请结合实际生活,以“Honesty Is Gold”(诚信是金)为题用英语写一篇短文。说明诚信的作用。

12、在广东汕头市某一彩票投注站(lottery bettingstation),有一位叫陈妙娟的工作人员,经常为以为老客户(customer)代买彩票,有一期彩票中得5,000,000元的大奖,由于电话故障,陈妙娟没能和老客户及时联系上,可陈妙娟并没有把钱据为己有,而是在老客户付彩票钱的时候,让这位老客户赢得了五百万大奖。
13、践约守信——诚实做人的核心。日本餐饮业有条行规,盘子要用水洗七遍,洗盘子计件付酬(pay by the piece)。有个打工的留学生(a student studyingabroad)为提高效率,少洗了两遍。在抽查中,老板用试纸测出盘子的清洁度不达标准,责问这个学生。她却振振有辞:“洗五遍不也挺干净吗?”老板淡淡地说:“你不诚实,请你离开。”这个学生被解雇,不得不到另一家餐馆应聘,老板打量她半天,说:“你就是那个只洗五遍盘子的学生吧,对不起,我们不需要。”第二家、第三家……她屡屡碰壁。无奈,她只得搬离这个城市。
Honesty Is Gold
1In my life, Honesty is very important and is veryimportant for everyone. When we look on honesty as responsibility,you life will have meaning.
I remember a good story about honesty when I little. And from thenon, I know honesty is very important have a long long ago. In afamily, Father and mother want to shoping But their childle alsowant to go, so his mother told him if he stay at home, she wouldhave some meal to eat. So he agree when his mother and father backhome his mother didn’t want to make meal for him. But his father dothis.
From then on I decided to do a honesty people. (117)
2Honest is important in our life, word is a basic criterion, we mustbe honest and responsible for people.
When I was young, my mother often tell me we should honest toeveryone. One day, I go to buy something in the shop, when I waspaying, I found the boss find out my money, I put the money back tothe boss quickly, the boss thanks me with smile.
In my opinion, I think honest can win the good faith for people,because it can help to create a great environment, and it also canset up the good relations between people and people. So, honestyour reputation will became great.(112)
3As is known to all, honesty is important, it can make us get alonewell with friends. And it can make our life more better.
I can still remember two years ago, That day, only I stayed atclassroom. When I did my homework, I find 50 RMB on my classmate’sdesk. But I didn’t get it. I told him that there was 50 RMB on hisdesk. He thanked me. We have gotten alone more well since thatday.
Myexperience tells me that we should be honest. It plays an importantrole in people’s relatly. (97)
4It’s very important for everyone to be honest. In our life,everything needs honesty, which in study, work and even a littlething. A honest person is easier to successed than a lier. And ahonest people is easy to make himself or herself popular. Honestycan win the other’s respect. I think honesty is important way tomake friends with each other.
When I was in the middle school, once I broke my classmate’sbottle, which was her favourite. I was sorry and very worried. Ididn’t know how to do about it. Because the classroom has no one. Iwanted to go out to pretend that I didn’t do that. But I wasunhappy, so I found her and told the all thing to her. I hadthought she would be angry with me, but she didn’t. And she saidthat she was happy to hear that.
I think honesty is important.(154)
Honesty Is Gold
Honesty means speaking the truth and being fair and upright in act.He who lies and cheats is dishonest.: Those who gain fortunes notby hard labour but by other means is dishonest.
Honesty is a good virtue. If you are honest all the time, you'll betrusted and respected by others. A liar is always looked down uponand regarded as a black sheep by the people around. Once you lie,people will never believe you even if you speak thetruth.
However, in the tide of commodity economy today, it seems that moreand more people believe in money at the sacrifice of honesty. Tothem, among such things as health, beauty, m6ney, intelligence,honesty, reputation and talent, honesty is the only thing that canbe east away. They don't understand or pretend not to understandthat honesty is the biggest fortune humans own, and that it is theprerequisite for doing everything well. I think these people are tobe pitied.
In short, honesty is gold. Honest, your reputation will becomegreat; dishonest, your name will be spoiled and your personalitydegraded. Therefore, we should never make such an excuse as "Alittle dishonesty is only a trifle thing. We should eradicateimmediately the seed of dishonesty once it is sowed in ourminds.