PROLOGUEPress B to use Binoculars and scoutthe buildings ahead. There's nothing there so move ahead and jumpup into the building. Now, change the inventory items by clickingon Z or X and the icon below the name of your gun to the rightbottom corner of the screen changes, when you see Trip Mines, placeone mine to the left of the door and move to the right just likethat and place the next mine. There are two enemies behind thebroke vehicle ahead. Move towards the vehicle slowly from the leftside. When you are behind the vehicle, change your inventory itemto Rock and hold F, while holding, turn your character to the rightand release to throw the rock, when the enemy is coming slowly moveto the left of the vehicle and go into the door ahead. Now, hold Cto get into Prone and move thru the debris ahead. Take cover behindthe debris by hitting Q. Then move to the left and equip yourSilenced Pistol by pressing 3. Hold right click to aim, shoot theenemy in the head. Use a land mine on the body in front of you andjump over the low fence ahead and go up the stairs. Look thru thescope and aim at the head of the German - the one to the right.
Shoot him and take coverbehind the wall. Go under the window so that you can emerge andshoot thru it. There are a few enemies ahead. You need to accountfor the gravity now. Make sure your heart beat is low. If itreaches 60 then you can use E to get focus time. This way you canaim properly, the cross hair is not the aim. You have to aim withthe red triangle which comes below the cross hair at the enemies.After you kill all of them switch you your Thompson and move outthe the room. You come to the stairs and the landmine you out onthe body trips. Go down the stairs to the right and to the openwall...a tank comes thru so you need to find another exit. It's tothe right side behind you. You need to go prone to go thru thewall. Then take cover behind the wall to the right. There are a lotof enemies on the road ahead so you need to be very careful. Throwa rock at the car ahead and some of them come at you. Use yourpistol or Thompson on them as they come. Move out on the road andgo to the building ahead. Climb the stairs and make your way - staycrouched to avoid getting hit. When you reach the open wall takecover quickly. There's two to the left and three to the right. Killthem and vault over the wall to get out of here.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------SCHONEBERGSTREETSSlowly move to the left and take out your pistol.Aim at the head and take him down. Move onto the street and goleft. Stick to the wall infront of you. When you reach the end ofthe wall to the left, take cover and wait for both enemies to turnaway from you. If you are fast enough you can use the Sniper totake both of them down within a moment's delay. Move to where theyare and continue. You will come to a open door to the right andstairs leading up.
Take cover as soon as youare upstairs and shoot the enemy in the next room. Go right andjump down. Now, you are in the debris of a building and you can goto the rightmost room of the building and look thru yourBinoculars. There is an enemy in the building to the left justahead in the upper floor and if you look straight ahead onto theroad you will see the remaining enemies. Take them out one by one -kill only one at a time because this allows you to have a low heartbeat rate.
If you are up for too longor fire too many rounds at once your heartbeat will go berserk.After you are sure you killed every one Vault thru the window ontothe street. Go straight ahead, the street should be empty but justin case, go from cover to cover. You should also see an enemySniper in the top floor of the building which is at the end of thestreet - it's the last building to the right. Go to the yellowmarker which is a bag containing some ammo, grenades and a coupleof explosives. The first target is to the left at this street'send, it's a wall. The second target is a vehicle at the end of theroad to the left of this one. Use your binoculars and scout theroom to the right of the truck and you should see two enemies.There's another enemy who comes from the left of the street ahead.Kill all of them and place the explosive on the truck and go back.You should see a open door to the left, go thru it. You need toreach the absolute top of the building to get to the proper Vantagepoint. Move while crouching because there are two guards inside thebuilding.
You can take them out whilein cover. At the top you will need to go close to the wall and hitspace to climb it. Then climb again and you should be near thevantage point. Take out any of the remaining enemies and wait forthe convoy to arrive. The convoy has a Jeep in the front and atruck at the back. Shoot the explosive when the Jeep is just besideit. The Truck stops and our target comes out of it. take your timehere since there are a lot of enemies. A tank also makes its way infrom the left side - be very careful and stay in prone position.The tank cannot reach you if you are a couple of steps behind thebroken section of the floor. You can destroy the tank by shootingthe fuel tank on the tank.
Make sure you kill everyonefrom here and then move to the next room ahead and jump down fromthe broken section of the wall. Go down and you will come to anopen window on the right. You need to vault thru this window. Runto the objective, search him and take cover immediately. There aretwo guys who come from straight ahead. Kill them and exit thru thebuilding far ahead.
Look to your left and youshould see a watch tower. Go up the stairs and shoot the guard ontop. Take cover and look ahead with your Binoculars. You should seethree guards but the moment they hear a gun shot, more come. Also,there's another watch tower to the far right.
You are to kill the guardinside there first. You can use the cover of the sound (someone'stalking in the loud speaker) to hide the sound of your gun. Shootat appropriate time and they won't notice you. Climb down and moveahead. You should see more enemies ahead, kill them. You cannotenter the area ahead by jumping so you need to go to the right sideand you will see a path forward. When you enter the compound, lookto your left - the side the yellow marker is at and you will see aguard house to the left. Kill the guards inside and proceed ahead.You are inside the facility now The map shows the whole facilityand also where you need to plant the explosives. Be careful asthere are guards around every corner. You can still use the soundas cover for your shots. Process with extreme caution. Place theexplosives at the three locations and head to the last point. Afteryou reach the last yellow marker, be prepared as you will need tofight an entire squadron of enemies who are in the large hallahead. Take cover below the windows and shoot them. You will needto stay here for a very long time so brace yourselves. It's best totake out all enemies from here as they may flank you if you fightfrom below. You need to get out of the facility amidst theexplosions. The gate out is now open but proceed with extremecaution as a truck full of enemies drop in ahead of you. Take coverto the left or right of the gate and also there's one guy in thewatch tower ahead to the right. Take him out first. After you killall of them, just run ahead towards the exit.
As you move ahead, you will see enemies right infront of you soit's best if you sneak up to them and assassinate them from behindwith your pistol. As you come to the road you will draw fire fromthe front and right. There's a sniper on a large building to theright on the top floor. Kill him and then take care of the sniperon the top floor of the building ahead - he's near the brokenwall.
Clear the road and go tothe other side and run into the building to the left. Take thestairs down and move out. You come into a narrow space between thebuildings where more enemies are waiting. Kill them and go to theother end and into the building. Go up the stairs but be prepared.You come across single gunmen in each room and three in the lastroom. Take the Mosin Sniper from the table to the left of the roomand go back down and onto the road. Take cover behind the wreckageto the right and be prepared to kill more than a few enemies. Youneed to be very quick here, the Mosin is faster and more powerfulbut you still need to be quick. The enemies come from front andfrom the building to the left. There's a sniper on the building tothe left - kill first and move ahead. When you get near the bridgeyou should be able to see a sniper far ahead on the large building(far ahead). Take him out and enter the building to the left. Makeyour way to the lower part of the bridge and set up the explosivesby walking on the pipes. Go across and ump up onto the higherplatform and go into the building to the right. You are now in themuseum. If you want to kill everyone here then go straight to theend first the make you way to the left. The stairs leading up tothe vantage point are at the left end of the museum. There areenemies in every room and you can catch their attention by throwingrocks and when they get close you can use your pistol on them. Goto the left end and climb the stairs. The room you come to hasthree enemies. You can use your pistol or place a landmine and lurethem out. Move in and climb the wood frame at the end and you cometo the vantage point. The tanks are already moving in. Shoot theexplosives only after all three tanks on on the bridge. Thenanother tank comes in the field to your left. You can see the fuelcap on it if you zoom your sniper.There are also a lot of enemies downon the road so you will need to spend some time here. Move leftback near the wood frame and you see two enemies come, kill themand go down. You will see a hole in the wall and another woodworkgoing down. But first kill the enemies - one at the top of thebuilding to the left and the others on the road. After you clearthe place go down and run all the way to the other side and go intothe broken building to the right. There's gonna be more coming fromthe other side. Start killing them and move out of the building.You need to reach the other side of the road and there are twoenemies on mounted guns ahead. Kill them, you can go from thebuilding which is to the far left. There are also three snipers inthe two buildings to the far right.
To Top
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------OPERNPLATZIfyou look thru your binoculars, you should see three enemies farahead. You can mask the sound of your shots behind the bombings.Just look for the sound indicator at the top right of the screen.Move forward and just before where the enemies were standing youshould go right and into the building. Beware of the two soldiersinside. Now we need to secure the plaza. Go up to the second floorand to the rightmost room. Place mines near the stairs so that noone can attack you from behind. Start killing all the enemies inthe square ahead. After everyone is dead you'll see a new markerpointing to the building far right. Head out and to the right andmake your way to the vantage point. But there are snipers in thebuildings ahead, to the left, right and in the building ahead. Theycan be difficult to spot so look carefully.
Go into the large building thatcomes to the right, there are two enemies on top of the stairs, tothe left and the right. Make your way to the Vantage point and youshould see that the person of interest is about to be executed.Kill the guy who is going to shoot the POI and then the other twosoldiers near him. More soldiers come on the road, kill them beforethey get to the scientist. He moves into the building to the leftand he will be attacked from both sides, keep a vigilant eye on theupper floors before he comes up so that you can take the enemiesout before they kill him. He keeps moving to the left and when heexits the building then look to the left because more enemies comefrom a door to the left. Kill them and he keeps moving towards themuseum and eventually he is in the museum. Go down to meet him andhe warns that the Russians are coming Go to the marked location onthe first floor and be ready for the Ruskies. They come in a truckso if you keep your beat low enough you can enter focus mode andtake them out one by one as soon as they get out of the truck.Another Truck follow, kill all of them and this mission comes to anend.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------ST.OLIBARTUSCHURCHLook at the street to the left and you will see ahorde of enemies. There are two snipers on the buildings to theleft and the right. Kill all of them here and you should see a tankahead. Hit it's fuel cap and move there. There's another tank tothe right and a lot more enemies, you need to be careful here sinceit can get overwhelming very easily. Take your time and move intothe building behind the tank after the area is clear. Move to theright of the building and exit it. Go into the opposite buildingand be wary of gunmen. You are inside the church now. Make your wayvery slowly, use rocks here to distract and kill enemies. Moveinside and go up the stairs of the church. As soon as you are ontop of the stairs, climb the debris to the right to get to a higherpoint in the church. You need to go all the way up to pick up apackage so make your way there. When you reach the top, you get anew sniper. There are three different points the Germans areattacking from. The first can be seen from here itself so just gointo prone and start shooting. After the game tells you that thispoint is cleared, go backwards and down to the lower areas of thechurch. The second point has a truck with a gun mounted, take itout and kill everyone here.The third point has a tankand some soldiers. Aim at the tank only after it stops moving. Now,the Germans are inside the church and we need to escape this place.When you reach the ground floor note that they have taken points tothe left and the right so kill the ones to the left and thenproceed to the right to the exit.To Top
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TIERGARTENFLAK TOWERThere are two guys in the room ahead. You canuse your Thompson to take out both quickly if they are standingclose to each other. Move into the next room and go up the stairs.You come to a room with a catwalk ahead. There are two guys acrossyou, kill them and make your way to the other side. There you willsee stairs going back down so go down the stairs. When you are onthe lower level, be very careful not to draw too much attentionsince the area is filled with enemies. There's one on the upperfloor directly opposite to the door here. Distract the guards andtake them out and move into the room Go out thru the door to theright and take cover. You can see the Russians and the Germansfighting each other. Kill them alternatively. Move ahead and go upthe stairs to the left. Climb the pile of trash to the left andclimb the wall to get into the building.
Move ahead and stay crouched. Whenyou reach the low wall, move to the left-most side and startmarking your targets with the binoculars. You can mask your shotbehind the explosions and there are about six enemies you have aclear view of from here. After you kill a couple more will crawlout, there are about a dozen guys here and also one is behindsandbags to the far right side near a mounted gun. After you takeall of them out, walk back and go down the stairs to the right andgo out and into the complex ahead. As soon as you climb the stairs,more guys are in the room. You can set up trip and land mines andlure them down near the steps. There are five guys in the room, youcan lure them out one by one. The stairs leading up are on theother side of the room to the right. Go up and be very careful here- the enemies can come out of anywhere. Go around this place andyou come to another set of stairs leading up. Go up to the thirdlevel and take cover near the stairs. Start throwing rocks near thedoor ahead and take out the enemies as they come.
You can kill about six like that. Goahead and then outside, climb the steps but take cover as you go upsince there's a lot of enemies patrolling the area. You need to beextremely careful now since even one mis-timed shot can make lifehard. You need to make your way to the other side of the roof andgo down a similar set of steps you just came up on. After you godown the stairs on the other side, kill the enemy here and move tothe yellow marker and you can see the target clearly. The bestthing to do is to use your binoculars first to tag Mueller only andthen take him out while holding your breath. As soon as you fire,hell comes down as the alarm of the facility rings and you willsoon be swarmed by enemies and you still need to get out of thisplace. All you need to do is trace back the same path you took toget up here - shouldn't be too hard right..... well, it would nothave been hard if the whole place was not crawling with enemies.There are more even after you step out so be careful and kill allof them before you make a run for the exit on the road.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------KARLSHORSTCOMMAND POSTNow this is a very tricky one. Go straightand at the end are two enemies, take them down silently and go onthe left road and you will come to a crashed aircraft. The aircraftis also shown on the map. Go straight from this aircraft or justmove in the buildings to the right of the aircraft till you get tosee the center of area. At this place a tank is making rounds andto the left is a deserted building and on the right is the commandcenter. If possible, go into the deserted building slowly withoutbeing detected, try to move thru the debris.
When you are in thedeserted building, you should place your trip mine and land mine onthe two doors behind you and take cover at the door looking overthe area where the tank is moving. The fuel cap is in the center ofthe tank on either sides, take it out and the Russians get reallymad. They start coming at you from the front and one or two mayeven try the back entrance which we sealed off with the mines. Keepkilling them till they stop coming and move closer to the commandcenter. There are two mounted turrets to the left and right of theentrance of the center. Kill the guys on them and go inside. Youwill see enemies coming from ahead, take cover in the middle pillarand take all of them out -
there are at least 15 ofthem, after that go inside and kill the person holding the intel.While going back outside, you need to kill the Russian Sniper Team.Two are already inside this place. One of them is on the roof of abroke building directly opposite to the door and two more come inclose. The rest of it is entirely up to you since describing wherethey come from cannot be done. Just be vigilant and the finalsniper is on a tall tower, after you kill him you can proceed tothe next mission.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------KREUZBERGHQThe area in which the mission takes place is verysmall but the time you need is a lot because of the sheer number ofenemies you need to face. From where you start off you need to goaround the bridge to the other side - exactly opposite to where youfirst are. There's a tank ahead, take it down before proceeding.After you take down a group of enemies it appears as if all aregone but another group comes in immediately. This happens a fewtimes and also, when you are on the opposite road watch you backtoo. When you get to the lane where the subway entrance is farahead, take out all the enemies before proceeding. Go into theentrance and come out the other way. Take cover, if you are patientenough, you can cover all of your shots behind the noise ofexplosions thus avoiding detection. You need to do that for as longas possible, avoid detection and move forward slowly. The buildingyou need to go in has a mounted turret to the left of the open doorso watch out for it. Again, keep looking behind you because some ofthem just creep up. Enter the building shown and you finally getplausible intel. Now, we need to get past the square and into theopposite building but trucks full of enemies are dropped in thesquare. Make your way slowly to the other side. There's a sniper inthe building to the left ahead. There's may be more enemies thanyou think around here. The concentration of enemies is more nearthe entrance to the place you need to go. Go into that building andmake your way to the top and after the cutscene it's a battle ofsnipers once again. Move to the area ahead and climb the stairs.Keep low and take cover whenever possible. Look out for the shinesof the sniper's scope and take them out - you need to be quick,especially when you are against two of them. I'll give you the picsbelow so that you have an idea about the whereabouts of thesnipers.
- Make sure you killed thesnipers before moving to the next area. You'll come to a brokenpart of the roof and you cannot jump, just go into the room to theright and you come back to the roof again, make your way to theright to get out of this place.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------KOPENICKLAUNCH SITE
Use your pistol on the enemy ahead. There's one more patrollingfurther ahead and another to the right. Move slowly so that you canhear them come. From where you spawned move ahead and take theimmediate right and stick close to the walls to the left and staycrouched always. When you move to the wall on which the truck'sheadlight is shining, stop moving and take cover. You may not seethem but there are over half a dozen enemies on the ground aheadand four more to the right high on the walls.

They are on three mountedturrets and one's holding an auto rifle. Kill the ones over thewall and move ahead slowly and you will come to the trenches whenyou move to the yellow marker. Go into prone and move ahead tillyou come out. As soon as you come out, stick to the right wall andwhen you see a turn, take cover - there's a soldier in the lane tothe right, you can use a pistol to take him out. Look into your mapand you will see the path you need to take. Go near where you sawhim and move ahead slowly. At each turn you will find an enemy andthe left side has a small bunkhouse full of guards so you need tobe extra careful. You can keep a distance and lure them out withthe rocks. Make your way across the first length of the trench andyou should be able to see a small hole in the wall to the right asyou come into the shelter, go thru it and you will come to the lastsection of the trench, move ahead and you will be on top of thewall. There's a sniper to the left in the large building far away.He's in the room with the lights. Take him down and continue up thepath.
After a while you will cometo some rail tracks and the place where the launch supervisor isstationed. Kill the guard to the right of the supervisor and thentake him out quickly or just lob a grenade at both of them Now youneed to defend this point till the V2 rocket is completely fueled.Grab everything from the ammo crates here. There are two here andif you go down the stairs in the back of the room you will find twomore crates. You should have at least four trip mines and somelandmines with you. Trap the whole stair case from top to bottomsince the enemies comes down from the broke wall. Trap the stairscase and go up and make your stance by shooting thru the windows.After a while the rocket gets fully erected and the game tells youthat you have a new