徕卡M9-P中英文简介 徕卡m9 p爱马仕限量版




Sister to the M9, the Leica M9-P Digital Camera carries forth allthe same technology of its predecessor, with enhancements towardsan even more discrete design. Minimalist, and all camera, the M9-Pstands out in subtle but beneficial ways for the streetphotographer. It also follows in the footsteps of hallowed Leicatradition, harkening back to the 1950s, and the original MP "press"camera designed for Magnum shooters.
作为M9的兄弟款产品,Leica M9-P数码相机与M9一样拥有高水平的技术含量,但相对而言,LeicaM系列产品的经典特征得到了进一步提升。对于街拍摄影者来说,这款相机的设计具有极简抽象派艺术风格,便于携带、握持,同时其操作简易的特性使M9-P在众多相机中脱颖而出。这款相机同样秉承徕卡相机自上世纪五十年代以来代表的精准及独树一帜的摄影技术,如同MP为玛格南摄影师们设计的“新闻”照相机。

1、Perhaps the most noticeabledifference between the two cameras is the lack of the red Leica doton the front of the body. This alteration ensures even lessattention will be drawn to the photographer with this unassumingcamera. Instead of the traditional Leica logo, the M9-P has whatLeica terms a, "restrained Leica logogram," on the top deck of thecamera.

2、Another feature of the M9-P is thevulcanite leathering on the body. In addition to lookingexceptionally attractive, the leathering provides a goodgrip.

3、A third difference between the M9and this, its reincarnation, is an extremely scratch-resistantsapphire crystal cover for the 2.5" LCD monitor. When beingstealth(is of the utmost, the traditional camera bag is usually notpart of the picture. Consequently, the camera is prone to more oflife's hazards. Sapphire crystal is exceptionally hard(, making italmost unbreakable, and therefore, extremely protective of theM9-P's LCD display. The sapphire crystal cover also features anantireflective coating on both sides for optimal image viewing,even outdoors.

The M9-P boasts all the sameremarkable image making characteristics of the M9; image quality,after all, is the hallmark of a Leica camera. The 24 x 36 18Mp CCDimage sensor provides full size 35mm image capture in the digitalformat. All M lenses mount to the M9-P as well, for a wealth ofchoices to make the most of each shot. And even though the M9-P andM9 are digital, they still provide the user with the classic feelof a film rangefinder. Perhaps inspiring in the shooter a taste ofthe old days, yet putting all the benefits of digital at hand. Withthat being said, the intuitive interface and menu controls of theM9-P make it a joy to use.
M9-P继承了M9相机在成像效果方面的显著优势,是徕卡相机中的经典之作。徕卡M9-P采用1800万像素的35mm全画幅成像36 x24mm规格的CCD感光元件。所有M系列镜头都能在M9-P相机上使用,这种兼容性确保了最佳的成像质量。虽然M9和M9-P是数码相机,他们依然能给使用者提供类似旁轴传统胶片相机的拍摄体验。在带给摄影者传统拍摄品味的同时也提供了数码技术的便利。从这一点来说,简约的界面、直观的菜单导航系统让M9-P的使用充满乐趣。

Focused on Essentials -Maximum Image Quality(聚焦核心{去芜存菁,只关注“摄影”}——最高图像质量)
TheLEICA M9-P, a camera that carries the legend of Leica M camerasinto the digital age. It is the smallest full-format digital systemcamera the world has ever seen. In a nutshell: it is a contemporarytool for all who demand the highest standards in image quality andlove freedom of composition。

When it comes to handling, the Leica M9-P concentrates onessentials. It has even been possible to further improve thealready simple menu navigation. The key control element is anintuitive four-way switch and dial combination used in conjunctionwith the 2.5" monitor. Setting the sensitivity requires onlyconstant pressure on the ISO button while simultaneously turningthe dial to select the required setting. All other functionsimportant for everyday situations are quickly and easily accessibleby pressing the "Set" button: these include white balance,image-data compression, resolution, exposure correction, exposurebracketing, and programmable user profiles. The user profiles canbe programmed with any camera and shooting settings, stored underan arbitrary name, and accessed quickly whenever required for aparticular situation.

Compact and Built for aLifetime (轻便耐用)
It is not rare for a Leica to becomeits owner's lifelong companion. This also applies to the digitalLeica M9 and equally to the M9-P: despite the considerably largersensor, it has been possible to maintain the compact body size oftheir predecessors, the Leica M8 and M8.2. With dimensions of only139 x 37 x 80mm, the Leica M9 and M9-P retain the ideal size of theM series and the unique honor of being the world's smallestfull-format digital system cameras. The one-piece, full-metalhousing, made from a high-tensile magnesium alloy, and a top deckand bottom plate machined from blocks of solid brass, provideperfect protection for their precious inner mechanisms. The digitalcomponents and shutter assembly of the M9 and the M9-P aresimilarly constructed with a lifetime of endurance in mind. Freeupdates ensure that the cameras' firmware always embraces thelatest developments. In short: an M camera is not only aninvestment for life, but also a lifelong companion
对于摄影者来说,徕卡 相机常常是他们终生相伴的选择。M9和M9-P相机自然也不例外。除了相对更大的感光元件,M9和M9-P保持了以往徕卡相机如M8和M8.2在紧凑机身设计方面的优势,相机机身尺寸仅为139×37×80mm的M9和M9-P保持了M系列的完美尺寸以及世界上最小的全画幅数码相机的美誉。机身由高强度镁合金全金属外壳铸造,相机的顶盖和底板部分所采用的黄铜材料为内部珍贵的机械系统提供了完善的保护。M9和M9-P相机的数码元件和快门部件的组装均本着可供终生使用的宗旨。免费更新相机软件确保证了相机的固件总能适应最新的行业标准。总而言之,购买一款M系列相机不仅是对生活的一种投资,更是选择了可以相伴终生的摄影伴侣。

Unobtrusive(不显眼),Discreet(谨慎), and Resilient(适应性强): The Leica M9-P
TheM9 now has a twin sister, the Leica M9-P. In technological terms,they are absolutely identical twins and feature precisely the samehigh performance qualities. The only differences are found in a fewcharacteristic details

The compact size of Leica M cameras,their unobtrusive looks, minimalist design, and the almostinaudible sound of their shutters make it possible for Leica Mphotographers to virtually melt into the background. The M9-P nowmakes photography even more unobtrusive - instead of the red dot onthe front, it now bears a restrained Leica logogram on the topdeck. And, in turn, is even more discreet

The Leica M9-P now features anextremely scratch-resistant, almost unbreakable, sapphire crystalcover for its LCD monitor display. Sapphire crystal is one of theworld's hardest materials and so hard that it can only be workedwith special diamond-cutting tools. The antireflective coating onboth sides of the monitor cover glass further improves imagereviewing, particularly in unfavorable lighting conditions
徕卡M9-P中英文简介 徕卡m9 p爱马仕限量版

The Leica M9-P is optionallyavailable in the classical Leica silver chrome camerafinish(古典的徕卡银灰色) or in black paint - the M9 offers two options,elegant steel gray(简洁的铁灰色) or black paint. The Leica M9-P alsofeatures vulcanite leathering(硬橡胶皮作为机身表面) with particularly goodgrip characteristics


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