Patients anddoctors
28-1.This is a sceptical age, butalthough our faith in many of the things in which our forefathersfervently believed has weakened, our confidence in the curativeproperties of the bottle of medicine remains the same astheirs.
★标识语but连接两个并列分句,主要信息包含在第二个分句中,此分句是带有一个although引导的让步状语从句的复合句。主干ourconfidence remains the same 是个主系表结构,主句带有一个由介词短语承当的定语in the curativeproperties of the bottle of medicine,修饰confidence,另一个介词短语as theirs作表语的定语,物主代词theirs此处指代our forefathers’。although引导的让步状语从句,时态是现在完成时,同时该从句中的介词宾语the things还带着自己的定语从句,由inwhich引导。
★faith与介词in搭配,表示“笃信”,confidence也与介词in搭配以表示“对……信任”,该句为了避免重复,分别使用了faithin,confidence in,和believe in来表示“相信”、“信任”。
28-2.This modern faith in medicines is proved by the fact thatthe annual drug bill of the Health Services is mounting toastronomical figures and shows no signs at present of ceasing torise.
★that 引导的从句作the fact的同位语从句,具体说明其内容。
★mount to直线上升;高达
★show no signs of 并无……迹象
★cease to: stop 停止
28-3.The majority of the patients attending the medicalout-patients departments of our hospitals feel that they have notreceived adequate treatment unless they are able to carry home withthem some tangible remedy in the shape of a bottle of medicine, abox of pills, or a small jar of ointment, and the doctor in chargeof the department is only too ready to provide them with theserequirements.
★attending the medical out-patients departments of ourhospitals为分词短语,作定语,修饰the patients。that引导引导一个宾语从句,作动词feel的宾语。
★in charge of为介词短语,作定语,修饰the doctor,意即“负责……的”。
★in the shape of呈……形状
★only too ready to dosth.非常乐意做某事。英语中too…to…表示“太……以至于不能做……”,如:I’m too tired to walk sucha long way back home. 我太累了,不能走那么远的路回家。
It’s only too easy to say yes because your friends encourageyou.
★provide sb with sth: provide sth for sb 向……提供
28-4.There is no quicker method of disposing of patients than bygiving them what they are asking for, and since most medical men inthe Health Services are overworked and have little time foroffering time-consuming and little-appreciated advice on suchsubjects as diet, right living, and the need for abandoning badhabits etc., the bottle, the box, and the jar are almost alwaysgranted them.
★这是no more than句型的变体,此处形容词比较级后带着它所修饰的名词。如:
There is no more intelligent person than he who can deal withsuch an embarrassing situation.
★dispose of 处理,除掉,摆脱,如:
They must find a way to dispose of theopposition.他们必须找出以应付反对派的办法。
★grant sb. sth./grant sth. to sb.授予某人某物,如:
The government granted a n to her./The government grantedher a n.
两个合成形容词:time-consuming的构词法是n.+ doing(名词 +动词的现在分词形式),前面的名词通常是后面的动词的宾语;little-appreciated的构词法是adv. + done(副词 +动词的过去分词形式 ),前面的副词多是修饰后面的动词的。
28-5.Nor is it only the ignorant and ill-educated person who hassuch faith in the bottle of medicine.
★由于该句由否定词nor开头,所以该句使用了倒装语序。此外,该句还是一个强调句,句中的it为强调句的形式主语,被强调的部分是onlythe ignorant and ill-educated person。
28-6.It is recounted of Thomas Carlyle that when he heard of theillness of his friend, Henry Taylor, he went off immediately tovisit him, carrying with him in his pocket what remained of abottle of medicine formerly prescribed for an indisposition of MrsCarlyle's.
★it为先行主语,真正的主语是由that引导的主语从句。.It is recounted of:据说,有人谈及。
★when引导的是该主语从句中的时间状语从句,该句中的主句是he went off immediately …MrsCarlyle's。go off: leave离去
★carrying with him …Mrs Carlyle's.为现在分词短语,作伴随状语。
★of a bottle of medicine… of Mrs Carlyle's.作what的定语。whatremained of意即“有关……的剩余物”。
28-7.Carlyle was entirely ignorant of what the bottle in hispocket contained, of the nature of the illness from which hisfriend was suffering, and of what had previously been wrong withhis wife, but a medicine that had worked so well in one form ofillness would surely be of equal benefit in another, and comfortedby the thought of the help he was bringing to his friend, hehastened to Henry Taylor's house.
★what the bottle … contained以及what had previously … hiswife作介词of的宾语。that引导定语从句,修饰medicine。comforted by…hisfriend为过去分词短语,作原因状语,表示“由于想到能对朋友有所帮助,他感到欣慰”。comforted by the thoughtof:想到……而感到满意(慰藉)。
He is ignorant of the facts.他不了解事实真相。
Thousands of children leaving school are ignorant of even basicskills.
★but连接并列句,后面省略了he knew。
★hasten to:急忙走到
★suffer from:患…病
★be of equal benefit相当于be equally beneficial,意即“同样有好处”。
28-8.History did not relate whether his friend accepted hismedical help, but in all probability he did.
★relate 叙述,如 :
She related the events of the past week to the police.
★in all probability很可能,如:
They realized too late that in all probability he was not guiltyof the crime.
28-9.The great advantage of taking medicine is that it makes nodemands on the taker beyond that of putting up for a moment with adisgusting taste, and that is what all patients demand of theirdoctors -- to be cured at no inconvenience to themselves.
【译文】服药的最大优点是:除了暂时忍受一下令人作呕的味道外,对服药人别无其他要求。这也正是病人对医生的要求 --病要治好,但不要太麻烦。
★第一个that 引导的是表语从句,,在该从句中,it 指的是 taking medicine。
★beyond that of … taste中的that代替的是demand。
★put up with:忍受
★for a moment:一小会
★demand of:要求于
★what引导的是表语从句,破折号的to be cured … themselves作what的同位语。
★at no inconvenience to themselves作条件状语,修饰to be cured。at noinconvenience to themselves:在他们方便的情况下。