As Zhangjing’s lecturer of managerial economics for the first termof the Minor Program, I was deeply impressed with her outstandingperformance .I believe the professionalism, top-tier teachingresources, and worldwide reputation of your university will providean ideal platform for Zhang to study. Therefore, I hope you cangive her an opportunity to make the most use of herpotential.
I was deeply impressed with Zhang’s academic strength andoutstanding learning ability demonstrated in my class. I stillremember that she corrected my mistake, when other students did noteven realize I was wrong. Then she came to me and explained themistake to me. And it turned out that I was picturing the diagramby mistake. Then she also explained her solution to me which turnedout a more lucid one. When I explained her solution to otherstudents, they also can understand it. I then understood that herknowledge in her major played a significant role in studyingEconomics. Also Zhang’s logical thinking left a deep impression onme. When she interpreted her train of thought to me, I canunderstand her without any difficultly.
After class I also had some communication with Zhang and did enjoythe conversation with her. Once she asked me something concerningstock. I told her what I had known and discussed some question withher. She even connected the stock with the whole economiccircumstance in China and did some comparison about the generaleconomic environment between the west countries and China. I canfeel her aspiration about learning Economics. She is really good atcommunicating and I felt comfortable and easy to talk to her. Shecan always put herself in other’s shoes and you will be understoodduring the communication very well. I firmly believe that, withthese great abilities and an outgoing characteristic, she canfulfill her expectation in the way she chose.
According to what I know about Zhang, I believe she definitely hasthe ability to accomplish the program in your school. Therefore, itis my honor to recommend Zhang Jing for admission to your graduateprogram. If any further information is required, please feel freeto contact me

Ma Mingxiao,Associate Professor
Departmentof liberal arts