第八十三条 除累积投票制外,股东大会将对所有提案进行逐项表决,对同一事项有不同提案的,将按提案提出的时间顺序进行表决。除因不可抗力等特殊原因导致股东大会中止或不能作出决议外,股东大会将不会对提案进行搁置或不予表决。
Article 83 Except under thecumulative voting system, the shareholders’ meeting will vote onall resolutions individually. If one matter has differentresolutions, they will be voted in the chronological order of theproposals being proposed. Except under special circumstances suchas force majeure, leading to the suspension or inability to makeresolutions to make decisions at the shareholders’ meeting, theshareholders’ meeting shall not set aside the resolutions and leavethe resolutions undecided.
第八十四条 股东大会审议提案时,不会对提案进行修改,否则,有关变更应当被视为一个新的提案,不能在本次股东大会上进行表决。
Article 84 When ashareholders’ meeting examines resolutions, it will not amendresolutions. Otherwise, such changes will be treated as newresolutions and cannot be voted on during that shareholders’meeting.
第八十五条 同一表决权只能选择现场、网络或其他表决方式中的一种。同一表决权出现重复表决的以第一次投票结果为准。
Article 85 The same votingright can only choose one method of voting amongst voting at themeeting, by internet or by other methods. If one voting right hasvoted more than once, it will be counted according to the resultwhen voted for the first time.
第八十六条 股东大会采取记名方式投票表决。
Article 86 Voting atshareholders’ meeting will record the name of the voter.
第八十七条 股东大会对提案进行表决前,应当推举两名股东代表参加计票和监票。审议事项与股东有利害关系的,相关股东及代理人不得参加计票、监票。
Article 87 Before theshareholders’ meeting vote on resolutions, it should nominate 2shareholder representatives to count and supervise the voting. Ifthe matter to be discussed and a shareholder have conflict ofinterests, the relevant shareholder and his proxy cannot count orsupervise the voting.
When a shareholders’meeting vote on resolutions, the counting and supervision of votingshould be conducted together by lawyers, shareholderrepresentatives and supervisor representatives. The voting resultsshould be announced during the meeting. The voting results shouldbe contained in the minutes of meeting.
A listed companyshareholder or its proxy who uses the internet or other votingmethods, is authorized to verify his voting results throughrelevant voting system
第八十八条 股东大会现场结束时间不得早于网络或其他方式,会议主持人应当宣布每一提案的表决情况和结果,并根据表决结果宣布提案是否通过。
Article 88 The completionof the shareholders’ meeting at the venue cannot be earlier thanvoting by internet or other methods. The conductor of the meetingshould announce the voting circumstances and results of eachresolution. He should also announce whether the resolutions havebeen passed according to the voting results.
Before officiallyannouncing the voting results, the listed company, vote counter,vote supervisor and major shareholder, and the internet server hasa duty keep confidential the voting circumstances when they areinvolved with voting at the venue of the meeting, by internet orother methods.
第八十九条 出席股东大会的股东,应当对提交表决的提案发表以下意见之一:同意、反对或弃权。
Article 89 Shareholdersattending the shareholders’ meeting should present one of thefollowing views during the voting of a resolution: consent,objection or abstention.
A voting ticket that isincomplete, wrongly completed, illegible, or not yet cast, will betreated as the voter giving up his voting rights. The votesrepresented by his shares will be treated as abstention.
第九十条 会议主持人如果对提交表决的决议结果有任何怀疑,可以对所投票数组织点票;如果会议主持人未进行点票,出席会议的股东或者股东代理人对会议主持人宣布结果有异议的,有权在宣布表决结果后立即要求点票,会议主持人应当立即组织点票。
Article 90 If the conductorof the meeting has any doubts towards the voting results, he canorganize a recounting of the cast votes. If the conductor of themeeting has not yet counted the votes, shareholders or theirproxies attending the meeting and having a different view towardsthe results announced by the conductor, can request a recounting ofthe votes after the announcement. The conductor should immediatelyorganize a recounting.
第九十一条 股东大会决议应当及时公告,公告中应列明出席会议的股东和代理人人数、所持有表决权的股份总数及占公司有表决权股份总数的比例、表决方式、每项提案的表决结果和通过的各项决议的详细内容。
Article 91Decisions atshareholders’ meeting should be announced as soon as possible. Theannouncement should specify the number shareholders and proxiesattending the meeting, the total shares held with voting rights andtheir proportion to the total voting rights of the company, themethod of voting, voting results of each resolution and detailedcontents of each resolution passed.
Note: A listed companywhich issues domestic listed foreign capital shares shouldrespectively analyze statistically and announce the attendance andvoting circumstances of domestic shareholders and foreign capitalshareholders.
第九十二条 提案未获通过,或者本次股东大会变更前次股东大会决议的,应当在股东大会决议公告中作特别提示。
Article 92 If a resolutionis not passed, or if this shareholders’ meeting changes thedecision of a former shareholders’ meeting, this should bespecially noted in the announcement of decisions of theshareholders’ meeting
第九十三条 股东大会通过有关董事、监事选举提案的,新任董事、监事就任时间在〖就任时间〗
Article 93 If ashareholders’ meeting approves resolutions to nominate directors orsupervisors, the newly appointed directors or supervisors will beappointed from (time).
Note: the method ofconfirmation of appointment of the newly elected director orsupervisor should be specified in the articles.
第九十四条 股东大会通过有关派现、送股或资本公积转增股本提案的,公司将在股东大会结束后2个月内实施具体方案。
Article 94 If ashareholders’ meeting approves the distribution of dividends, bonusshares or
第九十五条 公司董事为自然人,有下列情形之一的,不能担任公司的董事:
capital central fundsproposals, the company shall effect the actual plans two monthsafter the conclusion of the shareholders’ meeting.
Article 95 A companydirector is a natural person. In any one of the followingcircumstances, he cannot become a company director:
(1) No civil capacity orlimited civil capacity,
(2) Being sentenced topunishment due to corruption, taking bribes, embezzlement,misappropriation or disrupting the social order of the socialistmarket economy, and the execution period has not reached 5 years;or being deprived of political rights due to the commission of acrime, and the execution period has not reached 5 years,
(3) A person who is adirector or factory manager, or manager of a company or enterprisebeing liquidated, and bearing personal responsibility to theliquidation of that company or enterprise, and three years has notelapsed since the completion of liquidation of that company orenterprise,
(4) Being the legalrepresentative of a company or enterprise whose business licensewas cancelled because of breaking the law and being personallyresponsible, and three years has not elapsed since the cancellationof that business license,
(5) Bearing a personal debtof significant amount which is due and unpaid in full,
(6) Being prohibited toenter the securities market by the CSRC and the prohibition periodhas not yet expired,
(7) Other contentsprescribed by the law, administrative regulations or departmentalregulations. If an election or nomination of a director contravenesthis Article, that election or nomination or appointment is void.If a situation under this Article appears during the period ofservice of a director, the company will terminate hisduties.
第九十六条 董事由股东大会选举或更换,任期〖年数〗。董事任期届满,可连选连任。董事在任期届满以前,股东大会不能无故解除其职务。
Article 96 The director iselected or replaced by a shareholders’ meeting. His period ofservice is (number of years). When a directors’ period of serviceexpires, he can be reelected. Before a directors’ period ofservice expires, the shareholders’ meeting cannot terminate hisduties without a reason.
A director’s period ofservice commences from the date he takes up the appointment, untilthe current term of service of board of directors completes. If adirectors’ period of service expires but new directors are not yetappointed, before the newly elected director takes up appointment,the original director(s) shall still carry out directors’ dutiesaccording to the law, administrative regulations, departmentregulations and these Articles.
A director’s post can alsobe taken up by a manager or other senior management personnel. Butthe total number of managers or other senior management personnelwho are also directors, plus the number of staff representativedirectors, cannot exceed half the total number ofdirectors.
Note: The articles shouldspecify a regulated and transparent director election procedure.Amongst the members of the board of directors there can be staffrepresentatives. The articles should clearly specify whether therecan be directors who are staff representatives as well as thenumber of staff representative directors. Staff representativesamongst the board of directors are elected democratically by thecompany staff through the staff representative meetings, staffmeetings or other methods, and then enter the board ofdirectors.
第九十七条 董事应当遵守法律、行政法规和本章程,对公司负有下列忠实义务:
Article 97 A directorshould comply with the law, administrative regulations and theseArticles. He has the following duties of honesty towards thecompany:
(1) He should not make useof his position to receive bribes or other illegal income andcannot embezzle the company assets,
(二)不得挪用公司资金;(2)He cannot misappropriate company funds,
(3) He cannot use hispersonal name or other people’s names to open accounts to depositcompany assets or funds,
(4) He cannot contravenethese Articles and without having the consent of the shareholders’meeting or the board of directors, lend company funds to otherpeople or provide guarantee to other people using companyassets,
(5) Cannot contravene theseArticles or without the consent of the shareholders’ meeting, enterinto contacts or trade with the company,
(6) Without the consent ofthe shareholders’ meeting, he cannot make use of his position toobtain business opportunities belonging to the company, for himselfor other people. He cannot trade with himself or others in the sametype of business of the company,
(7) He cannot acceptcommissions for himself when trading with othercompanies,
(八)不得擅自披露公司秘密;(8)He cannot unilaterally disclose company secrets,
(9) He cannot make use ofhis associated relationship to damage company interests,
(10) Other honesty dutyspecified by the law, administrative regulations, departmentalregulations and these Articles Any income of the director incontravention of this Article should belong to thecompany.
He should be responsiblefor compensating any losses caused to the company.
Note: except the aboveduties, the company can, according to actual circumstances,increase the directors’ duties towards the company in thearticles.
第九十八条 董事应当遵守法律、行政法规和本章程,对公司负有下列勤勉义务:
Article 98 A directorshould comply with the law, administrative regulations, and theseArticles. He has the following duties of due diligence towards thecompany:
(1) He should be careful,serious and diligent in exercising his authorities conferred by thecompany, in order to ensure that the business activities of thecompany comply with the nations’ law, administrative regulationsand various economic policy requirements of the nation. Thebusiness activities cannot exceed the scope of activities specifiedby the business license,
(二)应公平对待所有股东;(2)Should treat all shareholders fairly,
(3) Should understand atall times the operation and management circumstances of the companybusiness,
(4) Should signconfirmation opinions on the periodic reports of the company.Should ensure that the information disclosed by the company istrue, accurate, and complete,
(5) Should truthfullysupply relevant circumstances and information to the supervisoryboard, and not interfere with the exercising of duties by thesupervisory board or supervisors,
(6) Other due diligenceduties specified by the law, administrative regulations, departmentregulations and these Articles.
Note: The company can,according to actual circumstances, increase due diligence dutiestowards company directors in these Articles.
第九十九条 董事连续两次未能亲自出席,也不委托其他董事出席董事会会议,视为不能履行职责,董事会应当建议股东大会予以撤换。
Article 99 If a directorcannot personally attend two consecutive meetings, and does notappoint other directors to attend board of directors’ meeting, heis treated as not being able to carry out his duties. The board ofdirectors should recommend to the shareholders’ meeting to replacehim.
第一百条 董事可以在任期届满以前提出辞职。董事辞职应向董事会提交书面辞职报告。董事会将在2日内披露有关情况。
Article 100 A director canresign before the expiry of his term of service. When a directorresigns, he should submit a written resignation report to the boardof directors. The board of directors should disclose the relevantcircumstances within 2 days.
If the members of the boardof directors fall below the minimum legal requirement due to adirector’s resignation, before a newly elected director commencesthe appointment, the original director(s) should still carry outthe director’s duties according to the law, administrativeregulations, departmental regulations and theseArticles.
Except as specified in thelast paragraph, the director’s resignation takes effect when hisresignation report is delivered to the board ofdirectors.
第一百零一条 董事辞职生效或者任期届满,应向董事会办妥所有移交手续,其对公司和股东承担的忠实义务,在任期结束后并不当然解除,在本章程规定的合理期限内仍然有效。
Article 101 When adirector’s resignation takes effect or his term of service expires,he should complete all transfer procedures with the board ofdirectors. His duty of honesty towards the company and theshareholders will not expire after the expiry of his term ofservice. The duty is also effective within a reasonable periodspecified by these Srticles.
Note: The articles shouldspecify the validity period of the director’s duty of honesty afterhis resignation takes effect or expiry of his terms ofappointment.
第一百零二条 未经本章程规定或者董事会的合法授权,任何董事不得以个人名义代表公司或者董事会行事。董事以其个人名义行事时,在第三方会合理地认为该董事在代表公司或者董事会行事的情况下,该董事应当事先声明其立场和身份。
Article 102 In the absenceof a legal authorization by these articles or by the board ofdirectors, no director can use his personal capacity to representthe company or the board of directors. When a director makes use ofhis personal capacity, but a third party reasonably thinks that thedirector is representing the company or the board of directors,that director should declare his position and capacity inadvance.
第一百零三条 董事执行公司职务时违反法律、行政法规、部门规章或本章程的规定,给公司造成损失的,应当承担赔偿责任。
Article 103 When a directorcontravenes the law, administrative regulations, departmentregulations or these Articles when carrying out his duties, causinglosses to the company, he should be responsible tocompensate.
第一百零四条 独立董事应按照法律、行政法规及部门规章的有关规定执行。
Article 104 An independentdirector should carry out the requirements according to the law,administrative regulations and department regulations.
第一百零五条 公司设董事会,对股东大会负责。
Article 105 The companysets up a board of directors responsible to the shareholders’meeting.
第一百零六条 董事会由〖人数〗名董事组成,设董事长1人,副董事长〖人数〗人。
Article 106 The board ofdirectors is made up (number of) directors, with one chairman and(number of) vice chairmen.
Note: the company shouldspecify the number of directors in the board of directors in theseArticles.
第一百零七条 董事会行使下列职权:
Article 107 The board ofdirectors exercises the following duties:
(1) Convenes shareholders’meetings, and reports their work to the meetings,
(二)执行股东大会的决议;(2)Executes decisions of the shareholders’ meetings,
(3) Determines theoperational plans and investment plans of the company,
(4) Prepares the annualdraft and finalized financial budgets of the company,
(5) Prepares the profitdistribution plans and loss compensation plans of thecompany,
(6) Prepares plans for thecompany to increase or decrease its registered capital, for issuingbonds or other securities as well as for the listing of thecompany,
(7) To draft plans for thecompany with respect to significant takeovers, purchase of shares,mergers, divisions, winding up or changing the style of thecompany,
(8) Within the scopeauthorized by the shareholders’ meeting, to decide the company’sexternal investment, purchase and sale of assets, offering assetsas securities, external guarantees, appointment to manage financeor to manage associated transactions,
(9) To decide to establishthe internal management organizations of the company,
(10)To hire or fire companymanagers and secretaries to the board of directors; in accordancewith the managers’ nominations, to hire or fire senior managementpersonnel such as assistance managers, financial controllers, andto decide on their remuneration, reward and disciplinarymatters,
(11)To prepare the basicmanagement system of the company,
(十二)制订本章程的修改方案;(12)To prepare plans to amend these Articles,
(十三)管理公司信息披露事项;(13)To manage the disclosure of information by thecompany,
(14)To suggest to the boardof directors on the hiring or replacement of the auditors of thecompany,
(15)To receive the workingreports of the managers and to investigate their work,
(16)Other duties authorizedby the law, administrative regulations, departmental regulations,or these Articles.
Note: Matters beyond thescope of authorization of the shareholders’ meeting should besubmitted to the shareholders’ meeting for discussion.
第一百零八条 公司董事会应当就注册会计师对公司财务报告出具的非标准审计意见向股东大会作出说明。
Article 108 The board ofdirectors of the company should explain to the shareholders’meeting the financial report of the company, whenever a registeredaccountant presents an opinion other than a standard auditopinion.
第一百零九条 董事会制定董事会议事规则,以确保董事会落实股东大会决议,提高工作效率,保证科学决策。
Article 109 The board ofdirectors shall lay down the meeting regulations of the board ofdirectors, in order to ensure that the board of directorsimplements the decisions of the shareholders’ meeting, that workefficiency is increased, and that decisions are madescientifically.
Note: the above Articlespecifies the holding and voting procedures of the board ofdirectors. The meeting regulations of the board should be part ofthese Articles or as an Appendix to these Articles. They aredrafted by the board of directors and approved by the shareholders’meeting.
第一百一十条 董事会应当确定对外投资、收购出售资产、资产抵押、对外担保事项、委托理财、关联交易的权限,建立严格的审查和决策程序;重大投资项目应当组织有关专家、专业人员进行评审,并报股东大会批准。
Article 110 The board ofdirectors should determine the limits of external investment,purchase and sale of assets, offering of assets as securities,external guarantees, as well as appointments to manage thecompany’s finance and associated transactions, in order toestablish a strict investigation and decision procedure. Forsignificant investments, it should assemble related experts andprofessionals for commenting, examining and reporting to theshareholders’ meeting for approval.
Note: the directors of thecompany should, according to relevant law and regulations andactual circumstances of the company, set down limits of authorityin accordance with the actual requirements of the company in theseArticles, as well as the actual proportion of the funds involvedwith respect to the company assets.
第一百一十一条 董事会设董事长1人,可以设副董事长。董事长和副董事长由董事会以全体董事的过半数选举产生。
Article 111 The board ofdirectors has one chairman. It can have vice chairman/chairmen. Thechairman and vice chairman/chairmen are elected by exceeding halfof all the directors in the board of directors.
第一百一十二条 董事长行使下列职权:
Article 112 The chairman ofthe board of directors has the following duties:
(1) To conductshareholders’ meeting as well as to convene and conduct meetings ofthe board of directors,
(2) To prompt and check theimplementation of decisions of the board of directors,
(三)董事会授予的其他职权。(3)Other duties authorized by the board of directors,
Note: the board ofdirectors should authorize the duties of the chairman carefully.Routine or lengthy authorizations should be clearly specified inthe Articles.
第一百一十三条 公司副董事长协助董事长工作,董事长不能履行职务或者不履行职务的,由副董事长履行职务(公司有两位或两位以上副董事长的,由半数以上董事共同推举的副董事长履行职务);副董事长不能履行职务或者不履行职务的,由半数以上董事共同推举一名董事履行职务。
Article 113 The vicechairman assists the chairman of the board of directors. When thechairman cannot or does not carry out his duties, they will becarried out by the vice chairman (if the company has two or morevice chairmen, then these duties will be carried out by the vicechairman nominated by more than half of the directors). If the vicechairman cannot or does not carry out his duties, more than half ofthe directors will nominate a director to carry out theduties.
第一百一十四条 董事会每年至少召开两次会议,由董事长召集,于会议召开10日以前书面通知全体董事和监事。
Article 114 The board ofdirectors will meet at least twice a year. The meeting is convenedby the chairman. Written notice is sent to all directors andsupervisors 10 days before the meeting.
第一百一十五条 代表1/10以上表决权的股东、1/3以上董事或者监事会,可以提议召开董事会临时会议。董事长应当自接到提议后10日内,召集和主持董事会会议。
Article 115 Shareholdersholding more than 1/10 voting rights, more than 1/3 of thedirectors, or the supervisory board can suggest the holding of anextraordinary meeting of the board of directors. The chairman ofthe board of directors should, within 10 days of receipt of thesuggestion, convene and hold the board of director’smeeting.
第一百一十六条 董事会召开临时董事会会议的通知方式为:〖具体通知方式〗;通知时限为:〖具体通知时限〗。
Article 116 The method ofnotifying the holding of an extraordinary board of director’smeeting is: (actual notice method). The notice period is (actualnotice period).
第一百一十七条 董事会会议通知包括以下内容:
Article 117 A notice of aboard of director’s meeting includes the followingcontents:
(一)会议日期和地点;(1)Date and place of meeting,
(二)会议期限; (2)Period of the meeting,
(三)事由及议题; (3)Reasons and discussion items,
(四)发出通知的日期。(4)Date of issuance of notice,
第一百一十八条 董事会会议应有过半数的董事出席方可举行。董事会作出决议,必须经全体董事的过半数通过。
Article 118 A board ofdirector’s meeting can be held if exceeding half of the directorsattends. When a board of directors makes a resolution, it must bepassed by exceeding half of all the directors.
When the board of directorsvotes on a resolution, each person has one vote.
第一百一十九条 董事与董事会会议决议事项所涉及的企业有关联关系的,不得对该项决议行使表决权,也不得代理其他董事行使表决权。该董事会会议由过半数的无关联关系董事出席即可举行,董事会会议所作决议须经无关联关系董事过半数通过。出席董事会的无关联董事人数不足3人的,应将该事项提交股东大会审议。
Article 119 When a directorhas an associated relationship with an enterprise which is involvedwith a resolution to be decided at a board of director’s meeting,he cannot vote on that resolution, and cannot vote on behalf ofother directors. That director’s meeting can be held if exceedinghalf of the unassociated directors attends. Resolutions made by theboard of director’s meeting should be passed by exceeding half ofthe unassociated directors. If the less than three unassociateddirectors are attending the board meeting, the matter should besubmitted to the shareholders’ meeting for discussion.
第一百二十条 董事会决议表决方式为:〖具体表决方式〗。
Article 120 The method ofvoting at the board of director’s meeting is (method of voting).pany can decide whether to adopt it in its articles.
Under the premise ofensuring that directors can fully express their opinions duringextraordinary board of directors’ meetings, (other methods) can beused and voting is carried out, followed by signatures fromdirectors attending the meeting.
Note: the last paragraph isan optional provision. The company can decide whether to adopt itin its articles.
第一百二十一条 董事会会议,应由董事本人出席;董事因故不能出席,可以书面委托其他董事代为出席,委托书中应载明代理人的姓名,代理事项、授权范围和有效期限,并由委托人签名或盖章。代为出席会议的董事应当在授权范围内行使董事的权利。董事未出席董事会会议,亦未委托代表出席的,视为放弃在该次会议上的投票权。
Article 121 A directorshould personally attend a board of director’s meeting. If adirector cannot attend because of some reasons, he can appointanother director in writing to attend on his behalf. Theauthorization letter should contain the name of the representative,the matters represented, scope of authorization and validityperiod. It should be signed or chopped by the person making theappointment. The director representative attending the meetingshould exercise the director’s duties within the authorized scope.If a director does not attend a director’s meeting and does notsend a representative to attend, he is treated as abandoning hisvoting rights in that meeting.
第一百二十二条 董事会应当对会议所议事项的决定做成会议记录,出席会议的董事应当在会议记录上签名。
Article 122 The board ofdirectors should prepare minutes of the meeting on decisions of allmatters discussed at the meeting. Directors attending the meetingshould sign on the minutes of the meeting.
Minutes of board ofdirector’s meeting is kept as a company file for not less than 10years.
Note: the company should,according to actual circumstances, specify in the articles theperiod for board minutes to be kept.
第一百二十三条 董事会会议记录包括以下内容:
Article 123 Minutes of aboard of directors’ meeting includes the followingcontents:
(1) Date and place of themeeting as well as the name of the convener,
(2) Names of directorsattending the meeting and names of (representatives) appointed byother directors to attend,
(三)会议议程; (3)Agenda of the meeting,
(四)董事发言要点; (4)Main points of directors’ speeches,
(5) Methods and results ofvoting on each resolution (the voting results should clearlycontain the number of votes consenting, objecting andabstaining),
第一百二十四条 公司设经理1名,由董事会聘任或解聘。
Article 124 The company hasone manager, hired or fired by the board of directors.
The company has (number of)assistant managers, hired or fired by the board ofdirectors,
The company manager,assistant managers, financial controller, secretaries to the boardof directors and (names of positions) are the senior managementpersonnel.
Note: the company can,according to actual circumstances, specify in the articles othersenior management personnel.
第一百二十五条 本章程第九十五条关于不得担任董事的情形、同时适用于高级管理人员。
Article 125 Thecircumstances which prohibit a person from becoming a directorunder Article 95 also apply to senior managementpersonnel.
The duty of honesty ofdirectors under Article 97 and the duty of due diligence underArticle 98 (4) to (6) also applies to senior managementpersonnel.
第一百二十六条 在公司控股股东、实际控制人单位担任除董事以外其他职务的人员,不得担任公司的高级管理人员。
Article 126 A personholding a post, other than a director, in the organization of thecontrolling shareholder or the actual controller of the company,cannot become a senior management personnel of thecompany.
第一百二十七条 经理每届任期〖年数〗年,经理连聘可以连任。
Article 127 A manager’sterm of appointment is (number of) years. The manager can bereappointed.
第一百二十八条 经理对董事会负责,行使下列职权:
Article 128 The manager isresponsible to the board of directors. He exercises the followingduties:
(1) Manages the productionoperation of the company. He implements decisions of the board ofdirectors and reports his work to the board ofdirectors,
(2) Implements the annualoperation plan and investment plan of the company,
(3) Drafts implementationplans of the internal management organization of the company,
(4) Drafts the basicmanagement system of the company,
(5) Sets down the actualrules and regulations of the company,
(6) Suggests to the boardof directors the hiring or firing of assistant managers andfinancial controllers,
(7) Hires or firespersonnel other than those who should be decided by the board ofdirectors,
(8) Other duties authorizedby these Articles or by the board of directors.
经理列席董事会会议。 Themanager can attend board of directors’ meetings.
Note: The company should,according to its own circumstances, lay down in the articles, themanager’s authorities and their methods of implementation, whichsuit the company’s needs.
第一百二十九条 经理应制订经理工作细则,报董事会批准后实施。
Article 129 The managershould lay down his detailed working regulations, to be implementedafter approval by the board of directors.
第一百三十条 经理工作细则包括下列内容:
Article 130 The detailedworking regulations of the manager include thefollowing:
(1) Conditions, proceduresand the number of participants for holding managers’meetings,
(2) Respective duties anddivision of labor of managers and other senior managementpersonnel,
(3) Limits of authority inusing company funds and assets as well the signing of significantcontracts, together with the reporting system to the board ofdirectors and the supervisory board,
(4) Other mattersconsidered necessary by the board of directors.
第一百三十一条 经理可以在任期届满以前提出辞职。有关经理辞职的具体程序和办法由经理与公司之间的劳务合同规定。
Article 131 A manager cansubmit his resignation before the expiry of his term of service.The actual procedure and method concerning a manager’s resignationshall be regulated by the employment contract between the managerand the company.
第一百三十二条 公司根据自身情况,在章程中应当规定副经理的任免程序、副经理与经理的关系,并可以规定副经理的职权。
Article 132 The companycan, according to its actual circumstances, specify in the articlesthe appointment and dismissal procedure of the assistant managersas well as the relationship between the manager and the assistantmanagers. The articles can also set out the authorities of theassistant managers.
第一百三十三条 上市公司设董事会秘书,负责公司股东大会和董事会会议的筹备、文件保管以及公司股东资料管理,办理信息披露事务等事宜。
Article 133 A listedcompany shall have a secretary to the board of directors,responsible for the preparation of shareholders’ meetings and boardof director’s meetings, keeping of documents, management ofshareholders’ information, and disclosure ofinformation.
The secretary to the boardof directors should comply with the law, administrativeregulations, departmental regulations and theseArticles.
第一百三十四条 高级管理人员执行公司职务时违反法律、行政法规、部门规章或本章程的规定,给公司造成损失的,应当承担赔偿责任。
Article 134 When a seniormanagement personnel contravenes the law, administrativeregulations, department regulations or these Articles in carryingout to his duties, causing losses to the company, he should beresponsible for compensating.
第一百三十五条 本章程第九十五条关于不得担任董事的情形、同时适用于监事。
Article 135 Thecircumstances prohibiting a person from becoming a director underArticle 95 also apply to supervisors.
A director, manager andother senior management personnel cannot also become asupervisor.
第一百三十六条 监事应当遵守法律、行政法规和本章程,对公司负有忠实义务和勤勉义务,不得利用职权收受贿赂或者其他非法收入,不得侵占公司的财产。
Article 136 A supervisorshould comply with the law, administrative regulations and theseArticles. He has duties of honesty and due diligence towards thecompany. He cannot make use of his duties to receive bribes orother illegal income. He cannot embezzle company assets.
第一百三十七条 监事的任期每届为3年。监事任期届满,连选可以连任。
Article 137 Each term ofservice of a supervisor shall be 3 years. When a supervisor’s termof service expires, he can be re-elected.
第一百三十八条 监事任期届满未及时改选,或者监事在任期内辞职导致监事会成员低于法定人数的,在改选出的监事就任前,原监事仍应当依照法律、行政法规和本章程的规定,履行监事职务。
Article 138 When asupervisor’s term of service expires but a new supervisor is notyet appointed, or when a supervisor resigns during his term ofservice, leading to the number of members in the supervisory boardfalling below the legally prescribed number, and before the newlyappointed supervisor takes up his appointment, the originalsupervisor should still carry out his duties according to the law,administrative regulations and these Articles.
第一百三十九条 监事应当保证公司披露的信息真实、准确、完整。
Article 139 A supervisorshould ensure that the information disclosed is true, accurate andcomplete.
第一百四十条 监事可以列席董事会会议,并对董事会决议事项提出质询或者建议。
Article 140 A supervisorcan be present at a board of director’s meeting. He can alsoquestion or make suggestions concerning proposed resolutions at themeeting.
第一百四十一条 监事不得利用其关联关系损害公司利益,若给公司造成损失的,应当承担赔偿责任。
Article 141 A supervisorcannot make use of his associated relationship to damage thecompany’s interests. If he causes losses to the company, he shouldbe responsible to compensate.
第一百四十二条 监事执行公司职务时违反法律、行政法规、部门规章或本章程的规定,给公司造成损失的,应当承担赔偿责任。
Article 142 When asupervisor contravenes the law, administrative regulations,departmental regulations or these Articles while carrying out hisduties at the company, causing losses to the company, he should beresponsible to compensate.
第一百四十三条 公司设监事会。监事会由〖人数〗名监事组成,监事会设主席1人,可以设副主席。监事会主席和副主席由全体监事过半数选举产生。监事会主席召集和主持监事会会议;监事会主席不能履行职务或者不履行职务的,由监事会副主席召集和主持监事会会议;监事会副主席不能履行职务或者不履行职务的,由半数以上监事共同推举一名监事召集和主持监事会会议。
Article 143 The companyshall have a supervisory board. The supervisory board is made up of(number of) supervisors. The supervisory board has one chairman. Itcan have vice chairman/chairmen. The chairman and vicechairman/chairmen are elected by exceeding half of all thesupervisors. The chairman convenes and conducts meetings of thesupervisory board. If the chairman cannot or does not carry out hisduties, the vice chairman/chairmen shall convene or conduct themeeting. If the vice chairman/chairmen cannot or will not carry outhis/their duties, more than half of the supervisors will nominate asupervisor to convene and conduct the meeting.
The supervisory boardshould include shareholder representatives and an appropriatenumber of company staff representatives. The ratio of these staffrepresentative should not be less than 1/3. The staffrepresentatives within the supervisory board are elected by thecompany staff through the staff representative meeting, staffmeeting or other democratic method.
Note: The supervisory boardcannot have less than 3 people. The company articles should specifythe actual proportion of staff representatives on the supervisoryboard.
第一百四十四条 监事会行使下列职权:
Article 144 The supervisoryboard exercises the following duties:
(1) It should examine andsubmit written opinions on the periodical company reports preparedby the board of directors,
(二)检查公司财务; (2)Check company finance,
(3) Supervise directors andsenior management personnel when carrying out their duties. Tosuggest the removal of directors or senior management personnel whocontravene the law, administrative regulations, these Articles orresolutions of shareholders’ meetings,
(4) When an action of adirector or senior management personnel damages the companyinterests, requests that director or senior management personnel tomake corrections,
(5) To suggest the holdingof extraordinary shareholders’ meetings. When the board ofdirectors does not convene or hold shareholders’ meetings asrequired by the Company Law, to convene or hold shareholders’meetings,
(六)向股东大会提出提案;(6)To present proposed resolutions to the shareholders’meetings,
(七)依照《公司法》第一百五十二条的规定,对董事 、高级管理人员提起诉讼;
(7) In accordance withArticle 152 of the Company Law, to start legal action againstdirectors and senior management personnel,
(8) When discoveringabnormality in the operating circumstances in the company, toconduct investigations. If necessary, it can hire professionalfirms such as accounting firms or law firms to assist in its work.The cost will be borne by the company.
Note: the company articlescan specify other duties of supervisors.
第一百四十五条 监事会每6个月至少召开一次会议。监事可以提议召开临时监事会会议。监事会决议应当经半数以上监事通过。
Article 145 The supervisoryboard meets at least once every 6 months. A supervisor can suggestholding an extraordinary supervisory board meeting. Resolutions atsupervisory boards are passed by more than half of the supervisors’votes.
第一百四十六条 监事会制定监事会议事规则,明确监事会的议事方式和表决程序,以确保监事会的工作效率和科学决策。注释:监事会议事规则规定监事会的召开和表决程序。监事会议事规则应列入公司章程或作为章程的附件,由监事会拟定,股东大会批准。
Article 146 The supervisoryboard will set out regulations for meetings of the supervisoryboard. It should clearly specify meeting method and votingprocedure of the board, in order to ensure the working efficiencyand the making of scientific decisions. Note: the meetingregulations of the supervisory board set out the meeting and votingprocedure of the supervisory board. The meeting regulations of thesupervisory board should form part of the company articles orappears as an appendix to the articles. They are drafted by thesupervisory board and approved by the shareholders’meeting.
第一百四十七条 监事会应当将所议事项的决定做成会议记录,出席会议的监事应当在会议记录上签名。监事有权要求在记录上对其在会议上的发言作出某种说明性记载。监事会会议记录作为公司档案至少保存10年。注释:公司应当根据具体情况,在章程中规定会议记录的保管期限。
Article 147 The supervisoryboard should prepare minutes of meeting on decisions of mattersdiscussed. Supervisors attending the meeting should sign on themeetings. A supervisor is entitled to request the addition to theminutes of some explanatory record concerning his speech madeduring the meeting. Minutes of the supervisory board meeting, as acompany file, must be kept for at least 10 years. Note: the companyshould, according to actual circumstances, specify in theseArticles the period for which minutes of meetings are to bekept.
第一百四十八条 监事会会议通知包括以下内容:
Article 148 A notice to asupervisory board meeting includes the followingcontents:
(一)举行会议的日期、地点和会议期限;(1) Dates, place, and period of the meeting,
(二)事由及议题; (2)Reasons and discussion items,
(三)发出通知的日期。(3)Date of issuance of notice.
第一百四十九条 公司依照法律、行政法规和国家有关部门的规定,制定公司的财务会计制度。
Article 149 The companylays down a financial accounting system according to the law,administrative regulations and requirements from relevantgovernment departments.
第一百五十条 公司在每一会计年度结束之日起4个月内向中国证监会和证券交易所报送年度财务会计报告,在每一会计年度前6个月结束之日起2个月内向中国证监会派出机构和证券交易所报送半年度财务会计报告,在每一会计年度前3个月和前9个月结束之日起的1个月内向中国证监会派出机构和证券交易所报送季度财务会计报告。
Article 150 The companyshall send its annual financial accounting report within 4 monthsafter the end of each financial year to the CSRC and the securitiesexchange. It should send a half yearly financial accounting reportwithin 2 months after the end of the first 6 months of eachfinancial year, to the CSRC sub-branch and the securities exchange.It should submit a quarterly financial accounting report within onemonth, after the end of the first three months and the first 9months of each financial year, to the CSRC sub-branch andsecurities exchange.
The above financialaccounting reports are according to the relevant law,administrative regulations and department regulations.
第一百五十一条 公司除法定的会计账簿外,将不另立会计账簿。公司的资产,不以任何个人名义开立账户存储。
Article 151 Other than thelegally prescribed accounting ledgers, the company shall not set upanother accounting ledger. The company’s assets will not bedeposited under any personal accounts.
第一百五十二条 公司分配当年税后利润时,应当提取利润的10%列入公司法定公积金。公司法定公积金累计额为公司注册资本的50%以上的,可以不再提取。
Article 152 When thecompany is distributing after-tax profits of one year, it shouldallocate 10% of the profits into the legal reserve fund. If thecumulated legal reserve fund reaches more than 50% of theregistered capital of the company, no further allocation isnecessary.
If the legal reserve fundof the company cannot make up the losses in the previous year, thenbefore making the allocation mentioned in the last paragraph,profits of that year should first be used to make up thelosses.
After the company takes outthe legal reserve fund from the after-tax profits, if resolved bythe shareholders’ meeting, it can also take out an arbitraryreserve from the after-tax profits.
After the company makes uplosses and allocates reserves, the balance of the after- taxprofits should be distributed according to the proportion of sharesheld by shareholders, unless these Articles provide that theallocation is not in accordance with the proportion of sharesheld.
If the shareholders’meeting contravenes the provisions of the last paragraph, bydistributing profits to shareholders before making up loses andallocating legal reserves, the shareholders must return to thecompany the distributed profits which are against the saidprovisions.
Shares of the company heldby that company do not participate in the distribution ofprofits.
第一百五十三条 公司的公积金用于弥补公司的亏损、扩大公司生产经营或者转为增加公司资本。但是,资本公积金将不用于弥补公司的亏损。
Article 153 The reserve ofthe company is used to make up the company’s losses, increasethe
production operation of thecompany or increase the company’s capital. However, capital reservecannot be used to make up the company’s losses. When legal reservefunds are converted into capital, the remaining balance of thatreserve fund cannot be less than 25% of the registered capital ofthe company before the conversion.
第一百五十四条 公司股东大会对利润分配方案作出决议后,公司董事会须在股东大会召开后2个月内完成股利(或股份)的派发事项。
Article 154 After theshareholders’ meeting has resolved on the plan to allocate profits,the board of directors should complete the distribution ofdividends (or bonus shares) within 2 months of themeeting.
第一百五十五条 公司利润分配政策为〖具体政策〗。注释:发行境内上市外资股的公司应当按照《境内上市外资股规定实施细则》中的有关规定补充本节的内容。
Article 155 The policy ofdistribution of profits by the company is (actual procedure). Note:a company which issues domestic foreign capital listed sharesshould comply with the relevant provisions under the (DomesticForeign Listed Share Regulation Implementation Regulation) tosupplement this section.
第一百五十六条 公司实行内部审计制度,配备专职审计人员,对公司财务收支和经济活动进行内部审计监督。
Article 156 The companyshall implement an internal auditing system. It will be staffedwith professional auditors to conduct internal auditing andmonitoring on the financial income and expenses as well as economicactivities of the company.
第一百五十七条 公司内部审计制度和审计人员的职责,应当经董事会批准后实施。审计负责人向董事会负责并报告工作。
Article 157 The internalauditing system of the company and the responsibilities of theaudit personnel should be implemented after approval by the boardof directors. The audit staff should be responsible to and reporttheir work to the board of directors.
第一百五十八条 公司聘用取得“从事证券相关业务资格”的会计师事务所进行会计报表审计、净资产验证及其他相关的咨询服务等业务,聘期1年,可以续聘。
Article 158 The companyshall hire an accounting firm which complies with the qualification‘to participate in related securities business’ to conduct theauditing of the financial accounts, examination of net assets andother relevant consultation services. Their period of appointmentis one year which can be extended.
第一百五十九条 公司聘用会计师事务所必须由股东大会决定,董事会不得在股东大会决定前委任会计师事务所。
Article 159 The hiring ofthe accounting firm by the company must be determined by theshareholders’ meeting. The board of directors cannot hire anaccounting firm before the decision by the shareholders’meeting.
第一百六十条 公司保证向聘用的会计师事务所提供真实、完整的会计凭证、会计账簿、财务会计报告及其他会计资料,不得拒绝、隐匿、谎报。
Article 160 The companyguarantees to the accounting firm appointed, to supply true andcomplete accounting proof, accounting notes, financial accountingreport and other accounting information. It cannot refuse toprovide or hide information, or provide falseinformation.
第一百六十一条 会计师事务所的审计费用由股东大会决定。
Article 161 The audit feeof the accounting firm is decided by the shareholders’meeting.
第一百六十二条 公司解聘或者不再续聘会计师事务所时,提前〖天数〗天事先通知会计师事务所,公司股东大会就解聘会计师事务所进行表决时,允许会计师事务所陈述意见。
Article 162 When thecompany terminates or decides not to continue to appoint anaccounting firm, it will notify the accounting firm (number of) ofdays in advance. When the shareholders’ meeting votes onterminating the appointment of an accounting firm, the accountingfirm is entitled to present its views.
When an accounting firmresigns, it should explain to the shareholders’ meeting whetherthere are improper circumstances.
第一百六十三条 公司的通知以下列形式发出:
Article 163 Notices of thecompany are issued in the following methods:
(一)以专人送出; (1)By personal delivery,
(二)以邮件方式送出;(2)By mail,
(三)以公告方式进行;(3)By public announcement,
(四)本章程规定的其他形式。(4)Other methods specified by these Articles.
第一百六十四条 公司发出的通知,以公告方式进行的,一经公告,视为所有相关人员收到通知。
Article 164 When a companyissues a notice by public announcement, all relevant personnel aretreated as having received the notice once the public announcementhas been made.
第一百六十五条 公司召开股东大会的会议通知,以〖具体通知方式〗进行。
Article 165 The notice forconvening a shareholders’ meeting will use the (details ofmethod).
第一百六十六条 公司召开董事会的会议通知,以〖具体通知方式〗进行。
Article 166 The notice toconvene a board of directors’ meeting of the company will use the(details of method).
第一百六十七条 公司召开监事会的会议通知,以〖具体通知方式〗进行。注释:公司应当根据实际情况,在章程中确定公司各种会议的具体通知方式。
Article 167 The notice toconvene a supervisory board meeting of the company will use the(details of method). Note: The company can, according to actualcircumstances, determine the methods of notice of differentmeetings in these Articles.
第一百六十八条 公司通知以专人送出的,由被送达人在送达回执上签名(或盖章),被送达人签收日期为送达日期;公司通知以邮件送出的,自交付邮局之日起第〖天数〗个工作日为送达日期;公司通知以公告方式送出的,第一次公告刊登日为送达日期。
Article 168 If the noticeis sent by hand, the recipient will sign (or chop) on the receiptof delivery. The date of delivery is the date of acknowledgement ofreceipt by the recipient. If the notice is sent by mail, the dateof delivery is (number of) working days from the date of deliveryto the post office. If the notice is made by public announcement,the date of delivery is the date of the first publicannouncement.
第一百六十九条 因意外遗漏未向某有权得到通知的人送出会议通知或者该等人没有收到会议通知,会议及会议作出的决议并不因此无效。
Article 169 If owing toaccidental omission the notice was not delivered to a person who isentitled to receive the notice, or that person did not receive thenotice, the meeting and the decisions made at the meeting will notbe void because of this reason.
第一百七十条 公司指定〖媒体名称〗为刊登公司公告和和其他需要披露信息的媒体。注释:公司应当在中国证监会指定的媒体范围内,在章程中确定一份或者多份报纸和一个网站作为公司披露信息的媒体。
Article 170 (Name of media)designated by the company will be the media for the company to makepublic announcements and to disclose other information. Note: thecompany should, within the scope of the media designated by theCSRC, designate in the articles one or more newspapers and onewebsite as the media for disclosure of companyinformation.
第一百七十一条 公司合并可以采取吸收合并或者新设合并。
Article 171 The company canmerge by amalgamation or newly established merger.
A company absorbing anothercompany is called amalgamation. The absorbed company will be woundup. When 2 or more companies merge and establish a new company,this is called a newly established merger. The merged companieswill be wound up respectively.
第一百七十二条 公司合并,应当由合并各方签订合并协议,并编制资产负债表及财产清单。公司应当自作出合并决议之日起10日内通知债权人,并于30日内在〖报纸名称〗上公告。债权人自接到通知书之日起30日内,未接到通知书的自公告之日起45日内,可以要求公司清偿债务或者提供相应的担保。
Article 172 When companiesmerge, all merging companies should sign a merging contract,and
第一百七十三条 公司合并时,合并各方的债权、债务,由合并后存续的公司或者新设的公司承继。
prepare a balance sheet anda list of assets. A company should notify its creditors within 10days of entering into a merger contract, and publicly announce on(name of newspaper) within 30 days. The creditor should, within 30days of being notified, or if he does not receive the notice, thenwithin 45 days of the public announcement, request the company topay off its debts or provide corresponding guarantees.
第一百七十四条 公司分立,其财产作相应的分割。
Article 173 When companiesmerge, the respective accounts payable and receivable will beinherited by the continuing company, or the newly formed companyafter the merger.
Article 174 When a companydivides, its assets will be divided correspondingly. When a companydivides, it should prepare a balance sheet and a list of assets.The company should notify its creditors within 10 days of decidingto divide and to publicly announce on (name of newspaper) within 30days.
第一百七十五条 公司分立前的债务由分立后的公司承担连带责任。但是,公司在分立前与债权人就债务清偿达成的书面协议另有约定的除外。
Article 175 The debts ofthe company before the division will be jointly and severallyliable by the companies formed after the division. However, ifbefore the division the company and its creditors have entered intoa written contract concerning the repayment of debts, then theformer provision does not apply.
第一百七十六条 公司需要减少注册资本时,必须编制资产负债表及财产清单。
Article 176 When a companyneeds to reduce its registered capital, it must prepare a balancesheet and a list of assets.
The company should notifyits creditors within 10 days of deciding to decrease its registeredcapital, and publicly announce on (name of newspaper) within 30days. The creditors should, within 30 days of receipt of notice, orif it does not receive the notice, then within 45 days of thepublic announcement, request the company to pay off its debts or toprovide corresponding guarantees.
After the company reducesits registered capital, its registered capital should not be lowerthan the legally prescribed minimum.
第一百七十七条 公司合并或者分立,登记事项发生变更的,应当依法向公司登记机关办理变更登记;公司解散的,应当依法办理公司注销登记;设立新公司的,应当依法办理公司设立登记。公司增加或者减少注册资本,应当依法向公司登记机关办理变更登记。
Article 177 If a companymerges or divides, and the registered particulars change, it shouldvary its registration at the company registration organizationaccording to the law. If a company is wound up, it should cancelits registration according to the law. When a new company isestablished, it should be registered according to the law. When acompany increases or decreases its registered capital, it shouldvary its registration at the company registration organizationaccording to the law.
第一百七十八条 公司因下列原因解散:
Article 178 A company iswound up due to the following reasons:
(1) Expiry of the operationperiod as specified by these Articles or the occurrence of othermatters leading to winding up as specified by theseArticles,
(二)股东大会决议解散;(2)The shareholders’ meeting resolves to wind up,
(3) The company is wound upbecause of merger or division,
(4) Cancellation of theBusiness License, ordered to be closed or cancelled according tothe law,
(5) The operation andmanagement of the company experience a great difficulty,continuation will lead to significant losses suffered by theshareholders, and the crisis cannot be solved by other means.Shareholders with more than 10% of the voting rights can requestthe People’s Court to wind up the company
第一百七十九条 公司有本章程第一百七十八条第(一)项情形的,可以通过修改本章程而存续。依照前款规定修改本章程,须经出席股东大会会议的股东所持表决权的2/3以上通过。
Article 179 If thesituation under Article 178 (1) of these Articles occurs, thecompany can continue to operate after the articles have beenamended. When the articles have been amended according to theprevious paragraph, it must be passed by shareholders with morethan two thirds of the voting rights attending the shareholders’meeting.
第一百八十条 公司因本章程第一百七十八条第(一)项、第(二)项、第(四)项、第(五)项规定而解散的,应当在解散事由出现之日起15日内成立清算组,开始清算。清算组由董事或者股东大会确定的人员组成。逾期不成立清算组进行清算的,债权人可以申请人民法院指定有关人员组成清算组进行清算。
Article 180 If a company iswound up under Article 178 (1), (2), (4) or (5) of these Articles,it should set up a liquidation group within 15 days of theoccurrence of the event leading to the winding up and commenceliquidation. The liquidation group is made up of designated membersamongst the directors or the shareholders’ meeting. If theliquidation group is not established to commence liquidation beyondthe prescribed period, a creditor can apply to the People’s Courtand designate relevant people to form the liquidation group andcommence liquidation.
第一百八十一条 清算组在清算期间行使下列职权:
Article 181 During theliquidation period, the liquidation group exercises the followingduties:
(1) Clear up the assets ofthe company and prepare a balance sheet and a list ofassets,
(二)通知、公告债权人;(2)Notify and publicly announce to creditors,
(3) Handle and liquidatethe uncompleted businesses of the company,
(4) Pay up all outstandingtax and pay up tax generated during the liquidationprocess,
(五)清理债权、债务;(5)Clear up the accounts payable and receivable,
(6) Handle remaining assetsof the company after paying up all debts,
(七)代表公司参与民事诉讼活动。(7) Represent the company in civil litigation.
第一百八十二条 清算组应当自成立之日起10日内通知债权人,并于60日内在〖报纸名称〗上公告。债权人应当自接到通知书之日起30日内,未接到通知书的自公告之日起45日内,向清算组申报其债权。
Article 182 The liquidationgroup shall, within 10 days of establishment, notify the creditorsand make public announcement within 60 days on (name of newspaper).The creditor should, within 30 days of receipt of notice, or if hedoes not receive the notice, then within 45 days of the publicannouncement, declare its debts to the liquidationgroup.
When the creditor declaresits debts, he should explain matters relevant to the debt andsupply evidence materials. The liquidation group should registerthe debts.
During the period ofdeclaration of debts, the liquidation group should not pay up debtsto creditors.
第一百八十三条 清算组在清理公司财产、编制资产负债表和财产清单后,应当制定清算方案,并报股东大会或者人民法院确认。
Article 183 After theliquidation group has cleared up the company assets and prepared abalance sheet and a list of assets, it should prepare a liquidationplan and submit it to the shareholders’ meeting or the People’sCourt for confirmation.
The company should allocatethe remaining assets of the company, after paying the liquidationcharges, staff salary, social insurance, legally prescribedcompensation, outstanding tax and company debts, in proportion tothe shares held by shareholders.
During the liquidationperiod, the company continues to exist, but it cannot commenceoperational activities not related to the liquidation. Before thecompany assets have been used to pay off as required by the lastparagraph, it will not be distributed to shareholders.
第一百八十四条 清算组在清理公司财产、编制资产负债表和财产清单后,发现公司财产不足清偿债务的,应当依法向人民法院申请宣告破产。公司经人民法院裁定宣告破产后,清算组应当将清算事务移交给人民法院。
Article 184 After theliquidation group clears up the company assets, and prepares thebalance sheets and the list of assets, if it discovers that thecompany assets is not enough to pay off the debts, it should applyto the People’s Court to declare bankruptcy according to the law.After the People’s Court declares the company bankrupt, theliquidation group should transfer the liquidation to the People’sCourt.
第一百八十五条 公司清算结束后,清算组应当制作清算报告,报股东大会或者人民法院确认,并报送公司登记机关,申请注销公司登记,公告公司终止。
Article 185 After thecompletion of liquidation, the liquidation group should prepare aliquidation report, to be submitted to the People’s Court forconfirmation. It will also be submitted to the company registrationorganization to apply for cancellation of the registration of thecompany and publicly announce the dissolution of thecompany.
第一百八十六条 清算组成员应当忠于职守,依法履行清算义务。
Article 186 Members of theliquidation group should be loyal to their duties and performliquidation duties according to the law.
Members of the liquidationgroup should not make use of their duties to receive bribes orother illegal income, and cannot embezzle companyassets.
If a member of theliquidation group causes losses to the company or creditors,deliberately or due to a significant mistake, he should beresponsible to compensate.
第一百八十七条 公司被依法宣告破产的,依照有关企业破产的法律实施破产清算。
Article 187 When a companyis declared bankrupt according to the law, the bankruptcyliquidation will be handled according to the relevant law onenterprise bankruptcy.
第一百八十八条 有下列情形之一的,公司应当修改章程:
Article 188 In any one ofthe following circumstances, the company should amend itsarticles:
(1) After amendment of theCompany Law or relevant law or administrative regulations, thecontents of the articles conflict with the law or administrativeregulations after the amendment,
(2) The circumstances ofthe company have changed so that they are different from thecontents of the articles,
(三)股东大会决定修改章程。(3)The shareholders’ meeting decides to amend the articles,
第一百八十九条 股东大会决议通过的章程修改事项应经主管机关审批的,须报主管机关批准;涉及公司登记事项的,依法办理变更登记。
Article 189 Amendments tothe articles passed by resolutions of the shareholders’ meeting,which require examination and approval by the head organization,should be submitted to the head organization for approval. Anythinginvolving company registration should amend the registrationaccording to the law.
第一百九十条 董事会依照股东大会修改章程的决议和有关主管机关的审批意见修改本章程。
Article 190 The board ofdirectors will amend these Articles according to the resolutions ofthe shareholders’ meeting to amend the articles, and the opinionprovided after examination by the head organization.
第一百九十一条 章程修改事项属于法律、法规要求披露的信息,按规定予以公告。
Article 191 Amendment tothe articles which involves information to be disclosed, requiredby law or regulation, should be publicly announced according to therequirements.
第一百九十二条 释义Article192 Interpretation:
(1) A controllingshareholder is a shareholder which holds more than 50% of the totalshares of the company; or if he holds less than 50%, the votingrights held are enough to exert a significant influence on thevoting at shareholders’ meeting
(2) An actual controller,though not a shareholder, but through investment relationship,agreement, or other arrangement, can actually control theactivities of the company,
(3) Associated relationshipis the relationship between the controlling shareholder, actualcontroller, director, supervisor or senior management personnel,and enterprises directly or indirectly controlled by them, as wellas other relationships which may possibly transfer the company’sinterests. However, enterprises owned by the State will notexperience an associated relationship only because they are ownedby the State.
第一百九十三条 董事会可依照章程的规定,制订章程细则。章程细则不得与章程的规定相抵触。
Article 193 The board ofdirectors can set down byelaws of the articles according to therequirements of the articles. The byelaws cannot conflict with thearticles.
第一百九十四条 本章程以中文书写,其他任何语种或不同版本的章程与本章程有歧义时,以在〖公司登记机关全称〗最近一次核准登记后的中文版章程为准。
Article 194 These Articlesare in Chinese. If it conflicts with a version in any otherlanguage, the authentic version is the Chinese version mostrecently examined and registered by (name of the companyregistration organization).
第一百九十五条 本章程所称“以上”、“以内”、“以下”,都含本数;“不满”、“以外”、“低于”、“多于”不含本数。
Article 195 In thesearticles, ‘yi shang’, ‘yi nei’, ‘yi xia’ all include the numberimmediately proceeding. ‘Bu man’,’ yi wai’,’ di yu’, ‘duo yu’ donot include the preceding number.
第一百九十六条 本章程由公司董事会负责解释。
Article 196 The board ofdirectors of the company is responsible for explaining theseArticles.
第一百九十七条 本章程附件包括股东大会议事规则、董事会议事规则和监事会议事规则。
Article 197 The appendix ofthese articles includes the regulations of the meetings ofshareholders, board of directors and supervisory board.
第一百九十八条 本章程自发布之日起施行。1997年12月16日中国证监会发布的《上市公司章程指引》(证监[1997]16号)同时废止。
Article 198 These Articlestakes effect on the date of announcement. The (Guidelines forArticles of Association of Listed Companies) (CSRC [1997] number16) announced by the CSRC on 16 December 1997 is repealed at thesame time.