FoshanAncestral Temple(佛山祖庙) known as North God Temple was a Taoist(道教)temple built in Northern Song Dynasty(宋代). It was renovated in MingDynasty(明代). Since the temple has a long history and plays aleading role among all the temples in Guangdong province it iscalled Ancestral Tmple.
Thetemple has been celebrated as the treasure house of artisticsculptures. The entire building is extensively decorated withvarious kinds of exquisite sculptures.

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地球探赜索隐录:地质学思想史(第九章)作者:(澳)奥尔德罗伊德 译者:杨静一2006,上海科技教育出版社DavidRoger Oldroyd. Thinking about the Earth:A History of Ideas inGeology. Harvard University Press,

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