标 题:澄清《弯而不折》的事实 傅平
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Feb 6 15:49:28 2013,美东)
他问这个问题的是以方舟子先生的博客为基础。这是一个错误的表述。我从来没有说我是在劳教所。 “福布斯”纠正了这个错误。
答:正确;我没有公布我的研究,也从来没有出版。我离开了学校。我和妈妈去学校,声称我是精神崩溃,以便我不会被发送到遥远的中国(第258页)(这是很有意思的回答,译者特将原文列在这里,以备有误。Ileft school; my mother and I went to the school and declared I hada mental breakdown so I would not be sent to remote China (page258))。你只是不知道我离开的真正原因。
Clarifying the Facts in Bend, Not Break
Ping Fu
Author, 'Bend, Not Break'
An article about my book, Bend, Not Break, which appeared in Forbesand was translated into Chinese for ForbesChina.com (this link isto a Google English translation), contained several inaccuracies inwording. The posts have since been corrected. Meanwhile, Chineseblogger Fang Zhouzi posted a
story in which he questioned my credibility, and John Kennedyreacted to that blog in the South China Morning Post. Thoughfactually correct based on the original version of the Forbesarticle, both Fang and Kennedy made comments based on inaccurateinformation, rather than on material actually printed in the book.I would like to respond to their comments, as well as the commentsof other critics who have since posted to various websitesattacking the authenticity of my story.
Why did you say you were in a labor camp during the CulturalRevolution?
I did not say or write that I was in a labor camp; I stated that Ilived for 10 years in a university dormitory on the NUAA campus.Chinese children don't get put in labor camps. I also did not say Iwas a factory worker. I said Mao wanted us to study and learn fromfarmers, soldiers and workers.
If you were deprived of an education for those 10 years of theCultural Revolution, and less than 5 percent of applicants wereaccepted when universities reopened, how did you get in? Were you aprodigy?
After 1972, school resumed (p. 128). We had few formal classes atmy school at the edge of Nanjing in an industrial area. I studiednonstop (pp. 229-231) and was known by my family as "the girl whonever turns off her lights." (p. 231)
Suzhou University did not reopen until 1982. How could you go therein 1977?
A: This is a typo in the book (p. 232). I took the college entranceexams in 1977 and 1978, and was admitted in 1978. When I entered, Ibelieve it was called Jiangsu Teachers College or Jiangsu TeachersUniversity. Its name changed to Suzhou University before I left; itwas the same university in the same location.
In a 2010 NPR interview, you say you saw Red Guards execute oneteacher by tying each limb to a separate horse and dismembering herby having each horse run simultaneously in a separate outwarddirection. During the Cultural Revolution, dismemberment using fourhorses was unheard of and would have been quite difficult. This wasa legend from several hundred years ago.
To this day, in my mind, I think I saw it. That is my emotionalmemory of it. After reading Fang's post, I think in this particularcase that his analysis is more rational and accurate than mymemory. Those first weeks after having been separated from both mybirth parents and my adoptive parents were so traumatic, and I wasonly eight years old. There is a famous phrase in China for thiskilling; I had many nightmares about it.
You claim you were brutally gang-raped. Gang rape doesn't happen inChina.
A: Rape is a very private matter and this definitely happened. Iknow this was not a hallucination. I have scars. My body wasbroken.
In the Forbes piece, you say you wrote your undergrad thesis atSuzhou University on the practice of female infanticide in ruralChina. Your research received nationwide press coverage at thetime, and you were sentenced to exile as a result.
NOTE: The Forbes editorial mistake noting that I "published mythesis" on female infanticide in rural China has beencorrected.
I said I was asked to leave quietly. I did not say my research waspublished; it was never published. I was told that the reason I wasarrested was because of my research (book p. 257).
In the 2005 Inc. Magazine article, you explained that your findingson female infanticide were later covered by Shanghai's Wen Hui Baonewspaper and later then by People's Daily, resulting incondemnation from around the world, sanctions imposed by the UN,and you getting tossed into prison. People's Daily archives for theperiod when your research would've been published have nothingregarding female infanticide in rural China.
I remember reading an editorial in a newspaper in 1982 that calledfor gender equality. It was not a news article and not written byme, and I didn't know it had anything to do with my research (pp.253-255). When writing the book, I did not name the paper, since Iwasn't certain. However, I think that is where I read the editorialbecause it was the most popular and official newspaper. People whohave not read my book made assumptions that I submitted theresearch to the newspaper, or I published the thesis, but that wasnot how I described it in the book.
Why does nobody else in China know that the UN placed sanctions onChina in 1981? And how do you know that?
A: I heard about the sanctions in China while awaiting my passport.I was told that the UN was unhappy about this issue. A quick websearch shows that the American-based journalist Steven W. Mosherwrote about female infanticide in China in 1981. His book, calledBroken Earth, was published in 1984 -- the same year I was waitingfor my passport. Knowing this, it makes sense that I was asked toleave quietly. Anything else would have drawn more attention to theissue. According to the Los Angeles Times, Mosher successfullylobbied George W. Bush to cut UN funding for China. His story andthe timeline are consistent with my experience.
You say you were walking on campus when a black bag was suddenlythrown over your head and you were stuffed into a car before beingarrested?
Yes, this is how it happened. I never returned to classes and I didnot graduate. My classmates were told that I had a mentalbreakdown. After my release, I did what I was told and laid low athome (book, p. 255, pp. 258-259). I originally had been planning togo to graduate school to study
comparative literature in Nanjing, but that could not happen due tothe circumstances.
You said you were held three days and narrowly avoided beingsentenced to reform through labor when authorities decided insteadto send you into exile.
A: I was asked to leave quietly and never come back again (book p.258).
Why would you, an unknown, be deported/expelled to study in theU.S., a treatment reserved for very prominent dissidents?
As I describe in the book (pp. 257-261), I was told that I had toleave China, but not given a specific destination. I got a studentvisa, which was secured through a family friend at the Universityof New Mexico. On pages 258-259, I detail my application process tolive abroad and how I ended up in America.
Chinese international students had many ways of being able to stayin the United States. One of those was to fabricate bizarre talesof having faced persecution in China and apply for politicalasylum. It didn't matter how fantastic you made your experiences,Americans would still believe them to be true.
I didn't apply for political asylum; I was explicitly told not toattract attention.
According to Inc., you arrived at Suzhou University wanting tostudy engineering or business, but the Party assigned you to studyEnglish.
When the acceptance letter came in the fall of 1978 (this is a typoin the book, where it reads 1977 on p 232), it said that I had beenassigned to study literature at Suzhou University. Inc.magazinemade an editorial error on my major in China; I majored in Chineseliterature, not in English literature. (p. 99)
Forbes said you arrived in the United States knowing only threewords of English, yet there are different sets of those first threewords: Inc.: Please, thank you, help; Bend, Not Break: Thank you,hello, help; NPR: Thank you, help, excuse me.
In college, English language classes were offered, but notrequired. I did not study English ever. I had "level zero" English,just like most Americans know a few words of Spanish or French. Itried to learn more English when I knew I was going to the U.S.,but when I arrived, I only remembered a few.
In the Fast Company story image, you and other kids are wearing RedGuard armbands under the Red Guard flag, yet you claim you were nota Red Guard.
If you zoom into that picture, you only need to look closely to seeI have no red band on my arm. The image was taken in front of a RedGuard flag at the school that I attended in the late 70s. I wrotein the book that the situation got better after 1972. Still, I wasnever a Red Guard.
One of my classmates also responded to Fang's article on his blog.What he says is consistent with what I wrote in the book, so hemust be a classmate. He made comments based on Fang, assuming thatwhat Fang said was in the book, however it was not. I would like torespond.

You weren't in a labor camp.
A: True, I did not say I was in a labor camp in the book, orever.
You did not go to college in 1977.
True, I went in 1978; that is a typo in the book.
How can the labor camp be 10 years long for you?
He asked this question based on Mr. Fang Zhouzi's blog, which wasan incorrect choice of words. I never said that I was at a laborcamp. Forbes corrected this error.
You did not publish your research and it was never published.
Correct; I did not publish my research and it was never published.I left school; my mother and I went to the school and declared Ihad a mental breakdown so I would not be sent to remote China (page258). You just didn't know the true reason I left.
I want to say that I respect Mr. Fang Zhouzi, Forbes, and theclassmate (sorry, I do not know the name since he used a pen name).Democracy means everyone is entitled to freedom of expression.Criticism is not a form of defamation; it is a form of speaking orseeking truth. I welcome constructive criticism.
发信人: powerforward (抽敏感詞的筋), 信区: WaterWorld
标 题: Re:澄清《弯而不折》的事实 傅平
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Feb 6 18:41:02 2013,美东)
发信人: OverCloud (天马行空), 信区: WaterWorld
标 题: Re:澄清《弯而不折》的事实 傅平
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Feb 6 22:25:48 2013,美东)
发信人: bentian (朴素的本田), 信区: WaterWorld
标 题: Re:澄清《弯而不折》的事实 傅平
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Feb 7 00:06:51 2013,美东)