When it comes to an issue that students are more influenced bytheir teachers than by their friends, opinions differ, some maytend to suggest that teacher is the most influential one sincestudents are likely to treat their teacher as their parent and theyare respect their teacher, so what their teachers done and saidwill influence them mostly. Others' however suggest that friendsare more influential for students take most of the time with theirfriends. As i see it,
First and foremost, there is no denying that the time we take totogether with our teachers is very limited, especially in someschools that change teachers frequently, and the only connectionbetween students and teachers is mainly related to study ratherthan our daily live. Then how can the influence from teacherscompares to the influence from students, on the one side, we takemost of our time with our friends, and then we can share both ourown live and our study things with our friends. On the other side,some of the friends maybe once forever, they may accompany withpeople until old
Furthermore, students are tend to have more common topics withtheir friends, for they are also share the similar stage like age,study problems, toys or even families, and thus they can have morechance to communicate with each other, influenceeach other as well. However, teachers to them may as their parentsto them, what teachers always do is to give them some advises whenstudents need help rather than always talk to them. Moreover,sometime the generation gap between students and teachers may alsomake the advice useless.
Last but not least. Some may insist that students are alsofollow their teachers’ suggest and which may make special effect onobedient students. Nevertheless, it is not necessarily mean thatthe students who follow with their teacher can be effect by themand their obedience can only explain that students respect theirteachers and it is unreasonable that students can be mostinfluenced through the things their teachers advise them to do,since friends have more chance to ask students to do certainthings
Last but not least, base on above discussioncan we find out that since students always have more opportunityand chance to together with their friends, they may have morechance to influence each other. While the teachers' affect onstudent can only be limited for they are not only have less time tocommunicate with students, but also have much different fromstudents