古语翻译1. 古语翻译器

八仙过海 eightimmortals crossing the sea
  霸王别姬 all-conquering king parts with his favorite concubine
  宝莲灯 magic lotus lantern
  逼上梁山 driven to join the mount liangshan rebels
  赤桑镇righteousness above family loyalty
  打渔杀家 fisherman's revenge
  盗双钩 stealing the double hook
  盗仙草 stealing the magic herb
  盗御马 stealing the royal horse
  杜十娘 courtesan's jewel box
  二进宫 entering the palace for the second time
  贵妃醉酒 drunken beauty
  海瑞罢官 hai rui bismissed from office
  红灯记 the story of red lantern
  红楼梦 the dream of red mansions
  鸿门宴 banquet at hongmen
  将相和 general and the premier make up
  空城计 ruse of empty city
  快活林 happy forest
  林冲奔夜 lin chong on the run
  林海雪原 tracks in the snow forest
  龙凤呈祥 romance of liu bei and sun shangxiang
  龙江颂 ode to longjiang river
  孟姜女 a woman named meng jiang
  木兰从军 mulan enlists in the army
  穆贵英挂帅 mu guiying takes command
  闹龙宫 havoc in the dragon's palace
  三打白骨精 monkey king subdues the white bone demon
  三打陶三春 taming of the shrewd
  三打祝家庄 taking the zhu family village by strategy
  桑园会 meeting in the mulberry garden
  沙家浜 shajia river
  生死牌 drawing lots for life and death
  十八罗汉斗悟空 eighteen arhats fighting monkey king
  十五贯 fifteen strings of cash
  水漫金山寺 flooding golden mountain temple
  思凡 longing for secular life
  四进士 four successful candidates of the imperial examination
  天女散花 the goddess of heaven scatters flowers
  天仙配 marriage with a fairy
  望江亭 pavilion overlooking the river
  文成公主 princess wen cheng
  文姬归汉 a woman scholar's return to the han empire
  武松打虎 wu song suddues the tiger
  岳母刺字 tattooing yue fei
  战长沙 battle at jinshan
古语翻译1. 古语翻译器
  战太平 a heroic death in taiping town
  状元媒 first scholar as a matchmaker
  卓文君 romance of zhuowenjun and sima xiangru
  捉放曹 catching and releasing cao cao
  张春郎削发记 story of zhang chunlang's haircut
  智取威虎山 taking mount tiger by strategy


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