一、可数名词指可以数清数量,可以分割成独立个体的名词(countable nouns can either be countedor are separable objects)。
1. 无法分割的名词,只能看做一个整体(Nouns that have no distinct, separate parts,we look as a whole)。
air, fog, smoke, fog, oxygen
water, rain, oil, wine, glue, tea, coffee, yogurt, blood, honey,juice, milk, cream, gasoline, soup
sugar, salt, bread, meat, paper, butter, ice cream, cheese, ice,beef, pork, chicken, fish, copper, iron, gold, glass, chalk
2. 组成成分太小而不宜数的名词(Nouns that have parts that are too small orinsignificant to count)。

rice, hair, sand, popcorn, salt, sugar, grass, corn, snow
3. 总称名词,侧重于表示某类事物的总的概念,而不是具体的事物(Nouns that are classes orcategories of things)。
clothing, food, furniture, fruit, luggage, makeup, homework,housework, jewelry, money/cash, equipment, machinery, poetry,scenery, character
4. 抽象名词(Abstraction)。
art, fun, life, patience, time, pollution, love, happiness,beauty, health, luck, truth, music, education, nature,intelligence, energy, nutrition, noise, trouble, employment,
1. We all like beer, so let’s order 3 beers. (3 bottles/glassesof beer)
2. Air is vital for life, but the air in this room isvery unpleasant.
3. Radiators should produce hear, but the heat from thatradiator is minimal.
4. This ceiling is made of glass(玻璃). We need four wineglasses.(玻璃杯)
当一个名词表示抽象的,总称的概念(abstract or generalizingvalue)时,一般作为不可数名词。当他具有具体的、特定的含义(restricted value)时,通常为可数名词。
不可数名词不和不定冠词(a/an)和基数词(one, two)连用,没有复数形式。不可数名词和特定的量词连用。
a loaf of bread
a bar of soap/chocolate
a piece of information/news/luggage/furniture
a bag of rice
a cup of coffee
a slice of meat