(1)Yahoo Answers:
What's the difference between a guarantee and a warranty?
A guarantee:
A warranty:
A guarantee is a promise made by a seller to a buyer that theitem / service / product sold is of the best and freshest conditionand in the event that there is no satisfaction or when the saiditem / service / product did not live up to its promise, the selleragrees to replace it or refund the buyer’s money.
A warranty, however, works like an insurance policy and workslike a legal contract. A warranty is a guarantee of repair andreplacement of an item / product or its parts should it not meetthe expectations of the buyer or should it break down andmalfunction at any time during the warranty period.
Both a guarantee and a warranty aim to protect the rights ofevery consumer.
However, a guarantee focuses on manufacture and serviceprovision, whereas warranty focuses on reselling and distribution.A company that creates televisions for example, will be liable forguarantee of their manufactured products. However, a distributor oran importer of these televisions will have to offer warranty to endusers or consumers.
Another example isthe statement, “This blender has a 30-day money-back guarantee anda 12-month warranty.” It means that you can return it for repair orreplacement within the 12-month warranty period and should you findthe product performing less than it should, you can return itwithin 30 days and get your money back.
“该搅拌机30天内包退(30-day money-backguarantee),12个月内包修(12-monthwarranty)。”即你可以在12个月包修期内,将产品返回修理或更换;如果发现产品未达到要求,可以在30天内退货并索回钱款。此时,可以得出结论,warranty即包修/保修,而gurantee则类似于我国的“三包”,且更侧重更换与退货。
There is simply no cost for a guarantee. A guarantee can beconsidered as a legal contract but without any payment. Therefore,it is given freely. However, a warranty attracts charges as aninsurance policy would. This is why, in order to make a warrantylegally viable, a customer needs to pay for the product first. Itcan then be used as a legal instrument which, depending on itsstrength, can subject the seller to lawsuits if they do not complywith said promise (which is repairing and replacing ofarticles).
(3)WiKi Answers
According to the 1985 MossMagnuson Act, warranty and guarantee are the same thing.
根据1985年颁布的Moss MagnusonAct,warranty和guarantee是相同的。
A guarantee is a document toprotect consumer rights. It is a promise by a seller with a buyerfor complete replacement of the item/ article or product; usuallyguarantee is valid for a fixed peri od of time. It has a legalstatus, even if we do not pay for or it was offered free of cost bya seller.
Warranty is also a documentthat protects consumer rights. It is more or less like insurancepolicy for that we have to pay certain amount to come into legalcontract. So on the basis of this legal bond the company can betaken to court if it does not bound what has been agreed in thewarranty document. Warranty covers only repair of the article.
Guarantee is more inmanufacture, Warranty is more in distribution and reselling parts;for example, a company manufacture a scooter is liable formanufacture guarantee,on the other hand, some importer ordistributor resell the products will use warranty
A guarantee is giving you their word (kinda like an empty promise.)A warranty is in writing that they will correct any problem withinthe scope of the warranty. Take a warranty over a guaranteeanytime.