1 loaf pan of bananabread and 1 pan of 12 banana muffins
香蕉面包/香蕉松饼 Banana Bread/BananaMuffins
材料 Ingredients:
1/2杯菜油 1/2 cup vegetable oil
1 杯糖 1 cup sugar
两个蛋,打好 two eggs, beaten
3个熟香蕉,捣碎 three ripe bananas,mashed
3 大匙牛奶 3 TBSP. milk
1茶匙香草精 1 teaspoon vanillaextract
1茶匙苏打 1 teaspoon baking soda
1茶匙苏打粉 1 teaspoon baking power
1/2茶匙盐 1/2 teaspoon salt
2杯面粉 2 cups flour
1杯面粉 1 cup flour
1杯半糯米粉 one and half cup sweet riceflour
做法 directions:
烤炉加热至350 华氏度 Pre-heat oven 350F.
依次加入以上材料并搅拌均匀 Add gradually and blend theabove the ingredients in order
做两条面包 - 将面团均匀地放入(尺寸 5x10)的 loaf pan里,烤大约40-45分钟,焙烤成两条香蕉面包。。。
作松饼 -放入搅拌好的面团在两个松饼盘内,每盘可放12个小面团,烤大约20-25分钟
For muffins – put the dough in 2 muffinpans, each pan can fit 12 small doughs, and bake about 20-25minutes.
作面包- 剩下的的面团,放入两个喷过油的小面包盘(尺寸3.5x7),烤大约25-30分钟
For bread – put the remaining dough in 2small greased loaf pans and bake about 25-30 minutes.
Bake both muffins and bread together.Yield 24 banana muffins and two loafs of banana bread.