Barren adj.贫瘠的 同:sterile
The barren land could produce little food.
Bump v.碰撞 同:collide
The room was dark and I bumped my head against the door.
Devise v.设计;发明 同:invent
He devised a new method for teaching the blind.
Exert v.使用 同:use
My wife’s been exerting a lot of pressure on me to change myjob.
Intrigue 1. n.阴谋 同:conspiracy 2. v.引起…的兴趣
The king’s younger brother took part in the intrigue to makehimself king.
The book’s unusual title intrigued me into reading it.
Oath n.宣誓;誓言 同:pledge
He placed his right hand on the Bible as he spoke the oath ofoffice.
Postpone v.延期 同:adjourn
The had to postpone their trip because of rain.
Refuge n.避难所;避难 同:shelter
The cat took refuge from the dog behind a tree.
Regain n.恢复 同:recover
It took her a long time to regain her health.
Shatter v.破灭;粉碎 同:smash
Their hope of finding him alive was shattered when his dead bodywas found.
Tease v.嘲弄 同:vex
At school, the other children always teased me because I wasfat.
Tilt v.倾斜 同:incline
He tilted his chair back too far and fell on the floor.
Version 1. n.翻译 同:translation 2. n.叙述
Do you have the English version of this book?
Your version of the accident differs from that of the otherwitness.
Absurd adj.荒谬的 反:reasonable
His belief that he was too clever to be cautht in his wrongdoingwas absurd.
Alien adj.外国的 反:domestic
After ten years his alien speech was still noticeable.
Amiable adj.和蔼可亲的 反:spiteful
She is an amiable girl and gets along with everyone in theoffice.
Ban v.禁止 反:allow
In most countries the sale of liquor to children is banned.
Figurative adj.比喻的 反:literal
“The sweet temper” is a figurative expression,but “sweet coffee” isnot.
Genuine adj.真正的 反:false
Her wedding ring is made of genuine diamond.
Hoist v.升起 反:lower
They hoist the national flag at six o’clock every morning.
Incorrect adj.不正确的 反:accurate
The newspaper gave an incorrect account of the trafficaccident.
Massive adj.巨大的 反:tiny
The house was build on a massive rock.
Stale adj.不新鲜的 反:fresh
There was only a piece of stale cake left in therefrigerator.
Thrive v.茂盛 反:decline
Most floers will not thrive without water and sunshine.
Wholesale n.批发 反:retail
The buy at wholesale and sell at retail.
Annoy v.骚扰 n. annoyance
The baby is always annoying his sister by pulling her hair.
Celebrate v.庆祝 n. celebration
We celebrated Christmas with trees and presents.
Diplomat n.外交家 n. diplomacy
The unsociable person is hardly fit for a diplomat.
Foresee v.预知 adj. foreseeable
It is impossible to foresee whether she’ll be well enough to comehome from hospital next month.
Induce v.说服 n. inducement
We couldn’t induce the old lady to travel by air.
Mobilize v.动员 n. mobilization
Our country is in great danger;we must mobilize the army.
Precede v.在前 n. precedent
Mr. Eisenhower preceded Mr. Kennedy as president of the UnitedStates.
Predetermine v.预先决定 adj. predeterminate
Some people believe that man’s destiny is predetermined.
Prevail v.流行 adj. prevalent
Making resolutions on New Year’s Day is a custom that stillprevails.
Subtle adj.精致的;淡的 n. subtlety
Her subtle smile made him curious.
Transact v.办理 n. transaction
The man transacts many affairs connected with the purchase of ahome.
Treason n.叛国 adj. treasonous
Helping the enemies of one’s country is an apparent treason.
Utilize v.利用 n. utility
How can we utilize his knowledge and skill to our advantage?
Bosom n.胸
She wore a flower on the bosom of her dress.
Diploma n.文凭
When a person has successfully completed a certain course of study,he is given a diploma by the
Dramatic adj.戏剧的
The meeting between the mother and her blind son wasdramatic.
Fume n.烟;气体
The strong fumes of the automobile exhaust early choked him.
Hurrah n.欢呼声
“hurrah!” they shouted as the team scored again.
Miniature 1. n.缩小之模型 2. n.缩小物
In the museum there is a miniature of the ship “Mayflower.”
The child was playing on the floor with his collection of miniaturefarm animals.
Parcel n.包裹
On her birthday her arms were filled with gift parcels.
Pill n.药丸
The pill stuck in his throat but an extra drink of water washed itdown.
Racket n.喧哗
The students made a big racket as they left the school.
Rhyme n.音
The poet used the word “flight” as a rhyme for the word“night”.
Scar n.疤
The man looks terrible; he has many scars on his cheeks.
Sculpture n.雕刻
There are many famous sculptures in the museum.
Skip v.跳
When I read a book, I usually skip over; he uninterestingpart.
1. Few plants and animals _____in the desert.
2. Owing to the possibility of rises in prices and wages,it is noteasy to _____ the cost of producing this article in ourfactory.
3. The room was so dark that I _____ my head against thedoor.
4. The king’s younger brother took part in the _____ to makehimself king.
5. In the United States the sale of liquor to children is_____.
6. The unsociable person is hardly fit a(an)_____.
7. When I read a book I usually _____ over the uninterestingpart.
8. The poet used the word “gold” as a(an) _____ for the word“cold.”
9. “_____!”they shouted as the team scored again.
10. They _____ the national flag at six o’clock everymorning.
1.thrive 2.predetermine 3.bumped 4.intrigue 5.banned
6.diplomat 7.skip 8.rhyme 9.Hurrah 10.hoist
Apparatus n.仪器 同:equipment
The town has recently purchased some new fire-fightingapparatus.
Assert v.断言 同:insist
The witness asserted that the salesman was dishonest.
Assign v.分派 同:allot
He was pleased that he was assigned such an easy task in thecompany.
Compensate v.赔偿 同:reward
He gave me a new knife to compensate for the one of mine helost.
Deem v.认为 同:consider
He would deem it an honor if the minister came to see him.
Inviolable adj.不可侵犯的 同:sacred
Freedom of action is one of the inviolable rules of humanbehavior.
Specimen n.标本 同:sample
He collects specimens of all kinds of rocks and minerals.
Stimulate v.刺激;鼓舞 同:excite
The beating of a drum on the battlefield stimulated the soldiers tofight more bravely.
Tendency n.趋势 同:inclination
Boys have a stronger tendency to fight than girls.
Testify v.证明 同:prove
He testified that the car was being driven slowly at the time ofthe accident.
Tourist n.观光客 同:traveller
Each year, many foreign tourists visit Taiwan forsight-seeing.
Utility n.效用 同:usefulness
Their furniture was chosen for utility rather than forelegance.
Blunt adj.钝的 反:sharp
Too much alcohol makes all your senses blunt.
Elastic adj.有弹性的 反:inflexible
Toy balloons , sponges and steel springs are elastic.
Exit n. 1.出口 反:entrance 2.离去
He left the building through the rear exit.
When the cat came in, the little mouse made a hasty exit.
Fatigue n.疲劳 反:vigor
He was pale with fatigue after his sleepless night.
Heir n.(男)继承人 反:heiress
When he died, his young nephew was the only heir to his greatwealth.
Inflate v.膨胀 反:deflate
As the currency of a country is inflated, the prices of goods beginto rise.
Plump 1. adj.丰满 反:thin 2. v.忽然落下
She is too plump to fit into this dress.
Utterly exhausted, she plumped down on a chair.
Recall v. 1.忆起 反:forget 2.召回
Mother could recalled stories that she had heard years ago.
The government recalled the general after he lost the battle.
Shun v.避开 反:encounter
You can hardly shun meeting her if you and she both work in thesame office.
Sneer v.轻蔑;嘲笑 反:admire
The mean girl sneered at the poor girl’s cheap clothes.
Adjoin v.临近 adj. adjoining
Canada and Mexico adjoin the United States of America.
Ally 1. v.同盟 n. alliance 2. n.同盟
Great Britain, France and Italy were allied during the First WorldWar.
Great Britain and the United States were allies in both WorldWars.
Chaste adj.贞洁的 n. chastity
Her parents teach her to be chaste and decent in herbehavior.
Confide v. 1.依赖(告知秘密) n. confidence 2.信任
When she was a child she always confided her problems to hersister.
We can’t confide in his words , for he often breaks hispromises.
Defy v.藐视 n. defiance
The driver of the car was defying the traffic law byspeeding.
Disrupt v. 1.使中断 2.使分裂 adj. disruptive
An accident has disrupted railway service into and out of thecity.
Slavery seemed likely to disrupt the Union.
Enable v.使能够 n. ablility
The bird’s large wings enable it to fly very fast.
Fantastic adj.怪诞的 n. fantasy
The wall was covered with many fantastic pictures andphotographs.
Impact n.冲击 adj. impactive
The force of the impact threw the driver out of the car.
Interfere v.干涉 n. interference
It is best not to interfere in other people’s arguments.
Minimize v.将…减至最小程度 n. minimum
You can minimize the dangers of driving, by taking care to obey allhe rules of the road.
Narrate v.叙述 adj. narrative
Shall I narrate a strange experience of mine?
Visual adj.视觉的 n. vision
The contrasting colors created an interesting visual effect.
Appliance n.. 1.电器用品 2.应用
The modern house has many useful electrical appliances.
The appliance of electricity to household tasks makes house.
Brood 1. n.孵;窝 2. v.沉思
There are twelve chickens in this brood.
She brooded on her past mistakes so much that she became ill.
Fringe n.边缘
The woodcutter had a little house on the fringe of theforest.
Gravel n.碎石
The path to the house was covered with gravel.
Hut n.小屋
In the storm, they found a shabby hut in the forest.
Lure 1. n.诱饵 2. v.引诱
The fisherman had some bright colored lures to attract fish.
The hope of high profits lured him into questionabledealings.
Perch 1. n.栖身处 2. v.栖息
The bird flew down from its perch in the cage.
The bird perched on the woman’s shoulder.
Retail n.零售
Most people buy meat and groceries at retail.
Stride n.大步
Great strides have been made in science since 1900.
Swarm 1. n.群 2. v.蜂拥
A swarm of people surrounded the car to see the famous actress init.
Rural populations swarmed into near by towns.
Twig n.小树枝
The tree bears so many apples that the twigs seem almost brokendown.
Wade v.涉水
The bridge is far away from here; we’d better wade across thestream.
Wrinkle n.皱纹
She is beginning to get many wrinkles around her eyes.
1.The police _____ it necessary for the town’s safety to arrestmore speeders.
2.A large building may have a heating _____ by which all the roomsare steam-heated.
3.Many firms _____ their workers when they are hurt at work.
4._____ material has the quality of springing back to its originalshape after being bent or stretched.
5.They have not yet recovered from their _____ ofoverworking.
6.I asked him to look after my bags because I can _____ inhim.
7.The idea that machines could be made to fly seemed _____ ahundred years ago.
8.I walked the floor to and fro with heavy _____ as if excited tofury.
9.The soldiers _____ across the stream when they saw the bridge hadbeen destroyed.
10.It is natural that the _____ price is higher than the wholesaleprice.
1.deemed 2.apparatus 3.compensate 4.elastic 5.fatigue
6.confide 7.fantastic 8.strides 9.waded 10.retail
Alter v.改变 同:change
If the coat is too large , the tailor can alter it to fityou.
Doom n.命运;劫数 同:fate
As the ship sank, they faced their doom.
Fragile adj.易碎的 同:breakable
This old dish is in a very fragile condition.
Fruitful adj.有收获的 同:profitable
We had a very fruitful discussion in the classroom.
Garrison n.要塞 同:fort
The japanese garrison on wake surrendered at the end of World WarⅡ.
Hurl v.用力投掷 同:cast
The hunter hurled a long, sharp spear at the bear.
Jail n.监狱 同:prison
The judge sent him to jail for six days.
Quest n.探询 同:pursuit
She went to the library in quest of something to read.
Refrain v.抑制 同:abstain
In order to lose weight, she refrained from eating candy.
Script n.字迹 同:handwriting
I could easily recognize my father’s careful script.
Shabby adj.简陋的 同:worn
You look rather shabby in those clothes.
Temporary adj.暂时的 同:transient
Many students find temporary jobs during their summerholidays.
Urgent adj.紧急的 同:imminent
The refugees are in urgent need of medical supplies.
Alert adj.留心的 反:heedless
A good hunting dog is alert to every sound and movement in thefield.
Artificial adj. 1.人造的 反:natural 2.虚伪的
The artificial flowers were made of paper and cloth.
She welcomed us with an artificial smile on her face.
Ascend v.上升 反:descend
He watched the airplane ascend higher and higher.
Disgrace n.耻辱 反:honor
A doctor like him is a disgrace to our hospital.
Grudge n.怨恨 反:favor
I always feel she has a grudge against me, although I don’t knowwhat wrong I have done to her.
Nun n.修女;尼姑 反:monk
My aunt is a nun; she can’t get married, and has to live a life ofprayer and worship.
Random adj.随便的 反:deliberate
The room was filled with a random selection of furniture.
Steadfast adj.坚定的 反:inconstant
He was so steadfast to his principles that we couldn’t movehim.
Subordinate 1. adj.下级 反:superior 2. n.属下
A clerk in a business occupies a subordinate position to that ofthe owner.
A good leader is the one that is respected by hissubordinates.
Thrift n.节俭 反:waste
Her thrift saved them enough money to buy a hourse.
Treacherous adj.叛逆的 反:loyal
The treacherous soldier carried some important pieces ofinformation to the enemy.
Troublesome adj.麻烦的 反:pleasing

He is a troublesome child; he is not obedient to his parents.
Alternative n.二选一 adj. alternate
Her father gave her the alternative of staying in high school orgoing to work.
Bulge n.凸出 adj. bulgy
The bag of candy made a bulge in the child’s pocket.
Congratulate v.祝贺 n. congratulation
Let me congratulate you on the birth of your son.
Contradiction n. 1.反驳 2.矛盾 adj. contradictory
Contradiction by the students always makes my teacher angry.
It is a contradiction tosay you support the government but wouldnot vote for it in an election.
Detect v.发现 n. detection
Small quantities of poison were detected in the dead man’sstomach.
Execute v.实现 n. execution
The plan was good in every respect, but it was badlyexecuted.
Intervene v.插入;介于其间 n. intervention
A week intervenes between Christmas and New Year’s Day.
Monster n.怪物 adj. monstrous
That dog is a real monster; I have never seen such a big one.
Paralyze v.使麻痹 n. paralysis
His arm was paralyzed as the result of the accident.
Revive v.复活;苏醒 n. revival
He was nearly drowned, but we revived him.
Stagger v.蹒跚 adj. staggering
The boy staggered and fell under the heavy load of books.
Subsequent adj.后来的 n. subsequence
The story will be continued in subsequent issues of themagazine.
Cling v.粘着
The two friends cling together wherever they go.
Countenance n.面容;表情
The actor had a handsome and distinguished countenace.
Dimension n.尺寸
He ordered wallpaper for a room of the following dimensions; 16ft.long, 12ft. wide, and 8ft. high.
Erase v.抹去
He erased the wrong answer and wrote in the right one.
Growl v.咆哮
The dog was angry and growled at the stranger.
Lick v.舔
The cat licked up the drops of milk from the floor.
Postage v.邮资
The postage for airmail is greater than that for regularmail.
Poultry n.家禽
This market has fresh poultry for sale at the beginning of everymonth.
Prick v.刺
When she was sewing she pricked her finger and made it bleed.
Skim v. 1.掠去(液体上不要的漂浮物) 2.掠过
The cook skimmed the fat from the soup.
I watched many seabirds skimming the waves looking for food.
Stitch n.一针
She made a neat row of stitches along the edge of her skirt.
Undergo v.承受
She underwent a thorough examination at the hospital according tothe doctor’s order.
Wharf n.码头
Passengers were waiting on the wharf to board the ship.
1. He _____ curses at the unfortunate man who had made themistake.
2. We have to buy a new suit for Mary; her suit is too _____.
3. When you read at night,you read by _____ light.
4. She has had a(an) _____ against me ever since I disagreed withher.
5. A man who is sent to prison brings _____ on himself and hisfamily.
6. The nurse _____ her duty according to the doctor’s order.
7. We have to do what he wants; there is no _____ for us in thatmatter.
8. The president was asked to _____ in the coal strike.
9. She _____ to the hope that her son was not dead.
10. The student _____ his mistake on the examination paper.
1. hurled 2. shabby 3. artificial 4. grudge 5. disgrace
6. executed 7. alternative 8. intervene 9. clung 10. erased
Bellow v.吼叫 同:roar
He bellowed with pain when the tooth was pulled out.
Beverage n.饮料 同:drink
In some countries, it is illegal to sell alcoholic beverages onSundays.
Calculate v.计算 同:compute
You must calculate all the advantages and disadvantages beforecoming to a discussion.
Glamour n.魔力 同:charm
The glamour of the life of an actress made her give up herstudy.
Outfit n.用具 同:equipment
She bought him a baseball outfit for his birthday.
Rascal n.流氓 同:rogue
Two rascals tricked the old man out of his money.
Render v.1.给予 同:give 2.致使
The organization renders great service to the community.
His fatness renders him unable to touch his toes.
Safeguard n.保持 同:protection
Keeping clean is a safeguard against disease.
Schedule 1.n.时刻表 同:timetable v.排定
According to the production schedule, the factory is supposed toturn out a hundred cars a day.
The President’s speech is scheduled on next Friday.
Strap n.皮带 同:thong
The general wore straps on the shoulders of his uniform.
Tomb n.坟墓 同:grave
When the king died the people placed his body in a large tomb madeof stone.
Transmit v.传送 同:convey
Her illness was transmitted to other members of the family.
Wrath n.愤怒 同:rage
The king’s unjust laws raised a great wrath among the people.
Baggy adj.松弛的 反:tight
Old people sometimes have baggy skin under their eyes.
Beneficial adj.有益的 反:harmful
The new hospital will be beneficial to the poor people.
Disgust 1.n.憎恶 反:favor 2.v.令人厌恶的
The smell of the rotten meat filled her with disgust.
The impolite manner of that man disgusted many people.
Drought n.干旱 反:flood
The water level in the reservoir was low because of the longdrought.
Exterior adj.外部的 反:interior
The exterior surface of the house was bleached by thesunlight.
Eliminate v.削减 反:include
A part of the program was eliminated to save time.
Gorgeous adj.华丽的 反:shabby
Children shouted when they saw the peacock spread his gorgeoustail.
Illegal adj.不合法的 反:lawful
He was arrested for the illegal sale of guns.
Lad n.少年 反:lass
We lived on a peaceful farm when I was a lad.
Retain v.保留 反:lose
In the United States most married women do not retain their maidennames.
Tilt v.倾斜 反:erect
You tilt your head forward when you bow.
Veto 1.n.否决 反:approval 2.v.否决
The governor’s veto kept the bill from becoming a law.
His parents vetoed his plan to buy a new motorcycle.
Abbreviate v.减缩 n.abbreviation
His book was abbreviated and appeared in a public magazine.
Available adj.可利用的;可获得的 v. avail
There were no tickets available for Friday’s musicperformance.
Bribe n.贿赂 n. bribery
The judge was accused of taking a bribe to free the prisoner.
Chat n.闲谈 adj. chatty
The woman chatted on the phone for almost an hour.
Contempt v.轻视 adj. contemptible
We feel contempt for a liar or a thief.
Fraction n.部分 adj. fractional
She’s careful with her money and spends only a fraction of herearnings.
Idol n.偶像;神像 v. idolize
A stone idol stood at the entrance of the village.
Inherit v.继承 n.inheritance
After the farmer’s death his wife and children will inherit thefarm.
Reproduce v.再生 adj.reproductive
She reproduced the contents her husband’s letter from memory.
Shrink v.萎缩 n.shrinkage
Washing wool in hot water will make it shrink.
Tempt v.引诱 n.temptation
The sight of the food tempted the hungry man to steal.
Vital adj.生命的;致命的 v.vitalize
He was lucky that the bullet had not entered a vital organ.
Abuse 滥用 1.v 2.n
Don’t abuse your health by working when you ought to be sleeping orresting.
His abuse of power has turned his friends against him.
Brand 1.n.品牌 2.v.烙印
What brand of cigarette do you want to smoke?
On big farms, cattle are usually branded to identify the owner ofthem.
Compress v.压缩
Compressed air has a great deal of force when it released.
Corridor n.走廊
You will find Room 101 at the end of the corridor.
Hatch v.1.图谋;计划 2.孵
The spies hatched a scheme to steal government secrets.
We hatch the eggs by keeping them in a warm place.
Imply v.暗示
Her letter implies that she wishes to meet you.
Logic n.逻辑;理学
Logic is not the science of belief, but science of proof orevidence.
Merchandise n.商品
The store had a large stock of merchandise.
Preside v.主持
The mayor presided over the town meeting.
Procure v.1.取得 2.促成
They procured the money needed to build the hospital.
The traitors procured the death of the prince.
Ruffle v.弄绉
A sudden breeze ruffled the surface of the calm lake.
Soar v.高升
The price of sugar soars when sugar is scare.
Surplus n.剩余
He kept enough corn to feed his cattle and sold the surplus.
1. The _____ of Hollywood draws many young people there everyyear.
2. Parents _____ some of their characteristics to theirchildren.
3. The scientists could _____ when the spaceship would reach themoon.
4. Please straighten the flag ; it is _____ a little bit to theleft.
5. A(An) _____ of three months ruined the wheat crops.
6. She _____ so much that it was hard to understand herletters.
7. I feel nothing but _____ for such dishonest behavior.
8. It is hard to _____ water in the desert.
9. The bank keeps a large _____ of money in reserve.
10. Mother’s smile _____ that she had forgiven us.
1. glamour 2. transmit 3. calculate 4. tilted 5. drought
6. abbreviated 7. contempt 8. procure 9. surplus 10. implied
1.Anticipate v.预期 同:expect
Mother anticipated my hunger and baked cookies for me.
2.htmire v.渴望 同:desire
In his childhood, he aspired to become a great general.
3.Attorney n.律师 同:lawyer
The court appointed and attorney for the accused man.
4.Counsel 1.n.忠告 同:advice 2.v.劝告
They refused to listen to the old man’s counsel.
They counseled against travelling at night in such a dangerouscountry.
5.Falter v.1.动摇;胆怯 同:hesitate 2.蹒跚而行
The soldiers faltered for a moment as their captain fell.
The sick man faltered for few steps, and then fell down.
6.Ghastly adj.可怕的 同:ghostlike
After a sleepless night, she looked very ghastly.
7.Gratitude n.感激 同:thankfulness
She showed me her gratitude by inviting me to dinner.
8.Plume n.羽毛 同:feather
The rooster lost one of his plumes in the fight with the cat.
9.Promote v.1.升迁 同:advance 2.促进
The young army officer was promoted to captain.
An understanding of the culture of other countries may promotepeace.
10.Shudder v.战栗 同:shrive
She shuddered at the sight of the dead body.
11.Swamp n.沼泽 同:marsh
The land is useless growing crops; it’s mainly swamp.
12.Terrific adj.1.可怕的 同:awful 2.极好的
The terrific storm destroyed most of the houses in the city.
It was such a terrific party that I didn’t feel like going backhome.
13.Villain n.恶棍 同:rogue
The villain was caught by the police and brought to trial.
14.Absent-minded adj.心不在焉的 反:attentive
The absent-minded man put salt in his coffee and sugar on hisegg.
15.Acute adj.敏感的 反:dull
A dog has a very acute sense of smell.
16.Entry 1.入口 反:exit 2.进入
Leave the boxes in the entry and we will carry them uplatter.
His sudden entry startled all of us.
17.Immigrate v.迁入 反:emigrate
During the 1800’s many thousands of people from Europe immigratedinto the United States to make a new home.
18.Intensify v.加强 反:weaken
My first failure only intensified my desire to succeed.
19.Invariable adj.不变的 反:inconstant
After dinner it was his invariable habit to take a nap for awhile.
20.Latitude n.纬度 反:longitude
One degree of latitude on the earth’s surface equals almost 70miles.
21.Secondhand adj.用过的;旧的 反:new
The books in the secondhand bookstore are very cheap.
22.Specify v.详尽陈述 反:outline
Please specify when you will be at home tomorrow.
23.Trivial adj.不重要的 反:important
Your composition has only a few trivial mistakes.
24.Vulgar adj.粗俗的 反:noble
She is a very vulgar woman to shout like that at the top of hervoice.
25.Accommodate v.1.容纳 n. accommodation 2.适应
The airplane is large enough to accommodate over 400passengers.
We have to accommodate ourselves to our changedcircumstances.
26.Bewilder v.迷惑 bewilderment
The old woman from the country was bewildered by the crowds andtraffic in the big city.
27.Circulate v.流通 n. circulation
Money circulates as it goes from person to person.
28.Deceive v.欺骗 n. deception
I trust him because I know he would never deceive me.
29.Define v.下定义 n. definition
Some words are hard to define because they have many differentuses.
30.Disrupt v.使分裂;使中断 n. disruption
The accident disrupted railway service into and out of thecity.
31.Heredity n.遗传 adj. hereditary
Some disease develop because of the bad conditions one lives in andothers are present by heredity.
32.Myth n.神话 adj. mythical
There are many myths about how the world first began.
33.Outrage n.暴行;迫害 adj. outrageous
The use of atomic bombs would be an outrage against humanity.
34.Patriot n.爱国者 adj. patriotic
Many patriots died while fighting in the war forindependence.
35.Penetrate v.穿过 n. penetration
A bullet can penetrate this board, or two inches into thatwall.
36.Restrict v.限制 n. restriction
In the United States the sale of liquor is restricted to peopleover twenty-one years old.
37.Temperament n.性情;资质 adj. temperamental
Whether a person likes sports or not depends largely upon histemperament.
38.Blink v.1.眨眼 2.闪烁
She blinked her eyes as the bright light shone on her.
As the ship drew near to port in the darkness, we could see thelights blinking on land.
39.Earthquake n.地震
Many buildings were damaged or completely destroyed by theearthquake last night.
40.Exploit 1.n.功绩 2.v.开发
The sergeant won the Medal of Honor for his exploits during theKorean War.
They are planning to exploit the oil under the sea.
41.Famine n.饥荒
Many people died of hunger during the famine in India.
42.Fraud n.欺骗
He carried out a number of frauds on trusting people who lent himmoney.
43.Murmur v.低吟
The children murmured as they memorized the poem.
44.Patrol v.巡逻
Policemen patrol the city day and night so as to protect the livesand properties of the citizens.
45.Prime adj.首要的
Safety is a matter of prime importance.
46.Recess n.休息期间
There will be a short recess before the next meeting.
47.Reptile n.爬虫类
Some reptiles, such as snakes or lizards, move very fast.
48.Rustle v.发沙沙声
Her long silk dress rustled as she walked down the stairs.
49.Scowl v.蹙额
He scowled at me when I asked for more money.
50.Wretch n.可怜的人
The poor wretch asked for food and place to sleep in.
1. A good secretary ____ her employ’s needs and always prepares forthem.
2. The farmer will drain the _____ so that he can plant cropsthere.
3. Pupils who pass the test will be _____ to the next highergrade.
4. Blowing on a fire ____ the heat.
5. The customer _____ the precise type of house he wanted.
6. The news of the enemy’s defeat quickly _____ around thecity.
7. Most _____ express a religious belief of a people , and are ofunknown origin.
8. The average person _____ his eyes about 25 times a minute.
9. As the boy came in late,the teacher _____ at him.
10.The woolen dress is a(an) _____;it’s supposed to be washable,butnow I’ve washed it,it’s too small to wear.
1. anticipates 2. swamp 3. promoted 4. intensifies 5.specified
6. circulated 7. myths 8.blinks 9. scowled 10. fraud
1.Avenue n.大街 同:road
Many people walked down the avenue through the center of thepark.
2.Bestow v.赠予 同:confer
The president of the college bestowed honors on the beststudents.
3.Brim 1.n.(杯,碗,盘等的)边 同:brink 2.n.(帽的)缘
Please don’t fill my cup up to the brim.
The wide brim of her hat protected her face from the sun.
4.Drastic adj.激烈的 同:extreme
Drastic changes are necessary to improve the government of thecountry.
5.Insight n.洞察力 同:penetration
We study science to gain insight into the world we live in.
6.Plea n.1辩解 同:pretext 2.恳求
The driver’s plea was that he did not see the stop sign.
The kind man answered her plea for aid.
7.Prestige n.声望 同:reputation
The doctor had great prestige among the members of hisprofession.
8.Ripple n.涟漪 同:wave
Throw a stone into still water and watch the ripples spread inrings.
9.Shrill adj.声音尖锐的 同:sharp
The boys mother shouted his name in a shrill voice.
10.Stray v.迷路 同:wander
The little lamb had strayed from the flock; we couldn’t findit.
11.Trend n.趋势 同:tendency
The trend of modern living is away from many old customs.
12.Wreath n.花环 同:garland
Many people hang wreaths on the window at Christmas.
13.Abstract adj.抽象的 反:concrete
Some authors are not popular because their writings are tooabstract.
14.Accumulate v.积聚 反:scatter
Through the years he accumulated sufficient money to buy afarm.
15.Ample adj.充足的;广大的 反:scanty
He has received ample praise for the work he did.
16.Corrupt adj.腐败的 反:conscientious
If a government official accepts money to do things that he oughtnot to do, we say that he is corrupt.
17.Extinct adj.灭种的 反:existent
Many animals that lived thousands of years ago are nowextinct.
18.Illuminate v. 1.照明 反:darken 2.说明
The room was illuminated by four large lamps.
Our interesting teacher could illuminate almost any subject westudied.
19.Incredible adj.难以置信的 反believable
These results are incredible; I can’t believe that they areaccurate.
20.Lament v.哀悼 反:rejoice
All the people lamented the death of their President.
21.Profound adj.极深的 反:shallow
Having taken the medicine, he fell into a profound sleep,
22.Systematic adj.有系统的;有组织的 反:disorderly
They made a systematic search for the lost car.
23.Vivid adj.鲜明的 反:dull
The terrible car accident is still vivid in my mind.
24.Betray v. 1.辜负;出卖 2.显示
She betrayed her friends by breaking her promise.
The boys wet shoes betrayed the fact that he had walked in therain.
25.Comical adj.滑稽的
That’s a comical hat you’re wearing, with all those flowers!
26.Drowsy adj.昏昏欲睡
Warm weather makes everyone become drowsy.
27.Embarrass v.使困窘
They were embarrassed because there was not enough food for all theguests.
28.Fabric n. 1.布;质地 2.结构
Suits and dresses are made of cloths of different fabric.
The whole fabric of society was changed by the war.
29.Hesitate v.犹豫
I hesitated about taking his side until I knew the wholestory.
30.Pregnant adj.怀孕的
The newly wedded woman has been pregnant for five month.
31.React v.反应
He reacted to my question with much surprise.
32.Repulse v.击退
Our soldiers repulsed the enemy forces, which invaded the frontline area.
33.Tenant n.客房
That building has apartments for one hundred tenants.
34.Unconscious adj.无知觉的
He was knocked unconscious when the car struck him.
35.Aristocrat n.贵族
For many years only aristocrats were members of thegovernment.
36.Biography n.传记
After reading a biography of Lincoln I was able to tell manystories about the President.
37.Channel n.海峡;水道
There’s a channel in the middle of the old street to help waterflow away when it rains.
38.Cherish v. 1.珍爱 2.怀抱(希望等)
The old woman cherishes the girl as if she were her daughter.
All the women cherished the hope of their husband’s safe returnfrom fishing on the sea.
39.Daze v.使晕眩
A blow on the head dazed him so that he could not find his wayhome.
40.Dismay v.惊慌
He was dismayed by the sight of the burning house.
41.Haul v.拖
The logs were loaded on the wagons and hauled to the mill byhorses.
42.Mess n.肮脏的一团
I’ve never seen so much mess and disorder anywhere.
43.Mound n.土堆
The explorers climbed a mound to survey the land around them.
44.Ranch n.大农场
The children spent the summer vocation on their grandfather’sranch.
45.Repeal v.撤消
The new government repealed many old laws.
46.Rumble n.隆隆声
She was awakened during the storm by the rumbles of thunder.
47.Tuck v.折;卷
She tucked up her shirt and climbed over the fence.
1.His _____ rose when the boys learned that his father was a ship’scaptain.
2.The best _____ to success is hard work.
3.His story of having seen a ghost seemed _____ to hisfamily.
4.The _____ judge accepted money to let the prisoner gounpunished.
5.The big searchlight _____ a spot a mile away.
6.She _____ me by asking me whether I really liked her.
7.A man who _____ his country deserves the death penalty.
8.The mother was _____ when her son confessed he had robbed astore.
9.She _____ her wedding ring throughout her life.
10.Congress is discussing whether that law should be _____ ornot.
1. prestige 2. avenue 3. incredible 4. corrupt 5. illuminates
6. embarrassed 7. betrays 8. dismayed 9. cherished10.repealed
1.Batter v.重击 同:beat
There is someone battering at the door you’d better let himin.
2.Clutch v.紧握 同:grasp
The mother clutched her baby in her arms.
3.Contemplate v.审视;考虑 同:ponder
The police contemplated various kinds of trouble after the footballmatch between the two universities.
4.Garbage n.垃圾 同:refuse
Please leave your garbage in a can outside the door.
5.Obstacle n.障碍 同:obstruction
A fallen tree across the road was an obstacle to our car.
6.Pious adj.虔诚的 同:religious
She is a pious woman who goes to church every morning.
7.Regulate v. 1.管理 同:control 2.调整
The school adopted new rules to regulate the behavior ofstudents.
My watch is losing time; I will have to regulate it.
8.Riot n.暴动 同:religious
The riot during the election was put down by the police.
9.Shovel n.铲子 同:spade
We had better move this tree to our garden. Would you please bringthe shovel?
10.Stately adj.堂皇的 同:majestic
We were much impressed by the general’s stately appearance.
11.Tow v.拖 同:draw
They towed the wrecked car to the nearest garage.
12.Upset v.扰乱 同:overturn
Her plans were upset by the change of the weather.
13.Vex v.激怒 同:annoy
His father was vexed by the child’s impolite behavior.
14.Communism n.共产主义
Communism is expressed in various movements, but Russian sovietismif often referred to as a good sample.
15.Dignify v.使尊荣 反:degrade
They dignified her job by giving her a special title.
16.Disaster n.灾难 反:fortune
A great flood, fire, earthquake, or great loss of money is adisaster.
17.Gloom n.幽暗 反:brightness
The maple shade provided him with a rich gloom for sleeping.
18.Hospitable adj.善于待客的 反:hostile
He is hospitable to anybody; he likes to give attention to theneeds of others.
19.Infant n.婴儿 反:adult
The woman was carrying and infant in he arms.
20.Mature adj.成熟的 反:immature
You mustn’t be jealous when your sister gets presents; you mustlearns to behavior in a more mature way.
21.Prejudice n.偏见 反:fairness
She has a prejudice against popular music.
22.Simplify v.简化 反:complicate
The theory was simplified to make it easier to understand.
23.Tranquil adj.宁静的 反:noisy
After he retired, he lived a tranquil life in the country.
24.Unworthy adj.无价值的 反:valuable
You shouldn’t trust him; he is unworthy of your trust.
25.Valid adj.正确的 反:invalid
His objections to the plan on the basis of cost are valid.
26.Ally v.联合
The workers of the factories allied against the big employers andasked them for better wages.
27.Approximate 1. adj.近似的 2. v.接近
The approximate length of a meter is 40 inches; the exact length is39.37 inches.
Your account of what happened approximates truth,but there areseveral samll errors.
28.Athlete n.运动员
The young athlete was much admired for his speed.
29.Certify v.证明
This diploma certifies that you have completed high school.
30.Coincide v.一致
My religious beliefs and yours do not coincide.
31.Convey v.传送
A truck conveyed my furniture to my new home.
32.Discreet adj.言行谨慎的
It wasn’t discreet of you to call him around midnight.
33.Evolve v.发展
The British political system has evolved over severalcenturies.
34.Identify v. 1.视为同一 2.认明
The good king identified the wellbeing of his people with hisown.
I could identify the coat at once; it was my brother’s.
35.Radiate v.发出
The sun radiates light and heat.
36.Supervise v.监督
The architect supervised the building of the house.
37.Torrent n.急流
A torrent of water swept down the valley.
38.Anniversary n.周年
My parents invited their friends to their 30th weddinganniversary.
39.Barracks n. pl.兵营
You can’t expect soldiers to live in a barracks like that.
40.Creed n.教条
“honesty is the best policy” was his creed through his wholelife.
41.Drip v.滴下
We have to fix the roof; water is dripping down from theceiling.
42.Hound n.猎犬
A good hound should have a sharp sense of smell.
43.Jerk 1. v.急动 2. n.急动
As the water was unexpectedly hot, he jerked his hand out.
As he stopped the car with a jerk, we were all thrown to thefloor.
44.Mold v.塑造
The artist molded the clay into a figure of a child.
45.Paste n.浆糊
The clerk used thick paste to put the label on the package.
46.Patron n. 1.老主顾 2.赞助人
She has been a patron of this store for many years.
The patrons of the museum contributed the money for the new museumbuilding.
47.Razor n.刮胡刀
John shaved off his beard with an electric razor.
48.Slap v.掌掴
She slapped the boy on the cheek for disobedience, and he began tocry.
49.Suicide n.自杀
The police think that the death was by suicide.
50.Telegraph n.电报
Mother sent me a message by telegraph that she would arrive home byafternoon plane.
1.On T.V. we watched the _____ parade of our armed forces.
2.The _____ old woman made every effort to go worship each time shecould.
3.Try to _____ your explanation for the little children.
4._____ descended upon the family when they heard the badnews.
5.Such a silly story is _____ of belief.
6.The rain came down in a(an) _____ during the thunderstorm.
7.Your answers are correct; they _____ with the answers in thebook..
8.The new shop across the road has taken away some of my best_____.
9.We usually send an urgent message by _____.
10.When her husband died of a fever, she committed.
1. stately 2. pious 3. simplify 4. Gloom 5. unworthy
6. torrent 7. coincide 8. patrons 9. telegraph 10.suicide
1.Abrupt adj. 1.突然的 同:sudden 2.陡峭的
He made an abrupt turn to avoid hitting another car.
The road made an abrupt rise up the hill.
2.Acknowledge 承认 同:admit 函谢;承认收到
I am sure that she will soon acknowledge her own faults.
We should always acknowledge gifts as soon as we receivethem.
3.Beware v.小心 同:heed
You should beware of bad companions; they may corrupt you.
4.Dwell v.定居 同:reside
They dwell in the country but work in the city.
5.Endow v. 1.捐赠 同:donate 2.赋予
The rich man endowed the college he had attended.
Nature endowed her with both a good mind and good looks.
6.Pathetic adj.可怜的 同:pitible
The lost child I met on the street was very pathetic.
7.Reap v.收割 同:harvest
Giant machines reap the wheat grown in the field.
8.Reproach v.责备 同:scold
When he came home drunk, his wife reproached him with a loud angryvoice.
9.Rigorous adj. 1.严酷的 同:rigid 2.严密的
Rigorous exercise can damage health instead of improving it.
He made a rigorous study of the plants in the tropical area.
10.Sustain v.支持 同:maintain
The large columns sustained the weight of the roof.
11.Torment v.使痛苦 同:annoy
She is often tormented with violent headaches.
12.Abolish v.废止 反:establish
Slavery was abolished in the United States in 1865.
13.Anguish n.痛苦的 反:comfort
The injured soldier moaned in anguish until the doctorarrived.
14.Awkward adj. 1.笨拙的 反:skillful 2.不方便的
He needs a great deal of driving practice; he is still awkward withhis car.
The meeting was at nine o’clock, which was an awkward time for manypeople.
15.Bliss n.极大的幸福 反:misery
What bliss it is to be able to lie in bed instead of working.
16.Expenditure n.费用 反:income
Such a great work requires the expenditure of much money andtime.
17.Primitive adj.原始的 反:modern
Primitive people lived in caves and made tools from stones andanimal bones.
18.Prolong v.延长 反:reduce
The old woman’s life was prolonged by the doctor’s good care.
19.Rural adj.乡村的 反:urban
They lived in a small rural community.
20.Suspend v.暂停 反:continue
The hurricane suspended all ferry service for there days.
21.Undistinguished adj.不著名的 反:prominent
The book is very interesting although it was written by anundistinguished author.
22.Concession n.让步
To reach agreement, both sides must make concessions.
23.Deceit n.欺骗;诡计
The merchant always used deceit in his business dealings.
24.Dedicate v.奉献
The land on which the battle of Gettysburg was fought was dedicatedto the soldiers who had died there.
25.Dizzy adj.晕眩的
When you spin round and round, and stop suddenly, you feeldizzy.
26.Economical adj.经济的;节约的
A good manager should be economical in the use of his funds.
27.Infect v.传染
She infected the whole class with her influenza.
28.Intolerant adj.不宽容的
The old man did not smoke himself and was so intolerant that he didnot allow his friends to smoke when they visited him.
29.Respective adj.各自的
The party ended and we all went off to our respective rooms.
30.Scholar n.学者
He was respected as a great scholar of history.
31.Technique n.技巧
The pianist’s technique was excellent, though his interpretation ofthe work was poor.
32.Tedious adj.冗长乏味的
The long wait at the airport was really tedious.
33.Bristle v.(毛发)竖立
He was so frightened that his hair seemed to bristle.
34.Commodity n.商品
Price of household commodities have risen since the warbegan.
35.Dispatch v.派遣
The captain dispatched a boat to bring a doctor on board theship.
36.Formal adj.正式的
You must write a formal acceptance to this invitation.
37.Frantic adj.疯狂的
Frantic efforts were made escape the sinking ship.
38.Heave v.用力举起
He heaved the heavy box into the wagon.
39.Hemisphere n.半球
North America and South America are in the WesternHemisphere.
40.Install v. 1.装设 2.使就位
The new owner of the house installed a telephone.
The cat installed itself in a chair near the fireplace.
41.Lash n.鞭策
I gave my horse a lash that sounded through the forest.
42.Pension n.养老金
He will start receiving a pensive when he retires at sixty.
43.Scope n.范围
This book has greater scope than others on the same subject.
44.Species n.种
The wolf and the dog belong to the same species.
1.We could not bear to listen to the sick child’s _____ cries frompain.
2.This wooden shelf cannot _____ the weight of all thesebooks.
3.Teachers are often _____ by the students’ stupid questions.
4.She was in _____ until the doctor set her broken leg.
5.Bow and spears are _____ weapons.
6.If war could be _____ ,armies and navies would beunnecessary.
7.A long talk that you cannot understand is _____.
8.My husband and I are each going to visit our _____ mothers.
9.The mother was _____ with grief when she heard that her child wasdead.
10.Wine is one of the many _____ that France sells abroad.
1. pathetic 2. sustain 3.tormented 4. anguish 5. primitive
6.abolished 7. tedious 8.respective 9. frantic10.commodities
1.Assail v.攻击 同:assault
The enemy may assail our defense positions tomorrow.
2.Barrier n.界线 同:hindrance
Countries can no longer depend on mountain barriers forprotection.
3.Burglar n.夜贼 同:thief
A burglar broke into my house last night.
4.Devour v.吞灭 同:gulp
The fire devoured twenty square miles of forest.
5.Dreary adj.阴沉的 同:gloomy
It was a dreary day, cold and without sunshine.
6.Fling v.投掷 同:cast
Boys like to fling stones into water.
7.Homage n.尊崇 同:reverence
He bowed in homage to the Unknown Soldier.
8.Inescapable adj.不可避免的 同:unavoidable
Death is inescapable; it comes to everyone.
9.Radical adj. 1.基本的 同:fundamental 2.极端的
There are radical differences between the two systems.
His ideas are too radical to be acceptable to most people.
10.Shiver v.颤抖 同:quiver
The boys and girls were shivering all over with cold.
11.Sly adj.狡猾的 同:crafty
The sly cat stole the meat while the cook’s back was turned.
12.Stall n.畜舍 同:stable
Each horse was put in a separate stall.
13.Vanquish v.征服 同:overcome
At first she shivered from her fear but at last she could vanquishit.
14.Clumsy adj.笨拙的 反:skillful
He asked me such a clumsy question that I did not know what toreply.
15.Conservative adj.保守的 反:progressive
Old people are usually more conservative than young people.
16.Exhale v.呼气 反:inhale
He lit his pipe and exhaled clouds of smoke.
17.Homely adj.不漂亮的 反:pretty
I was very disappointed to see her sister; she was a homelygirl.
18.Indefinite adj.不确定的 反:definite
“Maybe” or “perhaps” is a very indefinite answer.
19.Obedient adj.顺从的 反:disobedient
The obedient dog quickly responded to his master’s whistle.
20.Precise adj.精确的 反:approximate
He gave a precise account of how much money he had spent.
21.Rational adj.理智的 反:irrational
When people are very angry. They seldom act in a rationalway.
22.Rigid adj.严格的 反:mild
In our home it is a rigid rule to wash one’s hands beforeeating.
23.Timid adj.胆小的 反:bold
A timid child is apt to cry when he sees a strange person.
24.Vertical adj.垂直的 反:horizontal
A vertical take-off aircraft can rise straight from the ground,without running along for some distance.
25.Wholesome adj.有益的 反:harmful
Such a movie is not wholesome for young children.
26.Abandon v.离弃
He abandoned his wife and went away with all their money.
27.Barbarian n.野蛮人
People who behave like barbarians are not welcome at thishotel.
28.Essence n.精髓;本质
The essence of his religious teaching is love for all men.
29.Harmony n.协调;和睦
My cat and dog never fight; they live together in perfectharmony.
30.Indulge v.放任
He indulged his desire for cigarettes to a harmful extent.
31.Intrude v.侵扰;闯入
I was unwilling to intrude upon them so late at night.
32.Modify v. 1.修改 2.修饰
The company modified the design of the automobile in order to makeit more attractive.
In the phrase ”a green hat”, the adjective “green” modifies thenoun “hat”.
33.Oppress v.压迫
A good government will not oppress the people.
34.Proficient adj.精通的
His mother is very proficient in music.
35.Sequence n.顺序
The books should be arranged in sequence according to author.
36.Suburb n.市郊
They would rather live in the suburbs than in the city.
37.Summary n.摘要
This history book has a summary at the end of each chapter.
38.Vacancy n.空缺
There are many vacancies in the parking lot when the stores areclosed.
39.Alley n.巷
The truck was too large to pass through the alley.
40.Apologize v.道歉
I apologized to her for stepping on her foot.
41.Dairy n.牛奶棚
We could see lots of milk products in the dairy.
42.Discern v.辨认
I was not able to discern the road in the dark.
43.Jaw n.颚
The meat was so tough that his jaws hurt from chewing it.
44.Limp v.跛行
After falling down the stairs, he limped for several days.
45.Pillar n.柱子
The roof of the porch was supported by brick pillars.
46.Potential adj.可能的;潜在的
He is regarded as a potential leader of our political party.
47.Refrigerator n.电冰箱
In summer we have to keep milk and meat in the refrigerator.
48.Skull n.头盖骨
He was knocked unconscious by a sudden blow on the skull.
49.Strategy n.战略
Tactics refers to the disposition of armed forces in combat whereasstrategy refers to the overall plan of a nation at war.
50.Trench n.战壕
The soldiers dug trenches to protect themselves against enemy fireor attack.
51.Undertake v. 1.担任 2.尝试
I will undertake the responsibility of feeding your dogs while youare away.
He always undertakes more than he can do.
1.Don’t _____ your clothes on the floor; hang them up.
2.Asudden gust of cold wind made us _____.
3.A(An) _____ woman wouldn’t weep just because her husband hadforgotten her birthday.
4.The directions he gave us were so _____ that we found our wayeasily.
5.He does not like his job ,but he is too _____ to try to findanother.
6.The industrial revolution _____ the whole structure of Englishsociety.
7.In our factory we’ve got a(an) _____ for a metal worker; all theother positions are filled.
8.Please keep the numbered cards in _____; don’t mix them up.
9.When there are many conflicting opinions,it is hard to _____ thetruth.
10.His strong square _____ is a sign of his firm character.
1. fling 2. shiver 3. rational 4.precise 5. timid
6. modified 7.vacancy 8. sequence 9. discern 10. jaw
1.Adore v.崇拜 同:worship
All the girls in our school adore the handsome mathematics teacherwho happens to be a bachelor.
2.Blend v. 1.混合 同:mix 2.调和
A grocer must know how to blend different kinds of tea.
These houses seem to blend well with the trees and thecountryside.
3.Breadth n.宽度 同:width
The wise man has a great breadth of understanding.
4.Commend v.称赞 同:praise
Many children were commended for their good deeds on Children’sDay.
5.Conspicuous adj.明显的 同:noticeable
There are several conspicuous errors in your composition.
6.Delusion n.谬见;幻想
She is under the delusion that I’m going to give her a lot ofmoney.
7.Impatient adj.不耐烦的;焦急的 同:hasty
As she was impatient to start to school, she forgot to take herhomework.
8.Miracle n.奇迹 同:prodigy
According to the bible, Christ worked many miracles.
9.Provisional adj.临时的 同:tentative
Let’s arrange the provisional meeting for next Tuesday, even thoughwe may have to change it.
10.Restrain v.阻止;抑制 同:suppress
She could not restrain the children from running into thestreet.
11.Stroll v.漫步 同:ramble
The old couple were strolling under the trees arm in arm.
12.Cradle n.摇篮 反:grave
The frightened baby refused to sleep in his cradle.
13.Deny v.否认;拒绝给予 反:admit
Justice must not be denied to anyone, however poor he may be.
14.Disperse v.散布;分散 反:gather
The crowd dispersed when the rain fell suddenly.
15.Endanger v.危机 反:secure
You will endanger your health if you work so hard everynight.
16.Fiction n.小说 反:fact
Works of fiction are reviewed in the Sunday papers inEngland.
17.Initial adj.最初的 反:last
His initial effort at skating was a failure, but he succeeded thesecond time that he tried.
18.Intimacy n.亲密(的行为) 反:unfamiliarity
The intimacy with which the two friends talked showed how fond theywere of each other.
19.Invade v.侵略 反:defend
At the beginning of World War II, Hitler invaded Poland without adeclaration of war.
20.Selfish adj.自私的 反:altruistic
He was too selfish to share his candy with his littlebrother.
21.Thrifty adj.节俭的 反:wasteful
Mr. Thompson is thrifty that he is able to save more than half ofhis weekly salary.
22.Voluntary adj.自愿的 反:compulsory
Voluntary workers built a road to the boy’s camp.
23.Absorb v. 1.吸收 2.使专心
Anything black absorbs most of the light rays that fall onit.
He was so absorbed in his reading that he did not hear thetelephone.
24.Accuse v.控告
It is wrong to accuse a person of a crime unless you have proofthat his is guilty.
25.Adjust v.调节
You can adjust your chair to make it more comfortable.
26.Erroneous adj.错误的
Years ago many people held the erroneous belief that the earth wasflat.
27.Expend v.花费
He had expended much time and energy on that experiment.
28.Fury n.愤怒
It’s no use trying to argue with you when you fly into afury.
29.Liberate v.释放;解放
Abraham Lincoln is the President who tried to liberateslaves.
30.Perplex v.使迷惑
He was so perplexed that he asked many persons for advice.
31.Sovereign adj.独立的
When the thirteen colonies won the Revolutionary War, Americabecame a sovereign nation.
32.Temperate adj.温和的
The temperate areas of the world are found to be the north andsouth of the tropics.
33.Bout n.一个回合;比赛
Those are the two boxers who will appear in the main bouttonight.
34.Category n.种;类
The selfish man places all people in two categories: those he likesand those he dislikes.
35.Choir n.唱诗班
As the choir rose to sing, the people joined in, filling the churchwith the music of the first hymn.
36.Compact adj.紧密的
The salesman tied the customer’s purchases into a compactbundle.
37.Concentrate v.集中
The defeated troops were ordered to scatter and then concentratefifty miles to the south.
38.Emigrate v.自本国迁居到他国
In the 19th century many Europeans emigrated to America.
39.Navigate v.驾驶(船,飞机)
He navigated the shop across the Atlantic Ocean.
40.Pane n.窗玻璃片
The broken pane in the window was replaced by a man whose son threwa stone and broke it.
41.Pest n.令人讨厌的人或物
We have to get rid of pests in the garden.
42.Salute v.向…敬礼
The soldiers saluted the flag by raising the right hand to theforehead as they passed it.
43.Severe adj.严厉的
The students who cheat in examinations will be given a severepunishment.
1.That sickman is under the _____ that he is Napoleon.
2.If you can’t _____ your dog from biting the milkman,you must lockhim up.
3.He is an honest man; I don’t _____ the truth of hisstatement.
4.In the 16th century, Japan _____ Korea, but failed to conquerit.
5.A(An) _____ person always puts his own interest first.
6.The old farmer was _____ by the crowds and traffic in the bigcity
7.You can’t see through a telescope until it has been _____ to youreyes.
8.He _____ to Brazil from Taiwan where he had lived for twentyyears.
9.The captain safely _____ the ship across the ocean.
10.The leaves of cabbage are folded into a _____ head.
1. delusion 2.restrain 3. deny 4.invaded 5. selfish
6. perplexed 7. adjusted 8. emigrated 9. navigated 10.compact
1.Abode n.住处 同:residence
The woodcutter’s abode was a house in the forest.
2.Annual adj.一年一次的 同:yearly
The company allows us an annual vacation of two weeks.
3.Coax v.诱哄 同:cajole
The mother coaxed the boy to take the medicine, but he refused totake it.
4.Colleague n.同事 同:associate
The teacher’s colleagues taught his classes while he was ill.
5.Dispense v.分配 同:distribute
The Red Across dispensed food and clothing to the floodvictims.
6.Gingerly adv.极度小心;谨慎的 同: cautiously
In the darkness, he turned to the left, stepping gingerly.
7.Hug v.抱紧 同: embrace
The mother hugged her lost child and kissed him.
8.Humiliate v.使丢脸 同:disgrace
The boys humiliated their parents by behaving badly in front of theguest.
9.Obstruct v.阻隔;遮断 同:impede
The mountain roads were obstructed by falling rocks.
10.Overthrow v.推翻 同:upset
The government was overthrown.
11.Recapture v.收复 同:retake
The soldiers recaptured the city lost to the enemy.
12.Slim adj.细长的 同:slender
He was very slim, being six feet tall and weighting only 130pounds.
13.Vicinity n. 1.附近 同:neighborhood 2.接近
There are no houses for sale in this vicinity.
The vicinity of the apartment to his office was an advantage onrainy days.
14.Arctic n.北极地区 反:antarctic
The Arctic has an extremely cold winter.
15.Attic n.阁楼;顶楼 反:basement
We store trunks in the attic of the house.
16.Diminish v.减少 反:enlarge
Poor crops so diminished the food supply that people werestarving.
17.Dishonest adj.不诚实的 反:candid
A person who lies, cheats, or steals is dishonest.
18.Drunken adj.醉的 反:sober
The noisy drunken man on the street was soon arrested by thepolice.
19.Foe n.敌人 反:friend
The person who holds ill feelings against you is your foe.
20.Foresee v.预知 反:retrospect
He foresaw that his journey would be delayed by bad weather.
21.Jolly adj.愉快的 反:gloomy
Everyone at the party was very jolly, and didn’t want to leave theparty.
22.Maximum n.最大量 反:minimum
Sixteen miles in a day was the maximum distance we couldwalk.
23.Mistress n.女主人 反:master
She felt she was no longer mistress in her own house when herhusband’s mother came to stay.
24.Prefix n. 前缀词缀 反:suffix
“Under” in underline, “dis-” in disappear, and ”pre-” in prepaidare prefixes.
25.Relax v.松懈;放松 反:strain
Discipline can’t be relaxed until the last day of school haspassed.
26.Superficial adj.肤浅 反:internal
The speaker had only a superficial knowledge of the subject.
27.Allege v.声称
The storekeeper alleged that the boy had stolen some fruit.
28.Current adj.现在的
We read the daily newspaper to keep up with the currentsituation.
29.Exalt v.赞扬
They were exalted by their son’s success.
30.Expand v.膨胀
The balloon expanded as it was filled with air.
31.Industrialize v.使工业化
We have to make our every effort to industrialize ourcountry.
32.Justify v.证明为正当
Your wish to go for walk does not justify your leaving the babyalone in the house.
33.Prescribe v. 1.开处方 2.规定
The doctor prescribed a new medicine for the pain in myjoints.
Good citizens do what the laws prescribe.
34.Presume v.推测
John didn’t say when he would return, but I presume he’ll be backfor dinner.
35.Slaughter n.屠宰
The cattle were sent to the city for slaughter.
36.Statistics n.统计表;统计学
These statistics show that the population of the country will bedoubled in ten years.
37.Supplement n.附刊
Today’s newspaper has a supplement on the new automobilemodels.
38.Trifle n.琐事
You will not succeed if you waste your time on trifles such asmovies and dances.
39.Withdraw n.收回
He quickly withdrew his hand from the hot stove.
40.Armor n.铁甲
Nothing could break through the armor of the new tank.
41.Buzz v.使作嗡嗡声
The radio should be fixed; it buzzed whenever I turn it on.
42.Cancer n.癌
A great many cancers can be cured, but only if properly treatedbefore they have begun to spread.
43.Collapse v. 1.倒塌 2.折叠
The roof collapsed as a result of the fire.
This table can be collapsed, so I can store it easily when I’m notusing it.
44.Contemporary adj. 1.同时代的 2.现代的
In 1066 William landed in England, and a contemporary Englishmanwrote the report of his landing.
Our teacher reads the books of many contemporary authors tous.
45.Exile v.放逐
The political leaders were exiled to an island far away from thecountry.
46.Infantry n.步兵
Men in the infantry often march long distance.
47.Monk n.修道士
He left his successful business and life of luxury to become amonk.
48.Orchard n.果园
These oranges come from an orchard in Florida.
49.Pirate n.海盗
The terrible pirates attacked a merchant ship again.
50.Sullen adj.闷闷不乐的
That boy becomes sullen if he is punished by is teacher.
51.Telescope n.望远镜
He was studying the stars through a telescope.
52.Usher n.引导员
The usher of the theater helped us find our seats.
1.The medical bills during my long sickness have _____ mysavings.
2.Drivers must not exceed a(an) _____ of 60 miles an hour on thisroad.
3.The cut is not deep. It is a (an) _____ cut.
4.Let’s stop working and _____ for an hour.
5.We didn’t take our bathing suits, because we could _____ that thewater would be cold.
6.The fine quality of the clothes _____ its high price.
7.What punishment does the law _____ for this crime?
8.They _____ Napoleon to the island of St.Helena.
9.He was so disappointed with the world that he decided to be a(an)_____ .
10.It is disagreeable to have to sit at the breakfast table witha(an) _____ person.
1. diminished 2. maximum 3. superficial 4. relax 5. foresee
6. justifies 7. prescribe 8. exiled 9. monk 10.sullen
1.Appropriate 1. adj.适合的 同:proper 2.占有 v. 同:embezzle
Thick , woolen clothes would not be appropriate for a hot summerday.
You should not appropriate other people’s belongings without theirpermission.
2.Coarse adj.粗鲁的 同:vulgar
You mustn’t use such coarse language when talking to innocent younggirls.
3.Legend n.传奇 同:tradition
The stories about king Arthur and his Knights of the Round Tableare legends, not history.
4.Mischief n.伤害 同:harm
He apologized for the mischief his false story had caused.
5.Persist v. 1.坚持 同:insist 2.持续 同:remain
If you persist in breaking the law you will go to prison.
In spite of washing, many stains persisted on the tablecloth.
6.Prudent adj.谨慎的 同:careful
In order to make a prudent decision, you must consider all of thepossibilities carefully.
7.Simultaneous adj.同时的 同:coincident
Everyone in the audience burst into simultaneous applause.
8.Splash v.溅(水,泥等) 同:spatter
The children were splashing water on each other in the swimmingpool.
9.Stubborn adj.固执的 同:obstinate
The stubborn boy refused to listen to reasons for not going out inthe rain.
10.Symptom n.征兆 同:token
A cough is sometimes a symptom of a serious disease.
11.Trait n.特点 同:characteristic
The chief traits in the American character are generosity andenergy.
12.Vile adj.极坏的 同:evil
She has a vile temper; it is impossible to live with her.
13.Adequate adj.足够的 反:insufficient
His wages are not adequate to support his wife and children.
14.Careless adj. 1.粗心的 反:attentive 2.不关心的
A boy who is careless in what the does will never succeed.
The brave soldiers did their duty, careless of dangers anddiscomforts.
15.Chaos n.混合 反:order
His room was in a state of chaos after the burglar had left.
16.Eminent adj.闻名的 反:common
The most eminent doctors treated the king in his illness.
17.Enlarge v.扩大 反:reduce
The factory was enlarged to make room for more machinery.
18.Fertile adj.肥沃的 反:sterile
This land is fertile; it is rich in material needed to sustainplant growth.
19.Futile adj.无效的 反:useful
All his attempts to unlock the door were futile, because he wasusing the wrong key.
20.Grim adj.严厉的 反:mild
The judge’s expression was grim when he told them they were to beshot.
21.Impolite adj.不礼貌的 反:courteous
It is impolite behavior to smoke in a crowded bus.
22.Vague adj.模糊的 反:distinct
The directions were so vague that it was impossible to complete theassignment.
23.Astronomy n.天文学
Astronomy deals with the motion of the sun, moon and stars.
24.Controversy n.争论
There was a controversy about the location of the new school.
25.Hazard n.危险
The ice on the roads is a hazard for driving and walking.
26.Magnify v.放大
A lens magnifies the size of the words on the paper.
27.Nominate v.提名
Three times we nominated Tom for president of our club, but he wasnever elected.
28.Provoke v. 1.激怒 2.引起
The dog is very dangerous when it is provoked.
Don’t throw one bone to two dogs; you will only provoke a fightbetween them.
29.Recite v.背诵
My daughter is going to recite a poem at he Mother’s Dayprogram.
30.Restore v. 1.归还 2.重建
The honest boy restored the money he had found to its owner.
It took more than a year to restore the ancient castle.
31.Tension n. 1.拉紧 2.紧张状态
If you increase the tension of that violin string it willbreak.
The doctor said I was suffering from nervous tension.
32.Tyrant n.暴君
There is no tyrant who admit that he is a tyrant.
33.Vigor n.体力
The vigor of a person’s body lessens as he grows old.
34.Blot n. 1.污点 2.缺点
The spilled ink left a blot on the letter paper.
The ugly advertisement is a blot on the beautiful landscape.
35.Caress n.抚抱
His mother’s caress calmed the frightened child.
36.Chuckle v.低声轻笑
He was chuckling to himself as he read that funny story.
37.Claw n.爪
The cat usually catches a mouse with its claws.
38.Craft n. 1.手工艺 2.船舰
The arts and crafts of the people are an important part of theircultures.
All kinds of craft come into New York harbor every day.
39.Dainty adj.娇嫩的
The violet and the dandelion are dainty spring flowers, which couldbe seen in early March.
40.Hermit n.隐士;隐居
He lives in that forest alone; he is enjoying the hermit’slife.
41.Panel n.讨论会
Professor Wang participated in a panel to discuss the energycrisis.
42.Phenomenon n.现象
Snow in Egypt is an almost unknown phenomenon of nature.
43.Spectator n.观众
There were many spectators at the National Football League.
44.Thrash v.鞭打
The host of the market thrashed the little boy for stealingapples.
1.His _____ speech and manners show that he is not accustomed topolite society.
2.The monkey didi a lot of _____ before it was caught and put backin its cage; it broke a number of things.
3.The doctor made his diagnosis after studying the patient’s_____.
4.After the failure of electricity supplies the city was incomplete _____.
5.Washington was _____ as general and as President.
6.The _____ of the bow gives speed to the arrow.
7.He is well over sixty,but works with young men with great______.
8.The carpenter shaped and fitted the wood into a cabinet withgreat _____.
9.Father always _____ when he reads the funny magazines.
10.Lightning is an electrical _____ .
1. coarse 2. mischief 3. symptoms 4. chaos 5. eminent
6.tension 7. vigor 8. craft 9. chuckles 10. phenomenon
1.Appeal v. 1.恳请 同:implore 2.吸引
The government is appealing to everyone to save water.
The music is too old-fashioned to appeal to people anylonger.
2.Bustle n.喧扰的活动 同:fuss
There was a great bustle as the children got ready for theparty.
3.Crave v.渴望 同:fuss
I’m craving for a cup of tea. I’ve not had one all day.
4.Discord n.争论 同:disagreement
Various discords have arisen in the university over thisquestion.
5.Drill n.练习 同:training
The English teacher gave the class plenty of drills inpronunciation.
6.Eventually adv.最后 同:ultimately
We waited more than an hour for him, but eventually we had to leavewithout him.
7.Futile adj.无用的 同:vain
Please don’t waste time by asking such futile questions.
8.Ingredient n.成分 同:component
The ingredients of a cake usually include eggs, sugar, andflour.
9.Predict v.预测 同:foretell
The weather service predicts heavy rain for tomorrow.
10.Raid n.突然搜索 同:attack
During their raid on the house, the police found a lot of dangerousdrugs.
11.Repel v.击退 同:repulse
The enemy in the city was repelled by our troops.
12.Rouse v.激励 同:awaken
The speaker tried to rouse the massed from their lack ofinterest.
13.Tolerate v.容忍 同:endure
I can’t tolerant your bad manners any longer.
14.Utmost adj.极端的 同:extreme
She was standing at the utmost edge of the cliff to killherself.
15.Assault n.攻击 反:defense
We are ready to meet the enemy’s assault on our fort.
16.Hostile adj.怀有敌意的 反:hospitable
Their hostile looks showed that I was unwelcome.
17.Independent adj.自立的 反:dependent
Since she inherited her father’s fortune, she is completelyindependent of her husband.
18.Inevitable adj.不可避免的 反:avoidable
They ran short of money during the tour, and their return wasinevitable.
19.Link v.连接 反:separate
The new road links all the towns in the state.
20.Obscure adj.偏僻的 反:distinct
We had difficulty in finding the obscure path through theforest.
21.Optimism n.乐观 反:pessimism
The candidate’s optimism about his chances of winning encouragedhis supporters.
22.Serene adj.宁静的 反:agitated
He kept serene and calm, knowing nothing of the dangers, whichsurrounded him.
23.Submit v.屈服 反:conquer
No one would submit silently to such an insult.
24.Summit n.顶峰 反:bottom
At last the mountain climbers reached the summit of themountain.
25.Unique adj.唯一的 反:common
This proposal seems to be the unique solution to our problem.
26.Vacuum n.真空 反:fullness
For that experiment you need a complete vacuum.
27.Veteran adj.老练的 n.老手 反:apprerntice
At the age of 12, the boy was already a veteran traveler, havingflown all over the world with his father.
28.Abide v. 1.容忍 2.遵守
A good housekeeper can’t abide dust.
If you join the club you must abide by its rules.
29.Allegiance v.忠诚
His allegiance to his country lasted all his life.
30.Analyze v.分析
The food was analyzed and found to contain small amounts ofpoison.
31.Consume v.用尽
He consumed almost all the money he earned last summer.
32.Dictate v. 1.口述 2.指定
The president of the company dictated a letter to hissecretary.
The country that won the war dictated the terms of peace to theconquered country.
33.Fluent adj.流畅的
He is very fluent in English, but not in French,
34.Friction n.摩擦
Friction against the rock, combined with the weight of the climber,caused his rope to break.
35.Miser n.吝啬鬼
A miser liver poorly in order to save money and keep it.
36.Monarch n.帝王
The national band played for the visiting monarch.
37.Partition n.划分
The partition of the country into two parts caused manyproblems.
38.Qualify v.使胜任
Being the son of a member of parliament doesn’t qualify him to talkabout politics.
39.Succession n.连续
After a succession of warm days, the weather became cold.
40.Tribute n. 1.贡物 2.表示尊敬
Many conquered nations had to pay tribute to the rulers of ancientRome.
By erecting this statue we have paid a tribute to the memory of thefounder of our college.
41.Clue n.线索
The police could find no fingerprints or other clues to help themin solving the robbery.
42.Cluster n.串
She bought two clusters of grapes for her little son.
43.Flush v. 1.脸红 2.泛滥
Her face flushed when she could not answer the easy question.
The stream was flushing after the heavy rain.
44.Germ n.细菌
The wound must be kept clean so that germs do not infect it.
45.Grunt v.抱怨声
“I’m too tired,” he grunted, and then fell asleep again.
46.Junction n.会合处
The two rivers make their junction near the sea.
47.Pinch v.捏
He pinched fruit to see if it was soft.
48.Prairie n.大草原
The prairie was ideal for growing wheat.
49.Rim n.边;缘
The basketball hit the rim of the basket and bounced off.
50.Shove v.推挤
There was a lot of pushing and shoving to get on the bus.
51.Stammer v.口吃
“Th-th-thank” you “v-v-very” much, he stammered.
52.Technical adj.工艺的
He is studying automobile repairs at a technical school.
53.Tint n.淡色
The picture was painted in several tints of blue.
1.The principal would not _____ smoking or drinking in the schoolbuilding.
2.Blue and red _____ to me ,but I don’t like gray or yellow
3.Death is _____; it comes to everyone.
4.The two village were _____ together by a tunnel builtrecently.
5.It was such a(an) _____ summer night that we went out for a walkaround the peaceful lake.
6.We can _____ water into two colorless gases , hydrogen andoxygen.
7.The shy girl _____ when a strange man spoke to her.
8.Have any _____ been found that can help the police find thecriminal.
9.She _____ the heavy table against the wall to sweep theroom.
10.There was a band of gold around the _____ of the cup.
1. tolerate 2. appeal 3. inevitable 4. linked 5. serene
6. analyze 7. flushed 8. clues 9.shoved 10.rim
1.Amaze v.使惊讶 同:surprise
They were all amazed at the mighty power of nature.
2.Bargain n. 1.协定 同:contract 2.廉价货
The boys made a bargain with one another to exchange baseballgloves.
These good shoes are a real bargain at such a low price.
3.Belongings n.财产 同:possessions
She packed all her belongings in a box and took them withher.
4.Besiege v. 1.围攻 同:attack 2.围困 同:congregate
Troy was besieged by the Greeks for ten years.
The teacher was besieged with the questions and requests frompupils.
5.Fowl n.家禽 同:poultry
I prefer the taste of chicken to that of other kinds of fowl.
6.Harsh adj.刺耳 同:coarse
At the end of the football game, the cheer leader’s voice becameharsh.
7.Menace n.威胁 同:intimidation
The crossroad in front of the school is a menace to the children’ssafety.
8.Rapture n.出神 同:ecstasy
The beauty of the sunset filled everybody with rapture.
9.Renowned adj.著名的 同:famous
Ladies and gentlemen, now I will introduce to you the renowned starof the stage and screen, John Wayne.
10.Stool n.凳子 同:chair
I pulled the stool near the wall to hang a picture.
11.Verify v.证明 同:certify
We will repeat the experiment twice in order to verify theresults.
12.Abnormal adj.异常的 反:normal
His abnormal behavior shows that something is wrong.
13.Abundance n.丰富 反:shortage
At the party there was food and drink in abundance.
14.Apprentice n.学徒 反:expert
He worked seven years at the printing company as anapprentice.
15.Bearable adj.可忍受的 反:intolerable
She said to the doctor that her pain would be just bearable.
16.Immortal adj.不朽的 反:dying
Most people believe that a man’s body dies but his soul isimmortal.
17.Innumerable adj.无数的 反:countable
The sun is one of the innumerable stars in the universe.
18.Preliminary adj.预备的 反:consequent
The chairman made a preliminary statement before beginning the mainbusiness meeting.
19.Remote adj.遥远的 反:near
Some of your statements are rather remote from the subject we arediscussing.
20.Repose n.休息;睡眠 反:work
His brief repose was interrupted by her sudden arrival.
21.Shrewd adj.精明的 反:stupid
Although he had no formal education, he is one of the shrewdbusinessmen in the steel company.
22.Temporary adj.临时的 反:permanent
He has a temporary job, which ends in two weeks,
23.Automatic adj.自动的
An automatic timer turns the street light on at night and off inthe morning.
24.Comprehend v.理解
The child read the story but did not comprehend its meaning.
25.Cordial adj.真诚的
When one of his former students visited him, the teacher gave him acordial welcome.
26.Elaborate 1. adj.精心的 2. v.详细拟定
The scientists made an elaborate plan for landing a man on themoon.
The inventor elaborated his plan for a new engine, spending severalmonths in his laboratory.
27.Expire v.期满
His term of office as president will expire next year.
28.External adj. 1.外在的 2.国外的
He judges people by mere external clothes rather than internalcharacter.
This newspaper doesn’t pay enough attention to externalaffairs.
29.Glorify v.赞美
Singing hymns is one of the ways to glorify god.
30.Priority n.优先
The badly wounded take priority for medical attention over thoseslightly hurt.
31.Reliable adj.可信赖的
Send the boy to the bank for money; he is a reliable boy.
32.repetition n.反复
Repetition of the sentence helped him to memorize it.
33.Survive v.残留
Only three of the fifty passengers survived the shipwreck,
34.Behalf n.代表
My husband can’t be here today, so I’m going to speak on hisbehalf.
35.Breed v.饲养
The farmer breeds cattle and horses for market,
36.Disguise v.掩饰 n.伪装
She disguised her writing by writing with her left hand.
The thief wore a false beard and glasses as a disguise.
37.Domain n. 1.版图 2.知识领域
The king is respected throughout his domain.
I can’t answer your question about photography; it ‘s not in mydomain.
38.Morsel n.少量
The dinner must have been good because there is not even a morselof it left over.
39.Routine n.惯例
Getting up and going to bed are parts of your daily routine.
40.Transit n.通行
The points of transit from one country to another are carefullyguarded.
41.Transform 改观
That dress transforms her from a little girl into a younglady.
42.Ultimate adj.最终的
Her ultimate goal is to receive her degree and return to hercountry to work as a teacher.
43.Warily adv.留心的
The hikers climbed warily up the dangerous path.
1.The boys went hunting for pheasant and other wild _____.
2.Many students find _____ jobs during their summer holidays.
3.The lawyer knows all the tricks ; he is very _____.
4.It is _____ for a baby to have teeth at the age of twomonths.
5.I believe whatever he says because he is very _____.
6.We _____ although others died in the traffic accident.
7.Great Britain is large island _____ under the Crown ofEngland.
8.He went among the enemy in the ______ of an enemy soldier.
9.The young mother gazed at the newborn baby with _____.
10.All members of the family except _____ relatives were invited tohis birthday party.
1. fowls 2. temporary 3. shrewd 4. abnormal 5. reliable
6. survived 7. domain 8. disguise 9. rapture 10.remote