3. Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement? The government and corporation should share all theirscientific discoveries with other countries in theworld.
It is widely known that science and technologyplays a pivotal role in the human progress. Nowadays, with thedevelopment of globalization, more and more governments andcompanies are engaged in the frequent scientific and technicalexchanges. It becomes a heated debate whether all the scientificdiscoveries could be shared for the humanity. Some people hold thatthe government and corporation should share all their scientificdiscoveries with other countries in the world. But from my point ofview, I do not agree with this view.
Admittedly, some scientific discoveries that willnot threaten the human existence and world peace and but contributeto the world development will benefit the world, if they are sharedbetween governments and corporations. For example, the discovery ofrenewable green energy, such as, solar energy and wind energy,could reduce the pollution. If these discoveries could be sharedamong countries, our global environment will be enhanced and ourquality of life will be improved. The transportation tool of carand plane are another good example. The sharing and popularity ofthese transportation tools shorten the space in every corner of theworld and make people travel and meet easily.
However, if the sharing of scientific discoverywill cause damages or even catastrophes to the government or thecorporation itself, these sharing behavior should not be allowed.Some scientific discoveries could support some crucial part in acountry's healthy running. If these discoveries are revealed, itwill bring catastrophe to his own country. Forexample, with the development of informationtechnology, the country's running are more and more relied on thenetwork which covers on nearly all the network infrastructure andservices, including all people's livelihood, such as power, oil,aviation, etc. If the information technology is shared with othercountries, this country's network security will be destroyed by thehacking and all the whole networks will completely collapse and thenational economy will be destroyed.
Moreover, governments and corporation have to beinhabited to share scientific discovery that will cause negativeinfluence on the whole humanity and the world. Some scientists areundertaking the projects in dangerous field and these discoveriesmight threaten public's health and safety. For example, somescientists do research on biochemical weapons, nuclear weapons andatomic bombs. If these discoveries are revealed and are tookadvantage by some aggressive countries, these countries will bringall the world involved in wars and people will suffer from thetorture of the wars. The development of the society will delay andset back. Therefore, a government or a corporation has to keep lowprofile when it do such research although they will apply them foruseful things.
In a word, as we have discovered above, thegovernment and corporation should not share all their scientificdiscoveries with other countries in the world. It is admitted thatsome scientific discoveries that will not threaten the humanexistence could be shared between governments and corporations.Moreover, if the sharing will cause damage to the government or thecorporation, it should not be allowed. Moreover, governments andcorporations have to be inhibited to share scientific discoverythat will cause negative influence on the whole humanity and theworld. Science is the critical part of the human progress and thereasonable application of science and technology cannot beemphasized too much.