Manufacturer: 制造商:
The twoparties sign this agency agreement on the basis of equality, freewill and mutual consultation. Both sides must comply.
Section 1: Exclusive SellingAgent第一条独家销售代理
Themanufacturer appoints the agent to act as their exclusive sellingagent in China to sell the following products of themanufacturer:
Section 2: Responsibility of the Agent第二条 代理人的职责
The agentshall make all efforts to promote the sale of the products of themanufacturer using the agent’s marketing organization. The agentshall send all enquiries and orders received by them to themanufacturer and have no rights to sign any binding agreement onbehalf of the manufacturer. The agent shall explain to thecustomers all the technical parameters and commercial terms statedby the manufacturer and take all steps to co-ordinate between themanufacturer and the customers to secure the orders.
The agent,in relation to the products covered by this agency agreement,describe them only as ‘sales and service agent’ for the productsand not hold themselves out or permit any person to hold himselfout as being authorized to bind the manufacturer in any way or todo any act which might reasonably create an impression that theagent is so authorized. The offers given andorders received will always include a clause “Subject toapproval/acceptance of the order by M/s Veejay Lakshmi EngineeringWorks Limited.” The right to receive/accept the orders and makingthe invoices for the products is expressly reserved to themanufacturer.
相关代理商只能介绍自己是这些产品的“销售服务代理商”,不得以制造商授权自居去从事给制造商带来不良印象的活动。所有报价和定单须包括这样一个条款“需经“M/s Veejay批准”。制造商有权保留收到的订单和商品的销售发票。
The agentshall not make or give promises, warranties or guarantees orrepresentations concerning the product other than those authorizedby the manufacturer in writing.
The agentshall not use any advertising, promotional or selling materials inrelation to the products except those supplied or approved by themanufacturer.
The agentshall obtain all the permissions required by them for carrying thebusiness as agents for sales and service and shall also keep themanufacturer informed of the import duty rates and conditions forany concessions, the laws and regulations in China relating tomethod of manufacturing, labeling or sale of the products and willalso notify the manufacturer in the event the agent is aware thatany of the products of the manufacturer is in breach of any suchlaws or regulations.
Section 3: Training 第三条培训
3.1 Inorder to understand the technical characteristic of the products,the manufacturer agrees to assign technicians to train the salespersonnel of the agent in China. The no of persons tobe trained and the place of training shall be discussed andfinalized on mutual consent from time to time.
3.2 Inorder to provide after-sales service like erection, commissioningand attending service calls during the warranty period, themanufacturer agrees to train two technicians of the agent (one ismechanical technician, the other is electrical). If it is necessaryfor these two technicians to be trained in India, the boarding andlodging and their local travel expenses in India will be borne bythe manufacturer. Air fare to & from China will be borne by theagent. Similarly if the manufacturer deputes their engineers fortraining in China, air fare will be borne by the manufacturer andall expenses for boarding and lodging and local travel expenses inChina for the manufacturer’s engineers will be borne by the agent.The after-sales service fee within guarantee period should becharged by the manufacture, if out the guarantee period should becharged by the agent to the customers, will be negotiated andfinalized separately.
Section 4: Advertisement and Exhibition第四条 广告和展览会
Both themanufacturer and the agent will discuss and finalize the budget forthe sales promotion activities like advertisements in newspapers,road shows, seminars, participation in exhibitions etc and theexpenses will be shared by both sides. The sharing pattern will beon mutual consent after discussions. The Manufacturer at their ownexpense will provide the catalogues for all products printed inlocal language. The agent will provide all assistance fortranslation and printing.
Section 5: FinancialResponsibility第五条 代理人的财务责任
5.1 Theagent is responsible for all activities relating to collection ofpayment for the goods sold like following with the customer foropening of letters of credit and collection of payment as per theterms of the order. The agent shall alsoadopt appropriate measures to inquire upon the customers’ creditworthiness and paying capacity whenever the order is secured oncredit terms. In the unlikely event of any litigation forcollection of payment, the agent will provide all assistancerequired for such litigation. However, all expenses relating to thelitigation will be borne by the manufacturer.
5.2 Theagent has no rights to accept payment on behalf of the manufacturerwithout permission.
Section 6: Users’ Opinion第六条 用户意见
The agenthas rights to heed and accept the customers’ advice and complaints.The agent shall inform the manufacturer immediately and payattention to the manufacturer’s vital interests.
Section 7: ProvidingInformation第七条 提供信息
The agentshall forward once every three months to the manufacturer detailedreports on current market conditions and competition. The agentshall periodically visit all customers or potential customers inthe territory for the purpose of promoting the product as the agentthinks fit and maintain an updated list of customers and potentialcustomers for the products in the Territory and supply themanufacturer a copy of such list whenever required by themanufacturer. The agent shall also notify the manufacturer of allenquiries received and offers submitted for the products toprospective customers.
Section 8: Fair Competition 第八条 公平竞争
8.1 Theagent undertakes the following.代理人应遵从以下要求:
a) not tocompete or help others compete with the manufacturer
b) not tomanufacture the products covered by this agreement or similarproducts
c) not toget any benefits from the manufacturer’s competitors andopponents
d) not totake agency or sell products similar to the products covered bythis agreement
8.2 Assoon as this agreement comes into effect, the agent shall informthe manufacturer of all their signed binding agreements withothers. And all agreements signed in future shall be informed tothe manufacturer. During the period when the agent is engaging inother business activities,the agent shall not ignore their obligations tothe manufacturer under this agreement.
Section 9: Secrecy 第九条 保 密
9.1 Theagent should not expose the business secrets of the manufacturer,and should not use confidential information exceeding the scope ofthe agreement.
9.2 Allthe product design and specification belong to the manufacturer,and the agent shall return them to the manufacturer when theagreement is terminated.
Section 10: Sub-contract Agent第十条分包代理
The agentcan use sub-contract agent if agreed by the manufacturer. The agentshall take full responsibility for the activities of thesub-contract agent.
Section 11: Protection of Industrial PropertyRights 第十一条 工业产权的保护
If theagent finds any third party whose behavior is detrimental to themanufacturer’s industrial property right and benefits, he shallreport the truth to the manufacturer. The agent, in consultationwith the manufacturer shall take all steps to prevent such illegalaction by third parties, and the relevant expenses shall be borneby the manufacturer. This will be subject to manufacturer’s prioracceptance, in writing, regarding quantum of expenses.
Section 12: Scope of Exclusive SellingRight 第十二条 独家销售权的范围
This is anexclusive selling agency agreement for the territories mentioned.The manufacturer, during the currency of this agreement, shall notappoint any other person, firm or Company as agent for thepromotion, sale or service of the products in the Territory.However, the manufacturer can utilize the services of third partiesfor sale of the products provided the same is approved by the agentin writing. The manufacturer also retains the right to utilize theservices of third parties in China who are already involved in thepromotion of the products for such further periods the manufacturerand the agent discuss and agree. When such thirdparties are involved, the commission will be shared with such thirdparties in such proportion as mutually agreed by all theparties-the manufacturer, the agent and the thirdparties.
Section 13: Technical Assistance第十三条 技术帮助
Themanufacturer shall help the agent to train the agent’s employees toobtain knowledge of the products covered by thisagreement.
Section 14: Amount of the Commission第十四条 佣金数额
Themanufacturer shall pay to the agent 5% of the FOB value of thegoods invoiced as commission to the agent. This commission willbecome payable only after the goods are invoiced and the payment isrealized in full by the manufacturer. If the customers have notgiven the whole payment of the goods due to the reason of theproducts’ quality, the agent shall get commission in accordancewith the manufacturer’s actual received payment.
Section 15: Commission on a fifty-fiftybasis 第十五条 平分佣金
If twoagents of different areas have made massive efforts to get oneorder or if the delivery against an order is made to a customer’splant located in another agent’s territory, then the commissionwill be shared on a fifty-fifty basis between the two agentsinvolved.
Section 16: Failure in business, or termination ofthe agreement
第十六条 商业失败、合约终止
The agentcannot get commission if the manufacturer didn’t accept the order;the agent cannot get the commission if the contract introduced bythe agent is terminated. This is not applicable when thetermination of the contract is caused by themanufacturer.
Section 17: Calculation of the Commission第十七条 佣金计算方法
Thecommission will be calculated on net realized value. Net realized valuewill be FOB value of the goods invoiced minus payments, if any, dueto third parties.
Section 18: Date of Paying Commission第十八条 支付佣金的时间
Thecommission will be paid to the agent within 30 days of receipt ofpayment for the goods. For sales made on credit/deferred paymentterms, if the credit is fully secured by letters of credit/bankguarantees, the payment of commission will be made within 30 daysof delivery of the goods. If the transfer ofcurrency abroad for payment of commission requires any permissionfrom the Government of India, payment shall be made after suchpermission is received.
Whilemaking the commission payment, the manufacturer shall also send acredit note giving the details of the workings for the commissionwith the details of the total invoice value, fob value and thecommission amount. In addition, themanufacturer shall send to the agent a quarterly statement givingthe details of the sales made in the territory, the details of thecredit notes sent and payments due/made during the quarter. Thisstatement will be sent within 30 days of end of aquarter.
Section 19: Currency for Commission第十九条 支付佣金的货币
Thecommission is calculated and paid in the same currency in which thegoods have been invoiced to the customer.
Section 20: Period of theAgreement 第二十条 协议期限
Theagreement will become effective after being signed by both partiesand will have duration of three years and can be renewed by givingthree month’s notice before date of expiry subject to acceptance tothe other party. If no such notice is given by either one of theparties the agreement will expire on the date of expiry.
Section 21: PrematureTermination第二十一条提前终止
Theagreement can be terminated earlier only if there is any breach ofthe duties and obligations under this agreement and one party isacting against the interest of the other party. The agreement alsocan be terminated earlier, before the expiry, if sufficient salesvolumes are not achieved and if both the parties mutually come to aconclusion that it is not viable to continue the efforts formarketing the products in China.
Section 22: Return of theStock第二十二条存货的退回
When the agreement is terminated, the agent shall return theproducts and spare parts on stock according to the manufacturer’sinstruction, and the relevant expenses shall be borne by themanufacturer.
Section 23: Unfinished BusinessAffair第二十三条未完之商务
The agentis eligible for full 5% commission for all orders received andpending to be executed at the time of expiry of the agreement andalso for orders received with advance or Letters of Creditwithin 60 days of expiry of the agreement for offers made prior tothe expiry of the agreement. This will be only for orders supportedby Letters of Credit or advance payments and accepted bymanufacturer in writing.
Section 24: Compensation第二十四条 赔偿
Unless theagreement is terminated due to the reason of breach of terms by theother party, both sides shall not make any claim for anycompensation/loss if the agreement is terminated on itsexpiry.
Section 25: Modification第二十五条 变更
Themodification and additional clauses of this agreement shall bebased on the written form.
Section 26: Prohibition onTransfer 第二十六条 禁止转让
Thisagreement shall not be transferred without negotiation inadvance.
Section 27:Lien第二十七条留置权
The agenthas no lien on the manufacturer’s property.
Section 28: Application ofLaw第二十八条法律适用
Theexecution and performance of this Agreement is governed by ChineseLaw.
Section 29: Arbitration 第二十九条 仲 裁
Alldisputes arising from the execution of this Agreement shall besettled through friendly consultations. In case no settlement canbe reached, the case in dispute shall then be submitted to therelevant Arbitration Commission for arbitration in accordance withits provisional rules of procedure. The decision made by thisCommission shall be regarded as final and binding upon bothparties. Arbitration fees shall be borne by the losingparty.
Signature: 签署
Manufacturer: 制造商Agent:代理商
Representative: 授权代表Representative:授权代表
Date: 日期Date:日期