集 | 引言 | 作者 | 旁白 | |
6x01"The Longest Night"(1 quote) | "A family is a place where mindscome in contact with one another. If these minds love one another,the home will be as beautiful as a flower garden. But if theseminds get out of harmony with one other it is like a storm thatplays havoc with the garden." 佛曰:“所谓家庭,即是心之所依。若心彼此相爱,则家如花似锦;若心彼此相憎,则如风卷残叶。” | The Buddha 佛 | JJ | |
6x02"JJ"(2 quotes) | "A tragedy need not have bloodand death; it's enough that it all be filled with that majesticsadness that is the pleasure of tragedy." 悲剧无需血腥和死亡,充满壮丽的哀伤便足够,这也是悲剧的本愿。 | Jean Racine 法国剧作家,17世纪法国戏剧三杰之一 | JJ | |
I'm thankful for my years spentwith this family; for everything we shared, every chance we had togrow. I'll take the best of them and lead by their example; whereever I go. A friend told me to be honest with you, so here itgoes. This isn't what I want, but I'lltake the high road. Maybe it's because I look at everything as alesson, or I don't want to walk around angry. Or maybe it's becauseI finally understand. There are things we don't want to happen, buthave to accept; things we don't want to know, but have to learn,and people we can't live without, but have to let go. 感谢在这个大家庭中度过的时光,感谢我们曾分享的一切,我们共同成长的岁月。我会带走最好的回忆,指引我的方向。有朋友告诉我要诚实,所以我要说,这并非我所愿,但我会坦然接受。或许因为我在一切中学习,或许因为我不愿心怀愤怒地离开,或许因为我最终明白了,有些事我们不愿看到却必须接受,有些事我们不愿知晓却必须学习,有些人我们不愿离开却必须转身。 | Jennifer "JJ" Jareau (She is quoting her exit interview) | JJ | ||
6x03 "Remembrance of Things Past"(2quotes) | "Remembrance ofthings past is not necessarily the remembrance of things as theywere." 对过去的追忆未必是如实的回忆。 | Marcel Proust (法国作家。1871.7.10-1922.11.8) | Rossi | |
"When I was younger I couldremember anything, whether it happened or not; but my faculties aredecaying, now, and soon I shall be so I cannot remember any but thelatter. It is sad to go to pieces like this, but we all have to doit." 当我年轻时,我能记得所有事,发生过的或是没发生过的。但如今我的记忆正在衰退,很快我便会忘记所有事,只记得那些从未发生过的。如此的崩溃真实悲哀,但我们都别无选择。 | Mark Twain (30.11.1835-21.04.1910,美国著名作家) | Rossi![]() | ||
6x04 "Compromising Positions"(2 quotes) | "Whatever you are, be a good one." 无论你是谁,要做个好人。 | AbrahamLincoln(1809年-1865年) 美国政治家,第16任总统,也是首位共和党籍总统 | Garcia | |
"We all wear masks and the timecomes when we cannot remove them without removing our ownskin." 我们都带着各自的面具,待要解开时却不得不连自己的皮肉一起揭走。 | André Berthiaume | Prentiss | ||
6x05 "Safe Haven"(2 quotes) | "All humanity is one undividedand indivisible family. I cannot detach myself from the wickedestsoul." 人类是一个浑然天成密不可分的家庭,我们无法将自己与世界上最邪恶的灵魂划清界限。 | Mahatma Ghandi 1869.10.2-1948.1.30 印度“国父” | Morgan | |
“But I have promises to keep andmiles to go before I sleep. And miles to go before Isleep.” 但入睡之前,我依然有承诺要遵守依然有漫漫长路要走。 | Robert Frost 1874.3.26-1963.1.29 | Morgan | ||
6x06 "Devil's Night"(2 quotes) | "If an injury has to be done to aman, it should be so severe that his vengeance need not befeared." 若要人受到伤害就应该严酷到底,使他再无复仇之力。 | Niccolo Machiavelli 意大利政治家 | Hotch | |
“Love feels no burden, thinksnothing of its trouble, attempts what is above its strength, pleadsno excuse for impossibility, for it thinks all things are lawfulfor itself and all things are possible.” 真爱感觉不到负担,不嫌任何事麻烦 ,为超出其所能的事做尝试,不为做不到的事找借口。因为它认为一切由自身而生,一切皆有可能。 | Thomas A. Kempis 英国地产商、政治家 | Hotch | ||
6x07 "Middle Man"(2 quotes) | "The herds seek out the great,not for their seed, but for their influence and the great welcomethem out of vanity or need." 畜群寻找能作领导的伟人是图他们的影响力而非利益,伟人欢迎畜群,因为他们虚荣或需要领导他人。 | Napoleon Bonaparte 拿破仑·波拿马 | Hotch | |
"Without heroes we are all plainpeople and don't know how far we can go." 如果没有英雄,我们就是前途未卜的平凡人。 | Bernard Malamud 美国小说家 | Hotch | ||
6x08 "Reflection of Desire"(2 quotes) | "Fame will go by and, so long,I've had you, fame. If it goes by, I've always known it was fickle.So at least it's something I experience, but that's not where Ilive." 盛名终会消逝,再见,我曾拥有你,盛名我心明了,盛名如浮云,声名显赫能几时,至少我尝过个中滋味,却不是我生活的方向。 | Marilyn Monroe 玛丽莲·梦露 | Garcia | |
"I believe humanity was born fromconflict. Maybe that's why in all of us lives a dark side. Some ofus embrace it. Some have no choice. The rest of us fight it. And inthe end, it's as natural as the air we breathe. Some point, we'reforced to face the truth...ourselves. 我相信人性天生矛盾,因此我们都活在黑暗一面,有人欣然接受,有人无奈默许,还有人奋力反抗,到头来,它变得如呼吸的空气一般自然。在某一时刻,我们被迫面对真相......我们自己。 | PenelopeGarcia | Garcia | ||
6x09 "Into the Woods"(2 quotes) | "I am invisible, understand,simply because people refuse to see me." 我是隐形人,只因人们拒绝看见我。 | Ralph Ellison 美国黑人小说家 | Morgan | |
"Evil endures a moment's flushand then leaves but a burnt up shell." 瞬间光亮之后,恶魔只留下一个燃烬的外壳。 | Elise Cabot 诗人 | Hotch | ||
6x10 "What Happens at Home"(2 quotes) | "When we werechildren, we used to think that when we grew up we would no longerbe vulnerable. But to grow up is to accept vulnerability, to bealive is to be vulnerable." 小时候我们以为长大后就会变坚强、不易受伤,然而成长意味着接受弱点,或者就逃不过受伤。 | Madeleine L'Engle | Hotch | |
"Children beginby loving their parents. As they grow older they judge them,sometimes they forgive them." 最初,孩子爱着父母,随着年龄的增长他们审视父母,有时原谅父母。 | Oscar Wilde 英国著名诗人、作家及戏剧家 | Rossi | ||
6x11 "25 to Life"(2 quotes) | "There is nosuch thing as part freedom." 世上不存在部分自由之说。 | Nelson Mandela 南非黑人反种族隔离活动家 | Morgan | |
"All truths areeasy to understand once they are discovered; the point is todiscover them." 只要被发现一切真相都简单易懂。 | Galileo Galilei 意大利物理学家、天文学家和哲学家,近代实验科学的先驱者。 | Morgan | ||
6x12 "Corazón"(2 quotes) | "No man choosesevil because it is evil; he only mistakes it for happiness, thegood he seeks." 没有人会因为邪恶而选择邪恶,他只是将邪恶误以为是幸福。 | Mary WollstonecraftShelley | Reid | |
"The best andmost beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched -they must be felt with the heart." 人世间最美好的事物不可见、不可触,只可用心体会。 | Helen Keller 美国盲聋女作家、教育家、慈善家、社会活动家 | Reid | ||
6x13 "The Thirteenth Step"(2 quotes) | "What reallyraises one's indignation against suffering is not sufferingintrinsically, but the senselessness of suffering."真正使人们对痛苦倍加愤怒的不是对痛苦的感觉,而是对痛苦的无感。 | Frederich Nietzsche 尼采 | Prentiss | |
"What happenedin the past that was painful has a great deal to do with what weare today." 曾经的痛苦决定了今天的你我。 | William Glasser 美国心理治疗学家,现实治疗法的创始人 | Prentiss | ||
6x14 "Sense Memory"(2 quotes) | “Hunting is nota sport. In a sport, both sides should know they're in the game.” 狩猎不是游戏,游戏双方应该知晓自己身处游戏中。 | Paul Rodriguez 喜剧明星 | Morgan | |
"Nothingrevives the past so completely as a smell that was once associatedwith it." 气味是记忆的最佳保鲜剂。 | Vladimir Nabokov 小说家和文体家 | Prentiss | ||
6x15 "Today I Do"(2 quotes) | “It's hard tofight an enemy who has outposts in your head.”同已探清你思路的敌人作战,任务艰巨。 | Sally Kempton 管理学家 | Rossi | |
“There's nochance, no destiny, no fate, that can circumvent or hinder orcontrol the firm resolve of a determined soul.”没有偶然、没有定数、没有宿命能阻碍一个果敢灵魂的信念。 | Ella WheelerWilcox | Prentiss | ||
6x16 "Coda"(2 quotes) | "Tomorrow, you promise yourself, will bedifferent, yet, tomorrow is too often a repetition oftoday." 你允诺自己明天会更好,日复一日却总是如出一辙。 | James T. McKay 作家 | Reid | |
"Most people ofaction are inclined to fatalism and most people of thought believein providence." 实干家相信宿命,思想家信仰神明。 | Honore de Balzac 巴尔扎克 | Ian Doyle | ||
6x17 "Valhalla"(2 quotes) | "When I let go of what I am, Ibecome what I might be." 以其终不自为大,故能成其大。 | Lao Tzu 老子 | Prentiss | |
"Confession is always weakness.The grave soul keeps its own secrets, and takes its ownpunishment in silence." 忏悔永远是一种弱点,墓里的灵魂只能在六尺之下守护自己的秘密,默默承受那近乎永恒的惩罚。 | Dorothea Dix 记者、美国活动家 | Prentiss | ||
6x18 "Lauren"(2 quotes) | "The secret to getting awaywith lying is believing with all your heart, that goes for lying toyourself even moreso than lying to another." 摆脱谎言的诀窍在于对其深信不已,与对他人撒谎相比,更重要的是对自己撒谎。 | Elizabeth Bear 作家 | Prentiss | |
"People will believe a big liesooner than a little one, and if you repeat it frequently enough,people will sooner or later believe it." 与无伤大雅的小谎相比,人们更容易相信弥天大谎。 | Walter Langer 心理分析家 | JJ | ||
6x19 "With Friends Like These..."(2quotes) | "The old faiths light theircandles all about, but burly truth comes by and puts themout." 信仰如薪火般四处传播,事实却似暴雨将其浇熄。 | Lizette Reese 诗人 | Reid | |
"It is not his enemy or foethat lures him to evil ways."走上邪恶之路,皆因自我一念,而非敌人之故。 | Siddharta Buddha 释迦牟尼佛 | Morgan | ||
6x20 "Hanley Waters"(1 quote) | "Man, when he does not grieve,hardly exists." 我悲故我在 | Antonio Porchia 意大利诗人 | Morgan | |
6x21 "The Stranger"(2 quotes) | "Sometimes human places createinhuman monsters." 所谓的人性社会,却不时造就着毫无人性的禽兽。 | Stephen King | Hotch | |
"Every journey into the past iscomplicated by delusions, false memories, false naming of realevents." 每次回顾往昔的旅途,都充斥着虚妄、蒙蔽、混淆是非。 | Adrienne Rich 美国诗人 | Seaver | ||
6x22 "Out of the Light"(2 quotes) | "Of this alone, even god isdeprived, the power of making things that are past never to havebeen."哪怕上帝也独为此事吝啬了慷慨,赋予抹去一切过往的力量。 | Agathon 古希腊悲剧诗人 | Rossi | |
"Bring the past only if you'regoing to build from it." 回顾过往的唯一价值在于坚实前进的脚步。 | Doménico Cieri Estrada 墨西哥作家 | Hotch | ||
6x23 "Big Sea"(2 quotes) | "The sea has never beenfriendly to man. At most it has been the accomplice of humanrestlessness."大海从未对人类假以辞色,它最大的和善却是时时加剧着人们的不安。 | JosephConrad | Rossi | |
"We are tied to the ocean. Andwhen we go back to the sea, whether it is to sail or to watch - weare going back from whence we came."我们与大海紧紧相连,不论是扬帆远航还是凭栏眺望,回到大海就回到了来时的地方。 | John F. Kennedy 美国第35任总统 | Morgan | ||
6x24 "Supply & Demand"(2quotes) | "And yet to every bad there'sa worse."一波未平一波又起雪上又加霜 | Thomas Hardy 英国诗人、小说家 | Hotch | |
"What lies in our power to do,lies in our power not to do."我们有所为的能力,也有所不为的能力。 | Aristotle 亚里士多德 | Rossi | ||