1 .to scratch each other'sbacks相互挠背(串通一气做互相有利的不正当的事情)2 .to do business with that country和那个国家做生意3 .Publish or perish不出版,就完蛋(西方学界口号)4 .to found a new religion建立一个新的宗教5 .to convert RMB into foreigncurrency将人民币换成外币6 .to seek the truth 寻找真理7 .to discard the old traditions抛掉旧的传统8 .to satirize human vanity讽刺人的虚荣9 .to inhabit that island在那岛上住人10.to admire their courage钦佩他们的勇气11.to neglect one's duty玩忽职守12.to escape the consequences逃避后果13.to erase if from one's memory从记忆中消除14.to take command负责指挥15.to block one's way挡路16.to ruin one's reputation毁掉名誉1 .neglected fortifications年久失修的防御工事2 .a squatter's hut(美国历史上的)擅自占有土地的人所搭的临时简陋房子3 .a storage jar储蓄罐4 .perishable goods容易变质的商品5 .conventions of society社会习俗6 .tottering drunks摇摇晃晃,头重脚轻的酒鬼7 .a hermit's cave隐士住的山洞8 .the man of the hour当前的风云人物9 .heroic figures英雄人物10.an air of destiny一种带有使命感的神志11.a fiery glance看人时如火的眼光12.a war scare战争引起的恐慌13.a shower of stones如雨点一般的石头14.a handful of trouble-makers一群麻烦制造者1 .to peel the potatoes削土豆皮2 .to decorate the rooms布置房间3 .to lift her veil掀开面纱4 .to unbutton the collar解开衣领5 .to loathe the weather讨厌这天气6 .to haunt my memory使我魂系梦牵7 .to draw a deep breath 深深地吸了口气8 .to make a grimace作了个鬼脸9 .to give a hint给了一个暗示10.not to breathe a word不透漏一个字11.to stretch one's neck伸长脖子12.to unfold the map 打开地图13.to float on the river漂流在河上14.to plead with her向她请求15.to prick up one's ears竖起耳朵16.to ripple in the breeze微风中清波荡漾17.tohover over thetrees在树上盘旋18.to lay down the apple 放下苹果1 .to shape one's mind塑造某人的思想2 .to honor one's commitment忠于承诺3 .to sustain life维持生命4 .to raise a family 养家5 .to make a judgement作出判断6 .to focus one's attention集中注意7 .to devastate the country摧毁国家8 .to blame the weather责怪天气9 .to avoid sacrifice避免牺牲10.to demand justice要求公正11.to criticize the theory批评这种理论12.to condemn the war谴责战争13.to emphasize education强调教育14.to acknowledge defeat承认失败15.to sustain economic growth维持经济增长16.to restore the building 恢复这幢建筑17.to cause trouble引起麻烦18.to resist the temptation抵制诱惑1 .the animal kingdom动物界2 .a product of causation某种原因造成的结果3 .free will自由意志4 .reflexive reactions条件反射5 .biologically determined由生物本能决定的6 .natural selection自然选择7 .elevated beings of choices高级动物;万物之灵8 .survival of the fittest适者生存9 .innate drives固有欲望10.altruistic behavior利他的行为11.social status社会地位12.a fateful night一个关键的晚上13.a rightful place正当的地位14.immediate pleasure眼前一时痛快15.brute strength蛮力16.an inner battle思想斗争17.a guilty conscience良心不安;良心有愧18.leaps of faith 对未经证实之事物的信仰19.an escape clause合同的例外条款20.a vegetable state植物人的状态21.a long-term goal长期目标22.an absorbing movie十分吸引人的电影23.quality time全心全意和孩子相聚的时间24.a value system价值观念体系1 .resume her writing继续去写她的东西2 .to betray his true feelings流露他的真情3 .to arouse great anger引起巨大愤怒4 .to make a fool of oneself出自己的洋相5 .to inform everyone concerned通知相关的所有人6 .to reach our destination到达我们的目的地7 .to make inquiries问讯8 .to suffer a terrible pain遭受巨大痛苦9 .to pitch a stone扔一块石头10.to make a point of doing sth(因为重要)专门去做某事11.to infringe on my privcay侵犯我的隐私12.to abandon the research放弃研究13.to launch a new project上一个新项目14.to start one's life afresh重新做人15.to adopt a new method采纳一种新方法16.to provoke a violent reaction挑起激烈的反应17.to appreciate your support感激你的支持18.to recover one's missing car找回自己丢失的车19.to resent the unfairtreatment对不公平待遇感到愤怒和怨恨20.to involve dealing with all kinds ofpeople涉及到和各种人打交道1 .to risk being criticized冒挨批评的危险2 .to present the evidence摆出证据3 .to capture the tiger抓住老虎4 .to twist the fact 扭曲事实5 .to cover one's blunder掩盖失误6 .to recreate the scene重现当时情景7 .to stamp one's feet跺脚8.to slip through one's feet 从某人手中溜掉9 .to put oneself in sb'slife设身处地/将自己放在某人地位上10.to run for one's life 逃命11.to break the tie打破平衡僵局12.to give a demonstration做一示范13.to obscure the truth使真理变模糊14.to take a deep breath做深呼吸15.to run the country治理国家1 .unshakable testimony铁证2 .reasonalbe stress合理的怀疑3 .heavy makeup 重施脂粉;艳抹4 .emotioanl stress精神压力5 .a hung jury陪审团意见分歧,无法作出决定6 .a criminal court(civil court)刑事(民事)法庭7 .close(distant)realtives近(远)亲8 .a final verdict最终判决9 .a junk shop旧货店10.a defense counselor辩护律师11.potential menace潜在威胁12.a breeding-ground
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导演:大卫芬奇 编剧:斯蒂文泽里安 主演:丹尼尔克雷格/鲁尼玛拉/罗宾怀特 类型:剧情~ 惊悚影片改编自瑞典推理小说名家斯蒂格拉赫松《千禧年》三部曲的第一部。 讲述一位神奇的女黑客和一位记者之间的故事。 商业巨头亨里克范格尔委托他
