先正达对转基因玉米MIR162介绍 Event Code :SYN-IR162-4 事件代码:SYN-IR162-4 Trade Name:Agrisure™ Viptera 商业名称:Agrisure™Viptera Method ofTrait Introduction: Agrobacteriumtumefaciens-mediated planttransformation 性状引入方法:农杆菌属tumefacien--介导植物转换 GM Trait s: Lepidopteran insectresistance,Mannosemetabolism 转基因性状:鳞翅类昆虫抗药性,甘露糖代谢 Developer:Syngenta 研发者:先正达公司 CommercialTrait: (Singular)InsectResistance 商业性性状:(单性状)抗虫 Summary ofBasic Genetic Modification 基本转基因概述: GeneIntroduced; Gene Source; Product; Function 引入基因;基因来源;产品;功能 1)vip3Aa20:Bacillus thuringiensisstrain AB88; vegetative insecticidalprotein (vip3Aa variant); confers resistance to feeding damagecaused by lepidopteran insects by selectively damaging their midgut vip3Aa20:苏云金杆菌菌株AB88;植物杀虫蛋白(vip3Aa变体);授予选择性损害鳞翅类昆虫中肠的抵抗性。 2)pmi(SelectionMarker): Escherichia coli; Phosphomannose Isomerase (PMI) enzyme; metabolizes mannose andallows positive selection for recovery of transformedplants pmi(选择性标记物):大肠杆菌;6-磷酸甘露糖异构酶基因(PMI)酶;代谢甘露糖并允许积极的选择是改变了植物得以恢复。 Source: MIR-162-maize 信息来源 http://ec.europa.eu/food/plant/gmo/authorisation/docs/mir162_public_comments_publication_en.pdf |
Testbiotech comment on EFSA Scientific Opinion onapplication (EFSA-GMO-DE-2010-82) for the placing on the market ofinsectresistant genetically modified maize MIR162 for food and feeduses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 fromSyngenta
德国《测试生物技术》(Test Biotech)2012-07-24
Molecular data
The data as provided by Syngentamake it evident that there is a year-to-year and site-to-sitevariation in the content of the additional proteins expression, andtherefore shows that environmental conditions will impact the levelof gene expression.
Nevertheless, the expression ofthe gene construct and the functional stability of the geneconstruct were, for example, not tested under extreme climateconditions such as drought and flooding which are likely to occurunder present ongoing climate change.
Investigations under controlledenvironmental conditions should have been performed to determinethe actual range of variation and to identify relevant impactfactors.
Further, the effects of theadditional genes on the activity of the plants´ genome and theplants´ metabolism should have been investigated using methods suchas metabolic profiling.
The methods for measuring thecontent of VIP3A toxin and the phosphomannose isomerase (PMI)enzyme in parts of the plants were not evaluated by independentlaboratories. Hence, the data by Syngenta should not be consideredas reliable.
Comparative assessment (for compositionalanalysis and agronomic traits and GM phenotype)
The data as provided by Syngentashow several significant differences between MIR162 and itsconventional counterparts in composition and agronomic performance.These differences have been declared irrelevant by referring tohistorical data from the ILSI Database, which is known to beunreliable.
Evidence: 证据: “Summary of protein levels ingrain produced by maize MIR162 … Although year-to-year andsite-to-site variation is evident” “玉米MIR162谷粒中蛋白水平总结…虽然逐年与不同种植地的变化明显”。 “The outcome of the compositionalanalysis on forage and grain samples of maize MIR162 and itsconventional counterpart that had been grown in the USA in 2005revealed statistically significant differences across locations forsome constituents. Parameters showing differences included NDF inforage, ash, calcium, β-carotene, ferulicacid, iron, linoleic acid, linolenic acid, NDF, p-coumaric acid,phosphorus, pyridoxine, β-sitosterol, starchand vitamin E in grain. Differences were generally small and notconsistent across locations … ” “2005年在美国种植的玉米MIR162与其对应(非转基因)作物的饲料和谷物样品的成分分析的结果,揭示在不同地方种植的某些成分统计学显著差别。指标显示差别的包括饲料的中性洗涤纤维(NDF),以及谷物中的灰分、钙、β-胡萝卜素、阿魏酸、铁、亚油酸、亚麻酸、中性洗涤纤维(NDF)、p-香豆酸、磷、维生素b6、β-谷甾醇、淀粉与维生素E。差别通常小而且在不同地点不始终如一… ”。 信息来源:欧洲食品安全机构(EFSA)对先正达转基因玉米MIR162评估文件 http://www.efsa.europa.eu/en/efsajournal/doc/2756.pdf |
Instead of using these historicaldata, the actual differences should have investigated further undervarious environmental conditions and by applying methods such asmetabolic profiling.
The data as presented by Syngentadoes not represent the relevant geo-climatic regions where thismaize will be grown. The data from Brazil, for instance, lackedbasic information on relevant plant constituents. But instead ofrepeating the trials in Brazil, additional data were generated inthe US. As a result, relevant data from other regions (beside theUS) are missing.
The VIP3Aa20 toxin as produced inthe plants was never assessed by pesticide authorisation. EFSAassumes that humans and animals, and even consumers might have beenexposed to VIPs before:
„One biopesticide contained animmunoreactive protein with a molecular weight equal to that ofVip3Aa20 as present in maize MIR162. This leads the EFSA GMO Panelto conclude that the data indicate that humans and animals,including consumers and agricultural workers, may already have beenexposed to low levels of Vips.“
However, this is not only a veryvague but also an inadequate assumption, with no factual basis forthe risk assessment of VIPs as produced in the plants.
There are several importantdifferences between the toxin as produced in the plants and itsusage in traditional mixtures.
In contrast to the very targeteduse of traditional sprays, the toxin is applied throughout thewhole period of vegetation, thus the exposure in the food chainwill be different. Further, for the toxin to be effective it has tobe used in higher concentrations than traditional mixtures: In themixtures, additive and synergistic effects will require only a lowlevel of the single compounds. Additionally, several details of theDNA sequence were changed during the process of transferring theDNA into the plants´genome.
It should also be acknowledgedthat the mode of action of VIP proteins is still unknown and simplybased on preliminary assumptions derived from the outcome of just afew studies. Particular details that render selectivity andtoxicity of the VIP proteins are not understood. Without suchknowledge, no conclusion can be drawn upon its (long time) effectsfor the food chain.
It should be a matter of concernthat in comparison with Cry1Ab the toxicity of VIP3A does notappear to depend upon specific receptors. As Lee at al., 2003explains:
应当引起担心:与(转基因Bt作物的)Cry1Ab蛋白毒素相比,(先正达转基因玉米MIR162的)VIP3A毒素的毒性看来不依赖特定的受体,如Lee at al.,2003的论文解释的那样:

“Planar lipid bilayerexperiments validate and extend the conclusions from our isolatedmidgut voltage clamp data in that processed Vip3A demonstrates theability to form distinct ion channels in the absence of anyreceptors.”
Specific receptors in the gut ofinsects are used in the case of Cry toxins to assume selectivityand safety for mammalians. Since toxicity of VIP3A does not appearto depend these receptors, selectivity cannot beassumed.
The toxicological studies asperformed in vivo and in vitro are in no way sufficient to proveselectivity of the toxin and safe use in food and feed. Theseinvestigations cannot be seen as a replacement for missing dataunder EU pesticide regulation. Based on the existingdata, no conclusion can be drawn on the safety of the toxin and thegenetically engineered maize.
In the Council Conclusions onGenetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) from the Council meeting on 4December 2008, Member States requested a revision of current EUregulations to close the loopholes between the pesticide regulationand the regulation on genetically engineered plants. This demand isin no way confined to the usage of the genetically engineeredplants in agriculture, but includes all relevant products, whichmight be authorised on the market [1]
[1] http://www.consilium.europa.eu/ueDocs/cms_Data/docs/pressdata/en/envir/104509.pdf
“(...) the mandate includesexamination of the criteria and requirements for assessing allGMPs, including GMPs that produce active substances covered bydirective 91/414/EEC and herbicide-tolerant GMPs with a view toreviewing them if necessary; (…) RECALLS that the use of plantprotection products implies authorisations at national level andEMPHASISES THE NEED for competent authorities involved with theimplementation of Directive 2001/18/EC and of Council Directive91/414/EEC concerning the placing of plant protection products onthe market, within the Commission and at national level, tocoordinate their action as far as possible;“
EFSA risk assessment completelyignores these demands.
Looking at the comments made byexperts from Member States, it is evident that the outcome of thein vitro and in vivo studies can be interpreted in different ways.For example, there are several significant findings in the 90 daysstudy such as tumors and a lower number of cell counts in the groupfed with the genetically engineered maize. These findings shouldhave been investigated further.
There are also severalpublications indicating that Bt proteins such as VIP3A are likelyto show synergies and interactions with other Bt toxins, otherstressors and plant enzymes (for overview see Schnepf et al., 1998;Then, 2010). But no tests were performed to determine potentialcombinatorial or accumulated effects of the toxins, nor of anyother factors such as other toxic compounds, bacteria, plantenzymes and pesticides in mammals.
还有数项已经发布了的学术论文表明,例如VIP3A这样的Bt蛋白,可能会显示与其他Bt毒素、其他压力和植物酶之间的协同效应和交互作用(这方面的综述看这些论文,Schnepfet al., 1998; Then, 2010)。但是没有进行确定这些毒素潜在结合性或积累性作用的任何试验,也没有对其他毒素成分、细菌、作物酶与杀虫剂等其他因素在哺乳动物体内的作用做任何试验。
Since these plants will be used infood and feed and might be mixed with other genetically engineeredplants, further tests need to be carried out to determine potentialaccumulative or combinatorial effects.
Data is also missing on theeffects that processing has on the proteins produced in the plants.Since there might be some interactivity between the stability ofthe proteins and their surroundings in the plants, the experimentson the heat stability of the proteins should have been conductedusing whole plants.
Lee, M.K., Walters, F.S., Hart,H., Palekar, N., Chen, J.-S. (2003) The mode of action ofthe
Bacillus thuringiensis vegetativeinsecticidal protein Vip3A differs from that of Cry1Abδ-
endotoxin. Applied andEnvironmental Microbiology, 69(8): 4648–4657.
Schnepf, E., Crickmore, N., vanRie, J., Lereclus, D., Baum, J., Feitelson, J., Zeigler, D.R. &Dean, D.H. (1998) Bacillus thuringiensis and its pesticidal crystalproteins, Microbiol Mol Biol Rev., 62
(3): 775–806.
Then, C. (2010) Risk assessment oftoxins derived from Bacillus thuringiensis-synergism, efficacy, andselectivity. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int; 17(3):791-7.
Allergenicity was assessed byapplying a pepsin digestion assay. But it is known that thesestudies are insufficient to judge on the degradation of the proteinunder real conditions. For example, Cry1Ab toxins are shown to bedegraded quickly in pepsin digestion, but can nevertheless cansurvive the passage through the intestine under real conditions,(Chowdhury et al., 2003; Walsh et al., 2011). But no tests wereperformed to investigate the degradation of the additional proteinsunder real conditions.
变应原性评估通过胃蛋白酶消化试验。但是,已经知道这些研究不足于判断(先正达MIR162转基因玉米VIP3A)蛋白真实条件下的分价。例如,(转基因Bt作物的)Cry1Ab毒素在胃蛋白酶消化试验中很快分解,但是在真实条件下能够生存通过肠道,(Chowdhuryet al., 2003; Walsh et al., 2011)。但是没有做任何试验对对其他的蛋白真实条件下的分解进行研究。
Furthermore, besides potentialallergic reactions, no targeted investigations were performed toinvestigate the impact on the immune systems. Since proteins frombacteria are, in general, likely to cause immune responses inhumans, the additional proteins should have been subjected to moredetailed testing. For example, VIP3A might act like an adjuvans asknown from some Cry proteins, and could, therefore, boost immunereactions to the plants´ endogenous proteins. If this were the casethen allergic reactions to the maize proteins could besignificantly enhanced.
No investigations were conductedto find out whether the content of allergenic proteins in the maizeplants is changed in comparison to its comparators.
Chowdhury, E. H., Kuribara, H.,Hino, A., Sultana, P., Mikami, O., Shimada, N., Guruge, K. S.,Saito, M., Nakajima, Y. (2003) Detection of corn intrinsic andrecombinant DNA fragments and Cry1Ab protein in thegastrointestinal contents of pigs fed genetically modified cornBt11. J. Anim. Sci., 81: 2546-2551.
Walsh, M.C., Buzoianu, S.G.,Gardiner, G.E., Rea M.C., Gelencsér, E., Jánosi A., Epstein M.M.,Ross, R.P., Lawlor, P.G. (2011) Fate of Transgenic DNA from orallyodministered Bt MON810 maize and effects on immune response andgrowth in pigs. PLoS ONE 6(11): e27177,doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0027177.
Environmental risk assessment
EFSA states that the exposure tothe environment of maize MIR162 would be through manure and faecesfrom animals. However, no data are given or assessed about the fateof the additional proteins during digestion, their content inmanure and its fate in the environment. Thus EFSA completely failsto conduct the required environmental risk assessment.
As a recent legal dossier compiledby Professor Ludwig Kraemer shows, the decision not to monitor anyhealth effects violates the requirements of EU regulations:Directive 2001/18 and Regulation 1829/2003 both require thatpotential adverse effects on human health from genetically modifiedplants are controlled during the use and consumption stage,including those cases where such effects are unlikely tooccur.
Thus EFSA’s opinion thatmonitoring health effects is unnecessary, is wrong.
Kraemer L. (2012) The consumptionof genetically modified plants and the potential presence ofherbicide residues, legal dossier compiled on behalf ofTestbiotech,
Conclusion and recommendations:The opinion of EFSA should be rejected.