工程名称: Projectname:
发 包 人(甲方): Client:(PartyA)
承 包 人(乙方): Contractor: (Party B)
日期: Date:
ThisContract is entered by and between client (hereinafter referredto as Party A) and. Contractor (hereinafter referred to as Party B)regarding the terms and conditions of this construction of plantreconstruction upon the unanimous agreement between the partieshereto in the principles of equality, free will, fairness and goodfaith.
一、工程概况 Project name &location:
工程名称:Project name:construction of plant reconstruction 厂房内部改造工程
工程地点: Location:
二、工程承包范围 Project scope:
承包范围: 厂房改造工程(含基础、隔墙、钢结构、水电安装、通风、消防及装饰等工程施工)
Reconstruction of the plant (incl. foundation, partition,steel structure, utilities installation, ventilation, fire safetyfacilities and decoration, etc.)
三、合同工期: Contract period:
合同工期总日历天数:130日历天。Totally lasting 130 calendar days.
四、质量标准Quality standard
工程质量标准:合格The qualityof the completed project shall be acceptable.
五、合同价款Contract value (in RMB)
金额(大写):___(人民币) ¥:___ __元
Yuan,i.e., RMB(in words)
六、组成合同的文件. Contract documents:
组成本合同的文件包括:TheContract consists of the following documents:
(1)本合同协议书Agreement of thisContract
(2)投标书及其附件Bidding document andaddendum
(3)本合同条款Terms of thisContract
Applicablestandards, codes and relevant technical documents
(6)工程报价单或预算书Quotation or budget,and
Otherwritten agreements upon consultation or change, etc. of the projector other materials that are regarded hereby as essential for theintegrity of this Contract.
The definitionsherein shall be the same as in the Contract.
.Party B commits to Party A to carry out and complete theconstruction as per the agreements herein and undertake theresponsibility of warranty within the warranty period.
Party Acommits to Party B to pay the contract value and other payables inaccordance with the methods and terms set forthhereunder.
十、词语定义及合同文件Definitions and contract documents:
1、词语定义 Definitions:
Unlessotherwise specified, the following definitions shallapply:
Terms andconditions: any term or condition generally applicable to buildingconstruction esbalished under laws and administrative regulationsin terms of the overall construction works or article that isagreed between the client and the contractor in accordance withlaws and administrative regulations, combined with specific jobs orany specification, supplement or amendment to thearticle.
Party A:the party specified in the agreement, who is qualified to issue aproject and has the ability to pay for the project value, and thelegal successor of such party.
Party B:the party specified in the agreement, who is accepted by Party A ashaving the qualifications to contract the construction project, andthe legal successor of such party.
Party B’srepresentative: representative appointed by Party B in the clauseto be responsible for the construction management and contractperformance.
Designcompany: the unit, who has obtained the adequate qualifications toundertake the design for the construction project, entrusted byParty A to be responsible for the design of the constructionproject.
Party A’srepresentative: chief supervision engineer appointed by thesupervision enterprise of the project as the representative ofParty A or representative appointed by Party A to perform thecontract, whose capacity and authority shall be specified in theclause hereunder.
Costmanagement institution: State Council related department,construction administration department of people’s government at orabove the county level or cost management institution entrusted bythe aforesaid two kinds of organizations.
Project:the project within the contract scope agreed in the agreement byParty A and Party B.
Contractvalue: the payment specified in the agreement that Party A uses topay Party B if Party B completes the contracted project inaccordance with the contract and undertakes the quality warrantythereof.
Additionalcontract value: any amount of payment to be increased as a resultof any occurrence during the contract performance that makes itnecessary to increase the payment, whose amount is calculated inthe same way as calculating the origincal contract value by PartyA.
Expense:any economic expenditure to be borne by Party A or Party B that isnot included in the contract value.
Construction period: the total number of days ofconstruction counted in calendar days, including statutoryholidays, agreed by both parties in the agreement.
Commencingdate: the date, absolute or relative, on which Party B starts thestipulated construction agreed by both parties in theagreement.
Completiondate: the date, absolute or relative, on which Party B completesthe stipulated construction agreed by both parties in theagreement.
Drawing:all drawings provided by Party A, or drawings provided by Party Band approved by Party A, to meet Party B’s needs in construction,including the specifications and relevant data.
Site:places provided by Party A where the construction is to be executedand any other places specified by Party A in the drawings as may beused for construction.
“Written”or “in writing”: the form that can show its content visible, e.g.,contract, letter, type-written, printed or electronically made(incl. but not limited to telegraph, fax, electronic datatransmission or e-mail, etc.).
Defaultliability: liability for the default party to assume due to itsfailure to perform the obligatory duties or the performance issubstandard.
Claim:request by a party against the other party for any economic remedyand/or postpone of construction progress to cover any actual losscaused by the default of the other party, where the requestingparty has no fault during ther performance of thecontract.
Forcemajeure: all force majeure unless otherwise specified in theagreement, such as natural disasters resulting in constructiondamage or postponement of progress, including but not limited riot,missle, bombard, fire, typhoon, flood, earthquake.
Hour orday: When an event is calculated by hour, it shall be calculatedupon the start of the event (including the any break); whencalculated by day, it shall be started from the second day and thefirst day shall not be counted. In case the last day of a deadlineis a weekend or other statutory holiday, the deadline shallpostpone automatically to the following day when the statutoryholiday ends, excluding the completion date. The last deadline dayshall include the 24th hour of the day.
Agreement:any term of agreement in the construction contract concluced byParty A and Party B upon negotiation.
十一、合同文件及解释顺序Contract documents and priorities
Thecontract documents shall be inter-understandable and supportive.Unless otherwise specified by any Contract clause, the contractdocuments shall include and take their priorities in the followingorder:
(1)本合同this Contract
(2)投标书及其附件Bidding document and otheraddendums
(3)本合同条款Contract clause
(4)标准、规范及有关技术文件Standards, codes and relevanttechnical documents
(6)工程报价单或预算书Project quotation orbudget
Otherwritten agreements upon consultation or change, etc. of the projector other materials that are regarded hereby as essential for theintegrity of this Contract.
2. In casethere is any confusion or inconsistency in the clauses herein, bothparties shall negotiate for agreement without affecting the normalprogress of the project. Both parties may also resort to the thirdparty supervisor for judgment. In case these efforts fail and noagreement is reached, Item (3) of Article Twenty-one herein shallapply for the settlement of disputes.
3.语言文字和适用法律、标准及规范Language, applicable laws,standards and codes
TheContract shall be prepared, interpreted and understood in bothChinese and English and Chinese shall always prevail in theinterpretation and understanding.
3.2适用法律和法规Applicable laws andregulations
Thenational laws and administrative regulations shall apply to thisContract. Both parties will specify the applicable laws andadministrative regulation in the Contract.
3.3适用标准、规范Applicable standards andcodes
Bothparties shall specify the name of the applicable standards andcodes in the Contract; where the national standards and codes areabsent, the industrial standards and codes shall apply and theirnames be specified herein; where the national and industrialstandards and codes are absent, the local standards and codes shallapply and their names be specified herein. Party A shall providethe agreed standards and codes in duplicate to Party B on time asstipulated in the pertinent clause of the Contract.
When thereis not corresponding standards and codes in China regarding acertain issue, Party A shall provide the technical requirements onthe construction timely as stipulated in the Contract and Party Bshall prepare the construction process according to the time andother requirements by Party A, and submit to Party A for approval,and implement such process if approved. In case Party A requires toapply any foreign standards and codes, Party A shall provide theChinese translations of such standards and codes.
Party Ashall bear the expenses on any acquisition and translation of thestandards and codes and the preparation of construction processincurred under this clause.
Party A shall providedrawings to Party B as per the date and number of sets stipulatedherein. In case Party B needs more sets of drawings, Party A shallcopy for Party B at Party B’s cost. Party A shall specify itsconfidentiality requirement in the Contract, if any, and theexpenses on keeping the confidentiality of the relevant informationshall be borne by Party A. Party B shall perform its duties ofconfidentiality within the stipulated period ofconfidentiality.
Party Bshall keep a complete set of drawings on the construction site forParty A’s representative and other relevant personnel’sreference.
十二、双方一般权利和义务Rights and obligations
1. PartyA’s representative shall perform the followingobligations:
Party A’srepresentative may appoint a managerial person to exercise part ofhis rights or perform part of his duties, which can be revoked atany time as deemed necessary. Party B shall be notified by writingin 3 days upon such revocation.
Party A’srepresentative’s instructions. Any reply or order shall bepersonally signed by Party A’s authorized representative, of which,a photocopy shall be provided to Party B’s representative, whoshall upon the receipt sign and specify the date of receipt andprovide a return receipt to Party A’s representative. Whennecessary, Party A’s representative may also issue a veral order,however must be confirmed in writing within 48 hours and Party Bshall perform such order. In case no written confirmation is givenin 48 hours, Party B’s representative may issue a written requestfor written confirmation. In case no written confirmation orrevocation is given by Party A’s representative, it shall beregarded that the verbal order is confirmed and shall be executed.If Party B’s representative deems it unreasonable, within 24 hoursupon the receipt of the order, he/she can issue a written notice toParty A stating the reasons supporting his/her point of view, andParty A’s representative shall give a reply within 24 hours uponreceiving Party B’s notice to decide whether to carry on orrevocate the order and notify Party B of the final decision inwriting. In case of emergency where Party A’s representativerequires immediate executionor Party A’s representative insists onhis/her order regardless of Party B’s dissent, Party B shall followParty A’s order. In case any additional contract value or loss toParty B is caused due to inappropriate order, Party A shall takethe responsibility and allow postponement of construction progress,if the progress is delayed thereby.
Party A’srepresentative shall provide necessary orders, confirmation anddrawings to Party B in accordance with the terms of thecontract.
Party A’srepresentative, if replaced, shall be notified to Party B with a3-day prior written notice.
Party A’srepresentative shall provide necessary orders, approval and performother obligatory duties. In case the construction progress isdelaed due to te default of Party A’s representative, Party A shallassume the additional contract value arising therefrom, if any,indemnify Party B from any relevant loss, and postpone theconstructon progress accordingly.
Party B’srepresentative (project manager) shall be responsible for theconstruction on site and perform the following Party B’sobligations as stipulated below:
Party Bshall appoint and delegate a representative that is accepted byParty A to execute its powers.
Party B’srepresentative shall guarantee all the constructors involved arequalified and competent for the job. In case Party A deems anyonenot qualified or competent and requests replacement, Party B’srepresentative shall replace promptly.
Party B’srepresentative shall organize the construction in accordance withthe construction design program (construction plan) approved byParty A and the orders issued by Party A’s representative under theContract. In case of emergency where Party A’s representative cannot be reached, Party B’srepresentative shall take emergency measures to safeguard thehuman, project and property safety and submit a report to Party A’srepresentative within 48 hours after taking such measures. In casesuch emergency is due to the default of Party A or any third party,Party A shall assume any additional contract value arising inrelation thereof, and postpone the construction progress; if it isParty B’s default, Party B shall assume the cost and theconstruction progress shall not be postponed.
Party B’schange of representative shall be notified to Party A with at leasta 7-day prior written notice and subject to Party A’s approval. Thesuccessor representative of Party B shall continue to exercise theauthorities and perform the obligations agreed hereunder as thepredecessor.
Party B’sadvice, request or notice, if any, shall be made in writing andsigned by Party B’s representative before submission to Party A’srepresentative and shall only be executed upon the signature ofParty A’s representative.
3.甲方工作.Party A’s obligations:
Party A shall finish the following job as per theagreement:
To route the water, power, sewage, drainage and communicationcircuit required for construction to the agreed places to meet theneed during the construction period;
To arrangethe original paths of the plant area as the traffic road forconstruction relation transportation and to keep the clearness ofthe paths during the construction period;
To providedata of engeering geology and underground pipeline of theconstruction site and to be responsible for the accuracy andlegitimacy of the data;
To cooperate with Party B to apply for theconstruction permit;
Toidentify the reference point and control-point coordinates andsubmit to Party B in writing for on-site verification;
To calldrawing review and design finalization with Party B and designcompany;
Todesignate the locations of Party B’s provisional facilities andprovide the access to sewage system;
To provide five sets of construction drawings and three sets ofas-built drawings.
In case any delay of construction progress or loss to Party B iscaused by Party A’s default, Party A shall indemnified Party B andpostpone the construction progress accordingly.
Party Ashall give assistance to Party B for overwork due to technologicalrequirements during the construction period.
4.乙方工作Party B’s obligations:
Party Bshall finish the following job as per the agreement:
Toconstruct as per the construction drawings provided by Party A’srepresentative and prepare the as-built drawings;
To provide construction progress and payment schedule to Party A’srepresentative;
To apronthe construction area and keep the active plant area clean and fromthe impact of the construction;
To protectthe completed part of the project as per the agreement beforesubmitting to PartyA for final inspection; in case any damageoccurs during the protection, Party B shall repair to resume it atits own cost; for the part that need special protection and thecorresponding additional contract value, both parties shall agreein the contract;
To protectthe underground pipelines, nearby structures and architectures asper the contract;
Toconstruct onsite kitchen to feed Party B’s employees, if possible,and not allow the employees to stay over on site;
To educateParty B’s employees on the awareness of civilized construction andnot affecting the peripheral environment and to preven theft fromhappening;
Toimplement relevant standards in the spirit of the contract andperform all the work indicated by the drawings to ensure theconstruction quality up to the final inspectionstandards.
十三、施工组织设计和工期Construction design program and constructionperiod
1.进度计划Progress schedule
1.1Party B shall raise advice on amendments to the construction designprogram and progress schedule to Party A as per the agreement, ifany; if no request for amendment is made as of the stipulateddeadline, it shall be regarded Party B has agreed on theconstruction design program and progress schedule.
Party Bshall organize for construction as per the progress scheduleapproved by Party A’s representative and accept the inspection andsupervision of Party A’s representative; in case of any discrepancybetween the actual progress and the approved progress schedule,Party B shall propose remedy measures as per the requirement ofParty A’s representative an implement such measures if approved. Incase the discrepancy is caused by Party B, Party B shall have notright to charge any additional contract value regarding the remedymeasures taken.
2.开工及延期开工. Commencement and postponement ofcommencement
2.1Party B shall commence the construction as per the agreement. Incase the commencement cannot be on time, the commencement shall notbe later than 7 days than the agreed date and the postponementshall be explained to Party A’s representative and requested inwriting, who shall give a written reply to Party B within 48 hoursupon receipt. In case no reply is made within 48 hours, it shall beregarded Party A’s representative has agreed on the postponementand the progress schedule shall be postponed accordingly. If PartyA’s representative does not agree on the postponement or Party Bfails to submit a request for postponement within the stipulatedperiod, the construction period shall not be postponed.
In casethe postponement is caused by Party A, Party A’s representativeshall issue a written notice to Party B to postpone thecommencement. In case any loss is caused to Party B therefrom, theloss shall be covered by Party A and the construction period shallbe postponed accordingly.
3.暂停施工Susn of construction
When PartyA’s representative deems it necessary to suspend the construction,he/she shall give a written notice to Party B and give handlingsuggestions in writing within 48 hours. Party B shall follow PartyA’s representative’s demand to suspend the construction and protectthe part already completed. After implemting the handlingsuggestions of Party A’s representative, Party B may request forconstruction resumption in writing, to which Party A’srepresentative shall reply with 48 hours. In case no handlingsuggestions or reply to Party B’s request for resumption is givenin 48 hours, Party B may resume work. For any susn caused byParty A’s fault, Party A’s representative shall assume thecorresponding additional contract value and indemnify Party B forlosses, if any, and postpone the construction period; if it isParty B’s default, Party B shall assume the cost and theconstruction progress shall not be postponed.
4.工期延误. Delay of construction progress
In case ofany delay of construction progress due to the following reasonsupon the confirmation of Party A’s representative, the constructionprogress shall be postponed accordingly:
Party Afails to furnish the drawings and commencement conditions asagreed;
Party Afails to make the prepayment and progress payment as agreed andhampers the normal progress of the construction;
Party A’srepresentative fails to provide any essential order, approval asagreed and hampers the normal progress of theconstruction;
(4)设计变更和工程量增加;Design changes or projectquantity increases;
Power,water or gas cutoff not as a result of Party B’s fault exceeds 8hours accumulatively within a single week;
(6)不可抗力;Force majeure;
Othercases that allow postponement of construction progress as agreed orallowed by Party A’s representative.
Party Bshall report to Party A’s representative the days of postponementdue to the reasons specified in 4.1 in Article Thirteen within 14days. In case no reply is given by Party A’s representative within14 days upon receipt of the report, it shall be regarded therequest for postponement is approved.
Party Bshall complete the project as per the date stipulated in theagreement or otherwise approved by Party A’s representative forpostponement.
In caseParty B fails to complete the project as per the date stipulated inthe agreement or otherwise approved by Party A’s representative forpostponement, Party B shall assume the defaultliabilities.
In caseParty A needs advanced completion, a separate advanced completionagreement shall be concluded between both parties upon mutualconsultation as an integral part hereof. The advanced completionagreement shall include the measures taken by Party B to ensure theproject quality and safety, conditions furnished by Party A tofacilitate the advanced completion as well as additional contractvalue for advanced completion, etc.
十四、质量与检验Quality and inspection
1.工程质量Project quality
1.1 Theproject quality shall meet the quality standards agreed in theagreements and the appraisal of the quality standards shall bebased on the national or industrial quality criteria. In case thequality fails the standard as agreed, Party B shall assume thedefault liabilities.
When bothparties have disputes over the project quality, it shall beaccredited by a project quality testing body agreed by both partiesand the loss incurred in relation hereof shall be borne by theresponsible party. In case both parties are responsible, the lossshall be proportioned accordingly.
2.检查和返工Inspection andrework
Party Bshall closely observe the standards, codes and the requirements ofthe design drawings as well as the orders issued by Party A’srepresentative under the contract; besides, Party B shall acceptand facilitate the inspection by Party A’s representative at anytime.
Party A’srepresentative shall be entitled to request for removal and reworkfor part substandard until the part meets the standards. In casethe quality problem is caused by Party B’s default, Party B shallbear the cost of such removal and rework without changing theconstruction progress.
Theinspection by Party A’s representative shall not affect the normalprogress of the construction. In case the normal progress isaffected and the project is found unacceptable by Party A’srepresentative, Party B shall be liable for such impact. Otherwise,Party A shall be responsible for any additional contract valuearising herefrom and postpone the construction periodaccordingly.
Party Ashall be responsible for any additional contract value arising frominappropriate order or other reason not for Party B’sdefault.
3.隐蔽工程和中间验收. Concealed work and in-processinspection
When theconcealed work is finished or any part as agreed is ready forin-process inspection, Party B shall first carry out selfinspection and then notify Party A’s representative for concealedor in-process inspection with a 24-hour prior written notice. Thenotice shall specify the content of the concealed work andin-process inspection, the inspection time and place. Party B shallprepare the insepction record, on which, if the inspection resultturns out acceptable, Party A’s representative shall sign inacknowledgement and Party B may conceal and continue theconstruction. Otherwise, Party B shall modify within the deadlineprescribed by Party A’s representative forre-inspection.
When PartyA’s representative cannot perform the inspection on time, he/sheshall issue a written notice to Party B 24 hours in advance andrequest for postponement, which shall not exceed 24 hours.Otherwise, Party B can organize for inspection at its owndiscretion and Party A’s representative shall accept the inspectionrecord.
In casethe project quality is approved by Party A’s representative as upto applicable standards, codes and design drawings, etc., buthe/she fails to sign in acknowledgement of the inspection recordswithin 24 hours, it shall be regarded Party A’s representative hasapproved such record and Party B may start to conceal and continuethe construction.
WhetherParty A’s representative performs the inspection or not, whenhe/she intends to re-inspect the project already concealed, Party Bshall peel off or open the concealed part for the re-inspection byParty A’s representative and resumes it after the inspection. Ifthe project quality turns out acceptable, Party A shall assume theadditional contract value in relation herewith, indemnify Party Bfor losses arising herefrom and extend the construction periodaccordingly. However, if the project is found unacceptable, Party Bshall assume all the expense incurred thereby without changing theconstruction progress.
Wherecommissioning is required, the scope of commissioning shall beconsistent with the installation contracted by Party B.
When theequipment installation project meets the commissioning conditionsfor load-free operation of a single equipment, Party B shallorganize for commissioning and notify Party A’s representative inwriting 48 hours in writing, which shall include the scope, timeand place of commissioning. Party B shall prepare the commissioningrecord and Party A shall furnish necessary conditions forcommissioning upon Party B’s request. If the commissioning resultis acceptable, Party A’s representative shall sign on thecommissioning record.
In caseParty A’s representative cannot attend the commissioning on time,he/she shall notify Party B with a 24-hour prior written notice andrequest for postponement. If he/she does not attend thecommissioning, it shall be regarded the commissioning record isaccepted.
When theequipment installation project meets the commissioning conditionsfor load-free operation of several equipments, Party A shallorganize for commissioning and notify Party B in writing 48 hoursin writing, which shall include the scope, time and place ofcommissioning and requirements on Party B. Party B shall preparefor the commissioning accordingly. If the commissioning result isacceptable, both parties shall sign on the commissioningrecord.
In casethe commissioning is failed due to the design, Party A shallrequest the design company to modify the design and Party B shallreinstall in accordance with the modified design, with all expensescaused by the design modification, removal and rework as well asthe additional contract value assumed by Party A; besides, theconstruction period shall also be extended accordingly.
In casethe commissioning is failed due to the manufacture of anyequipment, the procuring party of the equipment shall beresponsible for reprocurement or repair, and Party B shall beresponsible to remove and reinstall at the cost of the responsibleparty. If the equipment is procured by Party B, Party B shall beresponsible for all the expenses on repair, reprocurement, removaland reinstallation without changing the construction period; If theequipment is procured by Party A, Party A shall be responsible forall the expenses as mentioned and extend the construction periodaccordingly.
In casethe commissioning is failed due to Party B’s construction, Party Bshall reinstall and organize for re-commissioning upon the requestof Party A’s representative and assume all the expenses onreinstallation and re-commissioning without changing theconstruction period.
Unless there-commissioning cost is covered by the contract value or isotherwise specified, it shall be assumed by Party A.
In casethe commissioning is acceptable but Party A’s representative doesnot sign on the commissioning record within 24 hours after thecommissioning, it shall be regarded the commissioning record isaccepted by Party A’s representative and Party B may continue theconstruction and carry out the completion procedures.
Party Ashall be responsible for the feed-test after the final inspectionof the project. In case Party A requests to perform feed-testbefore the final inspection or needs Party B’s assistance in thetest, both parties shall enter a supplemental agreement separatelyupon Party B’s consent.
十五、安全施工Safe construction
1.安全施工与检查. Safe construction and inspection
Party Bshall observe the pertinent management rules in relation with safeproduction of construction, strictly organize the constructionaccording to the safety standards, accept and facilitate the lawfulinspection and supervision by safety inspectors, take necessarysafety protection measures and eliminate any potential safetythreats. Party B shall assume any consequence and expensesresulting from Party B’s failure in safety measures, ifany.
Party Ashall educate its staff in the construction site on safety and beresponsible for their safety. Party A shall not request Party B tocarry out any construction activity against the safety rules. PartyB shall be liable for all consequences and expenses in relationwith safety accidents resulting from Party B’s default.
2.安全防护Safety protection
When PartyB works near any power equipment, transmission line, undergroundpipeline, enclosed workshop, inflammable and explosive segment ortraffic artery, Party B shall request to Party A’s representativefor safety protection measures, which, upon the approval by PartyA’s representative, shall be implemented at Party A’scost.
In case ofany blasting operation, operation (storage, transportation or use)in radioactive, toxic environment, or construction with any toxicor caustic substance, Party B shall notify Party A’s representativein writing with a 14-day prior notice and request for correspondingsafety protection measures, which, upon the approval by Party A’srepresentative, shall be implemented at Party A’s cost.
3.事故处理Handling ofaccidents
In case ofaccidents that cause serious bodily injuries or death or othersafety accidents, Party B shall immediately report to the competentauthority as stipulated and notify Party A’s representative,request for government instructions to handle the accident, withthe expenses in relation herewith borne by the responsibleparty.
In case ofany dispute over the responsibility to the accident, it shall bejudged by the competent government authority and handledaccordingly.
十六、合同价款与支付Contract value and payment
1.合同价款及调整. Contract value and adjustment
1.1工程的合同价款Contract value:
In case ofany price adjustment, quantity change, etc. incurred during theconstruction, it shall be approved by the representatives of bothparties and be adjusted upon the settlement.
In casethe construction is inconsistent with the drawings, the expenseincurred shall be approved by the representatives of both partiesand be adjusted upon the settlement.
Thecontract value in a price-adjustable contract can also be adjustedin the following cases:
When it isaffected by the change of any laws, administrative regulations andnational policies;
There is apublic price adjustment announced by the cost managementauthority;
Power,water or gas cutoff not as a result of Party B’s fault exceeds 8hours accumulatively within a single week;
(4)双方约定的其他因素。Other cases agreed by bothparties.
2.工程量的确认Confirmation of bill ofquantity (BOQ)
Party Bshall report to Party A’s representative on the bill of quantityalready completed at the time agreed in the contract, upon thereceipt of which, Party A’s representative shall verify theactually completed quantity (hereinafter referred to as BOQmeasurement) against the design drawings within 3 days and notifyParty B 24 hours in advance, who shall facilitate the BOQmeasurement and send a person to attend the BOQ measurement. IfParty B does not attend upon the receipt, the measurement shalltake effect automatically as the basis of the payment for theproject.
On theother hand, if Party A’s representative fails to carry out BOQmeasurement within 3 days upon receiving Party B’s report, the BOQspecified in Party B’s report shall be regarded effective as thebasis of the payment for the project. If Party A’s representativefails to notify Party B to attend the BOQ measurement on time asagreed, which results in Party B’s inability to attend, themeasurement shall be invalid.
For anyBOQ exceeding the scope of the design drawings and BOQ of reworkdue to Party B’s default, Party A’s representative shall notconsider in the measurement.
3.工程款(进度款)支付Payment term (progress payment)
Prepayment: Within 7 calendar days following the signing ofthe Contract, Party A shall make a prepayment of 20% of the totalContract value and Party B shall enter Party B’s construction sitewithin 3 days upon receipt of the prepayment;
Within 7calendar days upon the completion of the foundation reconstruction,Party A shall pay another 15% of the total Contractvalue;
Upon thecompletion of the main steel structure (excluding the roof), PartyA shall pay another 10% of the total Contract value;
Upon thecompletion of the airconditioning, fire prevention and ventilationfacilities in the mix room, Party A shall pay another 20% of thetotal Contract value;
Upon thecompletion of the ceiling and partition, Party A shall pay another15% of the total Contract value; upon the completion of doors andwindows, paintwork and the final inspection, Party A shall payanother 15% of the total Contract value;
Performance security: The outstanding part after thepayments already made deducted from the total Contract value shallbe the performance security. The Deposit money shall be paid within7 calendar days upon the expiry of the warranty period, which is 30calendar days upon the final inspection;
In casethe payment is after schedule, Party B shall have the right tosuspend the construction and Party A shall make compensationaccordingly.
十七、材料设备供应 Material and equipmentprovision
1.甲方供应材料设备Materials and equipmentssupplied by Party A
Formaterials and equipments decided by Party A, in case Party B hasdifficulty in soucing in China, Party A shall be responsible for the procurement (includinginstallation) and Party B shall collect custody fee.
2.乙方采购材料设备Materials and equipments supplied by PartyB
WhereParty B is responsible to source the materials and equipments, suchsourcing shall be carried out in accordance with the agreements anddesign in the Contract as well as the applicable standards andrequirements with relevant certificates of conformity of thematerials and equipments and Party B shall be responsible for theirquality. Party B shall inform Party A to check the materials andequipments within 24 hours prior to their arrival.
When thematerials and equipments sourced by Party B does not conform to thedesign standards or requirements, Party B shall remove thematerials and equipments from the construction site within thedeadline given by Party A and re-procure products up to standardsand bear all the expenses incurred therefrom. However, the scheduleof construction progress shall not be postponed.
Party Bshall test or inspect the materials and equipments it procured atits own cost before putting them into use; Party B shall not useany materials and equipments substandard.
In caseParty A finds Party B procures and uses materials and equipmentssubstandard or do not meet the design requirements, Party A shallrequest Party B to restore, remove or re-procure at Party B’s cost.However, the schedule of construction progress shall not bepostponed.
In caseParty B needs to use any substitute materials, it shall be priorapproved by Party A and any change of contract value arisingtherefrom shall be negotiated and agreed by both parties inwriting.
Formaterials and equipments procured by Party B, Party A shall notappoint any manufacturer or supplier.
1.工程设计变更Change of design
Any changeto the original design shall be approved by Party A.
In casethe change exceeds the scope of the original design standard, thechange shall be approved by the original design company and PartyA’s planning department to acquire the best investment andmaterial
The changeshall be audited by the original design company for precisedrawings or instructions; in case Party A initiates the change,Party A shall issue a notice to Party B after obtaining the aboveapprovals and Party B shall adjust to the change legitimately.Otherwise, Party B shall have the right to recline thechange.
Upon bothparties’ approval on the change, Party B shall make the followingchanges as per Party A’s requirement:
Toincrease or decrease the bill of quantity as per the Contractrequirement;
To changethe relevant quality, technical requirements, etc.
To changethe levelness, baselines, position and dimension;
Toincrease or decrease the bill of quantity as per therequirement;
To changethe construction time and order.
Party Ashall be liable to cover all the expenses and losses incurred bythe changes mentioned above, if any, and if the progress isaffected, the completion date shall be postponedcorrespondingly.
2.确定变更价款Change of contract value
In case ofchange or considerations, the contract value and the completiondate shall be adjusted accordingly.
十九、竣工验收与结算Completion inspection and settlement
1.竣工验收. Completion inspection
When theproject is ready for completion inspection, Party A shall prepareand provide the complete completion material and completioninspection report to Party A according to the applicable nationalrules in regard to the final inspection of project. In case bothparties agree that Party B shall provide one complete set ofas-built drawings, the date and quantity of such provision shall bestated clearly in the contract.
Party Ashall organize relevant parties for inspection within 3 days uponreceipt of the completion report and accept or issue anymodification requirements within 3 days upon the inspection. PartyB shall modify accordingly and assume the expenses of suchmodification for the part of its own default.
In caseParty A fails to organize for inspection within 3 days upon receiptof the completion report or issue any modification requirementswithin 3 days upon the inspection, it shall be regarded thecompletion report is accepted.
When thecompletion inspection is passed, the date Party B delivers thecompletion inspection report shall be regarded as the actualcompletion date. When the completion inspection is passed aftermodification as per Party A’s requirement, the date on which PartyB requests Party A for completion inspection shall be the actualcompletion date.
In caseParty A fails to organize for inspection within 3 days upon receiptof the completion report, Party A shall be responsible for theproject custody and all accidents from the 4th day.
For theinspection of in-process concealed work, Party B shall notify PartyA 24 hours in advance; in case Party A fails to carry out thein-process inspection within the stipulated time, it shall beregarded the relevant part is ready for concealment.
Party Ashall not use the project, if it fails the final inspection or thefinal inspection is not carried out. However, if Party A insists onusing it in spite thereof, Party A shall be independently for anyquality problem or other issues incurred therefrom.
2.竣工结算Completion settlement
Within 7days upon the Party A’s approval on the completion inspectionreport, Party B shall deliver a completion settlement report andcomplete settlement materials to Party A and both parties shallsettle the payment based on the agreed contract value and as perthe adjustment conditions stipulated in the contract.
Party Ashall verify the completion settlement report and completesettlement materials delivered by Party B within 7 days upon thereceipt of them, confirm or raise any modification requirement.After Party A’s approval, Party A shall notify its bank to pay thesettlement payent to Party B. Party B shall deliver the completedproject to Party A within 7 days upon receiving the settlementpayent.
In caseParty A fails to make settlement payment within 21 days upon thereceipt of the completion settlement report and complete settlementmaterials, Party B may urge Party A to make the payment. In caseParty A still does not pay within 7 days upon the urge, Party Ashall pay the interest for the receivable payment at an interestrate of 3%.
3.质量保修Warranty liability
Party Bshall provide quality warranty within the warranty period on theproject delivered to Party A as per the petinent laws,administrative regulations or relevant nationalprovisions.
Implementation of quality warranty. Party B shall concludequality warranty agreement with Party A prior to the completioninspection of the project as an addendum hereto.
3.3质量保修书的主要内容包括:The quality warranty agreement shallspecify:
Scope and content ofthe warranty: construction scope as shown in thedrawings.
Warrantyperiod: 30 calendar days upon the completion inspection
Qualitywarranty liability: Party B shall be liable (excluding any damagecaused by Party A’s supplies or Party A’s abnormal use)
In caseParty A discovers any quality problem during the warranty period,Party A shall notify Party B timely and Party B shall handle theproblem within 3 calendar days upon receipt of thenotice.
二十、违约、索赔和争议Default, claim and dispute
1.违约. Default
1.1甲方违约。当发生下列情况时: Party A’sdefault. In case of the following:
Asmentioned in Item 3 in Article Sixteen, Party A fails to pay theprepayment or progress payment as agreed;
Asmentioned in Item 3 in Article Sixteen, Party A fails to makesettlement payment without good reason;
Othercases where Party A does not perform or fails to perform thecontract obligations as required.
In caseParty A’s representative does not observe the terms and conditionshereunder, it shall be regarded as breach of contract and Party Ashall indemnify Party B from any direct loss as a resultthereof.
The lawsand regulations applied hereto include, but not limited, ContractLaw of the People’s Republic of China, Construction Law of thePeople’s Republic of China, Safe Production Law, Ordinance on SafeProduction in Construction Project, Ordinance on Work-relatedInsurance, Safety and Technical Codes of High Work in ConstructionProject, Power Safety and Technical Codes of Construction Site,Safety and Technical Codes of Use of Construction Machienries,Environment and Satination Standards of Building Construction Site,Safety and Technical Codes of Use of Crane-type Scaffolds inBuilding Construction, Safety and Technical Codes of Use ofFastener-type Scaffolds in Building Construction, etc.
二十二、.合同生效与终止Executionand termination
Both parties shall agree on a means to execute theContrct in the agreement.
Upon thetermination of the contractual rights and obligations, both partiesshall continue with their obligations of notification, assistance,confidentitality, etc. in the principles of honesty and goodfaith.
Thecontract can be specified, supplemented or amended by both partiesupon mutual consultation and agreement in accordance withapplicable laws, administrative regulations and the facts of theproject.
二十四、合同份数 Number of copies
TheContract shall be made in six original copies with the equal legaleffect. Each party holds three copies.
合同订立时间: Date ofestablishment:
合同订立地点: Venue:
ThisContract shall be executed by the authorized signatures and sealsof both parties.
发包人:(公章)Bidder:(seal) 承包人:(公章)Contractor:(seal)
法定代表人:Legalrepresentative: 法定代表人:Legalrepresentative:
委托代表人:Authorizedrepresentative 委托代表人:Authorized representative