CadetKellyPresented by the producers of PrivateBenjamin, Cadet Kelly is the story of a young teenagegirl's dilemma when her life of free-spirited creativity andunmasked familial love collides with a world of extreme militarydiscipline and reserve. Kelly Collins, played by Hilary Duff, is ahappy student at New York Middle School of the Arts whose wholeworld changes dramatically when her mother marries an army captainwho's just been promoted to Commandant at George WashingtonMilitary Academy. Thrust into a rigid world of obedience thatfrowns upon creativity and individuality, Kelly manages to make oneclose friend, but clashes with Cadet Captain Stone (Christy CarlsonRomano) and is eventually court-martialed. Sentenced to maintainthe equipment for the drill team, Kelly's disdain for the teamsuddenly evaporates when she glimpses the beauty and creativityinvolved in their precise maneuvers. Eventually, Kelly experiencessignificant personal growth, finds an outlet for her creativity,and begins to forge an important connection with her newstepfather. DVD extras include commentary by Christy Carlson Romanoand Aimee Garcia, a "learning the drills" segment with Hilary Duffand Christy Carlson Romano, a "drill team challenge" interactivegame that will have viewers doing everything from lacing up a bootto deciphering military time, and a DVD-ROM party planner. (Ages 6and older) --Tami Horiuchi
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Product Description

Hilary Duff stars as Kelly Collins, an artistic, fashion-mindedteen who's forced to go from flashy fab to olive drab at her newstepdad's military academy in this delightful comedy. As theclumsiest, most clueless recruit ever to botch basic training,Kelly seems to be fighting an uphill battle to fit in. But it'sall-out war when she butts heads with Cadet Captain Stone (ChristyCarlson Romano), a tough-as-nails, by the book "commanding officer"determined to break her spirit. See how once-carefree Kelly keepsit together amidst endless rules and regulations to win Stone'srespect, and still manages to leave her own unique mark on theschool.
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我若为王If I WereKing聂绀弩Nie Gannu在电影刊物上看见一个影片的名字:《我若为王》(1)。Recently in a movie magazine I came across thetitle of a film: If I Were King.从这影片的名字,我想到和影片毫无关系的另外的事(2)。I