题 目: Where is SocialMorality?
提 纲:1. describe the pictures andinterpret its meaning,
2. give your comment on the phenomenon
第一段: 一个年青人为下一站才上车的女朋友占空位子
第二段:反映社会的一种常见现象 ――缺乏社会公德
父母和老师 舆论宣传
The picture describessomething that happens in a crowded bus.A young man sat
behind avacant seat and put his bag on it,saying that the seat was taken forher
girl friendwho would get on the bus at the next stop. Several other passengerswere
standing inthe bus, including an old man and a young mother with a baby in herarms.
But theyoung man refused to offer the vacant seat to any one ofthem.
The picture reveals one of the common phenomena in our real life —the lack of
social morality,especially shown in theyounger generation. The economyof our
country is boomingand the living standard has greatly improved. Butunfortunately,
socialmorality of some people seemsto be withering. Such behaviors aspicking
flowers in publicgardens, throwing litters from the higher flats of tallbuildings
andreadily wrecking public utilities arebecoming so common that they are often
taken for granted.What can we do to arouse these people’s sense ofmorality?
The best way,in my opinion, is to enhance the education on ethicand moral.
Parents andteachers should bear greater responsibility in educating ourchildren how
to behaveproperly in society. On theother hand, the media should strengthenthe
propaganda to remind peopleof the importance of good morality insociety. Social
moral standardsshould be highly advocated and made known toevery citizen so that
they can observethem voluntarily. Only in this way can theoverall morality of our
society beimproved.