- Fast and accurate “flexible dates” search with branded (FareFamily) calendar and other displays
- Fares pricing – full Fares and Rules implementation(ATPCO)
- Worldwide, multi-carrier availability
- Taxes (IATA) and surcharge calculation, schedule updates(OAG)
- Branded Fare Family offering without a need to update millionsof fares
- Flight Up Sell (Fare Family and Cabin)
- Multiple flight display options
- Shopping
- Cross sell and Upsell of Ground Ancillaries (Hotels, Cars andEvents)
- Booking
- Payment
- Fulfilment
- Post Booking Servicing
- Flight Shopping

OpenJaw对外接口的选择上,它们选择了OpenTravel的API标准,从文档上看它会同步顺序搜索供应商系统,不过也有内部的Cache。它们的xdistributor就是规则引擎,很强大,能做加减乘除,我们要做的话需要很长的时间。对于API接口标准这块,我们是follow航空公司的OpenAxis,还是OpenTravel的标准,也是很矛盾。曾经看过一篇文章,讲的是OpenAxis的出现就是因为航空公司对OpenTravel响应速度不满意,从FareLogix把接口拿过来,成立的OpenAxis。我们目前选择了OpenTravel,在B2B网站上用感觉缺少对Ticket的很好的支持,不如OpenAxis,但是OpenAxis对非航打包支持的不好!有跑题了,偏技术了:)xDistributorManage and aggregate inventory from multiple Air, Car, Hoteland other travel sources using the industry’s most advanced XMLstandards based technology. Simultaneous or sequential searchagainst supplier systems to gather inventory for package building.Gather Inventory from systems including:Global Distribution SystemsLocal Inventory SystemsSupplier Direct ConnectsIntermediaries (Hotel Switches etc.)xDistributor provides a single OpenTravel™ Alliance XMLinterface for each travel vertical. In addition, xDistributorallows package rules to be built to support multiple dynamic andpre-built package modelsThese rules control operations including:Package Type – decide which component types the package shouldcontain. For example, certain packages may not require a rentalcar. Fly-drive packages may not include accommodation. Pre-builtpackages may check availability of specified individual componentsto determine if the complete package can be offered.Build Order – decide whether the package should be built Airfirst, Accommodation first, or search for all components inparallel. Further ordering rules may be implemented for eachvertical e.g. search for charter flights first, if none availablethen check scheduled flights.Combination Rules - Validate which components should begrouped together.Price Adjustment – apply markups or discounts to individualcomponents or to the whole package. Fixed amounts or percentagescan be used. Convert fixed prices to supplements based on a basepackage price.Currency Conversion – convert components in differentcurrencies to a single currency.Filtering – remove package options that may not meet marginrequirement rules, or other quality assurance rules.Sorting – sort package options to prioritize certain packages,based on margin or other criteria.xRezxRez delivers the future technology platform for buildinghighly effective travel websites. The combination of XML basedarchitecture, advanced customer-centric features and unrivalledflexibility provides a platform to grow your business and adaptquickly to changing market requirements.Display Formats – xRez supports multiple display formats tosupport different types of website and different types of packages.These display formats can include:Fixed Price -display a complete package at a fixed price.Allow the customer to replace components with alternate options,which may involve an additional charge.Combination Price - display individual component prices. Allowthe customer to choose one component from each category to producetheir package.Cross-Sell -If a customer purchases a flight on the website,offer them hotel and/or car options at their destination for theirtravel dates.In addition, discounts can be highlighted by showing the fullprice plus the discounted price for each component or the fullpackage.OpenJaw的卖点就是交叉销售,规则引擎我们认为是技术,不是业务。OpenJaw的交叉销售就是根据航班的时间和地点实时地来进行计算Ancillary Revenues: Hotel, Car & InsuranceSalesThis allows you to go beyond simple affiliate links (“clickhere for hotels”) and offer real time availability and pricesmatching the air itinerary by date and location, a technique shownto dramatically improve cross sell rates.Branded to your site’s look and feel, xRez enables you tocross sell car, hotel, insurance, transfers, events and destinationactivities either during or after the main air sales flow. Atsimplest level, cross links to packages and cross sell are used.Support is also available to integrate deep linking, embeddedframes and web services.酒店这块,OpenJaw的能力有点像Qunar,它能够并行发送多个请求到不同的酒店供应商,根据条件过滤出用户希望的。同时他自己也有一个本地内容数据库,存放酒店的描述信息。xDistributorManage and aggregate inventory from multiple Hotel inventorysources using the industry’s most advanced XML standards basedtechnology. Simultaneous search against systems including:Hotel SwitchesGlobal Distribution SystemsHotel CRS’sHotel websitesxDistributor provides a single OpenTravel™ Alliance XMLinterface to any combination of these systems. OpenJaw’s advancedbusiness rules engine controls which suppliers receive particularrequests, how the responses are aggregated and other business logicfunctions including sorting, filtering, removing duplicates,applying markups or discounts.xDistributor provides the capability to ‘burst’ multiplerequests in parallel against each supplier system, with businessrules determining the options in each request. This allows largeamounts of data to be gathered to support availability checking formultiple properties, or to drive additional search requests whentoo few hotels are found for the users exact search criteria.ContentDatabaseIn many cases, a local database containing hotel location anddescriptive information is desirable for advanced search andcontent management purposes. Most hotel switches and many otherproviders allow downloading of descriptive content for theirsupported hotels. This allows the website owner to manage andupdate hotel information to ensure consistent display of contentfrom multiple sources, translate data where required and allowsearching and filtering of hotels based on any content in thedatabase.
An OTA XML interface for searching and retrieving descriptivecontent from the database is provided.OTA这块,OpenJaw提出了两个比较有意思的概念,double PNR,SupperPNR,另外就是动态打包概念的详细说明,实时获取+实时规则计算=单一不透明的价格Combined one-way (double PNR) flight searching – includingcombined GDS and Low Cost Airline itinerariesDynamicPackagingOpenJaw’s Dynamic Packaging enables the sourcing, packagingand pricing of multiple supplier inventory components in real timebased on business rules. Dynamic Packaging allows you to bundlemultiple products into packages with a single opaque price. Dynamicavailability and pricing through direct connects with dynamic rulesbased bundling provides strong revenue opportunities and positivecash flow potential by providing access to very competitive pre-payand packaging rates from airlines and ground productsuppliers.Destination products such as Transfers, Car Rental, Activitiesand Event Tickets can be added to a package to further increaserevenue and margin.StandardFeaturesOther standard features of OpenJaw’s Online Travel Agencysolutions include:Full multi-lingual support including double byte charactersetsCustomer profile supportShopping cart with single payment checkoutSuper PNR database to link all itinerary componentsSupport for multiple payment systems and payment typesincluding 3D Secure