the March budget worthabout
£1.1 billion ($1.7 billion). All this will be welcome relieffor people hit in 2011 by what Kevin Daly of Goldman Sachs calls a“perfect storm” of low wage growth, high inflation and taxincreases. If, that
is, they still have jobs.
暴”的人们,终于可以松口气了 。

from the print edition | Britain
utility bill:物业帐单, 这里面包括水、电、煤气等公共设施的使用费


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