The firstimpression that the boy Tom gave me was a naughty, mischievous boy,just as what Aunt Polly said. He never lacked the curiosity toexplore new places, sometimes even risking his life, which I didnot dare to! There were some great adventures of him with Huck orJoe. Huck was an orphan, and Joe was Tom’s classmate. Everybody inthe small village knew Tom, mainly for Tom’s—you know kind ofgallantry!
I shouldtell you the adventures. The origin of the attempt was that Tom andHuck was getting curious to the world of outside, and they made aneffort to run-away. However, when they were in the graveyard, somepeople appeared. They were Injun Joe, Huck’s father, named Potter,and a doctor. Tom and Huck quickly hid behind the bush, and theysaw them digging the coffins out, probably finding somethingvaluable. They did not realize that what they witnessed was amurder! Tom and Huck were extremely afraid, and they ran awayrapidly. On the court, Potter was being accused of the murderer;however, Tom declared that it was Injun Joe who used Potter’s knifeto kill the young doctor. On hearing this, Injun Joe broke theglass and ran away! This scared everybody, and Tom’s brother, Sid,said that he always heard Tom mumbling something when he wasasleep, and sometimes even shouting. Indeed, the accident wasfluttering everybody in the town with fear.
Before, Tomonce fell in love with a girl called Lawrence. And he showed off infront of the girl, trying to win the girl’s heart, but Lawrenceignored Tom’s appearance, and it made Tom sad. At present, Tom wentfor another girl for Becky. Yet, when Becky knew that Tom onceloved Lawrence (it was probably childish thoughts), she refusedTom. Tom got so depressed that he resolutely committed the secondescape.
He madecontact with Huck and Joe that afternoon, about where to meet, thecode words of meeting, and the route, and so on and so forth. Eachof them brought some food, and Huck brought some pipes (remind thatHuck had no real home, and I had no ideas where he got the things).At midnight, they met at the place, and they took a raft down theriver. After drifting for about several hours, they finally reachedthe destiny. There they lived for about several weeks, and whileeverybody thought they were drowned, they had a great time. Theywere no problems of food or water shortages. They promised to be apirate, and would live there forever.
If you wereout from your relatives for a long time, wouldn’t you miss home? Itwas the same for those children. After several weeks, Joe felt thathe missed home very much, and Tom could not seem to stop him. Onthis, Tom brought Joe and Huck his secret—
On onenight, when the rest of the boys fell asleep (of course they sleptoutside), Tom crept from the camp, and headed toward the town. Hesneaked to his aunt’s room, and hid under the bed, while everybody-Mary (Tom’s sister), Sid, Aunt Polly and Joe Harper’s mother werehaving a meeting. There were a lot of tears, about how the boyswere killed, and how they would treat the boys if they ever livedagain, such things. Tom almost wanted to get out of the bed and hugAunt Polly, but he couldn’t. At last, everybody went to sleep. Tomwent out from the bed, and flew to the camp. That was the secret—that the boys will go to their own funeral!

While theboys were outside, all of the people in the town were discussingabout the accidents. The town was immediately covered with a senseof doom. So the funeral was raised. Everybody wore a black suit,and they prayed something along with the priest. Just then, theysaw somebody entering the gate, and what they saw was unbelievable.Three young souls came out from their coffins and showed up infront of everybody! The change of the atmosphere was imaginable.Aunt Polly, Joe Harper’s mother, Mary and Sid were astounded tofind that Tom came so vivid in front of them, and so Tom and Joebecame a hero in the school, even in the town.
The realadventures of Tom were finding the treasures. However, I felt thatI had no energy to write more…