JeepWrangler吉普牧马人 吉普牧马人jeep

所有汽车品牌中,唯一钟爱的只有Jeep,而Jeep系列中,最喜欢的还是Wrangler,特别是07年9月在北美上市,今年进口到国内的Jeep WranglerUnlimited,硬朗的车身,粗狅的线条,Command Trac 驱动系统, 315Nm的扭矩,255的大尺寸轮胎,37.7度的接近角,都令人热血沸腾! Only in a Jeep!


The Jeep Wrangler: A HistoricalOverview
JeepWrangler吉普牧马人 吉普牧马人jeep
First introduced to the world in 1987, the Jeep Wrangler is perhapsone of the most recognizable vehicles that is manufactured and isdefinitely one of the most recognizable Jeep vehicles. The Wrangleris considered a mini sport utility vehicle and is and has alwaysbeen produced by Chrysler, under the Jeep name. The Wrangler was asuccessor of the World War II Jeep vehicle, but was given a makeover in 1987, as well as 1997 and 2007. Despite having a longhistory, the Wrangler is a very popular vehicle that has been ableto stand the test of time. The Wrangler is known by Jeep underseveral names including YJ, TJ, and JK.

Starting in 1987 the Wrangler, also known as the YJ was built inBrampton, Ontario, Canada. The vehicle continued to be produced atthis location until 1992 when it began to be produced by Jeep’sToledo North Assembly plant that is located in Toledo, Ohio. Thoughthe vehicles were produced in Canada for many years, they were notsold under the Wrangler name was not used. Instead, it was offeredas a trim level of a Chevrolet pickup. The 1987 to 1995 models wereknown as the YK and the 1997 through the 2006 models were sold asthe TJ. Most Wrangler fanatics all over the world refer to thevehicle as YJ or TJ to specify the model that they are talkingabout.

The YJ, produced from 1987 until1995 was offered as a two door convertible as well as a two doortruck. There were three different engine options that included a2.0 liter, 4.0 liter, as well as a 4.2 liter as well as fourdifferent transmission options. The vehicle came with two differentgas tanks, either a standard 15 gallon tank or an optional 20gallon tank. Most of these models are seen with the 15 gallon tankas that was fairly standard for this type of vehicle at the time,whereas now there is a demand for greater fuel capacity.

The Wrangler produced from 1997 to 2007 was called the TJ and wasoffered with three different engines including a 2.4 liter, 4.0liter, as well as a 2.5 liter. The vehicle was offered as both atwo door convertible as well as a two door truck. There are threedifferent transmission offerings including a four speed automatic,a five speed manual, as well as a six speed manual. The TJ offers a19 US gallon gas tank, which is a compromise between the standard15 gallon and optional 20 gallon offered on the YJ from 1987 until1995.

The KJ is what the Wrangler will be known from the 2007 model onuntil it is updated again. Instead of just two different models tochoose from, the KJ features two two-door models as well as twofour-door models. The current engine is a 3.6 liter V6 with eithera four speed automatic or a six speed manual transmission. The newKJ features a larger gas tank in the past with fuel capacity at21.6 US gallons, which is something that a lot of consumerslike.

The Wrangler is one of few vehicles that have stood the test oftime, and this is because when the needs of the consumer change,the vehicle changes. While many considered the Wrangler strictly anoff road type vehicle in the past, it’s no longer that way withmany different model options. In fact, the Wrangler can now bethought of as a family car because of its diversity, spaciousinterior, and safety ratings.


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JeepWrangler吉普牧马人 吉普牧马人jeep

所有汽车品牌中,唯一钟爱的只有Jeep,而Jeep系列中,最喜欢的还是Wrangler,特别是07年9月在北美上市,今年进口到国内的Jeep WranglerUnlimited,硬朗的车身,粗狅的线条,Command Trac 驱动系统, 315Nm的扭矩,255的大尺寸轮胎,37.7度的接

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