原文地址:《canyoufeelthelovetonight》中英文歌词作者:阿Bothere's a calm surrender 当匆忙的一天渐入平静 to the rush of day when the heat of the rolling world 当旋转地球身上的燥热即将褪尽 can be turned away and enchanted moment 那令人迷醉的时刻浸透我心 and it sees me through it's enough for this restless warrior 只要能和你在一起, just to be with you 永不停歇的斗士就已知足 and can you feel the love tonight? 今夜你可感受到爱的来临? it is where we are 它正与你我同行 it's enough for this wide-eyed wanderer 大眼睛游侠已知足 that we got this far 因为能和你携手天涯! and can you feel the love tonight? 今夜你可感受到爱的来临? how it's laid to rest? 心潮澎湃又怎能入睡? it's enough to make kings and vagabonds 若王子与贫儿都坚信爱至高无上 believe the very best 知足了 there's a time for everyone 但愿人们能理解众生都似 if they only learn 在万花筒般的世界里翻转 that the twisting kaleidoscope 亦能明白人各有其时 moves us all in turn there's a rhyme and reason 那旷野之中传来的阵阵节拍 to the wild outdoors when the heart of this star-crossed voyager 正是落魄游侠的心 beats in time with yours 为你而鸣 and can you feel the love tonight? 今夜你可感受到爱的来临? it is where we are 它正与你我同行 it's enough for this wide-eyed wanderer 大眼睛游侠已知足 that we got this far 因为能和你携手天涯! and can you feel the love tonight? 今夜你可感受到爱的来临? how it's laid to rest? 心潮澎湃又怎能入睡? it's enough to make kings and vagabonds 若王子与贫儿都坚信爱至高无上 believe the very best 知足了 it's enough to make kings and vagabonds 若王子与贫儿都坚信爱至高无上 believe the very best 知足了
![[转载]《canyoufeelthelovetonight》中英文歌词 love me tonight 贤兔](http://img.aihuau.com/images/02111102/02015852t01d03119e8d377b0c4.png)
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古巨基《父亲》MP3歌词:总是向你索取 却不曾说谢谢你直到长大以后 才懂得你不容易每次离开总是 装做轻松的样子微笑着说回去吧 转身泪湿眼底多想和从前一样 牵你温暖手掌可是你不在我身旁 托清风捎去安康时光时光慢些吧 不要再让你


真后悔没听老师的话,好好学英语,听着旋律好听,就是不知道是唱给谁听的,好在愚人有愚人的办法.原文地址:《DeathNote2》的片尾曲《SnowHeyOh》中文歌词作者:默默清风《DeathNote 2 》的片尾曲《Snow Hey Oh》(附中文歌词)singer:Red Hot
今天听这首歌连续听了5个小时。。。现在听着这首歌睡一觉吧。。。I don't know where i'm ati'm standin' at the backand i'm tired of waiting我不知道我在哪置身黑暗中厌倦了等待i'm waiting here in linehoping that i'll fin
